You're My First Mistake

Seungwan walked toward the bed carefully with Joohyun in her arms. She sat on the bed before she carefully placed Joohyun's body on the soft mattress. She laid beside her and rested her head on her elbow, staring at her.


Her face was filled with warmth, the tips of her ears red, and blush still evident on her face. She sat on that bathroom floor with Joohyun passed out on her lap pondering over the fact that she had to change Joohyun's clothes.


Her mind was still in a haze because of all the kisses and marks Joohyun gave her in her drunken state. She couldn't imagine herself undressing her drenched wife and changing her clothes.


She had to collect herself fast because she couldn't let Joohyun get cold due to staying in wet clothes for long. She had gotten up and proceeded to take Joohyun in her arms, making her sit on the counter before she rushed outside to grab clothes for both of them.


She changed into a fresh pair of clothes before she moved towards Joohyun. “I shouldn't be nervous, it's not like I am committing a crime,” She mumbled to herself and looked at Joohyun's face.


It gave her an idea because she was a woman of principles. She kept her eyes on Joohyun's face the whole time she undressed her and changed her clothes. She then tossed their clothes into the laundry basket before she lifted Joohyun in her arms.


She caressed the wet locks of Joohyun's hair, patting her head gently, looking at her like she was the most precious thing in the entire world. 


She ignored the alarms that were going off in her head and leaned down pressing her lips against Joohyun's forehead.


“Do you think it's easy for me to not fall for you Joohyun?”


She had to come to terms with herself and her emotions. She was falling for Joohyun and she was scared. She was supposed to be mean, unbothered, and ignorant toward their marriage and Joohyun. She thought her heart wasn't capable of falling for someone then came Joohyun.


She sighed and wrapped her arms around Joohyun's waist, pulling her close until their bodies were moulded together. She let Joohyun's scent guide her to sleep.




Joohyun lifted her head and opened her eyes, feeling a throbbing pain in her head. It was the good old hangover headache that was killing her.


She opened to let out groans when her lips met with the warm skin of Seungwan's neck. She closed and let her nose take in Seungwan's scent which distracted her from the throbbing headache.


She lifted her hands that were resting on Seungwan's chest and wrapped them around her waist. She could see that it was pitch black outside meaning it was still night.


She lowered her gaze to see purple marks on Seungwan's neck. It made her gulp because knowing Seungwan, she wouldn't be getting them from someone else. It had to be her and it left her wondering what else she did in her drunken state.


She closed her eyes recollecting her memories. She trembled, realising the actions that lead to her giving Seungwan not one but multiple marks all over her neck. 


It hit her that she had kissed Seungwan in the shower with water drenching both of them. It meant that Seungwan had changed her clothes.


She lifted the duvet and looked down to see that she was dressed in Seungwan's clothes. Seungwan could've left her in those drenched clothes but she took it upon herself and made sure that she was changed into warm clothes. 


She didn't feel uncomfortable, instead, she felt her chest blooming with endearment for the younger girl. She trusted Seungwan with herself. She couldn't help but admire Seungwan's patience in taking care of her in her drunken state.


“I see you no matter where I look, you're always there, in my heart…You make it so difficult for me to not fall for you.”


She closed her eyes and squeezed Seungwan's waist gently with her hands, snuggling closer to her by tangling their legs together. She falls asleep knowing Seungwan will be there in the morning.




“You're really good at avoiding,” Joohyun lifted her head to see Jennie leaning against the door frame of her cabin with a smile.


“You're working here?” She asked avoiding Jennie's eyes because every time she looked at her it made her remember that night, the night she badly wanted to remove from her memories, it reminded her that she had betrayed Seungwan even when she didn't deserve it.


“You're not even going to welcome me or ask me how am I doing?” Jennie muttered as she walked over and sat opposite her.


“Jennie—don't make this difficult,” She breathed out. “Why are you here?” She asked with a heavy heart.


“Chief Operating Officer of Kim Security,” Jennie showed her ID card and then leaned back on the chair. “I have been appointed to lead the cyber security team and keep an eye on finances.”


“You knew I was here and still you didn't even bother asking me?” She demanded, angry because just when she thought everything was on the right track, her past had to come in the way.


“I couldn't, Joohyun, I couldn't bring myself to face you after that night, my conscience didn't allow me to contact you,” Jennie answered with a sigh. “Good thing, you blocked me.”


“You mean you—”


“I hate myself for my actions that night. It wasn't me it was the alcohol but it still doesn't justify my actions. I felt so ashamed that I did that to you and her.”


“Well, at least, both of us know that everything that happened that night was a mistake, a terrible one,” She sighed, knowing that there was no point in crying over spilled milk.


“Your wife,” Jennie spoke up, the punch Seungwan threw still lingering in her mind, the scene of her standing up for Joohyun touched her heart.


“What about her?” She questioned, suddenly her guard was up, ready to defend Seungwan if anything negative escaped from Jennie's mouth.


“She's nice, definitely someone who values you and respects you. In my eyes, she's a keeper,” Jennie mumbled.


“Did she do something?” Joohyun asked with a smile resting on her lips after hearing compliments for Seungwan.


“She punched one of the board directors because he insulted you,” Jennie told.


“So, she was angry that day because of him,” She nodded remembering how flushed Seungwan was in anger. “Can you tell me the whole thing?”


Jennie explained everything that she witnessed during the meeting, telling Joohyun details that were even unknown to her as the Ceo of the company.


“She's doing it for me! She was indeed serious!” She exclaimed, thinking how she had shrugged when Seungwan mentioned making some changes in the contract for her.


“Was she not serious before? Did something happen?” Jennie inquiried.


“We had a bumpy start because we had our fair share of differences but we're working on things,” She mumbled and stood up realising it was almost time to join Seungwan for lunch.


“Joohyun, are we good now?” Jennie asked with a little hope.


Joohyun nodded and remembered the scene she had witnessed the day before. “How have you been?” She asked.


“I have someone who makes me happy and takes care of me,” Jennie answered with a smile


“I am happy for you Jen.”




“Ceo Son is in a meeting, she'll arrive soon,” Sooyoung informed her as she stepped inside Seungwan's office.


She was about to sit down and set the table when Seulgi came inside with shock written all over her face.


“Unnie! I think I saw someone I shouldn't have,” Seulgi exclaimed in horror.


“Are you talking about Jennie?” She asked.


“It means you have seen her already,” Seulgi quaked.


“I talked to her too,” She replied nonchalantly.


“Unnie, this is not good,” Seulgi muttered.


“I don't understand,” She asked, confused.


“You're meeting with your ex and you see nothing wrong with it,” Seulgi elaborated.


“It would be wrong if we had something going on and this is not the case,” She shrugged.


“Unnie, it is wrong and if Seungwan finds out you know it won't end on a good note,” Seulgi reasoned.


“I won't let her find out,” She muttered. “! I hope I didn't say something about seeing her yesterday to Seungwan or she'll figure out that I got drunk because of her.” She shared.


“You're making a mistake here. Imagine her knowing that you had gotten drunk over your ex, she'll think you still have some lingering feelings,” Seulgi explained, clearly worried.


She opened to answer but her eyes widened when she saw Seungwan standing behind Seulgi with that furious gaze that meant that Seungwan had heard some part of their conversation.


“I thought I must've hurt you for you to get drunk last night,” Seungwan muttered, gritting her teeth in pure anger.


Seulgi flinched and turned around to see Seungwan standing right there. She looked toward Joohyun who eyed her to leave. Seulgi immediately rushed outside leaving both of them alone.


“I wanted to talk about the previous night,” She approached Seungwan but the latter jerked her hand away. It scared Joohyun because Seungwan had the same fire in her eyes she had during their wedding night.


“Is there something left to talk about?” Seungwan let out a bitter chuckle and stepped away from Joohyun, directing a glare toward her.


“You need to calm down Seungwan,” She called out and stopped approaching Seungwan when she realised that it would be better to give her some space to resolve her anger. “I'm sorry because I haven't been transparent to you. I shouldn't have gotten drunk just because I saw my ex.”


“You think I care if you get drunk or not,” Seungwan muttered, clenching her fists. “It baffles me that you had a wife waiting for you at home and you were there in that bar crying over your ex.” 


“Seungwan, I wasn't upset because of that,” She tried to reason but it was too late because Seungwan had already concluded.


“You were drunk that night, weren't you?” Seungwan asked coldly. “You saw your ex and it reminded you of the blissful memories of the night you spent with her and it made you sad because I can't give that to you.”


“Seungwan, it's not—”


“You saw me as nothing but a ing rebound last night. I don't do like that especially not when my wife is getting drunk and is still stuck up on her ing ex!”


She bit her lower lip, not knowing what to do because Seungwan's arguments were valid and she deserved to be angry with her. She was careless that night and she's being careless again. She wants to tell Seungwan that it's nothing like that but Seungwan needs some time to cool herself or else her explanations will go in vain.


“You need to calm down, Seungwan,” She stopped on her steps showing Seungwan that she wasn't coming near her.


“You can't expect me to stay calm when it's ing hurting right here!” Seungwan said, finger pointing toward her heart. “You can't keep doing this to me again and again. It's tiring for me to find out how my soon-to-be wife was sleeping around the night before her wedding through a letter and now she's getting wasted because she yearns for arms that don't belong to me,” Seungwan added as she opened the door.


“Letters?” She grabbed Seungwan's arms and stopped her from leaving.


“You don't know? That's how I found out about you spending a blissful night a day before your wedding.” Seungwan said, jerking her hand away.


“Seungwan, just listen to me—”


“Joohyun, you're so selfish,” Seungwan said in a low voice, clenching her jaw tightly. “I am a person with feelings as well, you think it doesn't make me angry, your actions on our wedding night still make me angry, and now you have reduced me to being your rebound.”


“It's not like that. I told you that I wanted to give us a chance. You'll never be a rebound to me, Seungwan, trust me.”


“It's pathetic, that I am not even a rebound for you, then what are we? It's better if we stay away from each other for some time”


She watched with tears in her eyes as Seungwan spared her one last glance before she left her alone in the office.




Seungwan clenched her jaw, her fight with Joohyun still fresh in her mind, eyes fixed on the screen that was showing her a path to Joohyun's demise.


“Unnie, that's 5 billion won!” Yerim exclaimed, showing her the reports from the investigation she asked for.


“Did you find any source?” She questioned. She was already furious and now she was fuming.


“No, just the amount,” Yerim answered.


She closed her eyes, thinking about the possibility of something she feared for some moments. She snapped her neck, getting the idea she needed, and grabbed the laptop from Yerim and started typing on it.


“I knew it,” Seungwan clenched her jaw, turning around the screen to show it to Yerim. It all made sense to her and now everything was crystal clear.


“These are the recent investments in our company's hotel chain,” Yerim mumbled. “What does it have to do with this issue?” Yerim asked, confused.


“Notice the transactions taken from the Bae's shares and the investments in Son's account match,” She explained. 


Yerim gasped, understanding what She meant. “Unnie you're telling me, Chairman Son is the one swindling Bae's money!” Yerim exclaimed, eyes opening wide in horror as she nodded.


“It's not only him.” She furrowed her brows as she clicked on the details of the account “It's a joint account.” She concluded.


“Unnie! This is huge, the Bae's can sue us and it'll mean bankruptcy for both companies.” Yerim muttered, releasing a huge sigh.


“Yerim! This joint account is owned by a Bae!” She revealed scrolling through the details of the joint bank account. Just when she thought it was all vivid, she was hit with a wave of uncertainty.


“This is frustrating!” Yerim massaged her head, closing her eyes shut, feeling the headache creeping in.


“This merger is a two-way sword. If the Bae's will use it'll end up terminating the contract and it'll trigger the clause making Bae's pay 75% of the profit basically making them bankrupt because if Son Creations is sued by then they'll be bankrupt already we can't give them money.” She muttered staring at the screen of her laptop.


“What are we going to do?” Yerim asked.


“We can't tell the Bae's. We need to find the Bae that is backstabbing them.” She announced.


“Unnie if this keeps going, it's not going to end well for Bae's,” Yerim mumbled. 


“Who said we'll allow them to swindle any more money?” She replied, raising her brows.


Yerim sat there confused for a few moments before her jaw fell wide open and she stared at Seungwan with utter shock.


“Unnie you're not thinking what I think you're thinking!”


“You have to trust me Yerim, it's time to get in touch with our friend from Japan.”




Jennie stopped on her steps when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around to see Joohyun running toward her. “Is everything alright?” Jennie asked worriedly.


“Tell me honestly,” She asks breathlessly, taking a few seconds to catch her breath. “Did you send any letter to me on my wedding day?” She interrogates the latter.


“I remember I called you in the morning but no I didn't send any sort of letter,” Jennie replied, closing her eyes shut to remember the events of Joohyun's wedding day. 


“Are you sure?” She asked to make sure.


“Yeah, Is there something I should know?” Jennie inquired, borrowing her brows in confusion.


Joohyun gulped and looked around. “Do you have some time to drive around?” She asked to which Jennie just nodded and opened the car door for her.


“So, what is it?” Jennie asked once she started to navigate through the bustling roads of Seoul.


“Seungwan knew about me sleeping with someone before the wedding,” She revealed.


Jennie let out a gasp thinking about Seungwan's reaction “Things didn't go well after that, I assume,” Jennie asked and she let out an affirmative hum.


“I am so stupid instead of provoking her outrage even more that night I should've asked how did she know?” She ran her fingers through the messy locks of her hair in frustration.


“What does it have to do with a letter?” Jennie asked, confused. 


“She blurted out in anger that she found out about it through a letter at our wedding,” She answered.


“Joohyun!” Jennie spoke up suddenly after staying silent for some time. “Only two of us knew what happened that night, you know what that means?” Jennie started, her pupils shaking in panic.


“!” She cursed out loud. 


“Someone was stalking you that night and they sent that letter to Seungwan,” Jennie declared, trying to calm herself down.


“Can't you do something about it? You're under special services aren't you?” She asked. 


“Technically I am a confidential investigator under Kim Securities. I guess I can pull some strings,” Jennie replied, mapping out the whole plan to find the person behind that letter.


“Is there anything I can do to help?” She offered, that's the least she could.


“Yeah, I need you to send me the details about the wedding venue and I will handle the rest,” Jennie replied.


“Thank you so much, Jennie,” She exclaimed, thankful that their breakup didn't change anything between them, after all, they were friends before everything got messy.


“That's the least I can do to make up for the mess I made,” Jennie flashed a smile “Tell me your address, and I'll drop you home.”




Seungwan sighed, the couch in the office room was good, probably expensive but it wasn't comfortable for sleeping. She learned it the hard way when she woke up with an aching back a couple of weeks ago, it was the first day of her ignoring everything that was related to Joohyun.


She couldn't bear Joohyun's presence near her. It made her angry and sad. It reminded her of the early months of their marriage with no interactions, being strangers who lived in the same house, ignoring each other, the only difference being the absence of their absurd fights.


She knew that staying away from Joohyun was the best way to get rid of the attraction she felt toward the older girl. She blames herself for falling for Joohyun. She couldn't put a label on her feelings but she knew if her rationality was thrown out of the window and her heart yearned for Joohyun, it only meant one thing.


She was hurt. She thought Joohyun meant everything she had done so far, that maybe Joohyun changed for the better but it all came crashing down because things Joohyun did to her in her drunken state were meant for someone else, not her. She was a fool for thinking they might have a chance together. 


Seungwan fixed her shirt, closing her eyes, she cancelled out all the emotions she was capable of showing.


“I need you to be respectful and not look uninterested this time.”


She shrugged, maintaining the unbothered look on her face. She was signing the contract today and she had no remorse because she made that decision.


She sat down, opposite Joohyun, who was throwing silent draggers at her like she always does so she did what she always does and ignored everything going around her.


She wouldn't lie, Joohyun's anger was justified, the latter probably thought she would be free from the shackles of a contractual marriage when her sister rejected the proposal, but she accepted it because it was her only chance.


She was eating her steak when she felt something splashed all over her, it was water, and based on her surroundings there was only one person that had the nerve to throw it on her.


“I'm sorry!” Joohyun exclaimed and got up from her seat, with a napkin in her hand. She didn't warn her as she invaded her personal space and started wiping her shirt with the napkin.


Seungwan looked up for her gaze to fall on Joohyun face which was inches away from her face. She was speechless because of Joohyun's beauty. Bae Joohyun was a canvas prepared by God himself, free from any imperfections.


“It's—fine,” She stuttered, breaking her facade of being an emotionless human, Joohyun was so close to her, she could smell the perfume the latter was wearing from up close and it almost made her feel like she was getting intoxicated.


“I have some spare shirts in my car, you can borrow one from me, I'll feel bad if you'll stay in this drenched shirt,” Joohyun replied, grabbing her hand without any prior notice and dragged her outside. She looked behind to see a smile resting on not only her parents' faces but Joohyun's too.


Outside, Joohyun had given her one of her shirts and stood there until Seungwan started to untuck her shirt out of her dress pants. Joohyun clicked her tongue and opened the door of the car.


“You can change here. I'll keep an eye,” Joohyun mumbled, walking to the side, giving her the privacy she needed to change. It's not the first time she has changed clothes in the backseat of a car.


“I am being weird or does her clothes smell good,” She thought to herself putting on the shirt Joohyun gave her.


“Thanks,” She muttered nonchalantly, joining the brunette as both of them stood there in silence leaning against the frame of the car, watching the eye-catching exterior of the garden in front of them.


“So,” Joohyun spoke up looking at her, “We're getting married in a month,” She said, fidgeting with her fingers.


She thought for a while before she said, “Congratulations! She exclaimed with a straight face and eyebrows raised.


She wasn't sure, maybe it was a fragment of her imagination, but she saw Joohyun's lips tugging upwards until there was a small smile on her face. 


“I have something in mind,” Joohyun said. “We're getting married soon but in front of our families we're still acting like awkward strangers,” She mumbled.


“Do I look like I know you?” She asked, shrugging because of course they'll be awkward since they didn't make any efforts to make ties instead they focused on glaring at each other.


“I want us to pretend that we're interested in each other so our parents wouldn't feel guilty about this,” Joohyun proposed.


“Interested in you? We have talked in proper sentences for the first time and you're asking me to pretend like we are in the process of liking each other,” She mumbled, laying out her honest feelings on Joohyun's suggestion.


“Stop being straightforward!” Joohyun huffed in annoyance, regretting her thought process of discussing this plan with Seungwan.


“Did I lie?” She asked, giving her right eyebrow a raise. “I'll do it.”


Joohyun looked at her like she was shocked at her reply but tried to keep it as minimal as possible. “Brunch at the stables, we can do something there.”


“You do the thinking, Joohyun unnie,” She said, stopping herself from grinning after seeing the older girl get offended.



Joohyun let out an annoyed sigh, taking the shirt from Seungwan's hand, throwing it inside her car. “I'll get it cleaned and return it tomorrow,” Joohyun mumbled. “It's only Joohyun for you from now on,” Joohyun whispered walking back inside.




She rubbed her eyes, a yawn escaping from , burying her face in the pillow she closed her eyes. 




Joohyun huffed, eyes fixed on a certain door upstairs, her hands reached out for the bottle to pour herself another glass of alcohol but Seulgi grabbed the bottle, stopping her from doing so.


“You said one shot,” Seulgi reminded and put the bottle inside the cabinet ignoring the glare Joohyun was giving her. “Instead of drinking, you should try to approach her, it's been two weeks. I get it that she needs space but nothing will happen unless one of you makes an effort and she's the one getting hurt so you should be the one making an effort here.” Seulgi advised.


“Seungwan,” She let out a whimper. “I miss her. I miss her so ing much! You have no idea how it hurts my chest every time she looks away from me,” She cried out in frustration.


“You need to talk to her!” Seulgi suggested.


“How can I? She's ignoring me, she doesn't come in the bedroom, she avoids me in the office and treats me like a total stranger!” She whined, eyes fixed on the door of their office room.


“Unnie tell me honestly, do you like Seungwan?” Seulgi asked. She has been stopping herself to ask such questions for the sake of the older girl but it was getting out of control. Joohyun has to figure out what she wants.


“I do—I don't know how. I just started to feel attracted to her, her presence started to affect me, why does she have to be like that all caring and protective? Why does she act like a wife toward me?” She blurted out, sure about the fact that it was the alcohol talking.


“Do you want this marriage to work?” Seulgi asked carefully, she didn't want to push Joohyun to her limit.


“I do…I want to give our marriage a chance…I want to show her that my feelings for her are genuine and she's not just a rebound for me,” She sighed, resting her head on the table.


“I'll arrange something for you two to talk tomorrow then,” Seulgi said and stood up from her seat, grabbing her jacket.


“You will?” She asked hopefully, that she'll finally get a chance to talk to Seungwan. 


“You're serious about pursuing Seungwan, you deserve a chance unnie,” Seulgi assured, hugging her friend before she walked out.


Joohyun laid on their bed, she had to stop herself from calling out to Seungwan from inside the room. She wanted to erase that look of betrayal and hurt on Seungwan's face. It kept coming back to haunt her. If their relationship were to end, she didn't want Seungwan walking away from her to be her last memory of them 


“You're something else,” She mumbled, grabbing a frame that had a candid picture of them that was taken during the wedding reception in her hand. “What have you done to me Seungwan?” She sighed, caressing her wedding ring with longing. 


She had grown so accustomed to Seungwan's presence around her that without her being around it was difficult to sleep. She never thought a day would come when she would be craving for Seungwan's presence in her life. It came to a point that wearing Seungwan's clothes and hugging her pillow wasn't enough to put her to sleep. She needed Seungwan.


She doesn't know how it began and she doesn't want to know. Everything Seungwan did for her made her attached to her.


“I don't want your money. I don't want your shares. Heck if you asked me I wouldn't hesitate to give them to you, that's how much I have grown to trust you. I don't want to get a divorce. All I want is for you to give me a chance, Seungwan…so I can show you how important you have become to me.” She whispered, caressing Seungwan's figure in the picture.


 “I haven't been nice to you Seungwan and I know that you deserve better that's why I want to try, I want to be better for you, just let me in,” She blinked realising that she was tearing up. 


“Did I hurt you a lot Seungwan? That you don't even want to see me,” She whispered, her voice filled with cracks and tears streaming down her face. “I never thought I would cry over someone but the thought of you being away from me makes my chest ache so much—I guess I am getting my karma for hurting you so much,” She mumbled nuzzling her head against Seungwan's pillow.


She put the picture back and closed her eyes, Seungwan's scent calming her down. She brought her hand up and kissed her wedding band.


“I'll fix things—I promise Seungwan.”




“I need the monthly reports Sooyoung,” Seungwan ordered as she walked out of her office to see Sooyoung occupied with her work.


“Just a minute,” Sooyoung replied, hands occupied with a bunch of papers. 


“I'll get it myself. Just tell me where it is?” She asked, realising that Sooyoung was busy.


“The physical copy is probably in the storage room,” Sooyoung said.


“Okay. I'll get it,” She mumbled and walked away.


“Can we talk now?” She was so immersed in reading the report that she didn't realize that someone came inside the storage room and locked the door. She saw Joohyun leaning against the door, eyes fixed on her.


“Is there something left between us to talk about Joohyun?” She tried to sound as nonchalant as possible but it was hard to keep herself in control when Joohyun was near her.


She remained steady on her spot, watching as Joohyun's gaze toward her softened. She subconsciously took a step back when the older girl approaches her. A bad move on her part because she has nowhere to escape now that she's trapped between the wooden shelf and Joohyun's front.


“Yes. There is a lot between us that we have to talk about,” Joohyun replied calmly as she grabbed the file from her hand and placed it on the table beside her.


“If you want to talk about how my presence reminds you of your last relationship then we have nothing left here to talk about,” She said stubbornly, gently poking Joohyun's shoulder in an attempt to push her away.


“Stop it!” Joohyun caged her against the wooden shelf by placing her arms on either side of hers. “I want to talk about us,” She whispered softly, her gaze enough to melt her heart.


“Joohyun, please I am tired,” She whispered almost pleading to Joohyun with her eyes that she doesn't have enough in her to get hurt.


“Please Seungwan,” Joohyun pleaded, bringing up her hand to caress Seungwan's cheek gently, her hands trembling as she finally managed to touch the person she has been longing for weeks now.


“Joohyun.” She breathes out, closing her eyes, feeling Joohyun's touch lingering on her.


Joohyun remained silent, eyes locked on the faded mark on Seungwan's collarbone. She gulped, suddenly feeling the need to kiss Seungwan especially when they were in such proximity to each other.


She sighed deeply feeling Joohyun's sluggish lips on her neck. She clasps Joohyun's arms, feeling her knees go weak at the sudden touch.


“You're keeping your guard up and I know it's because of me,” Joohyun mumbled trailing kisses down her neck before she on the spot where the faded mark was located.


“Did you leave any choice for me?” She managed to blurt out trying to stay in control.


Joohyun pulled away flushed, staring intently at Seungwan as she took her hands in hers.


“Don't do this to me,” Joohyun whispered, squeezing her hand. “Give me a chance to explain myself Seungwan,” She whispered breathlessly, feeling overwhelmed by her emotions. “I won't force you but please listen to my side first before making any decision,” She whispered, kissing her forehead for a few moments before she stepped away.


“I will wait for you at home tonight.”




Seungwan paced back and forth worriedly as she kept looking at her watch. “She must be home right now,” She mumbled to herself, feeling uneasy. “Why am I feeling like this?” She muttered tapping her chest repeatedly trying to calm down the frantic beating of her heart.


“God! Joohyun, where are you?” She let out a deep sigh grabbed her car keys from the drawer and hurried outside deciding to go to the office to check on Joohyun when her phone started to ring.


“Hello,” She answered. 


“Is this Bae Seungwan speaking?” She gulped, she didn't have a nice feeling about this, the last time someone else referred her like this, she had to pick up a drunk Joohyun.


“Yes, it's Bae Seungwan speaking. How may I help you?” She asked listening attentively to the person on the other side of the line.


“I am afraid to inform you that your wife was involved in a car accident.”


She suddenly felt her knees going weak, trying to comprehend the words she heard, she abruptly lost the strength in her foot and grabbed the hood of the car to keep herself steady. “Jo…Joohyun,” She whispered, feeling tears threatening to spill anytime from her eyes.


“Where is she?” She managed to ask recollecting herself as she sat inside the car and started the engine.


“She is currently in Seoul National Institute of Health,” The person replied to which Seungwan muttered a quick thank you before she hung up and dropped her phone on the seat.


“Please be safe Joohyun,” She prayed, keeping her foot on the gas pedal, not caring about the speed limit at all, her priority was to get to Joohyun as soon as she could.


“I am such an idiot!” She exclaimed, “I should've waited for her instead of leaving her there.” 


“I won't be able to forgive myself if something happens to her—I failed to protect Joohyun,” She bit her lip stopping her tears from coming out.


Once she reached there, she ran to the reception breathless “Son Joohyun!” The receptionist quickly typed before she looked up, “Room 815” She said.


Seungwan didn't want to waste any time so she rushed to the stairs instead of the elevator which was already filled with a lot of people. Once she reached a vast corridor, she desperately started to search for the room number.


She gulped seeing the room number receptionist told her in front of her. Without wasting any time she entered the room, her eyes immediately falling on the figure of Joohyun sitting on the hospital bed.




Before she knew she was striding toward Joohyun, engulfing her in a desperate hug.




Joohyun walked out of the building looking towards the road to see any signs of Seulgi. She had sent the younger girl to get some flowers for Seungwan. What would be better than making up to her wife with some fresh purple hyacinths?


She finally spotted Seulgi on the other side of the road, holding the bouquet she asked for. The younger girl was waving with a smile on her face showing Joohyun her car keys.


She smiled and motioned her to wait for her.


“Unnie come quickly!” Seulgi yelled, “Seungwan must be waiting!” 


“Coming!” She shouted looking around to make sure she was safe before crossing. 


“Be careful!” Seulgi yelled.


She looked to both sides and made sure that there was no car coming. Once she was satisfied, she started to walk toward Seulgi. But as she reached the middle her eyes fell on a truck that was coming towards her. She froze on her spot.


“Unnie move!” Seulgi yelled fearfully.


That was what she heard before a loud noise started ringing in her ears.


She closed her eyes feeling her body collide against something.


Then everything went black.


Everything went black…for some moments.


Joohyun felt herself getting harshly pushed by a huge force. From the corner of her eyes, she saw the truck going past them, and that's when she realized that someone pushed her.


Both of them fell to the hard ground. She felt the ain't getting knocked out from her lungs as she felt her entire body aching. She opened her eyes to see Jennie laying beside her. 


She tried to get up but a throbbing pain in her head stopped her from doing so, she grabbed her head in pain, feeling something warm against her hand.


“Blood…” She mumbled as her eyelids started to become heavy.


“Jennie! Baby open your eyes!” She heard a voice from some distance but that thumping pain in her head ceased her from opening her eyes.


“You're bleeding unnie!” She felt Seulgi shake her body, trying to keep her awake.


“Seung—wan” She mumbled before the light started to disappear from her vision.


“Unnie stay awake please!” Seulgi cried out loud. “The ambulance is on the way!”


The next time she opened her eyes, she was greeted by bright white lights and the bitter smell of the hospital. She let out a groan as she slowly opened her eyes and saw Seulgi sitting on a couch.


“Seulgi, where am I?” She asked, grabbing her head as she tried to get up. 


“Unnie! Let me help,” Seulgi immediately got up and held her arms, helping her sit.


“Unnie we're in hospital right now you almost got into an accident,” Seulgi explained, placing some pillows behind her to support her back.


She closed her eyes, and memories of her almost getting hit by a truck flashed in her mind before Jennie saved her.


“Jennie! Is she safe now?” She asked, remembering seeing the younger girl passed out unconscious beside her.


“She is safe too. Both of you only suffered some minor injuries. She is in another room, and Jisoo-ssi is taking care of her.” Seulgi explained letting out a sigh of relief that her unnie was fine now.


“Seungwan, she's waiting for me.” She suddenly blurted out. 


“Wait! I forgot to inform Seungwan,” Seulgi said, taking out her phone in a panic. “I'll call her, don't worry,” Seulgi assured her and walked out of the room.


She sighed and leaned back. “Today wasn't supposed to be like this,” She mumbled shaking her head in dismay. “I was supposed to fix things between us.”


She flinched as the door opened abruptly, revealing the person she was dying to see.


“Seung—Seungwan?” She stammered, dazed to see her.


Seungwan looked breathless like she ran miles to get there, she looked at her for a few seconds before she walked towards her and pulled her into a hug as soon as she got near her.


She raised her hand slowly wrapping her arms around Seungwan's body, her warmth immediately surrounding her, drowning her in the comfort she needed.


Silence enveloped the room as none of them spoke for the next couple of minutes, she could feel Seungwan breathing heavily as she nuzzled her head against her own head, pressing small kisses on her head.


She watched as Seungwan pulled back, fixating her eyes on her, she looked like she was scanning her body searching for any serious injuries, and that's when she noticed dried tear marks on Seungwan's eyes.


“Seungwan,” She called out cupping her face, rubbing her thumb gently over the dried tear marks “I am fine,” She whispered trying to calm down the anxious girl.


“I was so worried—I came here as fast as I could,” Seungwan said, leaning toward her touch.


“How did you find out?” She asked, remembering that Seulgi forgot to inform anyone. 


“I was waiting for you at home but it was past the time you used to arrive at, so, I got worried and decided to go back to the office to check up on you and then a call came from the hospital,” Seungwan explained. “Are you okay? This bandage on your head is scaring me.” 


“I am fine, just minor injuries,” She reassured. “Jennie saved me before anything bad happened,” She told. She could still see the worry in her eyes.


“Is she fine?” Seungwan couldn't help but ask, making a mental note to pay her gratitude to the girl who saved her wife's life.


“She's fine. Someone is taking good care of her,” She assured.


Seungwan let out a sigh of relief and pulled her in for a hug, caressing her head like it was the most fragile thing ever, it made her melt realizing how much Seungwan cared for her despite everything that was going on between them.


“I thought I lost you.” 


“I am here aren't I.”


Seungwan closed her eyes, inhaling Joohyun's natural body scent that assured her that Joohyun was safe and she was right there in her arms.


“I am sorry, we were supposed to talk and this happened,” She mumbled, letting Seungwan support her body as she melted into Seungwan's arms.


“It's fine nothing matters more than your well-being, we can talk once you'll get better,” Seungwan replied pulling back as she carefully pressed lips on her forehead, caressing Joohyun's cheek gently.


“Unnie Seungwan is not picking—Oh,” Seungwan turned around to see Seulgi standing beside the door, shocked.


“Seungwan you're here,” Seulgi mumbled as she walked inside and sat on the couch.


“I got the call from the hospital and came here as soon as I could,” Seungwan replied, not even bothering to detach herself from Joohyun despite Seulgi's presence.


“I guess they called out after I filled out the details,” Seungwan nodded after Seulgi spoke.


“When can I be discharged?” She suddenly asked, earning a glare from Seungwan. 


“You're not leaving this place until you're fully healed,” Seungwan ordered and turned around to face Seulgi. “Did the doctors say anything?” Seungwan asked. 


“Yeah I bumped into one when I was coming back they said unnie's condition is stable but they will keep her here for one more day under their observation to make sure everything is under control,” Seulgi explained.


“You should go home and rest,” Seungwan got up and stood beside Seulgi. 


“Are you sure you would be fine?” Seulgi asked, grabbing her things from the couch.


“You need rest. We won't be present in the office tomorrow and it'll be under your care,” Seungwan mumbled as Seulgi leaned in for a hug.


“Take care of yourself too,” Seulgi whispered, patting her shoulder as she walked over to Joohyun.


“I should check on Jennie-ssi,” Seungwan said and excused herself.


Seungwan knocked on the door a few times before she stepped inside a room to see Jennie laying on the hospital bed while a woman was feeding her something.


“I hope I am not disturbing you both,” Seungwan apologized and bowed.


“No, I was just feeding her,” The woman said.


“I was just here to check on you and thank you for saving my wife's life,” Seungwan didn't want to take a lot of time so she just stood on the edge of the bed near the latter.


“There is no need, I just did what I thought was right in that situation,” Jennie replied with a smile.


“Still you ended up here and I feel like I must take care of your well-being while you're here,” Seungwan muttered apologetically.


“Please don't thank me,” Jennie chuckled. “I have someone who'll take care of me,” She smiled as she looked at the girl who was sitting beside her.


“Pardon for asking but are you her significant other?” Seungwan asked carefully.


“We're engaged,” The woman replied with a smile. “I am Kim Jisoo by the way.” Seungwan nodded as she accepted the handshake that was initiated by the latter.


“Pleasure meeting you,” Seungwan greeted and looked at the food. “Once again I am sorry for interrupting. If you need any help please don't hesitate to come to me,” She said as she smiled at the couple before she walked out.


“I'll get going now if you need anything just contact me,” Seulgi hugged her once more before she walked away leaving her and Joohyun alone.


“Are you hungry?” Seungwan asked, looking around the room. 


“No, I feel sleepy,” Joohyun let out a yawn.


Seungwan walked to her side and removed the pillows, helping her lie down comfortably. “It's understandable, they must've given you a lot of sedatives to ease out your pain,” She said.


Joohyun watched as Seungwan sat beside her and took her hand in hers, caressing it. She felt at peace knowing Seungwan was there by her side. Slowly she felt her eyelids become heavy before she drifted off to her dreamland.




Seungwan had her head pressed against the window, hands wrapped around her knees, eyes gazing at the empty roads from the window. She was looking outside because the river was near and she found solace there.


Joohyun opened her eyes to see darkness surrounding the room, the only source of light being the moonlight that was coming through the opened window. She tilted her neck to the side to see Seungwan leaning against the window, staring at the navy blue sky, the younger girl looked lost.


“Seungwan,” Joohyun called out, snapping the raven-haired girl out of her thoughts.


“Joohyun,” Seungwan got up and rushed to her side. “Is it hurting somewhere? Should I call the doctor?” She asked worriedly, caressing her head.


“Water,” Joohyun croaked out in a scratchy voice. Seungwan poured out a glass of water and helped her sit before she assisted her in drinking it.


“You should be sleeping. Why are you awake?” Joohyun asked, grabbing Seungwan's palm making her sit next to her.


“I couldn't sleep,” Seungwan admitted with a sigh. She had a lot of things on her mind after her encounter with Joohyun in the office. She didn't think she was ready to see Joohyun end up in a life-threatening situation. “I didn't think anything like this would happen.”


“I'm fine Seungwan,” Joohyun caressed the palm of Seungwan's hand with her finger, her hand resting on Seungwan's shoulder squeezing it.


“If Jennie-ssi didn't save you—I would've lost you Joohyun, you think I would be able to live with the guilt knowing that you had something to say to me and you couldn't,” Seungwan whispered, her voice cracking, imagining about something happening to Joohyun was heartbreaking, she couldn't imagine it being a reality.


“It hurts doesn't it,” Joohyun chuckled. “I felt like that when you refused to acknowledge my existence in your life for the past two weeks. It hurt me so badly, Seungwan,” She muttered.


Seungwan dipped her head with a sigh. She wasn't going to push this topic but it seems like Joohyun had decided that it was the best time for their talk when both of them were at their most vulnerable state.


“I knew you didn't like me Joohyun, from the very first meeting I saw right through those eyes, and in them, I saw hatred for me,” Seungwan began clutching Joohyun's hand with both of her hands. “I knew once we were married to each other, we would be responsible for each other and it turned out to be correct because despite our never-ending arguments both of us never backed away from our responsibilities.”


“I started to care for you Joohyun, and it was a mistake because I didn't know that going soft for you will hurt me this much. I was an idiot for thinking we'll get anywhere near each other that night but you wanted that, deep down I wanted that too but the pain was too much. I don't even know why I was hurt. I had expectations of my own too which were a bit unrealistic considering the conditions but still, I hoped and it ended up hurting me,” Seungwan started pouring out everything she had kept inside her for so long.


“Seungwan—” Joohyun spoke cupping her face when Seungwan shook her head.


“Just listen to me,” Seungwan muttered. “I thought we were a lost cause Joohyun, then, you changed and it all came back, that dumb crush, those stupid feelings and I started to fall,” Seungwan confessed and locked her gaze on Joohyun.


“Seungwan, I like you, a lot that sometimes I feel like the adoration I have for you will make my heart burst,” Joohyun confessed, just to show Seungwan that they were on the same page. “I didn't do relationships Seungwan. I hated you for taking away my freedom from me and I planned on doing that until our divorce but something about you drew me towards you and I couldn't stop.”


“I realised that being with you was better than not being with you, I knew I had to change, not myself, but my ways that hurt you,” Joohyun pressed their foreheads together, taking a moment to calm down the erratic beating of her heart. “One chance Seungwan, give us a chance.”


“I want to make up to you, I want to be the one making you smile, I want to be the one you look for when you need comfort, I want to be your first in everything, I want to be the one keeping you warm on cold nights—Please let me fall for you Seungwan.”


“Joohyun, you have hurt me a lot, but the pain you have given is nothing compared to the happiness I feel when I am with you, if I end up rejecting you now, my heart will end up breaking because there will always be possibilities running through my mind and just like you, I want to try to be a better person for you—Let's fall for each other together Joohyun.”


Joohyun gasped and looked at her, registering Seungwan's words. She looked at her eyes widening as the latter nodded with a smile telling her that it wasn't a dream. 


She couldn't stop herself after that and leaned forward until she pressed her lips against Seungwan's lips. Her heart was thumping when she captured Seungwan's lips and she kissed her back.


Seungwan was taken aback by the sudden action but it didn't mean she didn't expect it. Joohyun beat her to it because she finally wanted to be the one initiating a kiss. She decided to pour all her feelings into it once she realised that Joohyun was doing the same.


Their kiss was gentle, lips caressing and nibbling each other, noses pressed against each other, eyelashes brushing on each other's skin, hands on cheeks as they fought for dominance. They both wanted to keep going but the lack of oxygen made them pull back, resting their forehead against one another.


Joohyun started right into Seungwan's eyes as she tugged on her shirt pulling her closer, capturing her lips again, she just let her and opened allowing Joohyun's tongue to explore . She never knew Joohyun's lips would be that addicting. She didn't want to stop.


“Joohyun,” Seungwan pulled back, cheeks flushed with some embarrassment because they had just made out in a hospital bed. She didn't realise that they had lost track of time. “You need to sleep,” She blurted and detached herself from Joohyun.


Joohyun lied down but she never let go of Seungwan's hand and tugged her closer. “Sleep with me, in here,” She pleaded.


Seungwan nodded and took off her shoes before she walked to the side and laid beside Joohyun. She s her arms around Joohyun's waist and pulled her closer. Joohyun wasted no time and rested her head on her chest as Seungwan draped a blanket over both of them.


“I didn't get drunk because I missed her or because I wanted something from you that you couldn't give me Seungwan,” Joohyun whispered.


“You don't need to explain Joohyun,” Seungwan sighed, hands caressing Joohyun's back.


“I want to, I don't want any misunderstandings between us anymore,” Joohyun mumbled, voice low and droopy. “Seeing her made me remember my actions, the ones that caused all of this, and it made me angry, I was angry at myself because I took you for granted and thought you didn't deserve someone like me.”


“Don't ever do that Joohyun, hmmm, it's not up to you to decide if you deserve me or not it's a decision that I have to make and I made my decision loud and clear,” Seungwan whispered, kissing the side of Joohyun's forehead.


“Your heart is beating very fast,” Joohyun chuckled, hearing the loud thumping of Seungwan's heart. She didn't know hearing someone's heartbeat would be so calming.


“It's beating like that because of you,” Seungwan admitted and let out a small giggle. 


“I like it,” Joohyun confessed and placed her hand over Seungwan's clothed chest, feeling the erratic beating of her heart through her fingertips. “It sounds beautiful.”


“Goodnight Joohyun.”


“Goodnight Seungwan.”


Joohyun couldn't sleep even when Seungwan was sleeping calmly beside her. She won't be able to sleep because her heart was hammering wildly.


Seungwan was cuddling her, holding her without any restraints and it was melting her into a puddle. She didn't know that someone like Seungwan was capable of holding so much love, warmth, and comfort.


She stayed awake as long as she could to savour this moment and drifted to sleep, feeling secure in Seungwan's arms.


“Giving us a chance to fall was my eighth mistake.”





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Chapter 17: I need more sweet family stories like this about wenrene 😚🙏🏻
Seungwanniepuppy #2
Chapter 17: Thank you for this epilogue!!!!
Seungwanniepuppy #3
Chapter 7: Woah!!! So Jennie Kim is the ex and her hearing Seungwan defending Joohyun from the directors should made her mad or something. I hate what i have in mind but i hope and pretty sure the foundation of relation J and S building will be strong enough that they can survive any storm coming their way. long way to read but this is such a good story.

Really love the progress of both characters
ShonshineBae #4
Chapter 17: This will always be one of my favorite fics of wenrene. This story really conveys lots of emotions and somehow depicts that despite all the struggles and life's challenges if you choose to love each other unconditionally then you will be able to handle everything. I hope to read more stories from you author but please don't let the ending be angst. 🥺Wentokkis have been through alot. My wenrene heart can't handle it.

I applaud you for your hardwork 👏 Thank you for giving is this gift to be able to read such a masterpiece created by your amazing mind. I hope for your good health always.
ShonshineBae #5
Chapter 13: Re-reading this again. This is really so good authornim. I felt the roller coaster ride of emotions. I know a great writer must gave the emotions of the story to the readers and you did all that. I am rooting for you always authornim. And please continue to write wenrene stories.
Chapter 17: Thanks for the story author-nim,
bless yaa
Chapter 17: such a heart warming epilogue to wrap up the story. the character development of seungwan and joohyun was so satisfying to see. i was surprised that seungwan didn’t loose her cool at all while joohyun was pregnant for a year. joohyun really tested her patience and i feel like that experience also made her a better mother. their daughter is so cute and loved (winrina side story with minjeong and jimin perhaps ?🤧)

thank you for writing this!
1702 streak #8
Chapter 17: We're here from first chapter and now at epilogue... What a journey, thank you for sharing this story
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 17: Awwww thank u! Such a warm epilogue
Frozen_J #10
Chapter 17: Awwww thank u! Such a warm epilogue