a chance.

jealousy is a disease.
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It has been about a week since the failed confession.

But Wonyoung hasn't moved on. It won't happen that easily. She's had a crush on Yujin for years, it won't go away with the snap of her fingers. Although right now she hopes it would.

She has been avoiding Yujin as much as she can at work, but sometimes she had no choice but to converse with the other girl or else Yujin would start thinking Wonyoung was purposely avoiding her. Which she was, but she doesn't want Yujin to know that. Wonyoung really doesn't want Yujin to gain any negative feelings about her.

Wonyoung feels today might be different though. Maybe today she will start to get over it and continue being friends with her like normal? Or maybe she broke up wifh Gaeul? She really hopes the latter happened. She doesn't know why, but she has a good feeling about today.

She gets ready for work like normal, tying her apron on and sticking her nametag to it. She puts her long, dark hair up into a ponytail and then grabs her belongings, leaving her apartment to go to work for the day.

When she arrives at work, everything seems normal. Customers start to rush in and Wonyoung clocks in, being greeted by her boss like usual who tells her what she will be doing for the day.

Thankfully, instead of taking orders and dealing with unpleasant customers, she will be making the actual drinks instead. Wonyoung likes doing this better. She finds it to be more fun to actually make the coffees and other drinks they offer. Plus, it's often hard for her to keep her patience with some customers. She has almost lost her cool several times, but she made sure to instantly get ahold of her boss so she can take care of it instead.

Unluckily for Wonyoung though, Yujin was assigned to do the same thing as her. So, they would have no choice but to interact with each other. Wonyoung freaks out a little on the inside, but tries to keep her cool, focusing on making the drinks instead. Until... she noticed something was wrong with Yujin.

Ahn Yujin, who is usually high-energy and a hard-worker, seems a bit sluggish and in a bad mood today. She is a lot slower when it comes to making drinks and she has a resting frown on her face. Wonyoung decides to take this opportunity to speak up despite avoiding her for so long.

"Hey, what's wrong Yujin? Are you okay?" Wonyoung asks, looking over at her crush with a concerned gaze. Yujin lets out a deep sigh as she begins to work on a mocha beside Wonyoung.

"To be honest, no," Yujin answers honestly, frowning even more. "Gaeul and I had a fight this morning."

Wonyoung could feel her heartbeat quicken. They fought! Maybe this is my shot! She thinks, starting to feel some hope. 

"You did?" Wonyoung's eyes widen, giving Yujin fake sympathy. "I'm so sorry... what happened?" She asks as she finishes up an iced americano she was making.

"Well, Gaeul just moved in with me yesterday.." Yujin begins to speak.

They just moved in together? They've only been dating for a few months! Wonyoung thinks, feeling a bit of disappointment again. But she shakes it off, realizing that she should focus on the fact that they fought.

"And this morning we had an argument over where Gaeul should put some of her stuff," Yujin continues on, willing to share every detail with Wonyoung. "I mean, I lived there first and still pay all of the rent, I should have more say in where her belongings should go."

"Yeah, you're right. You lived there alone for a while and you still pay all of rent, so you should have more say because it's technically still your place," Wonyoung chimes in with agreement. 

And yet again, they are Gaeul's belongings so she should have a say in where her own stuff goes. Wonyoung thinks, but she stays shut, thinking she should just appeal to Yujin's side of the story.

"We both ended up crying. It was the first time we ever fought in our entire relationship. It was rough," Yujin admits, a frown still plastered across her face. "My feelings were hurt and I know hers were too. She ended up sleeping on the couch last night. She was still sleeping when I left, so I didn't get

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I have a samequel/sequel planned… keep your eyes out for it 👀


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eunhabyul #1
Chapter 11: this was a rollercoaster of emotions lol im glad it was a happy ending but realistically i would've kay em essed myself if i were in wonnie's shoes and ended up finding out she did indeed like her too at some point lol shsjsjd
cool_tomato10 #2
Chapter 11: Can you write a LizRei sequel with this? I sure got curious about those two.
qwertyuiop1216 #3
Chapter 11: I need wonyoung's wedding too
reigngrey #4
Chapter 11: Thanks for a happy ending i forgot about yuna. Did not expect her to be the one. 😊
nakrin75 #5
Chapter 10: wonnako ending please
reigngrey #6
Chapter 10: Thats good wonny. You will find the one. Cant wait for the epilogue. Hoping for at least a happy ending for wonyoung. I wonder who will it be minju? Chaewon? Nako?
Chapter 10: okay here come rich aunty wonyoung
JoshuaSiobal #8
Chapter 10: Ooooh, I feel like this is going to turn into a family instead of romantic theme <3
Chapter 9: wonny 😔
bluejin #10
Chapter 5: just whyy