Realization (Sequel)

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Mr Kim and Mrs Kim looked at each other when they were greeted by Jimin at the door on a Saturday night, wearing casual yet formal attire which looks decent for a dinner with someone's family. 

"Jimin? What are you doing here? Minjeong never told us that you will be coming over." Mrs Kim asked.

"Hello uncle. Hello aunty." Jimin bowed politely then Mrs Kim pulled her arm as she dragged her inside, scolding her for not informing them that she's coming.

"I would've cooked your favourite food." Mrs Kim said.

"Ah. I-"

"Did Minjeong know that you'll be here?" Mr Kim asked this time.

"Yeah, she-"


Jimin let out a relief sigh when Minjeong finally came down and quickly stands beside her.

"Minjeong. Would you tell your girlfriend to come tomorrow instead? Jimin is here and it's not often that we get to eat dinner together." Mr Kim said.

Minjeong rolled her eyes before clinging onto Jimin's arm.

"I can't ask my girlfriend to go home because as you can see, dad. My girlfriend is here already." Minjeong winked and smiled proudly.

"Omo! You guys are together?!" Mrs Kim asked in excitement.

"Is this true, Jimin? You are dating my only daughter now?" Mr Kim asked.

Jimin cleared before nodding her head. 

"Yes, uncle, aunty. I came here to meet you as Minjeong's girlfriend actually. Not as her best friend. And I am here to ask for your approval." Jimin paused to look at Minjeong who nodded her head furiously at her.

"I-I'm asking for your approval to marry Minjeong." Jimin bowed her head, feeling nervous inside even though she doesn't show it.

"Kim Minjeong." Mr Kim's stern voice made both Minjeong and Jimin stiffened.

"Why didn't you tell me that you're dating Jimin? Come, let's talk about this over dinner. You must be hungry, right?" Mr Kim then gestured Jimin to follow him and Mrs Kim pulled Jimin to be by her husband's side immediately.

"My daughter didn't give you a hard time, didn't she?"

Minjeong pouted when she heard her father's question to which Jimin only laughed and said no.

"Mommy. Does that mean dad will agree for Jimin to marry me?" Minjeong asked once her father and Jimin disappeared to the dining room.

"Oh, it's Yoo Jimin. She is his dream daughter in law."


"Why do you think he asked you to find someone with specific types? Don't you realise it? All those criteria that he mentioned, he was thinking about Jimin. He only want Jimin for you, my dear."

Mrs Kim giggled at her daughter's shocked expression.

"But oh well, guess he doesn't have to worry much now since it's Jimin you're dating." Mrs Kim said.






Minjeong keep watching how comfortable Jimin is now as she talks to her parents as her girlfriend instead of best friend this time. She noticed how happy her father are, he even showed his proud look when Jimin shared about her achievements.

She was reaching for her glass of juice when suddenly she made a wrong move and the glass slipped before she get to grip it properly causing the juice to spill on Jimin.

"Oh god! Jimin ah! I'm so sorry." Minjeong gasped and was panicking but Jimin stopped her and told her its okay.

"Um, I will go clean up at the bathroom first. May I?"

"Yes, Minjeong go and help her." Mr Kim instructed.

"No no. It's okay, uncle. I'm fine. I'll be quick." Jimin smiled then stands up, patting Minjeong's cheek in assurance when Minjeong gives her puppy eyes.

"Be back." Jimin whispered and smiled before leaving to bathroom.

Jimin is familiar with Kim mansion already as she had been there several times and memorize where the bathroom is. So that's why she doesn't need Minjeong to find the bathroom.

"I forgot to ask, how long have you two been dating?" Mr Kim asked.

Uh oh. 

"Four months, dad." 

"Hm. That's long enough. Then maybe the marriage can happen within a year, yes?"

"W-What? Isn't that too soon?"

"You have known each other since university, that's 5 years. It's only recently that you became lovers. But the 5 years of friendship still counts. Isn't it?"

"Uh. Yeah but-"

"Besides, didn't you say that you want to go to Switzerland by end of this year?"

"Yes. Do I get a yes now? Do you accept Jimin?"

"Of course I will accept her. But you are only allowed to go after marrying Jimin."

"But Jimin will still be there with me even if we haven't married yet."

"I know but I'll be at ease knowing she is your wife already. Also, you two can have your honeymoon there as well. Isn't that a good idea?"

"I- I have to ask Jimin first. What if this is so sudden for her?"

"I'm sure Jimin wouldn't mind. I can see that she really love you."


"And it's the only way to stop her suitors and all those family from coming over to Yoo's mansion to ask for her hands."

"What?" Minjeong frowned.

"Don't you know? Every month, Jimin receives marriage proposal."

"She did???"


"Why didn't I know about this?"

"Hm. Maybe because it doesn't matter. Since I heard from her father that she told them to reject all proposals as she's not interested in marrying any of them."






"This fits me well. Thank you."

Jimin ended up in Minjeong's room as she had to change since Mrs Kim insisted that Jimin just change and borrow Minjeong's shirt when they saw her buttons up being wet after she tries to clean up.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Jimin asked when Minjeong was spacing out, sitting at the edge of her bed.

"You never told me about your suitors."

"My suitors?"

"You got marriage proposals."

"Oh. That. It's not important."

"You got them every month."

Jimin then kneels down in front of Minjeong and held her hands that were on her lap. 

"Did uncle tell you about this just now?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Again, it's not important."

"But I am your best friend."

"I only got to know about two proposals and after that I told my family to never bother telling me or asking me about it again as my answer will always be no. Also, I don't care about them nor do I want to know who tries to propose me."


"I didn't tell you because its really not important. I even forgot about it until you mentioned it."

"Why do people keep asking for your hands?" Minjeong asked while frowning.

"Don't know." Jimim shrugged.

"Why you rejected them all?"

"I don't like them."

"You know who they are?"


"Then how would you know that you wouldn't like them?"

"Oh. I know."


"I just know."

Minjeong then stands up and groaned in frustration.

"Okay. You said no to their marriage proposals. Then what about me?"

Jimin stands up as well and tilted her head.

"What about you?"

"Dad told me that he want us to get married within a year."

"Would you want that?"

"Well uh, if you're okay with it."



"I said okay."

"Do you really agree to marry me?"

"I wouldn't be here now if I don't."




"Why what?"

"Why do you agree?"

"Aren't you the one who asked me to marry you?"


"Then yeah."

"But why do you accept my proposal?"

"Why not?"

"So you will marry me? For real?"

"You promised to try to love me as more than just a best friend. That's enough reason for me to agree to marry you." 

Jimin stepped forward and wrapped her left arm around Minjeong's waist then Minjeong circled her arms around Jimin's neck naturally.

"We're best friends and I cherish you alot. I want to be with you for a very long time. I told you, I will never leave your side no matter what. I will follow you wherever you go."

Jimin then rubbed her thumb gently on Minjeong's soft cheek using her other free hand.

"And if marriage is what you want, I'll give it to you. I only want one thing from you in return, that is to love me as your wife and see me as your lover instead of your best friend. Like you've already known, I take marriage seriously."

"But then you'll have to do the same to me." Minjeong said.

"Oh, baby, I got you. Don't worry about it."

"Huh?" Minjeong was about to ask what does she meant but she got distracted when Jimin called her baby for the first time ever in their whole life.

"I'm baby now?"

"If I'm going to marry you, then yes. You will be my baby from now on."

"So yes? You will marry me right? You're not going to take back your words?"

Jimin chuckled and pecked Minjeong's forehead before hugging her. 

"Yes. I will marry you, Kim Minjeong." In this life, and another life, I would always want to marry just you. 










Yoo Mansion are filled with beautiful decorations and many close friends, relatives as well as important guests coming over to celebrate such an amazing event after a long time. It is Yoo Jimin's and Kim Minjeong's engagement party. There's Minjeong, wandering around while sipping her chocolate drinks. She's tired after greeting each and everyone with Jimin. She doesn't like to socialize, it's draining.

Jimin, being the sweetheart, telling Minjeong that she can go find her friends and enjoy rather than sticking with her to talk to all those important guests. So Minjeong thanked her for being understanding and excuses herself from the situation.

"Why aren't you with Jimin?"

Minjeong turned and sighed.


"Don't tell me you are tired already?" Ning laughed.

"I am. God, do I have to bear with this for my wedding too?" Minjeong asked.

"Oh. The wedding is going to be even more exhausting." Ning grinned.

"Right." Minjeong pouted.

"Where's Aeri?" Minjeong asked. 

"She's somewhere with the others."


"So, how do you feel?" Ning asked.

"Hm? How do I feel?"

"Yes. Now that you're engaged to your best friend by heart and soul." Ning smirked at her and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oh shut up. You will never let it go, don't you?"

"Of course! I remembered how confident you look when you said there's no way you're going to have something with Jimin." Ning chuckled.

"But look at you now, officially engaged with the said best friend." Ning added.

"You're annoying. Do you know that?"

"I know and I am proud of it." Ning laughed harder when Minjeong slapped her arm.

"I feel guilty, actually."

Ning stopped laughing and put her hand on Minjeong's shoulder, looking at her in concerned when Minjeong said that.

"Why? What happened?"

"Don't you feel like Jimin is being forced into marrying me just because I ask her? As much as I don't want to admit it but I know Jimin always try her best to cater me to whatever I want and need."

"So, you think she just agreed only because you asked?"

"Yeah." Minjeong nodded and pouted.

Ning smiled and shook her head, then she glanced at Jimin who were not too far away from them, talking to one of the guests professionally.

"Minjeong. Have you ever sit and think about it?" Ning asked.


"Since university, Jimin is always there for you."

"We're best friends, Ning."

"No, listen to me okay?"


"Jimin will always come to you whenever you call. Jimin will buy you anything if you ask for it. Jimin was there taking care of you last time when you were sick, she even skipped her class. Jimin protected you from all those mean girls that tries to hurt you. She scares all your suitors and never give anyone a chance at all. She even refused the offer to train more oversea regarding her family business just because you were crying your heart out by the thought of being apart from her."

"Yeah, she did all that. She's like the best, best friend I could ever have." 

Ning sighed and massaged her temple, slightly frustrated with Minjeong's oblivious self.

"Do you remember about your first date with your ex crush?"


"Yes. Do you remember everything that happened after that? The one that you told me."



Minjeong was smiling shyly at Jaehyun's compliment and thanked him for taking her out on a date. They were having a dinner at a restaurant and she asked Jimin, Ning and Aeri to follow her as she's scared since she can't trust the guy yet. They were sitting few tables away from her. At first, Minjeong started to enjoy Jaehyun's company but she frowned when she glanced at Jimin's direction to see her not looking at her at all.

"Do you want to go to another date?" Jaehyun asked.

Why does Jimin look empty? Minjeong thought.


"Huh? Yes?"

"I asked if you would like to go to another date next time?"

"Oh. I..." Minjeong got distracted again when Jimin suddenly hold her head and closed her eyes, looking unwell.

"I- I'm sorry. I have to go. Thank you, for this. I enjoyed it. I- Really sorry. Goodnight!" Minjeong got up and left without waiting for Jaehyun. She ran slightly to get to Jimin.

"Oh, you're done?" Ning asked but she ignored her and holds Jimin's shoulder.

"Jimin ah. Are you okay? You don't look fine." Minjeong asked and now pulled Jimin's hand to hold it with her two hands.

"I'm fine." Jimin answered in short.

"Are you done?" Jimin asked without emotion.

"Yeah. We can go home now."

"Hmm. Okay. Ning and Aeri will send you home."

"What about you?"

"I have to go somewhere first."

"Then I'll go with you." Minjeong said firmly and pouted at Jimin.

Jimin looked at both Aeri and Ning. They shrugged their shoulders and waited for her to say something. Jimin sighed.

"Okay. I'll take Minjeong with me guys." 

So, they all parted ways. Turned out, Jimin went to the pharmacy to buy some medicines and mineral water. Minjeong kept asking about how she was feeling the whole time, she even prevented Jimin to go back to her home and stayed with her instead. So Jimin ended up having a sleepover at Minjeong's place.

"Why didn't you tell me you were feeling unwell?" Minjeong asked after they all finished freshen up.

Jimin has already laying down on her bed, an arm on top of her eyes. 

"You insisted that I have to be there."

"Yes but I would have cancelled the date if I knew that you're unwell."

Jimin then removed her arm and looked at Minjeong who were sitting with her knees folded on the bed.

"Would you? Really?"

"Of course."

Jimin chuckled and reached out her hand.

"Come here."

Minjeong then quickly get under the blanket to snuggle into Jimin and hugged her comfortably. Jimin pulled her closer as she rubbed Minjeong's back.

"Did you enjoy the date?" Jimin asked.

"He's okay. He asked me for another date."

"Ah. Then?"

"I didn't give him an answer. I was worried about you earlier so I quickly left to check on you."

"Do you want to go to another date with him?"

"Hmm. I think it's okay not to go. I don't feel like going anymore. And this is nice."


"This, cuddling with you. It's really nice. You're warm." Minjeong mumbled and snuggled her face more into Jimin's neck, she sighed in content after smelling Jimin's scent.

"You smell good." Minjeong whispered.

"Jimin?" Minjeong called for her when Jimin wasn't saying anything.


"How's your headache?"

She doesn't hear an answer, but she felt Jimin tightening her hug on her.

"Better. I feel better now." Jimin whispered and gave Minjeong a quick kiss on her head.



Ning looked at Minjeong's blank face and flicked her forehead.

"Ouch. Hey!" Minjeong glared at her and rubbed her forehead.

"You seriously need help." Ning said and glared at her back.

"What help? Yah! That hurts you know." 

"What's going on?" Jimin finally came to them.

"Jimiiin. Ning just flicked my forehead." Minjeong whined cutely at Jimin and Jimin only looked at her fondly.

"She did?" Jimin asked, Minjeong nodded her head while pouting. 

Jimin chuckled and stepped closer to hold Minjeong's face as she blows on her forehead before kissing it gently.

"There you go." Jimin whispered and caressed Minjeong's adorable cheeks before smiling seeing how satisfied Minjeong looks right now.

"You know what? You're the annoying one here, Minjeong. Jimin, please don't spoil this baby too much." Ning said, rolling her eyes when Minjeong clicked her tongue and shoot a finger gun at her.

"It's okay. I love spoiling her." Jimin chuckled.

"Uh huh. I'm sure you do." Ning smirked and Jimin cleared .

"Oh! That's Aeri! Aeri yah!" Minjeong waved to call for Aeri's attention.

"Ladies. Hi." Aeri greeted them and put her arm around Ning's shoulder before smiling at Minjeong and Jimin.

"Congrats on your engagement. Like finally! I've been dreaming to see you two end up together." Aeri teased.

"Thank you, Aeri." Jimin smiled.

"Why does everyone seems obsessed with us? Is it because we are amazing?" Minjeong asked and turned her head at Jimin.

"Maybe." Jimin replied and smiled, feeling her heart's swell as she hold Minjeong's waist and having Minjeong looking at her with her pretty smile.

"So hopeless." Ning whispered only for her and Aeri to hear while Aeri just chuckled softly.










Minjeong have been spending her day at Jimin's office since she got nothing to do and she misses Jimin. Ever since they got engaged, Jimin got busier so she did not get to see Jimin often. Today, they finally will go out for a dinner together. Jimin asked her to wait for few minutes while she finishing some of important works. So, Minjeong just lay down on the couch and played with her phone. That is until she remembered about her conversation with Ning during her engagement party.

She called Ning to continue about the conversation as they wasn't a conclusion at all.

"And how may I help you, dear Yoo Jimin's fiancée?"

Minjeong rolled her eyes at Ning's playful tone.

"Are you busy?"

"Wouldn't answer the call if I was. I am not Jimin to be so whipped for you."

"Okay. So, what's the point of the whole conversation last time? I forgot to ask." Minjeong decided to ignore Ning's teasing.

"Which conversation?"

"The one at my engagement. You were asking about what happened after..." Minjeong paused to look at Jimin who was very focused working.

"Um, the date." Minjeong doesn't know why but she lowered her voice when she mentioned about the date.

"Oh. That."

"Yes. Why were you asking about if I remember it or not?"

"Well. You do remember right?"


"There's your answer."


"You said you feel guilty because you feel like Jimin is being forced to marry you. But try and think about it, Minjeong. Jimin would do anything for you. It's marriage we're talking about here. And we know Jimin. She wouldn't let herself be forced into doing something, especially something she takes seriously."


"Look. What happened after the date is a major hint to me. Jimin, that Yoo Jimin we know, your best friend and now your fiancee, she loves you. No- Before you say because you two are best friends, let me finish first. She loves you more than that. Okay? If you can't see the way she looks at you, the way her eyes light up when you're in her view then you're blind and we need to do something about your eyes, honey. Next, she never date anyone. She never entertain the idea of being in a relationship at all. She rejected all those suitors you said but she said yes to you right away. That's another biggest sign already."


"Hush! I am not finish yet. Pay attention to her, Minjeong. Maybe then you will realize the truth. Stop looking or trying to find someone else. Jimin have been there the whole time. That woman is madly in love with you, I can assure you that. I'm confident about it. I mean, if falling sick or getting headache seeing the love of your life going on a date with someone else is not the reason for being madly in love then I don't know what is."

Minjeong was speechless. She never even thought about the possibility of Jimin, her own best friend to fall in love with her. She never even dared to imagine if they were to be together. She always laugh it off whenever someone thought that they were together. She never think too much about it. All that she knows is that she likes having Jimin's company and that she wants her around, for a long long time.

"Minjeong, sweetie? Think about it, okay. I think it's really time to be serious with your relationship with Jimin. You both are engaged now too."

"I- Yeah. Um, I'll talk to you again later?"


Minjeong sighed and put down her phone on the couch before sitting up. She glanced at Jimin who were wearing her glasses while focusing on the files in front of her. She smiled seeing how soft Jimin looks like right now and how she is still looking attractive in her eyes. She wondered, if Jimin really sees her as more than just a best friend.


"Hmm?" Jimin hummed while signing something on the paper. She looked up at Minjeong when Minjeong haven't said anything else.

"Do you need anything?" Jimin asked.

Minjeong then stood up and approached her. 

"I want to sit here with you."

"Okay." Jimin was about to get up to take an extra chair for Minjeong but Minjeong stopped her.

"I want here, on your lap."

"Ah. Okay. Come here." Jimin smiled and fixed her position for Minjeong to sit on her lap comfortably.

Jimin wrapped her one arm around Minjeong's waist to support her and making sure she won't fall while Minjeong circling her arms around Jimin's neck. Minjeong tilted her head as she continues to observe Jimin's face. Jimin just proceed with signing some documents and letting Minjeong be while her thumbs rubbing Minjeong's side time to time.

This is normal for them. They always do this. They are this close with each other and Jimin doesn't mind any skinship that Minjeong would offered. Minjeong is clingy and she loves to cling onto Jimin whenever she can. Jimin would always let her get as close as she can be. The only person that Jimin let to freely invade her personal space.

"I'll be done soon. Wait for a little. Are you hungry already?" Jimin asked and glanced at her shortly.

"It's okay. I'm good since I'm here with you." Minjeong replied then give a soft massage on Jimin's neck.

"Hmm. That feels good." Jimin said.


"Not anymore, now that you're here." Jimin answered and Minjeong's heart skipped a beat but she just ignored the butterflies as she smiled at Jimin.

"Jimin. Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah? What is it?" Jimin put down her pen and gave her full attention right away.

"I- Jimin, are you in love with me?"

Jimin stopped breathing for a moment, she didn't expect Minjeong to ask her the question now. She wasn't prepared at all. However, the wave of emotions inside Minjeong's eyes trapped her and she knows she can't escape from this. Minjeong is asking. Minjeong wants an answer. Jimin is not one to ever deny Minjeong of what she wants. Whatever Minjeong wants, Jimin will always make sure she'll let Minjeong have it. That's how much deep she is into her.

"I am."










AAAA!! And I am so deep into Jiminjeong! Enjoy guys! 

As always, take care and love yall!



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0 points #1
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #2
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #3
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #4
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
721 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1188 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #7
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #8
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #9
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 146: that was so good omg