
Butterfly Effect
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[CONTENTID2]"He is just hopeless."[/CONTENTID2]


WARNING: suicide attempt

Jennie raised her hand to hit the girl with her bag that Junmyeon caught her hand and twisted it. "Ah! Let go!"

"Yah! What are you doing?" Mino grabbed his collar and made him let go of her hand. "How dare you touched her?"

He smirked. "How dare she touched her?" He freed himself roughly and went to Yumi. "Are you ok?" He helped her stand up.

"Her palm is injured." Joohyun said as she checked if she was ok. "You shouldn't mess up with them, Yumi..." 

"Who is this guy?" Miyeon asked the other girl.

"I don't care..." Jennie massaged her wrist. "Boys, teach him a lesson for his entire life."

"Yes!" The boys attacked him all of a sudden. Taemin pushed him and he fell on the ground. Jinyoung was about to hit him that he kicked him with his leg and stood up. 

"No. You didn't!" Junmyeon whispered as he threw a punch towards Mino. It didn't hit him and he found the chance to kick Junmyeon in chest. "AH!" He fell down and they circled him, kicking him with their feets.

"Yah!" Yumi shouted, but the elder girl covered . 

"It's a boy fight. You must not interfere!" Joohyun warned before removing her hand.

"But they are hitting him because of me!"

"Yes, that's why you have to stay here. He doesn't want you to get hurt." She said before turning to the students who were just observing the fight. "Isn't here a wise man to help him?! You cowards!" 

Kyungsoo walked closer and grabbed Jongin from behind and pulled him. The taller boy turned to him and slapped him roughly so he fell down on the ground.

Meanwhile, Nayeon looked inside her wallet and smiled. Junmyeon had lent her the money she needed for the classes sooner. She raised her head to see a boy was being bitten by J's gang- as they usually called them. "Who's that?" She ran towards them and saw her junior on the ground. "What are you doing?!" She started punching Jinyoung's back. "You silly, stop!"

"Oh... look, Miyeon... elastigirl is here to save the day." Jennie joked and the other girl laughed. 

"Why are you punching me?!" Jinyoung shouted. "Go away!" He pushed her, making her lose her balance. 

"Be careful!" Minseok caught her by her waist. 

Nayeon gulped as she felt his fingers on her body. She quickly stood up. "Save him, Mr. Kim..."
He looked at the students angrily. "STOP!" 

They all froze. "Kim Jennie, Park Jinyoung, Cho Miyeon, Lee Taemin, Kim Jongin, Song Mino, Do Kyungsoo and Kim Junmyeon! In my office!"

Yumi walked closer. "Hey... you ok?" She shook his shoulder.

Nayoen ran to the dusty boy. "Are you ok, sir?" He turned his head to her. "Your lips!" She screamed.

"What?" Yumi knelt down. "Look at me..." She turned his face to herself. "Oh... your lower lip is injured..."

"Wipe his blood with this." Joohyun handed her a piece of cloth. 

"What?" Junmyeon touched his lips and looked at the liquid on his finger. "B-Blood?" He out.


"I can't believe this Miss Jennie!" Minseok shouted. "I really don't know what to do with you anymore... why can't you live your life like any other right-minded girl in the world?!" 

She rolled her eyes. "Don't shout at me Kim Minseok!" She said. "It's summer and during summer, you are nothing but another stupid villager to me!"

He sighed. If only her parents weren't powerful, he was going to ban her from joining summer classes. He was the music instructor too and didn't have time to waste on people like her. "Jennie... your punishment is to apologize to both of these gentlemen and also Miss Yumi." He pointed at Kyungsoo. "Where's Junmyeon?"

"He... he is injured, he went back home." Kyungsoo replied.

"Fine... you heard me, Jennie?"

"Gentlemen? Gentlemen don't fight!" She said.

"Oh really? Why don't you say this to your own cousins?" Minseok walked closer. "Don't act like an innocent kid. I have been your teacher for two years-"

"Yeah... and you've turned my life into hell at school." She crossed her arms. "Such a great teacher you are..."

"Jennie, school has rule and you don't care about them... what should I do as a teacher?"

"Aha, rules. Rules doesn't have any thing related to teachers? Like firing you from your job because you're always making eyes at that poor girl... what was the name again? Im-"

"Don't you talk back to me, Kim Jennie!" Minseok lost his temper. "Get out of my office, you rude girl! If you ever want to come back to school in autumn, you have to be with your parents!"

She smirked and walked out of his office, her gang followed her immediately. 

Kyungsoo walked closer. "Mr. Kim..."

"What is it, Kyungsoo..." He sat down on a chair, covering his face. "You can leave."

"I wanted to say..." He gulped. "It's ok to love someone. You are a good man and you aren't flirting with different girls."

"But... you know, people think that-"

"People will gossip anyway. If you cry... they say you are depressed and sick. If you laugh, they say you are crazy." He sighed. "We have to live our life the way we want to."

He raised his head and looked at his student. "You think so?"

He nodded his head, giving him his heart-shaped smile. "Just try to win noona's heart. She is shy and has some kind of walls around herself, though I'm sure you can do it."

Minseok smiled thinly. "Thank you, Kyungsoo." He whispered. 

"Fighting, Mr. Kim!" He said before running out of the office.

The teacher leaned back. "Right, people will gossip anyway."


"I've almost forgotten that he has a hemophobia..." Soyeon shook her head as she sat on Junmyeon's chair.

"What's that?" Yumi asked.

"It's blood phobia. He passes out whenever he sees blood." Nayeon explained. 

"For him, it's more than just a simple phobia." His cousin said. "Even though I was too small, I can still remember how he cried when he wanted to have a surgery or a blood test."

"Surgery..." Yumi whispered. "What's wrong with him? Is he sick?"

"Yes. I can't count how many surgeries he has had up to now. His heart's condition isn't going well. If he won't be ok this time, he has to have a heart transplant surgery..." Soyeon explained. "Don't tell him I've told you these. He doesn't like to talk about his disease."

"Ok..." She nodded. 

"Soyeon!" Kyungeun called form downstairs. 

"I got to go." She walked out of his room. 

"Yumi..." Junmyeon mumbled. Nayeon lowered her head to hear him correctly. "Yumi..."

She raised her head. "He is calling your name."

"Mine?" They changed their seats and Yumi got closer. "Junmyeon-ssi, it's me."

He opened his eyes slowly. "Yumi?"


"Are you ok?" 

She nodded, smiling. "I am. Thank you, Junmyeon-ssi."

He closed his eyes again. "My whole body hurts."

"Really?" Her face fell. "Even here?" She touched his arm.


"I'm sorry..." She whispered and touched his shoulder. "Here?"

"Ah!" He moaned in pain.

"Or here..." She touched his fingers.

"Please don't!"

Nayeon raised her eyebrows and walked closer. "What about this?" She pressed his foot with her finger gently.

"Ah! Don't!"

"Aigoo... it's because of me." Yumi pouted.

The elder girl frowned and slammed his foot. "AH!"

"You liar! Don't make her sad! I know you aren't feeling that bad. You can't fool me!" Nayeon talked fast.

"That doesn't mean you can hit me! I am still the young master who you should take care of." He said and rolled on his side. "I need to rest."

"Ok. We'll leave." Nayeon too Yumi's hand and they walked out of his room. "I don't know how to deal with him till the end of summer."

"He isn't that bad."

"He isn't?" She rolled his eyes. "I don't even know why he fought with them. I just know he is trouble."

"It was because of me..." Yumi bit her lower lip.

"Stop saying that..." 

"No seriously. Jennie wanted to hit me and he defended me. Mr. Kim didn't want to fight with anyone." Nayeon rolled her eyes. "Unnie... I'm being serious."

"Fine..." She crossed her arms. "But he is rude. Can't you see how he talks to me? I'm his noona for God's sake!"

"Nayeon unnie, are you offended by that? Really?"

"Yeah..." She pouted.

Yumi chuckled. "You're cute."


"Don't you want to talk about it?" Boah asked. 

"About what?" Junmyeon asked as he drank a gulp of natural lime juice.

"About... the things that happened two days ago. I mean, how that happened."

"I told you, granny. I slipped and fell down." He simply replied.

"As a seventy year-old woman, I know the difference between the injuries caused by slipping and fighting." She said seriously. "Junmyeon, your parents sent you here because they trust

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[Butterfly Effect] Finally chapter four is out! Enjoy and comment please!


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Chapter 4: Baekhyun is a funny character. He and Jieun were so cute.
Yumi is fearless.
Wow! I didn't think Junmyeon was going to confess that way. jajaja
745 streak #2
Chapter 4: 💗👌💗👌💗

Aw, our poor Baekhyun. I feel sorry for him. First the breakup and now them. *sighs* But he was then saved, thankfully. Lol, Junmyeon's opinion about snakes is quite interesting, I'm amused. *chuckles* And then Baekhyun with his statement that he is dating another girl left all of them in shock. I found that cute! 💗💗💗

People will talk either way, so as he said, screw the world and follow your heart. On the other hand, he needs to do the same. She is right. He should tell her what he feels, and avoid the 'I like her as a friend' excuse. Hehe.

Junmyeon reacted a bit overboard when he told Kyungsoo not to touch his things, but ah, we all have our moments, so I can't really blame him. I found it a bit funny as well. *winks*

Aww, our Baek is sick. *pouts*

But the final scene was something! He finally admitted it! YES!

Thank you!

Chapter 3: I like how Junmyeon and Yumi are getting close, and how he is trying to help her.
Jennie is so bad.
Hope Baekhyun is fine.
745 streak #4
Chapter 3: 💗👌💗👌💗

I agree with her. People are not God and they can't decide one's life. Yes, they can assume what might happen, and they can share it with others, but how long one person will live is not in our hands, but God's, so she has a point. He needs to have a bit more faith. 😉

I liked the scene where they took roles! 🥰 It was pretty good and cute! *chuckles* Until that person commented, saying it was awful. *sighs* 😑 Like really? Who are you to say if something is good or bad? Who are you to judge? So I agree with the professor when he stood up and gave her a piece of his mind! 👌

Aigoo! Some girls really like drama and attention, don't they? They will even lie and cry just to make the other person guilty... -_- Not cool! Like, what the hell! Everyone saw it, yet they keep their mouth shut. *sighs and shakes head* Afraid of her? Oh, boy. -_-

Junmyeon is right, it's not right that she acts like that. Just because she works for her family, doesn't give that girl the right to act like that! That is wrong on so many levels! But Junmyeon to the rescue! I wonder what he is up to! Hehe. 😉

Aww!! She took him to the treehouse! Isn't that great?! 🌹😍💗🥰

I loved this chapter and I can't wait to see what happens next! Thank you! 💗🥰🌹😍🌺🌼

Chapter 2: It is good how he stood up for his friends.
I laughed when he fainted because he saw blood.
I didn't see the sea scene coming. It was a sad.
745 streak #6
Chapter 2: 💗👌💗👌💗

I was amazed when he stepped in and the fight started. I am not saying that I support fighting, but that was brave of him to do, but in the end, when he saw blood and passed out it made me laugh, but I loved and enjoyed the scene! 👌🤗😂

I agree with Kyungsoo and what he said. People will still talk no matter what we do and always find something they dislike, sadly. 😞😑 It's in their nature and there is no changing, so one should not live by their rules but the way they want to live their life, ignoring what others say. GO FOR IT, MR. KIM! *cheers* 👌😉😊

OMO! I loved the scene in the hospital! Here? And here? Even here? And he kept groaning in kept, that was actually, cute, funny, and adorable! 😊🤗💗🥰😍😂 Although, I do feel bad for him and his heart condition. 😞

He might fool others, but he can't fool granny. 😉 She is old enough to know things.
But on their way to school, that was hilarious and I am loving his reactions. 👌😂

He stood up and told her what he thinks about her and flat out rejected her offer! 👌

OMO! 😉 He's no fool, he asked for a reason, and it makes me curious to know how all that will develop! 👌😉

As for the following, a lot had been going on in his mind and it's no surprise considering his condition. *sighs* The last part was emotional, but I really hope he finds a reason to live. 💗

Thank you! 💗🌹 I enjoyed this chapter! Can't wait to see what happens next!

Hee hee I just noticed the other characters and thought, Wouldn't it be cute for IU and BBH to finally be a couple. 😁
745 streak #8
Chapter 1: 👌💗👌💗👌

Before I start I first want to apologize for being late and not reading right away, during the hectic days after my vacation. *sighs* Oh, well! I am back now! ✔😊😄😁

I loved how you started the chapter and how you introduced Junmyeon and his relationship with his grandmother. I actually find those two cute, but he sure is sttuborn. She says one thing, and he says another. He has already shared numbers with his caretaker (if I can call it that way) and rules are set. 😏👌 Something tells me that things are about to get even more interesting. 😉😊

He had only arrived yet he is already demanding, but I love it! And yes, he will drive her crazy! Can't wait to see what happens next! 👌😉😂

Thank you! 👌✔🌹

Chapter 1: It is a good start.
We get to know a little bit the characters.