
Pumpkins, Leaves, and the Ber Months Please

Jimin woke up feeling crabby. What should have been a fun and spooky holiday weekend was everything but that. So now it's November 1st and Jimin feels like he was completely cheated out of Halloween. He'd spent the three weeks after his birthday planning a near perfect Halloween party. He'd spent several days creating the perfect spooky dance playlist, sent out Facebook invitations,  made sure all decor was in place, put together a cute yet creepy clown costume (say that 5 times fast) and bought a bunch of candy.

He's planned for the party to be on the 29th, the Saturday before Halloween and woke up early so he could start making food for the party. Right before noon it started to rain and only ever stopped for 20 minutes at a time. There goes the outdoor games that he had planned. When it got closer to the time of the party over half of his guest list canceled on him for one reason or another. Still he trudged on and made the best out of everything.

He ended up with a ton of candy left over, so for once he was prepared and excited for Monday evening. He arrived home a bit after five,  cleaned up and then had a quick dinner. Right before six o' clock he lit the Jack O' Lantern on his porch and left the front door open. He sat the candy bowl on the table beside the door, a spooky ambiance video and patiently wated for children to arrive.

When nine o' clock came he scoffed as he realised no one was coming. He felt a bit like he'd been stood up on a date. He pouted as he stepped outside to snuff out the Jack O' Lantern. It was time for his weekly show to come on, so he snagged the candy bowl as he closed the door and then settled in to watch his show.




That's pretty close to accurate of how my Halloween went, Oklahoma weather is stupid so it still isn't cool yet and that is stirring up my anxiety. Anyways, I did get busy planning my anual Halloween party, so I didn't get to write as many ideas as I wanted to for this year. I really did buy a lot of candy for a candy toss game for six kids plus any adults who wanted to play. It didn't matter because it rained all day and the yard was soaked and then I found out only one out of the six children could come,so we were kind of cramped inside my Sisters trailer, but we made it work. I had like ten pounds of candy left and I seriously didn't get any trick or treaters either. I'm diabetic so I can't eat very much candy, so my dad and brother have been eating some and put back a little bit for Christmas stockings, but I still have a bit of candy left.

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Chapter 6: Oh fun! the fair!! 🥰 hehe
Chapter 5: Aww 🥰 these are all adorable!!
Chapter 1: Omg this is adorable! 🥰 And exactly how I've been feeling lately! I'm so ready for fall 😅