Only Cookies?!

Pumpkins, Leaves, and the Ber Months Please

Jimin was eagerly awaiting Jins return home from his weekly shopping trip to Wal-Mart. Normally he doesn't care what Jin buys or how long it takes him to run his errands, however, this time he had given Jin a list of limited edition, seasonal treats that he wanted to try. Unfortunately he had promissed his mother to help her with some chores today and didn't know how long it would take, so he told Jin to go ahead without him and instead gave him a list along with some money.

When Jimin returned home Jin was still gone. That had been fifteen minutes ago and now Jimin was bored and antsy. Yoongi was taking a nap in his room and Jimin didn't want to disturb him by watching television in the living room, so he decided to have a snack in the kitchen. Besides, from the kitchen table, Jimin had a good view outside of the window above the sink and could see the minute Jin turned into the driveway. With that in mind, he grabbed a can of pop from the fridge and a tube of pringles from the cabinet and sat down at the table.

Jimin had just popped a perfectly seasoned Pizza flavored crisp in his mouth when Jins car came into his line of sight. He hopped up and quietly padded to his room to slip on some shoes. Once his feet were covered, he just as quickly padded outside to meet Jin at the car and help carry the groceries inside. With the extra set of hands, the bags were successfully carried inside in one trip, which Jin was grateful for. "I swear it's a whole ordeal everytime I go to that store. There is no way it should have taken that long with the small amount of groceries I got, but then again, that's a whole other story.", Jin griped as he dropped his weary self into a chair and stole a drink from Jimins can on the table. Jimin chuckled at Jin as he proceeded to unpack and put away the groceries. "I know you're excited, but the only things from your list that were available were the cookies. They didn't even have the sauce that I needed for my pasta bake, so I had to get something else for dinner", Jin sighed out.

Jimin pouted, but nodded in understanding. Unfortunately it's a reocurring theme anymore and Jimin half expected this outcome. Besides, at least they did have two of the things on his list. He stumbles across his first finding while putting away the frozen items. Pilsbury Monsters premade rozen cookies, they are supposed to be in the shapes and flavors of the cereals Count Chocula and Frankenberry. Jimin tucks the cookie dough into the freezer for later baking and continues his task.

Jin eventually gets up and helps Jimin put the rest away. Jimin is putting away some dry goods into a floor cabinet when he feels a poke to his shoulder. Jimin stands up and Jin hands him his other treat. Pumpkin Spice Oreos. Jimin holds the pack to his chect and grins. Jin smiles but rolls his eyes. "Don't geek out just yet, we need to finish putting up the groceries. Also, I don't want to deal with a cranky Yoongi.", Jin scolds. Jimin concedes and puts the pack of Oreos in the back of the cabinet for safe keeping.



Yes this is based off of my experiences so far. I have a list of things I want to try this season and so far all I have are these cookies. Where I live sometimes if you don't buy things and put them back then next time Wal-Mart might be sold out for the season.

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Chapter 6: Oh fun! the fair!! 🥰 hehe
Chapter 5: Aww 🥰 these are all adorable!!
Chapter 1: Omg this is adorable! 🥰 And exactly how I've been feeling lately! I'm so ready for fall 😅