Chapter 7>

Stalking Apartment 2102
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Chapter 7>


They settled back inside the young couple’s apartment, autumn would soon be coming to an end, the chilling wind outside was just a friendly reminder of the season changing at the blink of an eye.


Thankfully, the room felt like it could fry a chicken, settling her long cardigan over at the stand, Joohyun then eyed the couch suspiciously, the both them were always acting like rabbits, this entire spot better be sterilized and wiped cleaned and to think she had even slept on it, a few days ago.  Joohyun swore under her breath.


But her abnormal behaviour didn’t go unnoticed “Even if you burned a hole through the fabric with your glare, the germs would still be there, now get your over here and be comfortable.”


Joohyun rolled her eyes “Next time, the both of you would be coming over to my place for tea, and by the way, don’t you have work today?”


With gentleness enough to melt the coldest heart, the woman wrapped an arm around her wife, pulling her closer to her “My Seulgi baby wasn’t feeling too good today, we just came back from the hospital, and decided to pay you a little visit.”


That raised suspicion, Seulgi was usually as fit as a fiddle; this was really unexpected “What happened?  Did you catch the flu bug?”


As Joohyun fussed over her, those puffy cheeks were tinted pink “Just a little sore…”


If anything, all Joohyun wanted was to bite her tongue for even asking “You two should go easy with each other and with how the both of you are going at each other, I would probably go broke from all the baby showers you two would have.”


Sooyoung scoffed before leading her wife over to the couch, arms still wrapped tightly around her, causing her heart to fill with envy, how nice it must be to have someone treating you way more than a princess, as though you were that person’s entire world, the only reason to breathe through every single second.


If only Seungwan would give her a chance.


“What about you?  So would it be safe to say that you and Seungwan were finally taking a step forward?” The woman teased.


Folding her arms, Joohyun leaned comfortably back against the couch “Seungwan and I still have a long way to go and until her ex had finally moved out of Seungwan’s heart, I would forever be standing on the edge, waiting for Seungwan to come to her senses.”


Seulgi reached out her arm to place them on her lap “Nevertheless, you are doing very well, I’m proud of you; even it was only at the initial stage but you shouldn’t push yourself too hard, especially since you knew Seungwan is still her wound.”


A sigh left her lips “Just how deep she was in love with that woman?  I’m sure Seungwan would literally give her life too, if that would bring the woman home.”


Sooyoung shrugged lazily “Let’s not make things more complicated than it is now, just remember to take it slow and by the end, if Seungwan still doesn’t shared your feelings, then it’s time for you to move on.”


“I will…” She muttered before getting onto her feet “I have to get going, Seulgi has to rest and oh, by the way, I have decided to hold my house warming the next Sunday.  Come by, alright?”


Upon getting a nod from the couple, Joohyun finally stepped out of their apartment and headed back into the comforts of her own haven.


Another day gone by and in the least of expectation, her parents had texted her to be home for dinner today, her heart cried out when she failed to bump into Seungwan last night, in fact, her entire house was in total darkness, did she stay out late?  But it couldn’t be; Seungwan literally has nobody that she could depend on in Seoul besides…


Her ex-girlfriend, this matter would forever be weighing at the back of her mind, even the other party was going to get married, who could predict what would happen?  But there was nothing she could do about it, unless Seungwan decided to put a clean cut over it, but for now, she has other things to focus on.


Like to why her parents kept calling her every five seconds, despite how hard she was trying to balance the gifts in her hands and this stupid steep slope.


Perhaps she should bring this up to the area council, there were plenty of elderly folks living in this area; their knees will not be able to bear this burden.


She pressed the doorbell upon arriving at the gate, though she was curious to find an unfamiliar car parking right outside of their house, did they have a guest over today?


So, why was her presence still required?  But before she could read deep into it, a gentle voice had cut into her thoughts “Missy, you are home.”


A big grin curled up at the corner of Joohyun’s lips “Mrs. Yu, it has been a while, are you doing well?  Is your back still giving you problems?”


The woman, who was now in her mid-fifties has been looking after Joohyun since she was a baby; as her parents weren’t always around, Joohyun grew closer with the woman “Missy, the medicine you brought over two weeks has helped me plenty with the pain; it must been really expensive.”


Shaking her head, the woman placed her cheek onto the bony shoulder, reminding Joohyun how much the woman had aged and that she hasn’t been filial to return home often, even if she weren’t to see her parents “It was no big deal, as long as it did help you to get better.”


A palm patted lightly on her back “You are almost twenty-eight years old now and yet there are times, you still act like a child.”


She snickered, linking her arms around the woman’s neck “I wish that I could be a kid forever, so that I will always have you with me.”


Which earned her a smack on her , a yelp escaped Joohyun’s lips “Don’t say things like this, your parents would be very upset, now come on, they have been waiting anxiously for you to turn up.”


She scoffed “Where were they when I returned home from abroad?  Who wiped my tears away when I cried and who was the one that cooked seaweed soups for my every birthday?  Whatever, I’m not in

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Chapter 10: Lol Eric is getting on my nerves. By happiness does he mean his d*ck? Because fingers could do as much even better tbh. Being able to give her a child? Well, joohyun and seungwan could adopt or do ivf. Being in a relationship society doesn't frown upon? Well some parts of the world is still homophobic or holds their dislike against them but WR could work on that matter but tbh i don't think that joohyun will care as long as she has seungwan. Does he mean being well off? because seungwan is too. I don't understand mens reasoning or their logic tbh even in real life they're annoying af. I hope Eric don't resort to intimidation or threatened joohyun or Seungwan's safety. Men tend to have little patience and tend to snap (hurt other people) when they think someone is making fun of them or belittling them or if some didn't give them what they want. I hope he does have decency to accept their relationship with grace and move on or WR would choose the bear lol #teambear
Chapter 10: I hate when men try to force their way like this, srsly Eric get over whatever you have in mind.
Chapter 9: They're both afraid honestly. Seungwan with showing what she really feels and breaking her best pal's heart. Joohyun telling her parents about what she truly feels about Seungwan and telling Eric that she already has feelings for someone else. Eric could should get the out of wr's way tho. He's that typical annoying man who thinks that a woman's No as a challenge. Just how small is his brain to not comprehend the meaning of the word No. But then again "Men" not all but it's always them
WenRene_77 #4
Chapter 9: Never say things when your mad. Thanks for the update author💙🩷
Chapter 9: An update! Thanks!

Ah.. saying things you don't mean to say when you're angry. It's horrible thing, but it always happens.😔
Chapter 8: No... UGH. I don't even know what to say. I know Eric is Seungwan's friend, so him being there is normal. But.. GAH.😩
Chapter 8: If we don't have Eric. Seungwan will never accept joohyun easy. But I think they both have to do something. To let Eric back off.
109 streak #8
Chapter 8: oh eric please go away 😭😭😭 let seungwan and joohyun be happy 😭😭😭
Chapter 7: Damn, joohyun's parents are suffocating people. I wouldn't blame joohyun that she wants to be away from them. Aside from them being an absent parents and letting other people take care of their child. It wouldn't be a surprise once their child leaves them. Is joohyun an only child? Because if she has another sibling and they're younger then i would feel bad for them because they're stuck with those kind of people. I'm sure they're the type of people who would disown their own child once they found out that they are gay. I feel bad that joohyun seems like she doesn't have much of a choice because her parents keeps on imposing and doesn't put her feelings into consideration. They only hear about themselves and care about their reputation. I suddenly remember that, "The children will be their parents downfall" well it doesn't have to be but sometimes some parents are really asking for it. Some people deserve it tho, to be left behind. Having a child doesn't guarantee that they will take care of you once you grew old. I believe that love and respect should go both ways and that the elders wasn't always right and we should make our own decisions and weigh whether it is right or wrong. I hope eric would get a hint that joohyun doesn't like him and don't force himself to be with her. Joohyun need to clear things up with her love before she gets wrong ideas and please seungwan don't give irene to Eric because it seems like she would given that they're friends
Riscark #10
Chapter 7: I fcking hate timing, what the hell, you better Usain bolt yourself to catch seungwan, Joohyun