For Wheein (Wheebyul)

Mamamoo Ships Oneshots

A/N: This is actually from a prompt I borrowed from a moot. It's a little different but hopefully you'll still enjoy it! Sorry in advance for errors.

《When the new barista in Wheein's go-to cafe keeps spelling her name wrong but she forgives her because she's cute.》


Wheein came into her favorite cafe already expecting the rush hour. She wasn't as fazed as she was before and dutifully fell in line.


She peeked in front and saw that they had a new staff helping Yongsun, the manager. When it was her turn, she saw the name tag say 'Hyejin'.


She tried to remember it as she did with all of the staff here since she basically come in most of the week. The new staff Hyejin smiled at her, already looking confident with her work. Yongsun did the same and asked if she would have her regular order before punching it in the register and telling her to take a seat while they get it ready. 


"Byul, here's Wheein's order."


Wheein did a double take, expecting the old barista to be the one making orders and peeled her focus away from her phone. She saw that Byul was smiling at her. The apron and white button up shirt fit the barista handsomely. Then her gaze went to the glasses perched on her nose before landing on her nametag last.




She always thought it was a beautiful name.


Before she could get a word in to say hello, the next customer already captured the whole staff's attention. 


Stupid rush hour. 




"One iced americano with a pump of vanilla syrup for Wheein!" Byul called out. It made Wheein smile, hearing her name being said with the barista's deep voice. 


She walked towards the end of the counter, her sight already trained on the lone cup of coffee and reached out for it. She double checked if it was really hers by turning it around to read what was written at the side.




Huh, they never get her name wrong here. She turned towards the bar and saw the long line of customers. Wheein looked for Byul, knowing she must've been the one to write her name on the cup but she was already juggling with making two drinks. She shrugged, chalking it up to a mistake because of the hectic rush hour and walked out of the cafe.




Wheein cursed under her breath as she willed her legs to walk faster. She can't believe she overslept!


Now she had 10 minutes to get her breakfast, including her beloved coffee, and rush to work. This time it was Yongsun manning the cash register.


Smile ever so bright, she saw through Wheein's distress and punched in her usual drink order before the younger woman even got to the counter. 


"And a cream cheese bagel please" Wheein added a little breathless from all the power walking.


She didn't find a place to sit. Wheein walked towards the end of the bar and watched as Byul expertly moved around to make her simple drink. At the same time, she took this time to admire her features. The barista turned to her, her nose scrunching up cutely when she saw that she had Wheein's attention. 


'You okay?' Byul mouthed in concern, taking her gaze away from the ice container as she scooped some ice into the cup. She's done it hundreds of times already.


Wheein swears her heart skipped a beat when she saw the barista smile. There was something endearing about the way her head tilted when she asked and something so very hot with her confidence in her skills that she still moved effortlessly amidst their interaction. 


When the drink was done Byul walked up to the pick-up area and set it near Wheein. She reached back to where the wrapped bagel was and pushed it next to her drink.


"Have a great day, Wheein." She whispered before walking back to make other orders.


Wheein knows it was practiced courtesy for all the employees here but she loves knowing that the barista's soft smile was especially for her.


She checked her phone before picking everything up. Her mood was slightly better…until she read the name on the cup.




She annoyingly groaned. Seriously?! That barista, she swears. If only she wasn't already rushing towards her car and away from the cafe.




Wheein didn't come back to the cafe on Friday. Her co-worker decided to be generous and already went out of her way to buy them both their much needed caffeine dose. She told her to go straight to their office instead.


She did, however, come back on Saturday. It was her favorite day to go there. There's no rush as she walked towards the counter, already looking forward to sitting by the big window.


That way, she could watch the butterflies that floats about the small garden the cafe kept outside. 


She smiled at Hyejin who was in charge of the cash register again. She look like she was getting the hang of it already, even if she was just hired for about a week.


"Hey! Ready to order?" Hyejin asked, her hands poised to take Wheein's order.


But then someone from behind the counter called Hyejin's attention.


"No need, Hyej. The cute girl's drink is on me," she then turned to Wheein, "the usual? Or do you want anything else?"


Wheein's sure she's as red as a tomato right now. Having both Byul's inquiring gaze and Hyejin's smirk directed at her. 


"Anything you could recommend would be nice." She managed to whisper despite her bashfulness. 


"You got it! I'll set it down on your table when it's ready."


Byul actually winked at her! 


She managed to utter a thanks to Hyejin before she slid in to the table she was excited to settle in. 




Wheein was scrolling on her phone when a cup of iced coffee was placed in front of her. Then another plate which had a slice of cake on it.


She looked up to say thank you but Byul was already walking back. That's frustrating. She'll just say thank you before leaving the cafe later.




Wheein was dumbfounded when she saw the name written on the cup. This has got to be on purpose, isn't? Whatever the answer is she pushed back her chair and strode to the counter.


Her eyebrows scrunched, lips pouting and tiny fists at her side. Byul was already looking at her amusingly, while the other two looked a litte worried.


When she was infront of them all, Wheein turned to Yong,


"Can I have a word with your barista, unnie?" 


Yongsun immediately nodded, "Sure, Wheein-ah. Byul, go with Wheein, we've got this covered."


Byul had the audacity to at least look a bit worried, much to Wheein's surprise. They walked towards the back exit, towards the other garden and when the door closed that's when Wheein started whining.


"I'm Wheein!"


The barista couldn't help but chuckle, " I know."


"Wheein-ah!" Wheein shouted again like she doesn't believe Byul. 




This time Byul laughed out loud. She reached over to a tantrumish Wheein and hugged her.


"I know, I know, okay? I know how to say it and spell it. I was just messing with you because you always seem to be stuck using your phone whenever you go here. I know you'll look back at the counter when you see that I misspelled your name," Byul explained, kissing Wheein's temple then her cheek. She admits it was a little immature to pull the prank on Wheein, she'll have to really make it up to her.


"Plus, i wanted to have a little fun since they finally transferred me to this branch and not the farther one where you don't really go to."


Wheein's pout was still so evident when she pulled away from the hug and Byul thought to offer a consoling gesture, "I'll make you your usual later before you go, okay? I'm sorry."


The shorter woman sighed. She's not really mad, she was just frustrated that her girlfriend decided to prank her like she doesn't even know her.


It took a beat but the barista was relieved with her answer, "It's okay…and thank you." Wheein whispered, hugging into Byul's arms again and snuggling her face onto her neck.


They stayed like that for a while before they headed back inside. Both Hyejin and Yongsun looked so expectant and they gave them a smile to let them know that everything's okay.


Byul gave Wheein's hand a squeeze before they parted and went back to where they were a while ago. Wheein guessed that Byul told Yong what she did because she heard a smack and the barista's grunt after.


She laughed to herself, at least her unnie had her back.




About 2 hours went on and Wheein stretched before standing up. She walked to dump her trash and tray in their designated station before walking towards the end of the counter.


This time Byul signalled to wait for her drink and she nodded in return. When it was done, Byul placed it in front of Wheein, the part where the name is turned away. 


"I can't kiss you now since there are customers but I made sure to make your drink extra special this time." The barista shyly admitted.


Wheein lifted the drink and looked at her, "So you didn't make my drinks special the other times?"


Byul opened to explain but she ended up sputtering, which made Wheein laugh. It was enough to get back at her for pulling the prank. 


Her mischevious smile made Byul scratch at her neck, "Bye, Byulie. I'll see you later!" 


Wheein waved to both Yongsun and Hyejin before stepping out to her car. She finally had the chance to look at the name written at the drink and although Byul didn't get her name right again, it had her smiling like a love sick fool,



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I'm wondering if some of my moots are reading my stories👀


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ggomoo_ #1
Chapter 19: Waiting for wheesun part👀
Chapter 21: I was hoping someone would write a fic about this! this was super cute, thank you for posting!
Chapter 20: Una hermosa historia que deja a todos contentos jajajajjaja
Ash-LaoSiow #4
Chapter 3: This is so cute no matter how many times I've read it
Chapter 16: I’m smiling like a fool ^^
This is so cute >\\<
BlueDoowop #6
Chapter 19: Loved all the chapters so far.
Taitai84 1226 streak #7
Chapter 15: Haha it’s so funny and sweet
Concon111 #8
Chapter 18: Hwasun always hits differently 🖤
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 18: So soft 🥺
artwheeistt #10