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"Why are we here at Lotte World again?" Kierra questioned with a disbelief look and tone as the quartet arrived at the recreation complex.

"Especially on the last day of the year."

Kierra eyed her little sister and younger cousin.

"Couldn't we have gone to Lotte World Tower or COEX to see fireworks instead?"

"Yeah, like did y'all didn't forget how crowded it gets here in December, right?" Serena added, mirroring Kierra's expression.

"Heck, even SEOULIGHT would have been better to see a cool light display than Lotte World."

Serena and Kierra still continued to slightly complained about having to spend their last hours out and about on the last day of 2020.

"Also, I'm sure the two of you didn't forget that I clearly told y'all that I was gonna sleep in on the new year, too."

"That doesn't so bad because I really don't have time for this."

"Oh, we'll be fine." Melanie and Linna dismissed their sisters' words.

"Let's just have a little fun before the year ends since we never done it as we always went back home for the holidays." Linna reasoned.

"Yeah." Melanie agreed while shooting the older two a look.

"Even if it's crowded, it's not like we do this all the time. Just have some fun"

After leaving Simplistic for the time being and wishing Seoyoung safe travels to the Netherlands, the younger two convinced the older two to spend their last hours at the popular theme park. Unknown to Serena and Kierra, but Linna and Melanie had planned ahead of time with Kana, Jangmi, and Haeyoon to spend the last day of the year with one another. Although the other five knew how packed it would be, but they figured they could do other things at Lotte World besides going on all the popular rides.

"Hi!" The female trio greeted the quartet as they hugged one another.

"Now that we're all here, let's go inside." Haeyoon said while pointing a thumb over her shoulders.

"Also, we're sorry for not notifying y'all earlier about the extra seven tagging along."


The quartet titled their heads upon hearing that.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, yeah, I hope you don't mind that our brothers and some of their friends joined us, too." Jangmi quickly added with a sheepish laugh.

"Riki told them that we were all coming here and decided to come along, too." Kana informed the quartet with a soft laugh.

The four turned to see Riki, Jay, Sunoo, Jungwon, Heeseung, Jake, and Sunghoon. Serena and Kierra eyed their sisters as Melanie and Linna each cast them with a puzzled look and a shrug.

"We didn't know."

"For reals, we didn't know."

Kierra leaned closer to tease Serena.

"Are you gonna give Heeseung back his hoodie?"

Serena looked down at the pink hoodie she wore and shook her head with a small laugh.

"No, because it's one of the few articles of clothing I'm wearing that's keeping me warm."

Serena returned the same look to Kierra.

"Are you and Jay gonna have more couple moments before this year ends?"

Kierra scowled upon remembering her last photography assignment several weeks ago.

"Ugh. I told you not to bring that up."

"What are you two talking about?" Kana asked, coming up to the two as they lagged behind the others.

"How much sweets we're gonna buy for ourselves."

"Ooh, yeah. They have some nice selections. Let's go."

Kana dragged the other two along with her to follow after the others.

"Sunghoon is really good at ice skating." Melanie commented as she and Linna watched the male gliding around the ice rink, effortlessly.

"Yeah, he is." Linna agreed, slightly in awe.

"I heard that he's been skating since he was younger and even wanted to be a figure skater, too."

"Oh, nice. He has the form and skills for it."


The pair were taking a break while waiting for their sisters to return from wherever they had ran off to a while ago.

"You don't think our sisters would leave us behind, do you?" Melanie inquired, more out of amusement than seriousness as Linna laughed.

"Yeah, right. They would say something like that, but as of right now they won't. I'm sure they're just exploring the shops right now."

"That's true. I'm sure they're gonna try to buy a bunch of Lorry and Lotty stuff though."

"Pretty much."

The duo continued to watch Sunghoon, their friends, and even the other patrons enjoying themselves at the ice skating rink. Meanwhile, Serena and Kierra decided to adventure off over to Character World. The pair didn't want to skate further nor did they want to hang around Riki in case the male wanted to go on some more exhilirating rides after becoming bored of ice skating. Kana was to join them, but she ran into some other friends of hers where they went off to ride the Camelot Carrousel.

"Should we get some for the others?" Serena asked, but it was more of a rhetorical question than an actual question.


Kierra still responded to it with a knowing laugh.

"Because I still wanna go to Toy Plus."

Serena glanced over at her cousin.

"Bro, that's like on the other side from here. We were just over there after briefly visiting the Lotty's Emporium."

"I know. I forgot. I didn't think about it until now. Besides, I'll pay this time."

"Cool, then. Let's go before the place closes."

The pair chose some more yummy treats while thinking of their sisters before purchasing. After leaving Character World, the two headed to Toy Plus, wanting to buy some plush dolls. Once they arrived, Kierra and Serena ran into Jungwon and Sunoo.

"Oh, what are y'all planning to buy?" Serena asked, coming up to the two as Kierra looked from one to the other.

"I thought y'all were still skating with the others."

"We were, but then I remember I wanted to buy a headband for Jangmi." Jungwon answered as Sunoo smiled.

"And I just wanna buy a headband for myself. So I tagged along."

Sunoo held up a few of them while showing the female pair.

"Which one suits me the best?"

"They actually all suit you the best, Sunoo." Kierra replied honestly while analyzing each headband.

"Honestly, you'll look cute with either one of them."

"Oh, thank you, Yiyeon."

Sunoo suddenly turned shy, but a bright smile graced his features.


"If I had to pick one for you though," Serena interjected while pointing at one of them, "I say you'll look much cuter with this leopard print one."

"Aww, thanks, Chaejin."

"You're welcome, Sunoo."

Sunoo put the other accessories away while finding mirror to check himself out with the leopard printed headband. Jungwon also held up a few headbands to show the two.

"Since you helped Sunoo, which one would you think my sister would like?"

Kierra and Serena answered at the same time, having seen Jangmi rocked similar items in the past.

"The sparkly bow one."

Jungwon laughed, nodding.

"She does like sparkly things. Thanks."

"You're welcome."

Jungwon went to make his purchase while the cousins stared at one another upon having a great idea.

"Wanna buy one for everyone?" They asked one another before nodding, gleefully.

The pair began picking out several of the head accessories while figuring out which one would go to who and why if questioned. In the midst of this conversation, someone had decided to play a little prank on Kierra. The person tried to scare Kierra and it ended up with her turning around to hit the person out of reflex. It was Jay as he went stumbling backwards, not expecting this reaction from Kierra.

"Oh ." Kierra said, before frowning and acting just a little bit on impulse.

She leaned forward and pushed Jay to the ground just because of what he did.


"That's what you get, jerk."

Serena also reacted, but not as intense as her cousin as she wasn't the person that was being pranked on. Her eyes went wide at Kierra's second action while supressing a laugh. Serena noticed Heeseung with Jay as he laughed due to seeing his friend getting punch and shoved to the ground. She shot him a look as his facial expression turned stoic upon making eye-contact, but he bit his lips to hide the laughter still.

"Forget the headbands."

Kierra slightly regretted on how she reacted earlier, but didn't want to deal with any of this at the moment. Maybe it was work or she agreed with Serena and needed to sleep in on the new year.

"Let's go."

Kierra returned the headbands to their shelves with Serena doing the same as the duo ran off, not wanting to deal with the other two. Heeseung watched their retreating figures, amused, before glancing down at his friend with that same amused look.

"I'm glad I didn't join in. Also, you were a jerk."

Jay groaned while getting back to his feet, but didn't comment as he knew that he did deserve all of that. Meanwhile, Melanie and Linna had returned their skates and were on their way back to the ice rink when they were tapped from behind before witnessing their sisters running past them a moment later. The older pair glanced over their shoulders briefly.

"We're going home first or maybe over to the Lotte World Tower for fireworks. Whichever seems better after leaving here."

"Yeah, something like that, but we'll tell you later if you don't come with us right now."

"Wait, what?"

Linna and Melanie were confused, but decided to followed them. They messaged the other three in a group chat with just the seven of them, informing them they were leaving to see the fireworks from Lotte World Tower before the last day of the year ended. Of course, it wasn't the real truth at the moment since they weren't sure what their sisters actually wanted to do, but it did gave them a reason to leave without being rude.

"It's so freaking cold, man." Serena complained while shivering.

"And too eary for this, especially on a Friday."

The cousins were currently on the rooftop of their rental home, overlooking the city of their neighborhood as they awaited for the early morning sunrise some time after seven. Both Linna and Melanie came into Kierra and Serena's rooms to coaxed the two into watching the first Seoul's sunrise of the 2021 new year and to wish on for some good juju to began their new year. The cousins returned home after leaving Lotte World, not really wanting to do anything else. The quartet hung out, talking about whatever Kierra had experienced with Jay, all the while teasing Kierra about her weird frenemy relationship with Jay. Soon enough the four ended up retiring for the night before midnight even hit, tired.

"It's because you're wearing a hoodie with holes in it." Melanie deadpanned.

"And we're watching the sunrise which happened to fall on a Friday since we didn't even get to see fireworks or hear the ringing of the bells."

"I know, but still. Anyways, this hoodie was the first one I saw that was closes to me and put it on right away because two people wouldn't stop rushing us about it." Serena reasoned, still shivering.

All four wore hoodies, sweats, socks, and slippers to observe the scenery around them despite the chilly weather.

"By the way, how are you going to give back the hoodie to him?" Linna inquired.

"Since we didn't know he would be with us last night.

Serena shrugged.

"Dunno, but I still wouldn't have returned it that night as it was the only warm thing I had on. Depends if our paths crossed soon or something."

Serena cast them with a sly look.

"Then again, if he doesn't claim it back, then I'm just gonna add it to my collection until he does or something. I really hope that he doesn't."

Serena chuckled at her words.

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