1 Love Flows Like Water

Battlefield (2023 Version)
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Now that Youngni thought about it, it was a horrible decision to eat to her heart’s content. All the eggs scrambled and hash brown she stuffed from Call Me’s mini celebration better not come back up while she dangled midair. She pounded a fist to her chest a few times.

After completing her quick check-in procedure to track her safety, she closed the app and shoved her phone into her back pocket. The neon letters of MAGIC WORLD floating in a pool of clouds announced her arrival to the place she anticipated would flip her world upside. In a good way. A very good way.

Kim Hyesung stood by the entrance. She followed his gaze to two kids in the opposite side of him. An older sister and younger brother. She scoffed. The older sister held a gigantic bear while the younger brother ran around her, that was only a form of annoying.

“Your kids?” Youngni asked. She didn’t bother with an introduction. The last time she went all professional on him, he just told her to call him Hyesung. But it was too uncomfortable, so she settled for Mr. Kim. Afterall, he was a client and an elder? Uncle? At the age of 40.

“No,” he smiled, “they remind me of my daughter. Like you do, Ms. Oh.”

She pressed her lips into a thin line at the mentioned of her being like his daughter. The last time she’d heard, his daughter acted like a rebellious teenage brat. She begged to differ. 

“Youngni will do.”

Hyesung smiled. “Please show me what you like about this place.”


Easy. Peasy. Hyesung had a daughter in her teen years. He struggled to understand her, so he sought Call Me’s service in hope he would develop a better relationship with his daughter.

Honestly, teenagers were unreasonable and rebellious. There wasn’t much to understand beside sometime just letting them be. The more you tell them to not do something, the more they want to. They want to explore, do it all.

Hyesung said her daughter sneaked out often to hang out at cafés or go to MAGIC WORLD. He worried her friends were bad influence. The last date they’d hung out at a café, Hyesung observed what the youngster did. They ordered drinks and sat for hours chatting.

This time he would experience the thrilled MAGIC WORLD had to offer and why his daughter loved coming here.

Youngni started the poor guy off with the merry-go-round. She tested the water to be sure he could float. Then they went on the train ride that told them all about the park’s history and blueprint. She could tell he was bored. But the best was yet to come.

Hyesung dusted the water droplets off his shirt. At least he enjoyed the lazy river. “Ms.—Youngni what’s thrilling about these rides?”

“Oh…these are the feel-good baby rides. Not the thrilling ones yet.”

“We can skip the feel-good and go straight to the thrill.”

Youngni assessed the thought for a second. Well, if he insisted, who was she to disobey the wish of her client?

They spent about 2 minutes in the fast-past lane, before the attendant opened the gate for them to seat themselves in the front row for The Witch. Youngni clicked her safety belt in place and Hyesung mirrored her actions. Youngni held a breath as he watched the panic on Hyesung’s face when the foot board disappeared, and their feet dangled in the air. Before she could examine his emotions further, the roller coaster shot them forward. The ride came in loops after loops and then it brought them to a high point before shooting them back to the starting point. Boy. That was pure ecstasy.

Once the foot board returned and she unbuckled her belt and rushed to Hyseung. She didn’t know what to do with the terror presented in his face. Sweats dripped down the sides of his head, and the color of his face turned paler by the second.

“Are you o

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Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something nice to read and I gotta say that the plot seems different and kinda intriguing. But before I started reading this story, I just wanted to know that it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and leave a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^