In Spite Of Everything, It Is Still You (Sequel)

Winrina = Jiminjeong

"I told you-" 

"Yeji. Please." 


Minjeong was breathing heavily, her chest could feel the pain again. She needs Yeji. She needs to come home. 

"Minjeong. Share me your location." Yeji said sternly, and Minjeong could hear some noises through the call. 

Minjeong splashed her face with the tap water after hanging up with Yeji and reassuring her that she can drive back home. 

After everything she had gone through to never see her again, when she thought she was doing well in trying to move on, why did she have to see Jimin once she came back?

Once she has calmed down, she went out again because her friends were waiting for her. 

"Minjeong." Ning called her.

Minjeong nodded her head curtly, giving a small smile at her best friend. 

"I'm sorry, I would like to catch up with you guys, but I really need to go." Minjeong apologised, feeling bad for making Ning sad now.

"Can we at least get your new number? And meet some other day?" Aeri asked, while Ning looked at her expectantly.

"Of course." Minjeong agreed. She types in her number in Ning's mobile phone.

"Please, reply if I text and answer my call." Ning said, holding onto her arm.

"Yes." Minjeong smiled.

When she saw the hesitation in Ning's eyes, Minjeong leaned in to hug her again. 

"I promise, Ning ah." Minjeong whispered.

She felt how Ning's body relaxed after that and she hugged her back. Minjeong then said goodbye to them both, does not bother to look for Jimin when she found her nowhere to be seen after coming out of the restroom.

As she was near the exit, she saw Jimin came inside again. Minjeong averted her gaze and looked straight.

When they walked past each other, she holds her breath and pressed her lips tightly. Their shoulders brushed slightly, since some other people were trying to enter and exit too. 

Minjeong ignored how it causes goosebumps on her skin and how it affects her strongly. She just needs to be back home now.

Unknown to her, Jimin stopped her feet to turn around discreetly and watched her retreating figure. 






Yeji opened the door as soon as she was home, and pulled her in. Minjeong quickly collapsed in Yeji's arms and closed her eyes.

She could still see Jimin in her vision, how she looks gorgeous as ever, how she still sounds the same and how her smell still managed to drive Minjeong insane. She couldn't get enough of her.


"Hold me, Yeji. Just for tonight, please hold me." Minjeong whispered desperately, clutching at Yeji's shirt, seeking for all the comfort Yeji could give her at the moment.

So, Yeji slept beside her and let Minjeong hugged her. She had never seen Minjeong that vulnerable before.



​​​​​​"Why are you being like that though?" 

"I don't know." 

"Why did you accept her if you don't love her?" 

"I do love her." 

"But not as much as you love your ex?" 

Yeji looked at Minjeong, waiting for her answer. 

"Ning told me that I should forget about my ex." 

"Well, totally. You're with Jimin already." 

"But I still think of Yunjin." 

"Is it because she's your first love?"

"I don't know..." 

Minjeong looked down and blinked her eyes weakly, feeling a coming headache. 

"You said, she left you for someone else." 

Minjeong looked at Yeji and nodded her head slowly. 

"Then why would you think of someone who left you like that?" 

"I... I don't know." 

Yeji sighed. Minjeong is complicated, this is what she observed. Minjeong doesn't even know what she really wants. 

"Would you get back with your ex if she comes back?" 

Minjeong's eyes widened at Yeji's question. 

"Would you?" 

"But Jimin would be sad." 

"She would be sad already now if she knows you're thinking about Yunjin." 

Minjeong frowned and looked down again. 

"Yunjin... She was once someone special to me. It's not easy to just forget." 

"I know, but what about Jimin? She's your girlfriend." 

Minjeong blinked again. She knew she's not doing this right. She wasn't being fair to Jimin. Jimin deserves better, but she just... Can't let her go. 

"Minjeong ah." Yeji called her softly. 

"Don't let the past stop you from seeing what's really good for you." Yeji said. 

"You have to open your eyes and see things clearly. At least, I want you to try." And Minjeong only nodded without saying anything. 



Yeji looked at Minjeong sadly. Years of knowing the girl, she grew to care about her a lot. They were there for each other during their bad days. Yeji cherished her friendship with Minjeong sees her just like a family already.

"When are you going to stop suffering, Minjeong? It hurts seeing you like this. Minmin also wants to see you happy."






Minjeong woke up early the next day, she freshened up and went out for a morning walk. After an hour, she came back home to see Yeji has already been up and cooking in the kitchen.

"Good morning." Minjeong greeted her.

Yeji turned to look at her, she observed Minjeong first before a smile appeared on her face.

"Morning, spoiled brat."

Minjeong rolled her eyes at the nickname while Yeji just laughed.

"I'm cooking us a breakfast. Go and wake up Minmin."

"Hmm. Okay."

Minjeong then took a quick shower before she checked on her kid in her room. She smiled seeing her kid was still sleeping, hugging the huge and soft pillow in her arms. She climbed into the bed to snuggle with her. She heard her groan cutely, but Minjeong buried her face further into her kid's back.

"Little one, it's time to wake up. Aunty Yeji wants you to eat breakfast together."

"A minute, mommy."

Minjeong smiled. She's really just like me.

"Okay, a minute." Minjeong hugged her kid tighter and closed her eyes.

Yeji was wondering what took Minjeong so long. After done setting up the table, she went to check on them and smiled fondly at the sight. She caressed Minmin's hair before looking at Minjeong. She put her hand on Minjeong's shoulder to shake her shoulder gently.

"Minjeong ah."


"Breakfast, come on."


Yeji chuckled. She then decided to pick up Minmin from the bed causing her to open her eyes but immediately hugged Yeji.

"Baby girl, let's wash up. So, we can eat our breakfast." Yeji said.

"Okay, aunty." Minmin replied sleepily.

Minjeong's eyes fluttered open as she heard them. She smiled and felt grateful to have Yeji in her life. Sometimes, when she does not know how to take care of Minmin, but she was always there to help and teach her.






Yeji looked at Minjeong who had been fidgeting with her fingers on her lap, her lips pouted slightly, and she looked like an adorable puppy right now.

"S-Should I go?" She asked in a small whisper.

"Well, Ning is your best friend. Don't you miss her?"

Minjeong looked up with a small frown, and she nodded her head slowly. 

"Go and see your friends, hm?"

"But, Minmin..."

"I can take care of her."

"Yeji, you've been taking care of her- of us a lot. You have to go back to work too."

"Well, I'm taking a leave for you two. Might as well use it until the end."

"I- I don't want to bother you for so long."

"Minjeong, please, you are not a bother. Never. And I like spending my time with Minmin."

Minjeong sighed and looked at Yeji with a genuine smile.

"Thank you, Yeji."







"You came!"

Minjeong grinned awkwardly and let Ning pulled her into a tight hug. Ning invited her to her family's mansion to celebrate the launching of her new restaurant.

"Come, mom and dad missed you."

Ning pulled her to the living room, and her loud voice attracts everyone's attention right away, including Aeri's and Jimin's.

"Look who's here!"



Minjeong bit her bottom lip, suddenly feeling teary upon seeing Ning's parents. 

"Hi, mom and dad."

"Where have you been?" Ning's father asked while her mother has already pulled Minjeong to cup her face.

"You're back. Oh god, we're glad that you're fine." Ning's mother said before hugging her.

Ning's parents then pulled Minjeong with her to catch up with her. Ning smiled, she wanted to catch up with her best friend too, but she felt like Minjeong might need to pay attention to her parents first.

"Are you happy?"

Ning turned to see Aeri, her sweet girlfriend.

"I am. Life feels complete now that we have her back."

Aeri smiled and kissed her cheek. As for Jimin, she watched Minjeong interacted with Ning's parents warmly. The scene reminded her of their past, she remembered how she wanted to introduce Minjeong to her family, but Minjeong kept giving her excuses that it was not the right time yet. She knew that Minjeong's close with Ning's parents since Minjeong lost her parents because of a car accident when she was 16.

"Hey, am I late?"

Jimin turned to see Ryujin approaching her.

"No. Lots of work?" Jimin asked.

"Yes. Ugh, I can't feel my neck." Ryujin said and kept hitting her own shoulder. Jimin only smiled and patted her back.

"So, it's true. She's back." Ryujin said once her eyes found Minjeong.

"Hmm." Jimin only hummed and looked at Minjeong as well.

Ryujin hooked her arm with Jimin's arm, and pulled her to go to Aeri and Ning. Minjeong glanced at them, but did not dare to stare for so long.

"My dear, do not disappear on us ever again."

"I won't. I'm sorry, mom."

"It's okay. We are not angry at you. You must have your own reason." Ning's father said and patted her head.

Minjeong melted at the warm welcome and the unchanged loving treatment she's getting from Ning's parents.

When Ning's other cousins greeted her parents, Minjeong decided to leave them and find a drink. She was about to go to the kitchen when she saw Jimin with Ryujin there. They were laughing together and they looks happy. Minjeong gulped and stepped back, she then went outside at the pool, away from everyone. She made a call to Yeji, she wants to hear her daughter's voice.

"Hello, Minjeong?"

"Yeji, Minmin is still up?"

"Yes. You want to talk to her? Here."


Minjeong closed her eyes and smiled hearing her voice, she needs this.

"Hi, baby. How are you doing there without me?"

"Hahaha. Mommy, I'm not a baby anymore. I'm a grown up kid already and I am fine. You don't have to worry about me all the time, mommy."

Minjeong chuckled, she's proud that she raised a smart kid.

"Really? That's not true though. You're still my baby."

"Mommyyyyy. Ugh, Aunty Yeji, please tell my mommy that I am not a baby anymore."

Minjeong chuckled again hearing Minmin's whining to Yeji.

"Yah. Stop teasing her. I'm the one who's going to handle her if she sulks." Yeji told her.

"Okay. I'll stop."

"You keep calling us whenever you go out. I didn't know you can be this clingy, Kim Minjeong." Minjeong raised her eyebrows at Yeji's playful tone.

"Well, I'll hang up now then. Bye!"


Minjeong smiled in satisfaction, once she ended the call without waiting for Yeji's reply. She turned around to get back inside, but was surprised to see Jimin. Jimin...

Minjeong cleared and bowed her head politely before walking past her without looking back at her. Jimin actually heard a part of her conversation during the call earlier.

"Baby? She called someone with an endearment? Huh." Jimin frowned. She felt slightly hurt, because Minjeong has only called her using her name when they were still together. 






"Hey, what's wrong?"

Jimin looked at Aeri and smiled, she was alone in the kitchen, away from the party.

"Nothing, just feels like being alone for a while."

"Oh, should I go?"

"No. Please, accompany me." Jimin chuckled.

Aeri joined her, sitting on a stool beside her. 

"Have... Have Ning caught up with her?"

Aeri glanced at Jimin before looking to the front, looking at some people who were standing where they could still see them.

"Not yet. She just finally agreed to come to this party, and Ning haven't got her to talk to her alone."


"How's Ryujin after finding out that she's back?" Aeri asked.

"It does not bother her. She'd moved on. As long as... You know."

"Okay. Good." Aeri nodded.

"I don't want my friends to fight with my girlfriend's best friend anymore. Besides, Minjeong is also my friend."

"I know, Aeri."

"Do you still... Hate her?" Aeri asked Jimin carefully.

Jimin looked at her with a small smile. She shook her head.

"I was disappointed, I felt betrayed, yes. I was furious, but I could never hate her, Aeri. Never." Jimin answered.

"I'm glad, because I want all of us to be back like before. Can we?"

"I don't know. It feels like she is really treating me like we don't know each other." Jimin whispered sadly.

"Then, talk to her?" Aeri asked.

"I wanted to, but I'll find a good time."

"Good enough. Just know that Ning and I care about you both, okay?"

"Yeah, I know."






Ning laughed at how her parents cooed at Minjeong's shy whining when they . She loves to have her back, and she can tell that her parents did miss Minjeong so much too.

"You should drop by often. Okay?" Ning's mother told Minjeong.

"Yeah, I will try to, mom."

"Good girl." Ning's mom ruffled Minjeong's hair playfully causing her to pout while Ning's father and Ning laughed at her.

Minjeong's heart felt touched and relief, to be able to gather like this with her best friend's family again. She missed them, she missed the comfort that Ning's parents always give her when she misses her own parents.

"Darling, have Minjeong eaten yet?" Aeri came and asked.

"Oh. No. Minjeongie, you should eat. Come on." Ning said, pulling her by her wrist.

Minjeong tried to keep her smile and pretended that Jimin's presence did not affect her. Jimin was there with Aeri, following them. Ning brought her to the dining table inside the room, since she knows Minjeong would like to enjoy her food away from the noises.

"We're going to eat with you." Ning said and Minjeong just nodded.

"There you guys are."

Minjeong looked at the door, and Ryujin glanced at her before looking away. Minjeong then focused on Ning. Aeri shot Ryujin a warning look, which she understood immediately. 

"I met Jeno and Jaemin earlier, they were asking about you." Ryujin told Jimin.

"I'll see them later." Jimin mumbled, taking a seat in front of Ning. Minjeong was sitting beside Ning while Aeri sat beside Jimin, and Ryujin took a seat on Jimin's right.

"When are you free to meet me after this?" Jimin heard Ning asked Minjeong.

"I will try to see first. I will update you. I'm sorry I wasn't able to meet you before this."

"No, that's fine. I can wait." Ning smiled at her, she wanted to ask more questions, but she does not want to make Minjeong felt uncomfortable. Especially that Jimin and Ryujin were there with them now.

"Thank you." Minjeong whispered.

"But uh, Minjeong..." Aeri scratched her head and Minjeong looked at her.

"We... Ahem, We haven't told you. I've proposed Ning last year." Aeri told her and Ning grinned as she nodded her head.

"You- You did?" Minjeong asked with wide eyes, then she looked at Ning who were nodding at her.

"She did it?" Minjeong asked again.

"Yes, finally!" Ning giggled.

"Oh my god. Did you say yes?"

"Of course!" Ning laughed in glee when Minjeong squealed as she hugged her tightly.

Jimin smiled slightly seeing the best friends being that excited and giggling cutely together.

"I'm so happy for you." Minjeong said.

"We haven't held our engagement party. Ning wanted to wait until we can find you back." Aeri said, causing Minjeong to look at her with a frown.


"We want you to be there during our happy day, Minjeong ah." Aeri told her softly.

Minjeong looked guilty now, and she looked at Ning with her teary eyes. Ning sighed and shook her head.

"Don't blame yourself. Please. I just want my best friend for every important occasion." Ning said.

"I will be there, Ningie." Minjeong smiled at her.

"That's all I need." Ning smiled back.

Then, the three of them talked like old days. Minjeong felt entertained by her best friends' dynamic with her girlfriend, she laughed at something they said too. Jimin sighed silently, seeing how Minjeong treated that as if she wasn't there at all, both Ryujin and her.

"You okay?" Ryujin asked her in a whisper.


And when Minjeong left to go home, Ning still stares at the cab as it droves out of the gate.

"I'm happy tonight." Ning said.

"Me too." Aeri said.

Ning turned around to see Jimin and Ryujin.

"Thank you." Ning said. They looked at her with a confused face.

"For not causing trouble or make Minjeong uncomfortable. Thank you." Ning said sternly.

"We promised to you, Ning. We're keeping our word." Jimin said.

"Good. I won't forgive you if she disappears again. Even though I still don't know what happened before she left." Ning said, glaring slightly at Ryujin who looked down.

Aeri rubbed Ning's back.

"You guys are all my friends too. I know Minjeong made a mistake, and she wasn't the only one who was hurting." Ning sighed.

"But no one has the right to send her far away from her only family." Ning said, looking straight at Jimin and Ryujin.

"My family and I are the only ones she got left. Don't take her away from us again. I beg you." Ning whispered shakily.

Jimin clenched her jaw as she raised her head. Ning was furious the day she found out Minjeong left, only leaving a small letter for Ning, saying that she's sorry and she had to leave. She was losing her mind. Her best friend does not have anyone else, but her and her family. Ning is very protective of her. 

She still remembered how Ryujin fought with her, saying that she was being unfair for defending Minjeong, not knowing how Jimin got badly hurt by her best friend. Ning admitted that Minjeong was at fault for breaking Jimin's heart, but she did not agree that Jimin or even Ryujin should make her leave them like that.

Jimin did not expect that Minjeong would leave either. She was shocked as well, and heartbroken. Ning refused to hear anything until she finds Minjeong, so Jimin never got the chance to explain what really happened that night, the last time she saw Minjeong.










Yeji squats down and kissed Minmin's forehead, she pouted at Yeji and held her shoulders.

"So, you will be busy from now on?"

"Yes, baby girl. Aunty will have to go back to work."

"Aw, I'm going to miss you." Minmin said.

"Aunty will miss you more." Yeji said and hugged her.

Minjeong smiled seeing them from the door frame.

"I promise, I will try to drop by often. Okay?"

"Promise, aunty Yeji? Only bad people do not keep their promise." Minmin narrowed her eyes at Yeji. Yeji laughed at her cute warning.

"And I assure you, little lady. I am not a bad person."

"Hehe, then I will wait for you!"

"Good. And behave while I'm away, you must listen to your mommy. Don't make her stress."

Minmin looked behind at the smiling Minjeong before looking at Yeji again.

"I am a good girl, Aunty Yeji. I will only be mommy's happy pill."

"Gosh, why are you so smart? Can I take her with me instead?" Yeji asked Minjeong.

"No, she's mine." Minjeong hissed playfully, Yeji and Minmin laughed.






Yeji slumped herself in her swivel chair, and asked her secretary to come in and brief her about all of her meetings for the day. She took note of the important ones, and could feel the incoming headache already.

"And, welcome back to work, boss." Her secretary, Chaeryoung chuckled seeing her already frowning face.

"Do I really need to attend all of those meetings?" Yeji asked in disbelief.

"I'm afraid, yes." Chaeryoung answered.

"Okay, okay. You can go now, and thank you." Yeji winked at her.

Yeji then checked the piles of paper that she needs to review.

"Let's get this done as soon as possible."






"Their CEO will be there." Chaeryoung told Yeji.

"Is it? Okay."

Yeji fixed her blazer's button and followed where the guard lead them. The guard then opened the meeting room and gestured them to enter.

"JYP's representative is here, Ms Yoo."

"Good afternoon. I am the CEO of YJ Group, Yoo Jimin."

Yeji froze for a second before she cleared , accepting Jimin's handshake firmly.

"Hwang Yeji, CFO of JYP Entertainment." So, I finally met you, Yoo Jimin.

Yeji tried to ignore the fact that the current CEO of the company who's going to make an investment in the company she works at is Minjeong's ex girlfriend and stayed professional the whole time.

"It's a pleasure doing business with you. I hope we're able to agree with the deal." Yeji said and shook hands again with Jimin after a long discussion.

"I will consider it after seeing the agreement form." Jimin replied.


Just then Yeji's phone rang, it's Minjeong. She looked at Jimin who smiled at her, gesturing to answer the call first.


"Aunty Yeji!! Mommy said we're making desserts tonight! You have to come!"

Yeji chuckled hearing Minmin's excited voice while Minjeong was scolding her softly for shouting that loud.

"Hm, should I come?"

"Yes! Because it's going to be sooooo good. And we miss you, Aunty Yejiiiii."

Yeji smiled at Minmin's whining voice, she can imagine the girl was pouting behind the call.

"Okay, baby. I will be there tonight."


"Yes. I can't miss a good dessert, right?"

"Right! Aunty Yeji is so smart like me, mommy. She said she would come."

Yeji heard Minjeong laughed at Minmin's statement.

"Hello, Yeji?"


"Do you remember the grandma I've talked about?"


"Is it okay if I ask you to pick her up? I want her to meet Minmin. Her shift will be done at 6."

"Okay, I will pick her up later. Still the same supermarket?"

"Yes. Thank you, Yeji. See you?"

"See you, Minjeong!"

Yeji was still smiling after hanging up, she then looked at Jimin who was frowning. She blinked her eyes. Ah, did she hear it?

"Uh, family?" Jimin asked with hesitation.

"Yes." Yeji answered, looking right into her eyes.






When Yeji left, Jimin went back to her office room. She put her hands on her hips and was still frowning. She heard a little bit of Yeji's phone call earlier.

"Baby? Minjeong? Is she talking to the same Minjeong?"

Jimin bit her lip and sighed.

"No. But she said it's a family. She... Is she married? To Minjeong? Minjeong was calling someone baby as well last time when she was on call..."

Jimin sits down on her couch and clasped her hands. Jimin then called her secretary, Chaehyung.

"Yes, Ms Yoo?"

"Do you happen to know if Hwang Yeji is married?"

"I... Don't think so. As far as I know, she's not married to anyone yet."

"Oh, okay. Nevermind then. Thank you, Chaehyung."

"Okay, ma'am."










"It has been so long since we last went out together."


"Thank you for meeting me for a quick lunch."

"You know, my schedule isn't the same anymore now that I am the CEO."

"I know, Jimin. I just miss going out with you."

"I know."

Jimin and Ryujin entered the restaurant together and spot an empty table near the window, but Jimin's eyes widened seeing Minjeong at the table next to it with Yeji.

"Minjeong..." Jimin whispered, Ryujin looked at where she was looking at.

Yeji was laughing at something while she wipes off a stain at the corner of Minjeong's lip. Yeji who looked up, saw her. She wanted to ignore her, but she can't just pretend that she does not know Jimin when they met 3 days ago.

"Oh. Ms Yoo." 

Minjeong froze but stay seated. Yeji told her softly to just continue eating before standing up to greet Jimin properly. Jimin took a breath and stepped forward with Ryujin.

"Ms Hwang. Good to see you again." Jimin kept her professionalism, just like Yeji.

"Likewise. You just came?"

"Yes, we're going to have a lunch here."

"Ah, I see. Enjoy your lunch then!" Yeji smiled and bowed her head, shaking hands with Jimin, then sits down to finish her food.

"Let's go." Jimin said to Ryujin and sits at the empty table next to them. Jimin tried not to glance at Minjeong, Ryujin too.

"I'm full, should we go buy some ice cream after this?" Jimin heard Yeji asked Minjeong.


"Great, come on."

Yeji stood up, and she turned to Jimin once again.

"We'll get going now, Ms Yoo."

"Oh. Okay."

Jimin watches as Yeji wrapped her arm comfortably around Minjeong's arm, she leans down while turning her face towards Minjeong, they got too close that Jimin thought she might kiss Minjeong. Her fist clenched unconsciously.

"Jimin. Jimin?" Jimin snapped her head towards Ryujin and sighed.


"Do you still want to eat?" Ryujin asked, not in the mood anymore.


"Jimin. You-"

"Let's just order and eat, Ryujin." Jimin frowned when Ryujin was about to say something that might cause them to argue.










Yeji decided to take a half day since she finished her job early, and took Minjeong and Minmin out to a shopping mall.

"Yeji, you're spoiling her too much." Minjeong commented when Minmin was holding two shopping bags in her hands.

"Aunty Yeji! Thank you so much!"

"Anything for you, little one." Yeji bends down to brush her nose with Minmin's nose.

Minjeong shook her head, but a fond smile was on her face as she looked at Minmin's happy face.


Now, their moment got interrupted when they suddenly bumped into Ning, Aeri and Jimin. Their eyes were wide open and they kept staring at Minmin before looking back and forth at Minjeong and Yeji.

"Uh, hi..." Minjeong greeted them awkwardly.

"Who..." Ning paused and looked at Minmin with curious eyes.

Seeing how confused Minjeong's friends look like, and how Minjeong doesn't know what to say, Yeji decided to step forward. 

"Little one, come. Introduce yourself to mommy's friends." Yeji said, smiling encouragingly at Minmin.

"Mommy's friends?" Minmin looked at Yeji before looking at the women in front of her with round eyes.

Minmin then looked at Minjeong first to get her permission, which she just smiled at her before nodding her head.


Yeji took the shopping bags from Minmin, so she can greet them properly. Minmin then put her both hands on her stomach, bowing politely, then smiling so bright at Minjeong's friends.

"Hello, mommy's friends. I am Minmin, I'm mommy's baby that she loves so much." 

Yeji chuckled at her cute introduction while Minjeong can't help but shook her head at Minmin's attempt.

"Y-Your daughter, Minjeong?" Ning asked.

"Yes." Minjeong answered. 

Ning then looked at her with a serious face. You have a lot to explain, Kim Minjeong.

As if knowing what was in Ning's head, Minjeong looked at her apologetically.

Minmin then stepped back and held onto Yeji's wrist since her hands were holding the bags, then Minmin also held Minjeong's hand with her other free hand. Jimin frowned at the sight, they really look like a family. Her heart aches once again because of Minjeong.

"You never mentioned to me that you're married, Minjeong." Ning said, tilting her head in confusion.


Jimin looked away, trying to hide her bitter feelings.

"Married? Me?" Minjeong asked back.

"Then, who... is she?" Ning asked slowly, pointing at Yeji.

"Oh, my bad. Sorry, let me introduce myself. I'm Hwang Yeji, a friend from Minjeong's old workplace. I've been taking care of her and Minmin ever since."

Jimin looked at them again. Ning and Aeri becomes more confused.

"Minjeong never mentioned about you before." 

"I supposed, I wasn't that important yet to her." Yeji nodded.

"Yeji..." Minjeong pouted, but Yeji just laughed.


Minjeong sighed then looked at Ning.

"Ning ah. I will explain everything when we meet, next time." Minjeong pleaded, does not want to hurt Ning's feelings.

"Okay, you have a lot to tell me." Ning said.

"Yes, I know."

"Well, then, since we saw you here..." Aeri looked at Ning before smiling at Minjeong.

"We're going to hold our engagement party by the end of next week."

Minjeong's eyes brightened at the news.

"Really? Finally! Congrats!"

"I don't want to wait any longer- ow!" Aeri hissed and rubbed her arm, while Ning glared at her.

"Sorry." Minjeong mumbled.

"Minjeong, stop it. I told you, don't even feel guilty. You can make up to us by being there." Ning said.

"I'll be sure to be there."

"Great! Oh, bring Minmin, right?" Aeri smiled at the little kid and she nodded her head cutely.

"Bring Minmin and Yeji, you are invited as well." Aeri said.

"Okay, we will all come." Yeji agreed.










Jimin kept checking herself through the long mirror, she kept fixing her hair as well. She does not why, but she felt nervous. It was Ning's and Aeri's engagement party, not hers. However, she felt the need to look decent.

"Are you not ready yet?"

Jimin glanced at Ryujin at the door from the mirror. She went to Jimin's place after work, saying she'll just get ready from her place since her home is far from Ning's mansion.

"I'm done."


Jimin looked at Ryujin, waiting for her to continue.

"Are you still angry with me?" Ryujin asked.

"You keep asking the same thing. My answer will still be the same. It's all in the past now, Ryujin. Nothing will change."

Ryujin sighed.

"Let's go. I don't want to end up being late."






When they had arrived, there were a lot of guests already, especially from Ning's side. Jimin went to find the couple first to congratulate them. Jimin smiled seeing how happy Aeri are, she had been waiting for so long. Jimin was proud of her best friend, for being this patient to follow what Ning have asked and wanted.

"I'm so happy, Jimin ah." Aeri whispered as Jimin hugged her.

"I can tell. It's all over your face there." Jimin chuckled.

"She's officially my fiancee now. What do you expect?" Aeri grinned.

"Congrats, Aeri."

"Thanks, Ryujin." Aeri moved to hug Ryujin as well.

"Minjeong said they will be here soon and-" Ning gasped as she stopped her sentence.

Jimin turned her body to look at Minjeong who had just came as well, with Yeji behind her and Minmin.


"Ning ah!"

They all watched the two best friends hugged each other, and talking as if they were not there with them. Aeri then went to greet Yeji and Minmin first. Jimin watched how Minmin kept smiling at Aeri and nodding at every word she said.

"You're cute. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Aeri, your mommy's friend."

"Does that mean you're aunty Aeri?" Minmin asked.

"Yes, baby. She's aunty Aeri, all of mommy's friends are aunty." Yeji told Minmin.

Jimin tilted her head at what Yeji just called Minjeong's kid was. Baby?

"And I'm aunty Ning. I'm your mommy's best friend!" Ning said, squatting down beside Aeri.

"Really? Woah. Mommy, you have a pretty best friend." Minmin said, looking up at Minjeong.

"Oh, wow. Your kid has a sweet tooth huh." Ning giggled.

"She's a smart lady. We raised her well." Yeji said, patting Minmin's head.

"Are they mommy's friends too?" Minmin suddenly asked as she looked at both Jimin and Ryujin.

There was silence for a few seconds before Aeri fake a cough.

"Well, they are my friends. Do you want to know their names too?" Aeri asked.

"If it's okay..." Minmin smiled shyly.

"That's Ryujin, and that's Jimin." Jimin watched how Minmin's eyes kept blinking when Aeri introduced Ryujin, but stopped when Aeri introduced her. 

Minmin turned to Minjeong slowly.

"C-Can I call them aunty as well?" Minmin asked in a small whisper.

"You can, baby." Minjeong whispered back.

Minmin then looked at Jimin, glancing at Ryujin shortly and saying a 'hello' to her before she looked back at Jimin again.

"And hello to you too, aunty Jimin..."

Ryujin gave Minmin a smile, she may be not friends with Minjeong, but the kid is innocent. While Jimin, Jimin stares at Minmin as she looked at how Minmin keep staring at her too.

"Hello, Minmin." Jimin finally said. 

Jimin noticed how Minmin nodded her head shyly, stepping back to hold Minjeong's hand. She noticed that Minjeong squeezed her hand too. Jimin got distracted then, when Yeji got closer to put her arm around Minjeong. A small frown appears on Jimin's face, she does not like it.






The whole night, Jimin kept watching Minjeong. How she interacted with Ning's and Aeri's parents. She watched how Yeji was always there with her, taking care of her when Minmin got distracted by Ning or Aeri.

Ryujin was with her earlier, until she excused herself to go get fresh air outside. Jimin was deep in her thoughts that she did not notice Minmin was approaching her. She got startled when she felt a tug on her hand. 

"I'm sorry for bothering you, but everyone else is busy as you can see." Minmin said and gestured towards where her friends were with Minjeong and Yeji.

"Is it okay if you help me take some desserts, aunty Jimin?" Minmin asked cutely.

Jimin chuckled at how adorable she looks like. She held Minmin's hand naturally and pulled her.

"What do you want to eat?" Jimin asked once they stand in front of the desserts buffet section.

"Wow. There is a lot though." Jimin looked at how Minmin's eyes grow so big and sparkling seeing many options of dessert.

"You can get as many as you want." Jimin told her.

"Really?" Minmin looked at Jimin with a big grin.

Jimin paused as she stares at Minmin, she reminds her of Minjeong. The way she got excited over desserts.

"Of course." Jimin smiled.

"I'll take everything for you in one plate, okay?" Jimin asked.

"Okay, aunty Jimin!"

They both then moved towards the dining room, where no one was there since it's kind of a private dining room. Jimin watched how Minmin kept dancing with her body every time she took a bite of the desserts. She was also humming happily as she munched on the food. Jimin smiled, she looks just like Minjeong.

"Do you really like it so much?" Jimin asked.

"Mm!" Minmin nodded her head firmly.

"Desserts are the best thing in life. It makes me- no, it makes mommy happy, so it makes me happy too." Minmin told her.

"You're right. Desserts make Minjeong happy." Jimin whispered to herself.

Minmin then put down her spoon and blinked at Jimin, blushing slightly which make Jimin to be confused at the sudden changes.

"Is everything okay?" Jimin asked.

"Aunty Jimin, you are beautiful."


"I like your face."

"Oh." Jimin chuckled, a little flustered at Minmin's honesty.

"Thank you, I guess. You're beautiful too, Minmin." Jimin said.

"Like mommy?" Minmin asked innocently.

Jimin opened , then closed it again. She thought Minmin would forget it and continue eating when she does not answer, but she kept looking at Jimin, waiting for her.


Jimin cleared and scratched her nose softly, looking at Minmin's plate instead.

"Yeah. Like her." Jimin said in a small voice, but Minmin heard her clearly.

"Right, mommy is beautiful too." Minmin smiled then finally get back to her desserts.

"Minmin! I thought you got lost."

Jimin watched Minjeong came in, frowning. She sighed in relief as she hugged Minmin who was still eating peacefully.

"Mommy. I don't want to disturb you with your friends. So, I asked aunty Jimin here to accompany me." Minmin said.

Minjeong glanced at Jimin before looking at Minmin again.

"Okay, but next time just tell me and still let me know." Minjeong told her kid.

"Are you angry, mommy?"

"No, I just want you to tell me next time, okay? We don't want you to get lost."

"Okay, mommy."

Minjeong smiled and pecked her head, letting her continue eating. She turned to Jimin who have been staring the whole time.

"Thank you for accompanying her." Minjeong bowed.

Jimin stood up and shook her head.

"I don't mind at all. She's cute." Jimin said.

"Ah. Thank you again. You uh- you can go now. I'll be with her."

"Can we talk? Minjeong?" Jimin asked, looking at Minjeong carefully. Minjeong's eyebrows furrowed a bit at Jimin's question.

"I'm sorry, I... I can't talk- ow-" Minjeong hissed and raised her hand to look at her palm. She was being too nervous and anxious in front of Jimin that she clenched her fist too hard, until her nail dug into her skin.

"Are you okay?" Jimin quickly went over her and grabbed her wrist, checking her palm.

Minjeong got startled and pulled her body back, but Jimin moved closer as she never let go of Minjeong's wrist, eyes checking on Minjeong's palm seriously. Minjeong looked at Jimin's face that's too close to her. Jimin was blowing on her palm and frowned seeing a little scratch.

"Does it sting?" Jimin asked her softly. Minjeong gulped, she could feel tears welled up in her eyes. Before Jimin could see it, she blinked her eyes quickly to stop her tears.

"Minjeong?" Jimin asked again, this time she looked at her. They were staring at each other while Jimin was still holding her hand.

"I-I'm fine..." Minjeong whispered, stuttering.

"I- oh!" Minjeong almost stumbled back on her feet when she tried to move away from Jimin. Fortunately, Jimin have a fast reflex, she quickly grabbed Minjeong's waist with her free hand and steady her.

"Be careful." Jimin told her.

"T-Thank you."

"Is everything alright?"

Minjeong, this time, pulled her hand out of Jimin's grasp and stepped back carefully. She looked at Yeji, sending her an eye signal.

"Minmin, you're eating desserts alone? I thought we're desserts buddy?" Yeji asked playfully, trying to ease the tension in the room.

"Opps. Sorry, aunty Yeji!" Minmin giggled when Yeji made a fake angry face.

Yeji approached them and Jimin moved away, she watched how they all interacted with each other. She sighed as she felt like she could never get a good time to talk to Minjeong if it keeps being like this. When she heard Yeji asked Minjeong and Minmin to go with her outside, she unexpectedly held Minjeong's wrist again.

Yeji stared at their hands, Minjeong widened her eyes as she didn't expect Jimin to do that.

"I'm sorry, but can I please talk to Minjeong?" Jimin asked Yeji with gritted teeth. She hates that she had to ask a permission from Yeji just to talk to Minjeong, even though she still does not know what was their relation.

Yeji turned to Minjeong to see if she wants to talk to Jimin or not, but all she sees was a hesitation.

"Minjeong ah." Yeji called her softly and held her shoulder.

"I can bring Minmin outside first if you want. I won't leave her." Yeji said.

"It won't be long. Please." Jimin pleaded, looking at Minjeong's eyes.


Yeji smiled then brought Minmin with her. Jimin waited until it was only them alone, she finally let go of Minjeong's hand.


Minjeong only looked at her, waiting for her to speak.

"We part ways in a bad term, and-"

"We're strangers."


"We don't have to talk about what had happened. I... I don't know you, and you don't know me." Minjeong said, looking away from Jimin's face.

"But Min-"

"We're happy now with our life. Let it stay this way." Minjeong stepped back and bowed her head.

Jimin wanted to reach out, to stop her from creating spaces between them, but Minjeong kept stopping her. And again, she just let Minjeong have it her way. She watched Minjeong left her alone there, with her own thoughts.

After all the pain that you've caused, even after I tried to erase you from my heart, you're still the one that I yearn for, Kim Minjeong










Hi, guys! Here's a sequel for yall. Enjoy and take care.




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0 points #1
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #2
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #3
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #4
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
720 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1188 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #7
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #8
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #9
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 146: that was so good omg