
Butterfly Effect
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[CONTENTID2]"She's in deed different."[/CONTENTID2]


Nayeon walked in the room quietly. She looked at him with a smile on her face. He was hugging his knees and pouting his lips like a lost kid. The girl sat behind him and covered his eyes. "Who is this?"

"A dumb girl named Im Nayeon who doesn't think that I know her voice and I am aware that the only woman in this house is her." He said.

She giggled and put her hands on his shoulders. "You can't call someone older than you, dumb. You know that, right?"

He nodded. "Sorry..."

"Kim Junmyeon? And apologize? No way..." She said. "Now turn to me..." He did so. "Tell me, what made you think of suicide?"

"I will die in two month..." He whispered. "I heard my doctor's conversation with my parents." His lips started trembling. "I don't want to die..."

"So, why did you want to kill yourself?"

"I don't know..." He sobbed. "I thought, I thought it would be less scary if I made it happen sooner, and by myself."

"Let's think of it." She wiped his tears away. "Are those doctors, the God? Do they decide for your life and death?" He shook his head. "Then don't be afraid. Trust God, huh?"



"I've... I've never had someone like you in my life." 

She smiled. "Now you have one. And I can assure you, if you behave better, you'll have more." Her phone started ringing, she took it out of her pocket and looked at it. "Oh... it's time to take your pill."


Junmyeon walked inside the class slowly. He noticed Yumi sitting there silently so he was about to go sit next to her that a girl called. "Junmyeon-ssi!" It was Jieun. "Come here!"

He walked to her and took a seat there. "Good morning..."

"Morning... I didn't know you are participating in acting classes too." She said. "But I heartily hope you to become a famous actor. Your visual is on the next level. You are handsome for real."

"Thank you..."

"Just don't tell Baekhyun that I told you these. He is really jealous."

"Right..." Junmyeon whispered. "I won't tell him." He looked at Yumi. She bowed her head and waved at him, making him smile unconsciously.

"Hello!" A tall middle aged man with a very familiar face walked in and they stood up. "Please take a seat." He said. They started whispering in each other's ears, still not believing the gesture standing in front of them. "Yes... well, I'm..." He chuckled.

"Lee Sun Kyun!" They shouted in excitement. 

"Yeah..." He smiled. "I am Lee Sun Kyun and I'm sure you've seen at least one of my movies or dramas."

"More than one!"
"Are you kidding, sir?" 
"Of course we know you!"
"The brightest actor of our country, welcome!" Jieun started clapping and others joined her.

"Brightest?" He laughed. "If you say, I have no choice but to accept it, right?" 


"Ok... so, I wanted to spend a month of summer here with my family and... Mr. Yoo, my old friend asked me to be your instructor for acting." He put his things on the desk and walked in front of the class. He leaned against the desk and crossed his arms. "In this class, you will learn how to use different tones in speaking, how to manage your body language, and totally play a role. If you are talented enough, you might end up becoming a Hallyu star."

"This is exciting!" Jieun whispered. 

"For the start, let's try something..." He took some papers. "I want you to judge your friends' acting so..." He pointed at Junmyeon. "You... Mr...?"

"I'm Kim Junmyeon, sir." He stood up.

"Nice to meet you, Junmyeon." He said. "Come stand here." He pointed to his left side. After that, he turned to other students. "You, Miss?"

"Yumi. Min Yumi." She stood up with a smile and went to him, standing on his right side.

"My pleasure to meet you. Now... get these." Sunkyun handed them two papers. "Junmyeon, you are... Stephen." Junmyeon nodded as he looked at the paper. His eyes widened as he read the short dialog. "And Yumi, you are Jane." The instructor walked to Jieun and sat on Junmyeon's place, making the girl gasp, thrilled. "Start."

Junmyeon pressed his lips together and took a deep breath. "If you care about me at all, then please," He tried his best to express the emotion through his words. "Just go."

Yumi shook her head. "I, I can’t."

Junmyeon turned away and stepped way from her. "I need to work."

Yumi looked at the paper and blushed. Her heart started beating fast. It was only three words, only eight letters. It wasn't hard. She opened to speak, but no voice could be heard. 

Sunkyun got worried. "Miss Yumi?" She looked at him. "Are you ok?"

She nodded and turned to Junmyeon again. It wasn't only about his face. He was attractive even from behind. What was she thinking about? She shook his head and gathered all the courage. "I love you."

It was Junmyeon's turn to blush. There was about ten people in that class and he chose them. He and his stupid luck. He breathed deeply and turned his head to her. "You’ve leapt to a false conclusion."

Yumi put the paper on the teacher's desk. She walked closer and took his hand in hers. "I want us to be together for as long as we’ve got," She said in a pleading tone. "And if that’s not very long, well," She faked a sob naturally. "Then that’s just how it is..."

"Good, thank you." Sunkyun started clapping and students joined him after some seconds. He walked to them and stood between his students, placing his hands on their shoulders. "How were they?" No one talked. "Just say it. As an audience. Imagine you just walked out of cinema and you are talking about the cast."

"Awful..." A voice came from the last bench. "In one sentence, it was awful." 

"Your name?"

"Kim Jennie."

He nodded. "Would you please stand up and explain your reason?"

She rolled her eyes and stood up. "My reason is... I didn't believe them. It wasn't natural at all. Min Yumi wasn't like an in love girl, she was more likely a beggar." The class bursted into laughter. Yumi dropped her head, but Sunkyun squeezed her shoulder with a frown. 

After some moments, the instructor cleared his throat before speaking to get their attention. "It is... like you've misunderstood, Miss Jennie." He said. "You are here to learn, not to make others feel small." He pressed his lips together, thinking about his next sentence. "Yes. I agree with you about them being... a little bit unnatural. And the reason is they are not professional actors. I bet you'd act the same if I'd chosen you. Plus, I must warn you about something. If any of you break others' hearts in my class, I won't let them in ever again. I am saying this now, so we won't face a problem in the future." He said. "Got it?"

"Yes sir." The students chanted.

"Good. Please take a seat. I'll explain about your mistakes."


Yumi walked out of the class with her friend, Yongsun. "I really wanted to punch her in face. How dared she? And that stupid Jongin and Mino... I can't believe they were laughing all the time. You know what hurts? The point that Mino keeps asking me out!"

Jieun soon joined them. "Talking about Jen?" She nodded. "Oh... she deserves to face with Junmyeon oppa again."

"Oppa? You call him oppa?" Yumi asked. 

"Well... he is older, so..."

"Yeah... he has to punish her again." Yongsun said.

"Sun, Ji please... stop it- oh..." Her eyes caught a wallet. She knelt down and took it before looking around. "Jennie... is this yours?"

The girl turned to her. "Oh my God!" She ran to her and grabbed the wallet. "Thief!" She shouted, pointing at her. "You wanted to steal it, didn't you?"

"Why are you talking nonsense?" She asked. "I didn't steal it, I found it on the ground!"

Jennie walked closer and grabbed her by her T-shirt's collar. "Ha... you think I'll believe this? You really think I'll believe this?" She looked around, seeing students around who were gazing at them. "This girl... wanted to steal my money! Know who you are living with in this stupid village!"

"Don't lie! I did nothing." Yumi tried to get out of her grab, but she failed. "Let me go!" She pushed her away. 

Jennie slipped and fell down. "Ah!" She screamed in pain. "My arm..." She cried.

"Jennie!" Jongin and Mino ran to her. "Are you ok?" Jongin was about to help her stand up, but she refused when she saw the principal walking towards them.

"What is wrong?" He asked. "What has happened?"

"Mr. Lee! Min Yumi pushed me..." Jennie started crying. "It hurts... I think my arm is broken..."

He knelt down and took a look at her arm. "Song Mino, Kim Jongin, take her to Dr. Choi..."

"Yes sir..." The boys helped her to stand up. 

The principal got to his feet and looked at Yumi, she shook her head immediately. "I didn't do that... everyone saw her. She grabbed my collar! She started it all..."

"She is right!" Yongsun said. 

"You want me to believe her friend?"

Jieun walked to the students. "Say something!"

Being afraid of Jennie and her family, they shook their heads. Mr. Lee crossed his arms. "To my office, now."

"Yes..." Yumi mumbled and went to the building, lowering her head.

Minseok walked out of the entrance, passing Yumi. He made

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[Butterfly Effect] Finally chapter four is out! Enjoy and comment please!


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Chapter 4: Baekhyun is a funny character. He and Jieun were so cute.
Yumi is fearless.
Wow! I didn't think Junmyeon was going to confess that way. jajaja
745 streak #2
Chapter 4: 💗👌💗👌💗

Aw, our poor Baekhyun. I feel sorry for him. First the breakup and now them. *sighs* But he was then saved, thankfully. Lol, Junmyeon's opinion about snakes is quite interesting, I'm amused. *chuckles* And then Baekhyun with his statement that he is dating another girl left all of them in shock. I found that cute! 💗💗💗

People will talk either way, so as he said, screw the world and follow your heart. On the other hand, he needs to do the same. She is right. He should tell her what he feels, and avoid the 'I like her as a friend' excuse. Hehe.

Junmyeon reacted a bit overboard when he told Kyungsoo not to touch his things, but ah, we all have our moments, so I can't really blame him. I found it a bit funny as well. *winks*

Aww, our Baek is sick. *pouts*

But the final scene was something! He finally admitted it! YES!

Thank you!

Chapter 3: I like how Junmyeon and Yumi are getting close, and how he is trying to help her.
Jennie is so bad.
Hope Baekhyun is fine.
745 streak #4
Chapter 3: 💗👌💗👌💗

I agree with her. People are not God and they can't decide one's life. Yes, they can assume what might happen, and they can share it with others, but how long one person will live is not in our hands, but God's, so she has a point. He needs to have a bit more faith. 😉

I liked the scene where they took roles! 🥰 It was pretty good and cute! *chuckles* Until that person commented, saying it was awful. *sighs* 😑 Like really? Who are you to say if something is good or bad? Who are you to judge? So I agree with the professor when he stood up and gave her a piece of his mind! 👌

Aigoo! Some girls really like drama and attention, don't they? They will even lie and cry just to make the other person guilty... -_- Not cool! Like, what the hell! Everyone saw it, yet they keep their mouth shut. *sighs and shakes head* Afraid of her? Oh, boy. -_-

Junmyeon is right, it's not right that she acts like that. Just because she works for her family, doesn't give that girl the right to act like that! That is wrong on so many levels! But Junmyeon to the rescue! I wonder what he is up to! Hehe. 😉

Aww!! She took him to the treehouse! Isn't that great?! 🌹😍💗🥰

I loved this chapter and I can't wait to see what happens next! Thank you! 💗🥰🌹😍🌺🌼

Chapter 2: It is good how he stood up for his friends.
I laughed when he fainted because he saw blood.
I didn't see the sea scene coming. It was a sad.
745 streak #6
Chapter 2: 💗👌💗👌💗

I was amazed when he stepped in and the fight started. I am not saying that I support fighting, but that was brave of him to do, but in the end, when he saw blood and passed out it made me laugh, but I loved and enjoyed the scene! 👌🤗😂

I agree with Kyungsoo and what he said. People will still talk no matter what we do and always find something they dislike, sadly. 😞😑 It's in their nature and there is no changing, so one should not live by their rules but the way they want to live their life, ignoring what others say. GO FOR IT, MR. KIM! *cheers* 👌😉😊

OMO! I loved the scene in the hospital! Here? And here? Even here? And he kept groaning in kept, that was actually, cute, funny, and adorable! 😊🤗💗🥰😍😂 Although, I do feel bad for him and his heart condition. 😞

He might fool others, but he can't fool granny. 😉 She is old enough to know things.
But on their way to school, that was hilarious and I am loving his reactions. 👌😂

He stood up and told her what he thinks about her and flat out rejected her offer! 👌

OMO! 😉 He's no fool, he asked for a reason, and it makes me curious to know how all that will develop! 👌😉

As for the following, a lot had been going on in his mind and it's no surprise considering his condition. *sighs* The last part was emotional, but I really hope he finds a reason to live. 💗

Thank you! 💗🌹 I enjoyed this chapter! Can't wait to see what happens next!

Hee hee I just noticed the other characters and thought, Wouldn't it be cute for IU and BBH to finally be a couple. 😁
745 streak #8
Chapter 1: 👌💗👌💗👌

Before I start I first want to apologize for being late and not reading right away, during the hectic days after my vacation. *sighs* Oh, well! I am back now! ✔😊😄😁

I loved how you started the chapter and how you introduced Junmyeon and his relationship with his grandmother. I actually find those two cute, but he sure is sttuborn. She says one thing, and he says another. He has already shared numbers with his caretaker (if I can call it that way) and rules are set. 😏👌 Something tells me that things are about to get even more interesting. 😉😊

He had only arrived yet he is already demanding, but I love it! And yes, he will drive her crazy! Can't wait to see what happens next! 👌😉😂

Thank you! 👌✔🌹

Chapter 1: It is a good start.
We get to know a little bit the characters.