Chapter 8>

Stalking Apartment 2102
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Chapter 8>


In her years of growing up, Joohyun cared very little about her height, even when there were times, her classmates would make fun of her; she wouldn’t take it to heart.


But now, Joohyun wished her legs were longer, so she could catch up with Seungwan, who was no longer anywhere in sight by the time she reached the lift lobby, the lift has gone up to the sixth floor, it was all Eric’s fault, if it wasn’t for him.


Should she take the stairs?  But she would be out of breath by the time she reached the second floor.  And why on earth was she wasting precious time mauling over something like this?  Thankfully, the next lift came and without waiting for everyone to step out, she got in.


Earning her disapproval grunts in return but she paid no heed to it and instead, would prefer if they could get out quicker.


And even so, the lift had the audacity to take its’ own time up, panic seeped into her blood; she could not afford to lose the woman now, especially when she caught that frustrated look earlier on.


This caused her heart to pound out of control.


The lift dinged, pulling her back to reality, with three steps, she was now standing on Seungwan’s doorsteps; her fingers trembled as she pressed the bell.


Everything stayed perfectly stilled, was there be a possibility the woman had jumped out of the windows?


Wait.  What on earth was her brain sketching now?  No, Seungwan could have gone to take a shower but the eeriness behind this door was making her skin itch.


Just before she could break down this door, it was pulled open and a haggard-looking face came into view.


Her face drained of colours “Seungwan…” She muttered.


Those soft orbs used to send her heart into butterflies had now turned drastically cold, even winter was incomparable; the stiffness on those bony shoulders weren’t hard to notice, her arms were tempted to pull the woman into her embrace.




“You have nothing to explain to me, it’s getting late too, you should be heading home now.” The tenderness was all gone now; the miseries were the only left in the aftermath, Joohyun felt the tears coming.


“We…” She struggled to put her words forth but she doesn’t know where to even start.


But the woman remained nonchalant “If it is Eric, I’m relieved because I know he would treat you well and since he met you, there were only happiness in his eyes, he is really smitten with you; you should probably give him a chance.”


Joohyun felt her knees wobbling upon her words, was she a toy to be casted to someone else?  Had her love burdened her to the point that she had to do this? “Seungwan, among anyone, you should be the last person to do this to me, you know how I feel about you!”


The woman messed up her locks in frustration “Joohyun, in case you have forgotten, Eric is my best friend!”


She held her wrist when she saw the woman was about to run away again “Don’t pretend to assume I would be happy with him and you wouldn’t have run away, if you do not have any feelings for me, Seungwan, we could be happy together and it was alright of you to be selfish for a moment.”


“I DON’T, ALRIGHT?” The sharpness in that tone took the woman by surprise before looking away in weariness “I have always treated you as my closest friend.  It’s impossible for us to be together because I’m still afraid of being in love with someone again.  I’m sorry, Joohyun.”


Joohyun swore she saw the tears before the door was slammed right in her face, the dimmed corridors were the only thing that was accompanying her tears now.


Perhaps she had overestimated Seungwan’s feelings for her and that was why it hurts so much, despite that they weren’t a couple yet and where was her heart supposed to head from this point onwards, would it be better to confess about the truth to Eric first before her parents did something more drastic?


When would this pain end?


It was Friday afternoon, just a day away from Seungwan’s ex-girlfriend’s wedding, ever since their fell-out, she had not been stepping out of her house, seemingly afraid of looking into those cold glances, she heard the opposite door clicked shut and open during the day and late in the night, if not, quietness was the only thing that was wrapping around her heart every second.


To the point, she had turned off her phone and was intending to hide in this corner of her living room till forever but the current constant ringing of her doorbell indicated somebody else was still worrying over her, this little comfort was probably provided by the couple living upstairs.


It was until she heard the banging of the door that prompted her to finally move her feet, with a little stumbling, she reached the door and twisted the knob, where bodies almost collapsed on her.


“JOOHYUN!  Where have you been?” She quickly noticed the relieved on Seulgi’s face (was she the one, who created this?) as Sooyoung desperately held onto her forearms, the impact almost throwing her off her feet.


“We were really worried about you when all our calls were directed to your inbox.  We saw Seungwan at the lobby yesterday and she looked just as dead as you, what happened and don’t even bother lying to us.” Sooyoung grunted.


At the mentioned of the woman’s name, Joohyun felt her world tumbling, heart clenching, as if nothing would ever made sense anymore, she fell in their embrace “S-She doesn’t want…”


Let this be the last time, she would be crying over that woman.


Joohyun had no idea how long she was unconscious and all that was portrayed in her dreams were little stars that seemed to slip out of her grasps whenever she tried to catch them.


Was this a sign, she had failed to notice, right from the start?


There were voices in a distance.


“Seungwan, what did you exactly do

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Chapter 10: Lol Eric is getting on my nerves. By happiness does he mean his d*ck? Because fingers could do as much even better tbh. Being able to give her a child? Well, joohyun and seungwan could adopt or do ivf. Being in a relationship society doesn't frown upon? Well some parts of the world is still homophobic or holds their dislike against them but WR could work on that matter but tbh i don't think that joohyun will care as long as she has seungwan. Does he mean being well off? because seungwan is too. I don't understand mens reasoning or their logic tbh even in real life they're annoying af. I hope Eric don't resort to intimidation or threatened joohyun or Seungwan's safety. Men tend to have little patience and tend to snap (hurt other people) when they think someone is making fun of them or belittling them or if some didn't give them what they want. I hope he does have decency to accept their relationship with grace and move on or WR would choose the bear lol #teambear
Chapter 10: I hate when men try to force their way like this, srsly Eric get over whatever you have in mind.
Chapter 9: They're both afraid honestly. Seungwan with showing what she really feels and breaking her best pal's heart. Joohyun telling her parents about what she truly feels about Seungwan and telling Eric that she already has feelings for someone else. Eric could should get the out of wr's way tho. He's that typical annoying man who thinks that a woman's No as a challenge. Just how small is his brain to not comprehend the meaning of the word No. But then again "Men" not all but it's always them
WenRene_77 #4
Chapter 9: Never say things when your mad. Thanks for the update author💙🩷
Chapter 9: An update! Thanks!

Ah.. saying things you don't mean to say when you're angry. It's horrible thing, but it always happens.😔
Chapter 8: No... UGH. I don't even know what to say. I know Eric is Seungwan's friend, so him being there is normal. But.. GAH.😩
Chapter 8: If we don't have Eric. Seungwan will never accept joohyun easy. But I think they both have to do something. To let Eric back off.
109 streak #8
Chapter 8: oh eric please go away 😭😭😭 let seungwan and joohyun be happy 😭😭😭
Chapter 7: Damn, joohyun's parents are suffocating people. I wouldn't blame joohyun that she wants to be away from them. Aside from them being an absent parents and letting other people take care of their child. It wouldn't be a surprise once their child leaves them. Is joohyun an only child? Because if she has another sibling and they're younger then i would feel bad for them because they're stuck with those kind of people. I'm sure they're the type of people who would disown their own child once they found out that they are gay. I feel bad that joohyun seems like she doesn't have much of a choice because her parents keeps on imposing and doesn't put her feelings into consideration. They only hear about themselves and care about their reputation. I suddenly remember that, "The children will be their parents downfall" well it doesn't have to be but sometimes some parents are really asking for it. Some people deserve it tho, to be left behind. Having a child doesn't guarantee that they will take care of you once you grew old. I believe that love and respect should go both ways and that the elders wasn't always right and we should make our own decisions and weigh whether it is right or wrong. I hope eric would get a hint that joohyun doesn't like him and don't force himself to be with her. Joohyun need to clear things up with her love before she gets wrong ideas and please seungwan don't give irene to Eric because it seems like she would given that they're friends
Riscark #10
Chapter 7: I fcking hate timing, what the hell, you better Usain bolt yourself to catch seungwan, Joohyun