9 Love Is Unbreakable

Battlefield (2023 Version)
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Of all the club Soomin had been to the way to Fantasi brought goosebumps down her back. A thick ominous aurora swirled in the air with the unsettling sensation in her stomach. She visited Namu University multiples times, but never had she knew a route down this chilly alley existed. The further she walked the more secluded it became. The liveliness of the colorful shops and bright green trees faded into a dull brown deep in the woods.

How she wished she lied in her bed wearing her pajamas instead of the bodycon walking in her strapped ballet shoe down the uneven, unpaved road. Though with Youngni, they’d still walk the wrong direction or probably strayed even further away from the original, but it was better than to be alone. Youngni’s parents were unable to care for her younger brother, so she expected to be stuck babysitting for an hour longer.

Fantasi. The fancy sign illuminated in golden lights flashed in the distance. She was positive she walked the road no one did. If Myunghwa didn’t mention the alleys, she may not have come by foot. She might have taken a taxi. Nothing extravagant decorated the entrance. Just a fancy sign with a wooden door. Soomin didn’t understand why such place was invitation-only. It easily could be mistaken as an abandon building. Down a few more untrimmed bushes, she found a cracked cemented sidewalk. A few people engaged in conversation at the front entrance. Then a black car come from the opposite side confirming she took the wrong route. Oh well. She’d take the normal route home.

Soomin pulled out her phone to complete her check in procedure, but she couldn’t find a spot with connection. The place wasn’t only secluded but deprived of connection as well. Just maybe she could use the wifi inside. She shoved her phone back in her wristlet and pushed through the wooden door. She jumped at the loud creak. Despite the rustiness, the interior justified the invitation-only. Just like the wooden door the interior filled with wooden decor, almost like a relaxing spa especially with the soft jazzy music.

“Welcome to Fantasi!” The hostess beamed with enthusiasm and politeness.

Soomin smiled and absorbed in the atmosphere. A sense of energy build inside her. She introduced herself and the hostess recognized her immediately.

Down the hallway, she heard the drumming beat, probably from the dance floor, though she couldn’t see which hallway led there. One closed door after another. These must be private rooms for rent.

Her mind stopped wondering when a passing woman’s shoulder bumped against hers. She frowned. It was too harsh for it to be an accident. Without an apology, the woman kept walking. Soomin could only see her back. Her figure thin and flattering. Hair long close to her waist. She pictured a face, a plastic beauty with no brain but liked to flaunt her wealth.

“Please,” the hostess stopped at the next wooden door and extended her hand for Soomin to entered. “Mr. Baek is waiting inside.”


Mark rushed to Call Me wrapped in positivity and courage until he met Youngni halfway through Namu Park out of breath trying to explain about a place she didn’t know where. All he heard was can’t call her, Fantasi, and date. All three words traveled down the danger lane, and he dashed off. He never liked her dates. He heard funky things about Fantasi from Henry’s and his group of friends. And can’t reach Soomin made the blood pumped far too abnormal. It fed his leg to take actions.

When the hostess didn’t let him through because he wasn’t ‘invited’, he pushed past her and dodged two securities. He entered the dance floor and surrounded himself amongst the grooving and swaying bodies. Maybe dressing a little more formal would help him blend in, but his hoody made him stand out like a proud rainbow. He depended on the dimmed lighting to blend him into the background. After he pushed through the

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Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something nice to read and I gotta say that the plot seems different and kinda intriguing. But before I started reading this story, I just wanted to know that it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and leave a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^