You're My First Mistake

Sooyoung grins and watches as Joohyun wallows in despair. She shakes her head in disapproval, watching Joohyun pace around her office is an experience she never wants to witness again. 


Joohyun looks like she's going through an existential crisis. Sooyoung wonders what actually goes through her mind at such times because the older girl is scared of Seungwan. Out of all people Son Seungwan!


Seungwan is anything but scary but Sooyoung doesn't blame Joohyun because Seungwan is a master when it comes to putting on a front. It gives Sooyoung a slight edge over others because she's on the small list of people who can immediately catch Seungwan in her act.


“Ceo Bae,” Sooyoung taps Joohyun's shoulder, scaring the older girl as she turns around to face Sooyoung like she has seen a ghost. “You're done with all of your meetings but because Ceo Son isn't in the office premises, you're in charge. So, you have to attend the meeting with the board of directors regarding the initial status of the merger.”


“She has been gone for the whole day and still hasn't returned. I am telling you your boss is a piece of . She lives to see me in misery,” Joohyun runs her hand through her hair massaging her forehead to ease out the headache that has been bothering her since the moment Seulgi dropped the call. “Wasn't one merger enough for that jerk!”


“Ceo Bae, the meeting will start in ten minutes. I hope you're done with your mental breakdown by then,” Sooyoung mumbles dryly as she rolls her eyes. 


She wonders how Kang Seulgi deals with her dramatic boss the whole day when after one day she just wants to pass out as soon as she gets home.


“You don't understand there is something evil cooking in Seungwan's mind for her to search up the old track records of our company and visit Aries Pharmaceuticals out of all companies,” Joohyun cries out loud as she covers her face with her palm.


Sooyoung squints her eyes to see the empty ring finger where there should be Joohyun's wedding band. She raises her brow before she shrugs and starts walking out of the room with Joohyun following her behind.


“If you don't mind, can I ask why you are so bothered by the thought of Ceo Son meeting up with Aries Pharmaceuticals,” Sooyoung asks, checking her watch as they make their way toward the elevator.


“Aries Pharmaceuticals was owned by Bae's too, it's not under us anymore but it used to be, it was owned by my uncle, Bae Donghae, he was dad's brother, we had a similar contract just without any merger after they became stable they terminated the contract, my dad wasn't too happy with that, you can say that we aren't very fond of each other,” Joohyun explains.


“Let's pretend that I understood all of that,” Sooyoung smiles as she presses the button. “We have to get to the conference room.”


“I don't wanna go. Chairman Son is scary,” Joohyun pouts. Her mind is occupied with all sorts of things, she wouldn't even manage to think straight until she gets her answers about her wife's sudden interest in a company that gave her some bitter memories.


“That, he is. But his presence is the reason you can't skip. Ceo Son is gonna be in a hot mess if she doesn't make it and if you end up skipping too. God knows what will happen!” Sooyoung replies as they step inside the elevator.


“Stop!” They hear a faint yell as the door closes but pay no attention to it.


“Looks like we have to take the stairs Seulgi-ssi,” Seungwan raises her shoulder with a teasing smile.


“But Joohyun said she doesn't smile,” Seulgi muttered under her breath as she focused on catching her breath.“I thought we will make it,” Seulgi pouted, tiredness evident on her face.


“If you manage to beat me to the eighteenth floor. I will give you the tickets to the art exhibition you wanted to visit,” Seungwan says, taking off her blazer, fixing her eyes on the stairs.


“How do you know?”


“Oh! I know a lot.” 


Seungwan winks, making a run for the stairs startling Seulgi. Seulgi blinks before she regains her senses running behind Seungwan too.


“I lost,” Seulgi mumbled, fixing her vest.


“I was kidding, you'll get the tickets at your cabin,” Seungwan giggles, wiping sweat from her forehead.


“Thank you so much, Ceo Son.” Seulgi smiled as Seungwan just shrugged fixing herself.


Joohyun rubs her eyes before she focuses again to see Seungwan with Seulgi and they are smiling. 


“Son Seungwan knows how to smile!” Joohyun widens her eyes as she watches the way Seungwan pats Seulgi's back.


“Kang Seulgi! Where were you?” Joohyun asks, grabbing Seulgi by her collar, making Seungwan shake her head as her eyes fall on the missing wedding band on Joohyun's finger.


“There they are,” Sooyoung breathes a sigh of relief, just happy that she isn't going to get questioned by Chairman Son about Seungwan's absence.


Seungwan walks past Joohyun and enters the room with Sooyoung first leaving a glaring Joohyun and Seulgi outside.


“Ceo Bae, we should go inside too, the meeting is about to start.” Seulgi smiles, avoiding Joohyun's piercing gaze as she leads her inside.




“Bae Joohyun,” Joohyun clicks her tongue as she stops on her steps when Chairman Son calls out for her.


“Ye–s, Chairman Son,” She makes a crying face looking at Seungwan who just looks away pretending to mind her own business.


“I was informed that your company has some shares in another company,” He says and Joohyun wonders if it's Seungwan's doing. “It's a breach of contract.”


“We indeed worked with them but as of right now I don't recall having any working relationship with them right now,” Joohyun replied in a firm voice as she tried to regain her composure.


“Ceo Bae, one of my directors, has seen some recent transactions,” He replied with a piercing gaze that scared Joohyun.


“I—I had no idea.”


“Is this how you're going to handle the company!”


Joohyun flinched when she heard him slamming the table with his hands. She gripped her hands under the table to hide her trembling hands.


“I'm sorry. I would look into the matter,” She muttered.


“I am the owner of those shares,” Seungwan announced as she approached Joohyun and stood infront of Joohyun.


“Can I ask why you have them?” Chairman Son questioned.


“Chairman Son, after some digging I found out that Bae used to work with them. Apparently, they still had some shares in that company so I bought them under my name,” Seungwan explains, keeping her eyes firmly on her grandfather.


“It is still a breach of contract,” He announced.


“It's not,” Seungwan replied nonchalantly.


“Joohyun had no idea because the contract was terminated by Aries Pharmaceuticals and during the process, some of the shares weren't processed,” Seungwan spoke up.


“Very well then, Ceo Son. You know how to defend your wife,” He smirks as he stands up to leave.


“I also have assigned Kim Yerim to handle the pacts under my name,” Seungwan says, clenching her fists under the table.


“I told you Yerim is not ready yet!” Joohyun flinches, hearing the old man lose his temper again.


“Seunghee unnie was trained when she was 18. I don't see the problem with Yerim doing her internship here,” Seungwan argues, standing on her point, she knew her grandfather wouldn't make Yerim a part of the family on his own, so she took the matters into her own hands.


“Seunghee was taught business when she was still in diapers, Yerim is nothing compared to her,” He reasons standing face to face with Seungwan, the latter refusing to look down.


“I thought I made myself clear when I said she will be working under me, not under the Son's or Bae's,” Seungwan asserts, holding her defence.


“Son Seungwan, you can't defy me…I can terminate your contract if I want.” 


Joohyun just stands there and watches the staring contest between the grandfather and granddaughter. She doesn't understand why her wife is going against Chairman Son just for a woman.


“Go ahead and do it,” Seungwan smirks, stepping closer “Terminate my contract and my 49% shares will walk out with me from here” She whispers, arrogance dripping from her voice.


Joohyun rolls her eyes because that's the Seungwan she knows. Joohyun doesn't know what Seungwan said to her grandfather but by the looks of it, she must have said something absurd for her grandfather's face to become this red.


“Let's see how far you can go with this attitude Seungwan,” He mutters angrily before he walks out.


Seungwan turns around to face Joohyun who blinks her eyelashes innocently. 


“You and your experience, both are useless,” Seungwan grabs her by her arm, shaking her. “He would have made a mockery out of your company if I didn't discover those shares!”


“I had no idea about them. Trust me," Joohyun reasoned.


Seungwan glares at her before she pushes her away. She turns around to release a deep breath that she was holding, and exhaustion hits her body. She slept late and some up early to do some research about her newest signing. Came to the office early to legalise some documents and then travelled to Daegu and back, she reached her limit after that argument with her grandfather.


Joohyun looked at her wife, whose back was facing her, shoulder slumped. Joohyun knew she was catching her breath, Seungwan used to do it a lot. She noticed it during their fights and when Seungwan would be working in their office room.


Joohyun sighs. Seungwan ended up saving her instead of taking revenge. She has a lot of questions in her mind but looking at their current state it's better to leave them for another day.


“Ceo Son and Ceo Bae, your car is ready.”


Seungwan walked ahead and took off her coat as they made their way toward the parking lot. Joohyun just followed her behind.


Both of them silently got into the car. Seungwan grabbed her tablet while Joohyun just rested her head on the window and kept looking outside.


Once they got home, Seungwan placed her laptop and tablet in their working room before she made her way to the bedroom. She tossed her blazer on a nearby rack and looked around the room, eyeing the bed for a moment before she sat on the couch.


She ed the first two buttons of her shirt and loosened up her cuffs, a small groan escaping from as she took off her shoes. 


When her back made contact with the couch another groan escaped from . She was used to sleeping with her facing the bed but she didn't want to deal with anything related to Joohyun so she covered her face with a pillow, and with her eyelids becoming heavy she fell asleep in no time.


Joohyun entered the room after freshening up, her eyes immediately falling on Seungwan's sleeping figure. Her gaze falls on some scratch marks on her arms, making her feel guilty.


It was an unspoken rule between them. After Seungwan ran away on their wedding night the tiredness got the better of her and she slept on the bed. She doesn't know how it started but on the second day of their marriage, Seungwan was already sleeping on the couch. Since both of them were still wary about the fight they thought it was better to get some distance especially when emotions were still running high.


Ever since then their sleeping arrangement has been like that. The couch is big enough to fit Seungwan but Joohyun wonders if it's as comfortable as the bed.


She looks at the beads of sweat on Seungwan's forehead and then looks at the air conditioner. “It's not yet,” She mumbles to herself, turning on the air conditioner before she walks out of the room, closing the lights.


Being so used to working until midnight Joohyun felt bizarre about spending her evening at home. She feels even odder about not fighting Seungwan today. It's a rare thing for them, they somehow manage to end the night with quarrelling.


“I still have some time before dinner so might as well check up on Seulgi,” She mumbles while dialling Seulgi's number.


“Hello! I was wondering if you were going to call me today,” Seulgi chirps happily from the other way too excited.


“Considering the stunt you pulled today, I had to call you,” Joohyun replied.


“Unnie you get paranoid so easily,” Seulgi hummed from the other side.


“Seulgi tell me honestly how did Seungwan know about our shares in Aries Pharmaceuticals?” Joohyun asked.


“Unnie, believe me. I have no idea. She showed up around 7 and stayed in her office for an hour then she came and grabbed me from my office, next thing I knew we were in Daegu but trust even I didn't know she was going to Aries Pharmaceuticals,” Seulgi explained and her tone was enough to tell Joohyun that she was telling the truth.


“So what was the purpose of dragging you along with her?” Joohyun sighed.


“I don't know, maybe she wanted you to panic,” Seulgi shrugged, going back to humming.


“You're surprisingly in a very pleasant mood for someone who was dragged to another city,” Joohyun pointed out.


“I am kind of shocked that she isn't that bad you make her out, to be honest, it was fun to work with her and she gave me the tickets to the art exhibition I wanted to go to for so long,” Seulgi chirped happily.


“So, that's why you two were smiling” Joohyun let her thoughts slip out.


“Someone was jealous,” Seulgi let out a scandalous giggle.


“Don't be ridiculous now!” Joohyun said feeling annoyed.


“So, did you find out the reason for her visit there?” Seulgi asked.


“You won't believe it,” Joohyun began as she started telling Seulgi about everything that went down in the conference room.


“Unnie, I think you should try to be reasonable with her, it has been 2 months since you two got married and fighting got you nowhere,” Seulgi said seriously after listening to Joohyun.


“You're telling me to work things out with her, that's impossible,” Joohyun reasoned.


“Unnie you wouldn't know unless you try,” Seulgi advised.


“It's easy for you to say Seulgi but it's hard for me. We can't even talk properly without fighting,” Joohyun sighed.


“Maybe don't talk, just let her know through your actions that you don't want to fight. Take it one step at a time and stop being an for once.”




“Don't even try to deny it unnie you're always looking for ways to irritate her, act like your age for once,” Seulgi scolded her.


Even though Joohyun was older than her, Seulgi wasn't afraid to show her tough side to the older girl when she needed some guidance.


They first met when Joohyun was appointed as a director and she was under Seulgi's care. The younger girl trained her to become a Ceo. After she took off from her father's place the first thing she did was make Seulgi the COO of her company.


Five years wasn't a long period but it was enough for them to befriend each other and get accustomed. Joohyun was glad she had someone like Seulgi who wasn't afraid to show her the right path even if it meant her going against Joohyun.


“I guess there is no harm in trying,” She mumbled to herself.


She didn't even realise it was time for dinner until Seulgi mentioned it. Suddenly a thought struck her.


“Did you two eat anything there?” She asked.


“I wasn't allowed in the meeting so I managed to get a meal but I am not sure about her because we had to leave for Seoul right away,” Seulgi answered feeling hungry as well.


“Are you going to cook for her?” Seulgi asked.


“I am not sure because she passed out as soon as we came, I don't think she will wake up,” Joohyun shrugged, hearing a stomach growling from the other side.


“Looks like you are hungry,” Joohyun giggled teasing Seulgi as both of them bid their farewell before ending the call.


“Might as well make some tteokbokki for myself,” She mumbled, making her way to the kitchen.




Seungwan woke up with a parched throat and her head hurting like it was pierced by a hammer. She tried to get up but immediately sat down after feeling dizzy and her knees going weak.


She looks at her shirt to see it is drenched in sweat, she looks around to see the air conditioner on, the only source of light in the room was the light coming from the bedside lamp.


“Maybe a cold shower will help,” She mumbled to herself gathering some strength to stand up. Bearing the dizziness she managed to get some clothes out of the closet before she went to freshen up.


Joohyun decided to wake the younger girl up after she was done cooking dinner. She went upstairs to wake up her wife but she was nowhere to be seen. 


She saw the pillow that was on the floor and picked it up when she saw some wet spots on the pillow. Raising her brows she looked at the discarded clothes near the bathroom entrance.


“She is sweating like crazy. Does she have a fever?” She thought, picking up the clothes from the floor and placing them inside the laundry basket.


Despite their differences, both of them were very civil when it came to doing house chores with Joohyun being in charge of the laundry and Seungwan usually sticking to the cooking.


Seungwan grits her teeth, still feeling the sharp pain in her head. The cold shower soothed her pain for some time but it still wasn't enough to make the pain disappear. She wanted nothing but to pass out but the grumbling of her stomach told her otherwise.


“Please no fighting tonight,” She mumbles drying her hair because she can barely manage to walk a step. There is no way her body has enough energy to indulge in another fight with Joohyun.


Just thinking about making dinner makes her upset. She can hardly keep her eyes open at the moment and Joohyun surely isn't nice enough to cook something for her when she barely cooks for herself.


She walks out of the bathroom and makes her way to the couch when another episode of dizziness hits her, she sits down on the edge of the bed, holding her throbbing head. Her eyelids became heavier with each second.


Joohyun opens the door to see the younger girl passed out on the edge of the bed. She walked towards her and pressed the back of her hand against her forehead.


“She's burning?” Joohyun exclaimed, immediately drawing back her hand to see beads of sweat forming on the latter's forehead again.


“Seungwan…Seungwan” She tapped her shoulder lightly but all she got in return was some incoherent mutters from the younger girl. 


“Leave me alone!” Seungwan mumbles, swatting her hand away.


Joohyun sighed, removing the slippers from her feet before shifting her to the middle of the bed. She fixed the comforter bringing it over her shoulders subconsciously patting her head.


She stared at the sleeping girl who nuzzled closer to the pillow. Joohyun stared at the space beside Seungwan for a few moments before she grabbed a spare pillow from the bed and made her way to the couch.


It didn't seem right for her to sleep beside Seungwan in such a state. If the younger girl can respect her personal space maybe she can do it too.




Seungwan grunted, bringing her hands up to block the light that was piercing her eyes. The throbbing pain in her head wasn't fully gone but it was way less than what she was experiencing last night.


She opened her eyes, slowly getting used to the light in the room. She instantly got up when she saw the couch in her vision. Looking to her side she found herself laying on the bed.


“Ugh…when did I sleep here?” She mumbled to herself massaging her temple. The image of her feeling dizzy and sitting on the bed popped into her mind. The realisation hit her. She must have passed out on the bed before she got to the couch.


Rubbing her eyes she looked around the room searching for any signs of Joohyun. There was an unfamiliar pillow and a comforter on the couch folded neatly. 


Grabbing her phone, she checked the time and sighed “It's already ten, I must've forgotten to set an alarm for today.”


Seungwan plopped down back on the bed and closed her eyes to get some more sleep. She was late anyway. Might as well get some well-needed sleep.


Joohyun had woken up early as usual. But instead of going to the office, she stayed at home to keep an eye on Seungwan.


She got a good scolding from her mother that she wasn't taking good care of her wife after she blurted out about Seungwan having a fever to her mother.


She spent her entire morning getting rebuked by her mother as she cooked breakfast for Seungwan according to her instructions.


Joohyun walked upstairs with a tray in her hand. She stepped inside the room and placed the tray on the table.


Joohyun huffed and massaged her back. “She sleeps on that couch like it's made of clouds, maybe it's rough only for me,” She complained to herself a pout appearing on her face.


Joohyun woke up with an aching back, making a mental note to maybe get a couch with a softer mattress or somehow convince Seungwan to sleep on the bed. She isn't that bad to let someone sleep on that couch especially after knowing how uncomfortable it is.


Joohyun's eyes landed on the sleeping figure on the bed. It seemed like Seungwan was having a good sleep on the bed.


The younger girl's face was buried inside the comforter with only a small part of her head peeking out.


“Hey, Seungwan, wake up,” She mumbled, shaking Seungwan's sleeping figure on the bed.


Seungwan slowly opened her eyes upon hearing a voice. She blinked several times before her eyes focused on Joohyun's face and she let out a groan.


“Great, the first thing I had to see was your face. My whole day is ruined now!” Seungwan muttered as she changed sides, her back now facing Joohyun's front.


“You jerk! I—never mind,” Joohyun clenched her fists and calmed herself down. “Get up and eat. I have a meeting in an hour,” Joohyun mumbles, rolling her eyes.


“I am not hungry,” Seungwan retorted.


“Seungwan! Don't make this more difficult for me,” Joohyun ordered, as annoyance was present in her voice.


“No! N.O,” Seungwan mumbled pettily as she hugged the pillow tightly.


“I. Said. Eat,” Joohyun groaned.


“Make me,” Seungwan teased as she turned around to face Joohyun.


The next moments happened so fast. One moment, Joohyun was glaring at Seungwan. Then the next moment, Seungwan was pressed against with headboard with Joohyun sitting on top of her.


Seungwan's eyes widened as she realised the position they were in. Her hands were pinned against the headboard and she was trapped by Joohyun.


“Get—off me,” Seungwan stuttered.


“Look at you. So, powerless and trapped. I like this,” Joohyun whispered with a smirk resting on her face.


“Joohyun, I am sick,” Seungwan reasoned as she tried to break free from Joohyun's hold.


“You know people at the office think we do married couple activities at night. I am thinking of giving them a show,” Joohyun whispers, her voice becoming deeper.


“I would rather eat poison than indulge in baby-making activities with you,” Seungwan replied, feeling absurd at such a revelation. “Whoever comes to such conclusions!”


“I know right,” Joohyun trails off as she grabs a bowl of soup. “Now, be a good girl and eat,” That seems to do the trick because Seungwan opens and lets Joohyun feed her.


It's only after Seungwan finishes her food that she realises what Joohyun did.


“You !” Seungwan widens her eyes as Joohyun gives her a victory smirk and gets off her.


“If you wanted me to sit on your lap and feed you. Just ask,” Joohyun winks as she walks over to the closet to grab some clothes. Leaving a boiling and flushed Seungwan on the bed registering the events that occurred.




A week passed and everything went back to normal. By normal, it meant Seungwan was no longer avoiding Joohyun and they were back to their fighting ways but their fighting was more like bickering.


Both of them also became busy with work. Seungwan was busy with her project with Jung Co. Joohyun was preparing for a lot of meetings. So, they barely got any chance to see each other.


Joohyun was walking back from the conference room to see Sooyoung more nervous than usual. 


“Sooyoung-ssi is everything alright? You seem really out of it.” She asked, placing her hand on her shoulders.


“Oh, it's just the arrival of the intern Kim Yerim making me nervous. Ceo Son was very strict about making perfect arrangements for her,” Sooyoung replied.


“Kim Yerim,” Joohyun mumbled. “Wasn't she the girl whom Seungwan was fighting with Chairman Son for?” She thought as she nodded to whatever Sooyoung was saying.


“Sorry for ranting to you. What are you doing here Ceo Bae?” Sooyoung apologised after she realised she was babbling all her worries to Joohyun.


“Have you seen Seungwan?” Joohyun asked, raising her brows at the closed lights of Seungwan's office.


“Ceo Son went out for a business meeting with Park Jimin regarding his upcoming projects,” Sooyoung told to which Joohyun nodded.


Joohyun turned around and started walking back to her office thinking about the girl Seungwan is so concerned about. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realise that she bumped into someone making their things fall.


“Oh my god!” The girl exclaimed immediately, bowing in an apology.


“Are you alright?” Joohyun asked, kneeling to help the girl gather her things.


“No worries. I should have paid attention to where I was going,” The girl said with a smile, taking her things from Joohyun.


“Sorry for holding you up. You must be in a hurry,” The girl bowed again, hugging her things close to her chest.


“It's fine, be careful from now on,” She said with a small smile entering her office. 


“Seulgi-ah,” She called out and then realised that she sent Seulgi out for some work of her own. “I'll just do this then,” She mumbled and started typing on her laptop.


Once she was done, she thought that maybe it'll take Seulgi some time so she decided to get some files from the storage room herself.


She was looking around the shelves to find the file she wanted when she heard the door close on its own.


“I see you're finally alone,” Joohyun turned around to see a man standing in front of the door. Judging by his attire she was sure that he was an employee there.


“Do you need something?” She asked as she grabbed the file she was looking for.


“Yes,” He replied as he walked toward her. “You,” Joohyun blinked as she saw him the buttons of his shirt. She cursed mentally and looked toward the door behind him.


“Excuse me,” She took a step back as she finally got the hang of his intentions. “Such things can get you in jail,” She added as he kept walking forward.


“I see you're not wearing your wedding ring Boss,” He smirked watching Joohyun take steps backward. “I guess you realised she isn't worthy enough to have you anymore.”


“Halt your steps,” Joohyun ordered as her back collided against the wall. 


“You have nowhere to go. No one is going to save you,” He teased as he approached Joohyun and pinned her forcefully against the wall.




“Be quiet.”


“Someone Help!”


“I said shut up.”


He pushed Joohyun to the floor before he crouched next to her. He cupped her jaw and forced her to look into her eyes.


“I am getting excited just by thinking about your screams.”


“Me too. !”




Seungwan passed her belongings to Sooyoung as they walked toward their office.


“Ceo Bae was looking for you,” Sooyoung suddenly spoke.


“I wanted to discuss some things with her too,” Seungwan blurted. “Where is she?”


“I saw her in her cabin,” Sooyoung replied.


Seungwan nodded and walked over to Joohyun's office to see it empty. She looked around to search for the older girl.


“Have you seen Ceo Bae?” She asked one of the janitors.


“I saw her heading toward the storage room,” He replied. Seungwan blurted a quick thanks before she walked toward the storage room.


She raised her brow seeing the door closed thinking that Joohyun left. She turned around to leave but then halted on her steps thinking maybe Joohyun had accidentally closed the door.


She walked inside to see Joohyun with a man.


“I see you're not wearing your wedding ring Boss.”


“I guess you realised she isn't worthy enough to have you anymore.”


“I am getting excited just by thinking about your screams.”


“Me too. !”


Seungwan didn't even think twice and before she knew what she was doing she raised her hand in the air knocking out the guy with a punch straight to her jaw. She hit him again and again until he fell to the floor with a thud.


“What did you say? Say it again!” Seungwan shouted, jerking the man by his collar. She hit him again, making him bleed from his nose.




Seungwan got up and was about to kick him when Joohyun came from behind and hugged her stopping her from killing that man as some people barged into the room after hearing the shouts.


“Call the police and report this for attempted ual assault!” Seungwan shouted as she dragged Joohyun outside the room. Seungwan sighed as they stepped inside the elevator and saw how shaken Joohyun looked.


Seungwan cursed herself mentally for losing control because she knew if her grandfather finds out about this, he's gonna have a field day. But she wasn't going to just sit back and watch when her wife was on the verge of getting molested.


“Why were you ing there?” She shouted, making Joohyun flinch.


“I—was getting some files,” Joohyun stuttered as she trembled. “Seulgi wasn't available so I thought I'll get them on my own.”


“You could've asked someone to do it for you,” Seungwan cursed herself mentally for screaming at her when she must be shaken up already.“I was gone for some hours and some already had the nerve to do that.” Seungwan mumbled, still enraged.


She took off her coat and draped it around Joohyun's trembling shoulders. Joohyun lurched forward and threw her arms around her, still shaking. Seungwan clenched her fists as she didn't know what to do to comfort her. It made her tremble when Joohyun started to sob. She sighed and took deep breaths to calm herself down. It wasn't the time to let her anger get the best of her.


So, she raised her hands with hesitation and wrapped one around Joohyun's waist and used the other to press Joohyun's head against her shoulder before she started to caress the back of Joohyun's head.


“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take off my ring. I was angry. It was my fault that he saw it as an opportunity to assault me,” Joohyun whimpered with tears drenching Seungwan's shoulder.


“It wasn't your fault. You wouldn't have known his intentions. It was his fault. His actions were monstrous,” Seungwan whispered as she kept Joohyun's hair. “Never blame yourself for things like this.”


Seungwan's face flushed with anger. It made her furious that her wife, the Ceo of the company, wasn't even safe in her own working environment. She shouldn't feel so agitated for someone who she doesn't get along with but Joohyun's name is attached next to her, Joohyun's dignity is her own dignity. 


“Calm down Joohyun,” She whispered softly. “You're safe with me.” She could feel Joohyun still shaking in her arms and it was breaking something inside her. She kept caressing Joohyun's head, resting her own against her cheeks. “Breathe with me, okay.”


“I don't know what would've happened if you weren't there,” Joohyun sniffed as she tightened her hold around Seungwan, following the latters breathing pattern to calm herself down.


“You're safe now Joohyun,” Seungwan whispered as she broke the hug and cupped Joohyun's tear-stained face. She wiped away the remaining tears and offered a smile. “I was there to protect you. Nothing will happen as long as I am here.”


Joohyun looked up, her eyes still filled with tears but her gaze was fixed on Seungwan while her gentle thumb dabbed away all the tears from her face.


“Jeez!” Seungwan looks towards the door to see Yerim standing in front of it with a smirk on her face. “Couples these days.”


Seungwan grabbed Joohyun's hand as she followed Yerim out of the elevator to her office cabin.


“Yerim-ah it's not like that,” Seungwan whined. Joohyun immediately excused herself so she could fix herself properly.


“Unnie, I totally support you and your wife making out in the elevator just not when there are people in the office,” Yerim giggled, stopping on her steps abruptly.


“You still haven't introduced me to your wife although I must say she's beautiful,” Yerim confessed.


“Don't get sidetracked by that face, she's a menace,” Seungwan warned.


“We love some lovers quarrel,” Seungwan rolled her eyes admitting her defeat.


“I missed you,” Seungwan wrapped her arms around her, pulling her in for a bone-crushing hug.


“I missed you too unnie, it was lonely without you,” Yerim let out a sigh of relief feeling herself melt in Seungwan's embrace.


“I won't let them take you away from me anymore,” Seungwan whispered.


“I know, thank you for always fighting for me unnie,” Yerim smiled believing every single word because her Seungwan unnie has fulfilled every single promise she has ever made.


“Thank you for trusting me,” Seungwan pulls away with a smile.


“No unnie thank you for always trusting me even now,” Yerim replies pressing her lips on her cheeks giving her a peck.


“Joohyun unnie!” Joohyun turned around to see both Seulgi and Sooyoung looking at her worriedly.


“I heard about what happened to you,” Seulgi said worriedly as she engulfed Joohyun in a hug.


“Are you alright?” Sooyoung asked.


“I am fine,” Joohyun sighed as she wiped her face with a paper towel. “Seungwan managed to get there on time to save me.”


“What did she do?” Seulgi asked.


“If I didn't stop her she would've killed him. His blood was splattered everywhere,” Joohyun muttered. “She must've gotten bruises on her hand. I should grab a first aid kit for her.”


“I heard Seungwan unnie reported him to the police. He's gonna get blacklisted,” Sooyoung muttered to which Joohyun nodded.


“I didn't know she had it in her,” Joohyun mumbled as she recalled Seungwan beating that guy like he was a ragdoll.


“Seungwan unnie doesn't let her anger get the best of her. She must've lost her mind if she left that guy battered and bruised,” Sooyoung gulped with worry.


“I am just glad you're safe,” Seulgi whispered as they made their way toward Seungwan's cabin.


“Ceo Son,” Sooyoung comes inside, eyes apologising for interrupting them. “The guide you asked me to prepare for Miss Yerim is done.”


“Unnie can you stop with Miss Yerim,” Yerim whines, immediately clinging to Sooyoung's arms.


“It's the policies Yerim-ah you'll get used to it,” Sooyoung smiles ruffling her hair.


Sooyoung hugs Yerim as she faces Seungwan. “Are you fine?” She asked.


Seungwan just blinked, assuring her that she was fine. Sooyoung's eyes travelled to Seungwan's bruised knuckles. Joohyun was right about getting a first aid kit.


“Let's go and get started then,” Yerim excitedly opens the door to see Joohyun standing on the other side. She recognized the girl in the elevators after bumping into her in the morning.


“You must be Ceo Bae,” Yerim bows.


“There is no need for this,” Joohyun stops her.


“Wow! It's my first time seeing unnie's wife,” Yeri exclaims.


“You're Seungwan's”—“I am her half-sis”—“She's my little sister”


“It's nice to meet you Yerim-ssi I hope we can get along,” Joohyun smiles, extending her hand for a handshake.


“Can I call you unnie?” Yerim asks with hesitation.


“You can call me anything you're comfortable with,” Joohyun replies softly, making the younger girl smile.


“I will see you later unnie,” Yerim waves to both of them before she leaves with Sooyoung leaving both of them alone.


Joohyun steps inside Seungwan's office as the younger girl sighs. She watches as Seungwan takes out a box from her pocket and opens it revealing the wedding band she took off.


“I was going to ask you about this,” Seungwan sighed as she placed the box on Joohyun's palm.


“I was going to wear it back—” Joohyun mumbled in an urgency to defend herself when Seungwan sat beside her and stopped her.


“I don't care if you wear this or not Joohyun. It doesn't harm me. But people won't like the fact that you aren't wearing this. You know where I am coming from,” Seungwan grabbed the ring and slid the wedding band onto her finger.


“You can take this off when we're home but not when we're outside. I would appreciate that” Seungwan finished as she looked down.


Joohyun grabbed the latter's hand to see bruises on her knuckles. “You went overboard with the beating. Look at your hands,” Joohyun commented.


“If you hadn't stopped me, he was going to end up with more than just a broken nose,” Seungwan chuckled.


“Still, you got hurt because of me,” Joohyun pouted, fingers caressing the small cuts on Seungwan's knuckles. 


“It's fine,” Seungwan raised her shoulders as she smirked. “People will think we were doing married couple things again.”


Joohyun burst into a fit of giggles as she slapped Seungwan's shoulder slightly.


“I ordered some food. It'll be better if you eat some,” Seungwan muttered.


“I would appreciate that,” Joohyun replied.


“Being responsible for you was my third mistake.”


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Chapter 17: I need more sweet family stories like this about wenrene 😚🙏🏻
Seungwanniepuppy #2
Chapter 17: Thank you for this epilogue!!!!
Seungwanniepuppy #3
Chapter 7: Woah!!! So Jennie Kim is the ex and her hearing Seungwan defending Joohyun from the directors should made her mad or something. I hate what i have in mind but i hope and pretty sure the foundation of relation J and S building will be strong enough that they can survive any storm coming their way. long way to read but this is such a good story.

Really love the progress of both characters
ShonshineBae #4
Chapter 17: This will always be one of my favorite fics of wenrene. This story really conveys lots of emotions and somehow depicts that despite all the struggles and life's challenges if you choose to love each other unconditionally then you will be able to handle everything. I hope to read more stories from you author but please don't let the ending be angst. 🥺Wentokkis have been through alot. My wenrene heart can't handle it.

I applaud you for your hardwork 👏 Thank you for giving is this gift to be able to read such a masterpiece created by your amazing mind. I hope for your good health always.
ShonshineBae #5
Chapter 13: Re-reading this again. This is really so good authornim. I felt the roller coaster ride of emotions. I know a great writer must gave the emotions of the story to the readers and you did all that. I am rooting for you always authornim. And please continue to write wenrene stories.
Chapter 17: Thanks for the story author-nim,
bless yaa
Chapter 17: such a heart warming epilogue to wrap up the story. the character development of seungwan and joohyun was so satisfying to see. i was surprised that seungwan didn’t loose her cool at all while joohyun was pregnant for a year. joohyun really tested her patience and i feel like that experience also made her a better mother. their daughter is so cute and loved (winrina side story with minjeong and jimin perhaps ?🤧)

thank you for writing this!
1703 streak #8
Chapter 17: We're here from first chapter and now at epilogue... What a journey, thank you for sharing this story
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 17: Awwww thank u! Such a warm epilogue
Frozen_J #10
Chapter 17: Awwww thank u! Such a warm epilogue