Performance Nerves (Moonsun)

Mamamoo Ships Oneshots

Slight M actions but not enough to rate it as such hahah and this wasn't supposed to be the next oneshot but I was inspired by Wheebyul's comebacks

"Will the dancers and Wheein-ssi please stand-by. Your performance will start in 5 minutes" the grainy sound of the intercom boomed through the hallways. 

Wheein who was hanging out at the dressing room finally couldn't take the nerves and stood up to run towards her Byul-unnie's room after telling her crew that she'll be right back. 

She ran past other artists and staff, bowing as she strode. When she arrived at Byul's room, she was already dizzy.

Byul flinched at the sound of the door opening and met with a similar nervous gaze from Wheein. 

Whee ran to her and hugged her hard.

"You're nervous too, Wheein-ah?" Her unnie asked, patting her hair. The younger woman can only nod and bury her face deeper onto her neck.

"It's a good thing that we had our comeback in the same week then huh? At least we get to be together in some shows and I get to be here for you." Byul continued at her silence. The crew went out to give them some privacy.

"I'm here for you too, unnie. You're gonna do great." Wheein whispered and reluctantly let go. She sighed deeply, knowing she has to run back to the stage now. 

"You too Wheein-ah, I'm always rooting for you. I'll be the next one to perform so wait for me after, okay?" Byul-unnie requested. She knows Wheein would have another schedule after this one but she wants to walk together with her towards their respective cars. 

There's also the fact that Hyejin texted her last night to keep an eye out for her Wheepup. And although she took note of it, she'll take care of any of them nevertheless. 

Wheein nodded and told her she'll see her later before finally going outside, closing the door behind her. 

Byul's nerves went back full blast and she started pacing again. If she wasn't wearing boots, she'll probably already get rug burn. She was so in her head that she didn't hear the door open and close again. 

She yelped when she bumped into someone, almost losing her balance but strong arms encircled her. 

"Yong" she breathed out, instantly burying her face on the crook of her neck. 

"Aigoo my Byulie" Yongsun chuckled. She her girlfriend's back, who was obviously extremely nervous. 

"I can't calm down, I tried distracting myself with my phone, talking with people, or practicing but nothing works. I think i calmed down for a second but only when I had to comfort Whee before she performed." Byul rambled, her continuous breath hitting Yong's collarbone. 

Of course Byul only calmed down then, ever protective of their maknaes. Yong was thankful. There was a flash of red hair when Byul's head suddenly shot up. She stared at Yong, her eyes shining and her lips in a pout.

"What do I do, unnie?" She asked helplessly. It's not like she hasn't performed alone but it's been so long.

Yong ran through the things Byul said she did to calm herself down and she honestly can't think of anything else. Well, she guessed there is something…

Without another word she pulled her girlfriend by the arm and dragged her to the ensuite bathroom. 

"What's going on, Yong?" Byul asked as she watched her leader bite her lip and circle her arms on her neck. 

"This might work." Yong only whispered before leaning in to kiss Byul.

The rapper immediately melted into the kiss, her lips moving against her girlfriend's in perfect sync. There's no stages, or dance moves, or lyrics in her mind. Only Yong, her smell, the taste of her lips, and the sound of her moans.

Her moans. Their kiss got heated quickly and is now a full blown make-out session. Yong may have started this but Byul is kissing her back with the same fervour.

She wrapped her arms around Yong's waist even more, thumbing the skin that got exposed from pulling her top. One of her hands started inching upwards and----

There was an incessant knock on the door that made them separate from each other as if burned. 

"UNNIES YOU BETTER NOT BE DOING THE NASTY IN THERE!" It was Hyejin screaming on the other side of the door. 

Byul looked at Yong confused while she tried to calm down her fast-beating heart.

"She wanted to come with me to support you guys and whined about not being able to hug Wheein before her performance." Yong managed to breath out.

Byul opened the bathroom door and was cornered by Hyejin's glare. Both of them cowered and their blushing due to previous activities became more prevalent.

"Next time you decide to do anything like that, give us a heads up. I had to make Wheein tell your crew to meet you on the stage after hearing ."  She scolded her unnies. 

Byul glanced back at Yong, who was trying to fix her lipstick and shirt then went to hug the maknae, trying to work her charm.

"Thank you for saving us, Hyejinie. I owe you one."

Still stuck in the hug, Hyejin rolled her eyes and returned the hug, "mhmm, you smell like Yongsunnie" 

Yong went to hug Byul from behind while she was still hugging Hyejin. Annoying the maknae even more and making her unnies laugh.

"Yah! Unnie you're up in 5 minutes" Whee yelled after peeking from the door and making sure everyone's decent.

"Wheenie! Help!" Hyejin screamed and flailed her arms towards her.

Wheein instantly ran to them and Hyejin breathed a sigh of relief, thinking she could get out of her unnies' grips. Until she felt Wheein hug her too.

"Group hug~" 

Hyejin can only grumble and Byul can only slightly blush at the way Yong was subtly feeling her up from behind. 

Her nerves were definitely gone. 

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I'm wondering if some of my moots are reading my stories👀


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ggomoo_ #1
Chapter 19: Waiting for wheesun part👀
Chapter 21: I was hoping someone would write a fic about this! this was super cute, thank you for posting!
Chapter 20: Una hermosa historia que deja a todos contentos jajajajjaja
Ash-LaoSiow #4
Chapter 3: This is so cute no matter how many times I've read it
Chapter 16: I’m smiling like a fool ^^
This is so cute >\\<
BlueDoowop #6
Chapter 19: Loved all the chapters so far.
Taitai84 1226 streak #7
Chapter 15: Haha it’s so funny and sweet
Concon111 #8
Chapter 18: Hwasun always hits differently 🖤
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 18: So soft 🥺
artwheeistt #10