Pre-Season Jitters

Pumpkins, Leaves, and the Ber Months Please

August 17th

Jimin groaned as he flopped back across the queen sized bed he shared with his best friend Jin, who also was one of his housemates. The AC window unit just so happened to sit inside the window at the end of their bed. He was already stripped down to his sleep shorts and was pretty sure Jin wouldn't be happy with any less clothing. He sighed and threw an arm across his eyes. "What's up, Buttercup?", Jin asked from somewhere across the room. Jimin turned his head to the left and spotted Jin sitting at his work desk, browsing on his laptop. He rolled onto his side and propped a hand under his head so he couls propperly look at him. "It's way too hot and I'm tired of sweating. I can't wait until' it's sixty five degrees outside and I can wear comfy sweaters and fluffy socks. Ooh! And drink hot apple cider and eat pumpkin doughnuts"! He gave Jin the biggest puppy eyes he could manage. "You'll make me pumpkin doughnuts, right"?, begged Jimin.

Jin raised and eyebrow but laughed at his besties antics all the same. "Weren't you just griping about being too hot and now you want hot cider?", Jin questioned. Ofcourse he agreed to make Jimin doughnuts when the time comes. However, it's literally the middle of August, so the time is not now. "Yeah, yeah. I know what day it is, but let me dream, ok? Only two more weeks and then it's September". Jimin stood up and approached Jin. He flashed an eye smile before wrapping Jin in a back hug. "Then you'll make me all the treats I can eat".




Guys, it's been very warm here for a long time. I live in Oklahoma and it has been between 95 degrees and 105 degrees every day for two months now. Next week it's supposed to be in the eighties, so hopefully it will start to feel a bit cooler. I'm itching for Fall so I can start my seasonal baking and cooking. 

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Chapter 6: Oh fun! the fair!! 🥰 hehe
Chapter 5: Aww 🥰 these are all adorable!!
Chapter 1: Omg this is adorable! 🥰 And exactly how I've been feeling lately! I'm so ready for fall 😅