
jealousy is a disease.
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About a month later, not much has changed.

Of course, Wonyoung is still jealous of Gaeul and wishes she could be the one with Yujin instead. She loves interacting with her more often at work now, but it only makes her fall in love with her even more.

Wonyoung was thinking today would just be another normal day, but she sure was wrong.

Wonyoung's shift finally ends at work. After the last customer leaves the café, the heads over to the glass door and turns the sign to that the side that reads "closed" is facing the outside. Then, she turns her head to spot Yujin right behind her, holding something in her hands.

"Wonyoung! This is for you!" Yujin smiles happily, handing a sheet of paper over to Wonyoung. She turns it over and begins to read the printed text. However, as soon as she starts reading it, her heart stops.

Together with their families... Ahn Yujin and Kim Gaeul invite you to celebrate their wedding. April 15th, 20XX. 4 o' clock in the evening. Reception to follow. Text or call Yujin to RSVP!

Wonyoung feels like she's going to puke. She cannot believe it. Gaeul actually did it. She was starting to feel like it has been too long so she assumed maybe Gaeul decided to wait a bit longer. But she stands corrected. She feels so disappointed. She's supposed to feel happy for Yujin, but she just doesn't. Her heart is just filled with jealousy, sadness, and anger at herself. How would she let this happen?

Wonyoung remembers though... she needs to keep a fake act. Yujin can't suspect a thing.

"So, are you going to come? I'd really love for you to be there!" Yujin asks excitedly, smiling wide. "If you're going, I'd love for you to be one of my bridesmaids! You've been my best friend since I was fifteen. You don't deserve anything less."

Wonyoung bites her lip, not knowing exactly how to respond to that.

"Yeah, of course I'm coming! Is that even a question?" Wonyoung responds with fake happiness as she looks up from the invitation with a big smile. Yujin buys this.

"Yay! I'm so excited," Yujin beams excitedly. "I can't wait! Gaeul and I are preparing hard. You're going to look amazing in a bridesmaid dress!"

"And you're going to look amazing in a wedding gown," Wonyoung responds, hiding the bitterness she feels. She wishes she was the one getting married to Yujin, meeting her down the aisle as they wear beautiful, magestic white gowns.

"Thank you," Yujin smiles wider. "Next we're going to have to find you a wife," she chuckles. "Then maybe we can have kids around the same time and they can be best friends just like us!"

"Yeah, maybe.." Wonyoung responds, feeling very uncomfortable now. The mention of kids makes Wonyoung's heart break. She cannot imagine having any with anyone other than Yujin. The idea that Yujin could have a child with Gaeul at some point makes Wonyoung feel nauseous.

"Anyways, I should probably get going. See you tomorrow!" Yujin continues to smile, waving at Wonyoung before heading over towards the door.

"See you tomorrow!" Wonyoung responds with a wave. As soon as Yujin leaves, Wonyoung lets out a groan. She was really hoping this wouldn't happen. She slips the invite into her apron pocket and continues cleaning. She feels disappointed, but not too surprised. She has been preparing for this mentally for about a month now.

Even though Wonyoung had told Yujin she would go and be a bridesmaid, she still is not sure if she will actually be going. Maybe she'll think of some sort of false excuse, such as an illness, car accident, or family emergency.

She still feels unsure after she gets back to get apartment after work, so she makes sure to message Rei and Jiwon to see what they think. She begins to type out a message:

Hey girls! So, today at work, Yujin gave me an invite to her wedding. She wants me to be a bridesmaid. I said yes in the moment, but I'm not sure if I want to. I don't think I would be able to stand seeing Yujin get married to someone else. I'm thinking about coming up with some sort of excuse right before the wedding. What do you two think?

As soon as Wonyoung hits send, she notices that the both of them started typing. Rei's message pops up first:

I think you should go. It would be fun and maybe it will help you get over Yujin, seeing how happy she is with Gaeul. Rei responds simply. Then, she reads Jiwon's response:

I also think you should go! Even though you still have feelings for Yujin, she's your friend. You have got to go and support her. She would be so sad if you're not there. At least give it a shot. I think it might be helpful. Jiwon had sent. Wonyoung still feels unsure, but now she is leaning towards going instead of not going.

Thanks. I'll keep thinking about it. Wonyoung leaves it at that, putting her phone down with a deep sigh. 

"What am I going to do?" She mumbles to herself.




Today is the day of the wedding.

And Wonyoung has decided that she will go.

She nervously exits her car, taking a deep breath before approaching where the wedding is set to take place. They are lucky the weather is nice since the location is a beautiful, fancy flower garden. A very risky choice, given the high probability of rain in the Spring months, but Wonyoung is sure they had a backup plan in case the weather was not favorable.

Only ten minutes before the wedding ceremony is set to start and Wonyoung cannot contain her anxiety. She is worried about how exactly she will react to seeing Yujin get married to someone else. She doesn't know the other bridesmaids too well, so she mostly ended up waiting in silence for the ceremony to start.

As soon as the clock strikes 4, the music starts and Wonyoung's heart quickens its pace more as she starts to feel a feeling of pure dread. She wants to run away and leave now, but she reminds herself that she is here to support Yujin. Her happiness and her own happiness. She should be happy that her friend has found love and is getting married.

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I have a samequel/sequel planned… keep your eyes out for it 👀


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eunhabyul #1
Chapter 11: this was a rollercoaster of emotions lol im glad it was a happy ending but realistically i would've kay em essed myself if i were in wonnie's shoes and ended up finding out she did indeed like her too at some point lol shsjsjd
cool_tomato10 #2
Chapter 11: Can you write a LizRei sequel with this? I sure got curious about those two.
qwertyuiop1216 #3
Chapter 11: I need wonyoung's wedding too
reigngrey #4
Chapter 11: Thanks for a happy ending i forgot about yuna. Did not expect her to be the one. 😊
nakrin75 #5
Chapter 10: wonnako ending please
reigngrey #6
Chapter 10: Thats good wonny. You will find the one. Cant wait for the epilogue. Hoping for at least a happy ending for wonyoung. I wonder who will it be minju? Chaewon? Nako?
Chapter 10: okay here come rich aunty wonyoung
JoshuaSiobal #8
Chapter 10: Ooooh, I feel like this is going to turn into a family instead of romantic theme <3
Chapter 9: wonny 😔
bluejin #10
Chapter 5: just whyy