The Time Will Come

The Extend of Love

Karina remembers the first time she laid her eyes on the lost puppy looking for directions to her class in a new school. She was doing her rounds as the school president when she came across Winter with a pout on her lips. 


Bob black-haired.



Karina was certained that the unfamiliar cute girl is new. With that angelic face like hers, she would have remembered her clearly. 

"Hey, are you alright? Class are starting soon." 

Startled, Winter looked up from the ground with her eyes doubled. That gave Karina the opportunity to get enchanted by the girl's hazel eyes.

This girl is surely a beauty. 

It wasn't everyday that someone could impress the great Karina Yoo. For a split second, Karina felt threatened for her queen bee position in the campus. There was certainly a chance that this new girl would take over her position. 

But all those ill-feelings disappeared when Karina became the receiving end of a darn adorable-shy-blushing-beautiful-puppy-gummy smile. 

"I-I'm lost..."

and a darn soft-squeaky-cute-gentle-warm speaking voice.

Oh, Karina is a goner. 


For the first time in her entire 20 years of life, Karina felt the need to protect someone. Her breath hitched when Winter brings a hand up to scratch her head embarrassingly like a kid. Suppressing all of this foreign feelings down, Karina tried to maintain a professional front. 

"No worries, I'm the school president here. I'll help you."

"Oh... Thank you..." 

Karina flashes her million-watt smile at the younger as they started to walk together along the hallway. Wanting to spend a little more time with the new girl, Karina purposely slowed down her footsteps. Not caring if it would cause her to be slightly late for her own class as well. (she could always use her president card as an excuse)


"I'm Karina. What's your name?" 

"Erm... W-Winter."

The taller couldn't help but gush internally at how shy the latter was, "Not good around strangers?"

Winter ducks her head down sheepishly and nodded, "Sorry, just... you're really pretty." 


Karina wasn't foreign to compliments about her visuals. But hearing it from someone as pretty as Winter, she finds herself mirroring the blush on the junior's cheeks.


"T-Thank you, you're really pretty too."

Maybe she was still embarrassed from complimenting her senior out of nowhere, Winter only pressed her lips into a small smile and nodded. 

As they get closer to the junior's level, Karina felt herself getting disappointed. They stopped right infront of Winter's class.

"So here we are. I see that you have Mrs. Oh as your homeroom teacher. You're in good hands. She's one of the friendliest teachers that we have here." 

Winter nodded, "Thank you so much, Karina sunbaenim."

"No worries. You can always find me if you have any issues or questions about the school." 

"My class is just one level above yours. Room 4-6." The taller one nibbled on her lower lips and offers, "Maybe you can come find me during lunch later if you don't have someone to habe lunch with?"

"Oh, I will keep that in mind sunbae. Thank you so much for your help."

The junior smiles and gave Karina a deep bow before walking in the classroom. Karina stayed behind for a while to see the small girl introducing herself shyly in front of the class before walking away with a new found interest in the new girl. 



"What are you staring at?" 

A nudge on her arm forced her eyes away from oggling at a certain bob-haired girl sitting a few tables away from her with another student that she recognises as Ning Ning.


"You seem to be out of it these few days." Giselle comments with her brows arch, "What's wrong with you?"

Karina glances at the same direction for another time before shrugging it off with a deflated sigh, "It's nothing." 


Not buying her words, Giselle craned her neck slightly to see what took her bestfriend's attention. 

"Ah. Winter Kim and Ning Ning?" The japanese chuckled, "Are you still beat over how your junior refused to have lunch with you last week?"

"Shut up. She didn't reject me. She just found a lunch buddy that's all." Karina glared, "Afterall I did told her to find me only if she don't have a friend to eat with." 

"Plus, I'm pretty sure she have a bad impression on me now."



The swimmer sighed, "Don't you remember how Yeji and the rest approached her and tried to ask her to join us like two days ago and Winter rejected them? And right after that day, they have been messing up with her." 

"Right, I totally forgot about your good-for-nothing friends." 

"Hey, they are your friends too." 

"Please. I only agreed to be there because you asked me to." Giselle aruges, "Why are you even sticking to them anyway."

"An order from above."

"Above?" Giselle furrowed her brows, "What? God ask you to be friend them?"


Karina chortled at the shorter's confusion, "No. My father. Business purposes."

"Sheesh, lame." 

"I know." 

"So I guess you are never going to act upon your little crush on Winter then?"

Flustered at her bestfriend's unflitered words, Karina frantically looked around her surroundings before slapping Giselle's arm.

"What the hell? What if other people heard you?"

"Oh right," Giselle hissed with a roll of her eye, "I forget that you're forced to be homophobic."

"Shut up, I don't have a crush on Winter."

"and a gay in denial, i see."


"Okay fine, I'll shut up." Giselle raised her hands up in surrender. 

But of course she won't miss the chance to bestfriend again. 


"Oh? Winter is looking at you." 

It's unbelivable how fast Karina turned her neck that Giselle was afraid that she might have snapped a muscle in the process. A teasing grin formed on the japanese lips and Karina was certain that she will get poked fun at after all of the denial.

But it was the least of her concern right now. 

Especially when the Winter Kim is locking her eyes with her and giving her the same darn adorable-shy-blushing-beautiful-puppy-gummy smile.


Her heart did a little flip. 

She smiled back silly with her pink-dusted cheeks.

It beats her how long they have been staring at each other until a voice pulled her away from her little world with Winter. 


"I don't have a crush on Winter." Giselle mimicks besides her ears.


Okay fine. Maybe I do have a crush on her.



To say Karina was surprised, was an understatement. 

It was a few weeks later when she saw Winter standing amongst a good fifty students at the school's indoor pool. The clubs was having a recuitment day and the swimming club, of course was on a hunt to see if there were any new experienced swimmer to join their team. 

"Winter?" Karina stops infront of the nervous-looking girl who looks so adorbale in the blue swim suit. With the swimming cap wrapped around Winter's head, Karina could see a clearer view of the younger's striking and clear features. 

Her skin is so flawless and white.

So innocent and clean.

Like a white fluffy maltese.


"H-Hello, sunbae." 

"Hey..." Karina smiles, "I didn't know you swim." 

"Well..." Winter chewed on her lower lips, and Karina noted how she seem hestitant and unsure. 

Thinking that it was the nerves, Karina reached out to pat on the junior's shoulder in an attempt to assure her, "You're going to do just fine hm? Don't be too nervous. I'm sure you're a good siwmmer right?"

"About that..." Winter rubbed her nape, "I...Hmm... does the club only accept experienced swimmers?"

The swimming captain blinked at the obvious question, but nodded nonetheless, "Yeah? We are actually pretty known for winning swimming competitions. So the coach is actually quite strict about the members' skills."

"But hey," Karina grinned cheekily, before whispering softly "I'm the captain so... I might be able to ask the coach to turn an eye for you."


Winter narrowed her eyes before giggling, "Are you saying that you're going to get me in the team by pulling some strings?" 

God knows how good Karina felt from eliciting those cute laughters from her junior. She throws her head back and chuckles as well, "I mean... it would be nice to have you on the team. Trainings will definitely be more bearable with you."

"Oh sunbae. You need to stop."


"If you keep this up, I might think that you're flirting with me." 

That caused Karina to freeze up and Winter was quick to catch on the older's discomfort. 


"I-I'm just kidding!" Winter quickly added on with a fake cough.

"Oh... well hm yeah good luck, Winter. See you later."

"Yeah, thank you." 

Ignoring the harsh beating in her chest, Karina aims a tight smile at her junior before leaving. 



Karina wonders just how many feelings can Winter make her feel all in one day. 

First, she was surprised to see Winter among the students who signed up for the swimming team.

Next, she was confused as to why Winter did not show up during the actual trial and literally disappeared after their conversation. 

Now, she is panicking because her overthinking brain kicks in and tells her that its because of what she said to Winter about pulling strings and how she froze up at Winter's tease about her flirting. 


", did I made her uncomfortable?" The swimmer cursed and leaned her head against the cold metal locker, regretting her words and action a few hours before.

She was looking forward to see Winter's swimming skills and the possibility of having a cute girl to stare at and talk to during trainings.

But great, she just have to ruin everything even before starting anything huh? 

"Stupid, Yoo Jimin. You're so dumb." 

Karina scolds herself as she hits her head against the locker repeatedly softly. 


"Hey now, I don't want to lose my ace to some internal head bleeding." A voice startled the swimmer. 

"Coach Yuri." 

The said woman chuckled as she walks in the empty locker room, "What's up? Why do you seem to be in such a deep agony?" 

"O-Oh... it's nothing, coach,"

"Really?" Yuri quirked a brow in amusement, "It's not everyday that I see a prim and composed Karina behaving in such ways. It totally looked like you were having a mental breakdown."


"Was it because of the cutie you were talking to earlier on?"

Karina snapped her head up with her eyes doubled, "H-Huh? What cutie?"

"Don't think I didn't saw that little interaction and conversation you had earlier on with that kid... You were acting so giddly and I saw how flustered you were while talking to her. Winter Kim was the name I think?" 

At the mention of the name, Karina's ears grew red and it was enough to make her coach double in laughters. 


"Gosh the great Karina Yoo has a crush?"

Karina whines internally. Was she really being that obvious?

"C-Coach!!!" Karina pouts at how Yuri was totally having a time of her life laughing at her. 

"It's fine, Rina." Yuri snorted, "She's actually really cute. You have taste." 

"Anyway, if you're wondering if you messed up something during your convo with her or something, you're wrong."

"Then... why didn't she took part in the trial?"

Yuri chortled, "I can't believe you are this slow."


"She can't swim. That's the reason why she didn't turn up for the trial."

"Huh? Then why did she even signed up interest for it?"

The older woman shakes her head fondly at her favourite student then pats on her shoulder before leaving with her gym bag.

"I leave that up for Winter to tell you." 

"What? Hey!!! Coach! You can't just leave me hanging like this!" 


Yuri doesn't bother to turn back and just waves her hands in the air, leaving Karina ever more curious about Winter's decision.

"Ugh she really dropped a bomb and leave me like that?" Karina grumbled and plopped herself down the bench. 


Cupping her face in her hands, Karina went back to ponder over coach Yuri's words, trying to make sense of everything. 

Then it hits her.


Was she trying to get in the team because of me?

Does she have a crush on me too?


Without her knowing, her lips starts curling up into a silly grin at the thought of her cute junior having feelings for her. 


Unable to get that burning question off her mind, Karina  took it upon herself to wait for the junior outside of her class the next day. 

"K-Karina sunbae?" 

Pushing herself off the wall, the swimmer raised her hand in the air to give Winter a small wave along with an awkward smile.


She was surprised to see the girl alone without the chinese today. But well, better for her anyway.

"Can we talk?" 

Although confused, Winter still gave her senior a little nod and Karina walks them up to the rooftop for some privacy. 


"Where are you alone today without your friend?"

"You mean Ningning?"

Karina nodded, "You two are always sticking together." 

"Ah, she's at the infirmary. Period cramps. I was about to find her for lunch actually." 

"I see, I shouldn't hold you back that long then." 

"Its fine," Winter press a small smile, "Can I help you with something?" 

Karina suddenly grew nervous. 

While she wanted get an answer to her burning question, Karina also didnt know how to approach it. It is the first time she is taking the initiative for such things. 

"Erm... you didn't participate in the trial..." 

"Ah... about that," Winter looks away, "I-I actually don't know how to swim." 

"Then why did you sign up your interest?" 

There was a pregnant silence and Karina grew even more anxious.


Was it a weird question to ask?

Was it too invasive?

But she is just curious.

Its not wrong to be curious right...?


"I just wanted to pick up a new skill and I thought that you guys also have a separate leisure program to teach people how to swim." 

"But after our convo, I realised that its only opened for experienced swimmers." 

Karina felt her heart sinking in disappointment at the younger's reason. What was she even expecting to hear?

The swimming captain sighed internally and blamed her high expectations on her coach for bringing her hopes up and giving her the wrong impression. 

"Sorry, seems like your training would continue to be unbearable" Winter pulls a joke with a mischievous grin. 

Karina chuckles, "Yeah, too bad. I have no cute girls to stare at." 

"Oh stop it," Winter rolled her eyes playfully, trying to stop herself from reading too much at Karina's innocent flirtings. 

She was pretty certain that Karina is straight and just wanted to make friends wirh her. 



"You want to learn how to swim?" 

"Yeah, that's what I said." 

Karina turns to her and flashed a beautiful grin, "I can teach you." 

"You wanna teach me how to swim?"

"You do know that I'm the ace of the team right? Give me four months and I will make you a dolphin." 



And just like that, the pair started their private swimming lessons every friday night at the school's indoor pool. Ever since, fridays have been Karina's favourite day of the week. Teaching Winter has thus far been one of the best decision Karina made. 


She got to spend more time with the girl that she had taken a interest in. 

She got to watch Winter learn her favourite sport. 

She got know Winter better every week. 


It didn't take long for Karina to realise that her little crush have developed into something more and she wasn't even a tad bit surpise. Because Winter Kim is the literal definition of a fluff ball. God knows how many times the senior had to hold herself back from spread her arms to engulf the small girl into her arms to give her a tight hug and never let her go. 


It's really unfair how Winter have such a huge effect on her.

Sometimes, Karina would try dropping hints about her interest in the junior. She would throw in random compliments and flirty lines. While, it made her feel good to see Winter blushing at her actions and words, it also made her confused at times. At days, Winter would respond positively to her and even flirt back. However, there were also days where Karina was more straightforward and touchy. That is when Winter would start distancing or blanantly ignore her actions and change topic to distract the older woman. 

Basically, she was receiving mixed signals from Winter and she doesn't relaly know how to go about it especially since they are almost done with their 4 months of private swimming lessons. 


"Aren't you tired?"

"You've got to teach me ontop of all of the trainings and president duties you have. I feel bad." 

They were taking a short break from their lesson, hanging around the sidelines when Winter initiated the conversation. 

Karina shook her head, "Nah, I don't mind it. I'm enjoying this."

"Really?" Winter quirked a brow, "You are literally teaching a child how to swim." 

The senior chuckled, "Yeah, you're a baby." 


While Karina is familiar the sight of Winter pouting through the months of teasing and hanging out with the younger one, Karina could never stop herself from finding it adorable. 


"I'm really enjoying this," Karina reassures Winter, "Don't you know how nice it feels to see you improving each time? You can even do stokes and backstrokes now!" 

"Yeah!" Winter's pout was replaced with a proud smile, "I'm a fast learner right?"

"Sadly, yes." 

"Sadly? Why sadly?" 

That was Karina's cue to throw in another flirty comment. She leans in closer to Winter's face, smirking a little when the latter flinches slightly at her sudden movement. 

"Because that means I don't have a reason to see you on every friday night anymore and spend time with you. You're literaly my highlight of the week. Fridays' are now my favourite day of the week." 

"But i guess, that will soon stop after our last lesson next week." 

Winter stayed muted for a good 15 seconds and Karina thought that it must be one of those days that Winter wasn't up for the flirting game. Sensing the latter's discomfort, an apology was about to roll of her tongue when Winter sighs heavily.


"Unnie really, you need to stop saying stuff like that."

"Did I make you uncomfortable? Sorry, I just... don't we have this dynamics going on?"

"Yeah, I guess. It's just me. Don't worry about it." Winter turns away and something about it just didn't sit well in Karina, "Let's just resume the lesson."

"Wait. Is everything okay?" Karina asked, grabbing the younger's wrist under the water to stop her from swimming away.

With a tilt of her head, Winter looks up with her brows creased in apparent conflict. The older gives Winter the time to talk to her, while she caressed the back of the younger's hand gently in hopes to calm the girl down. 


A few minutes later, Winter's shoulder deflated and a heaves a long exhausted sigh that worried Karina.

"It's just... your words and actions makes me false hope." 

"What do you mean by false hope?"

Winter groans in frustration, turning away with the tips of her ears blushing pink, "Like... it makes me think that you like me."

Karina chuckled in amusement, knowing very well what kind of like Winter was referring to, "I do like you." 

"As in like like."

"Yeah, like like." Karina repeated the same way with a soft gentle smile on her lips. The short haired slowly directed her pair of doubtful eyes back to the taller woman. 

"Like... in a gay way?" Winter questioned, voice small and timid, cheeks flushed bright red.


Oh my gosh.

Karina wanted to just scream at how adorable Winter is. Not being able to hold herself back any longer, she pulls the surprised younger girl towards her and winds her arms around Winter's ant waist, holding her close to her body. She could feel Winter tensing up at their body proximity.


"Yes, in a gay way." Karina affirms.

She tucks a wet strand of hair away from Winter's doll face and chuckles when she saw the look of disbelief. 

"Y-You like me... in the gay way? Are you just teasing me?"

"Yes, Winter. I like you."


How else can she bring her feelings across without Winter assuming that its all just plantonic or just her joking around? 

Before she realise, Karina had leaned forward to place a  peck on Winter's forehead. She draws back and sighed, "I'm being serious here, Win. I like you very much. I'm very gay for you. I don't know how else am I suppose to profess my affections for you to understand my feelin   "

"   Be my girlfriend!" Winter interrupted her midway, causing the older's orbs to double in size. 


it seems like Winter was taken back by her words too. There was a pregnant silence that Karina desperately wants to get rid of so she repeats, "D-Did you just asked me to be your girlfriend?"

"You like me?"

Winter rolled her eyes, "I thought I was being obvious already when I signed up for your club even when I at swimming just to see you!"

"What? Didn't you told me that you just wanted to learn how to swim?"

"It was just excuse because you asked me so suddenly! Ugh. Forget it!"

Annoyed, Winter pushed Karina away and paddled further into the waters. 

The president blinks then slowly, it hits her. Grinning widely, she swam towards Winter and hugged her from the back.

"Unnie!" Winter shierked when she got spun around to be greeted by the annoying toothy grin that she unfortunately fell in love with, "You scared me!"

"Don't leave the conversation hanging!" Karina pouts, "So you are saying that the real reason why you signed up for the swimming club was because of me? Because  you wanted to see me?"

"You had a crush on me? Like in a gay way?" Karina teases to which she receives and slap on her arm. 

"I hate you!"

"i think you're suppose to say you like me." 

"You're so annoying."

"Yet you still fell for me." Karina giggles and pulls Winter in for a hug.


She snuggles her nose into Winter's wet suit and sighs in contentment.

"You're mine now, Winter Kim."



And that was how their secret relationship begins. Karina also soon learned about her girlfriend's past and  what her horrible ex did to her. She also expressed her worries about her homophobic parents and friends and was glad that both of them were on the same page in keeping their relationship a secret.

While it was annoying to see guys hitting on her puppy, Karina was very satisfied. She has never been happier before.

She loves Winter.

She loves how Winter looks like a puppy but acts like a lazy cat who reacts so well to her jokes and teases.

She loves how Winter's petite frame fits perfectly in her arms. 

She loves their little late night talks where she could pour out all of her frustrations and burdens she get from trying to be the perfect daughter and Winter would hug and kiss her tears away with assuring words. 

She loves how kind, patient and sweet Winter is.

She loves seeing that darn adorable-shy-blushing-beautiful-puppy-gummy smile, especially when she was the one who made Winter smile like that. 


So when she saw Winter giving that very same smile to the new girl, Karina was jealous. She had never felt that jealous and envious of someone before Minju turns up out of nowhere in Winter's life. Sure, she had her jealous fits whenever some stupid boys confessed to Winter but the younger had never once entertained them nor did she gave them the same smile.

Maybe it was also because she knew that Winter didn't swing that way and they were still in a relationship that Karina felt slightly more secure. 

But Minju appeared at the very time when she let Winter slip through her fingers. Not to mention that she's very attractive to the eyes (even if she wants to deny it). On top of it, Minju doesn't seem to even care about how others look at her.

She's strong and daring enough to stand up for herself.

To stand up for Winter. 


Karina felt threatened.

And the green monster got better of her when she saw Minju and Winter walking out of Winter's apartment late at night.

Was she too late?

It can't be. 

While her short but intense conversation with Minju made her mad as hell. It knocked some sense and urgency in her.

She may still have Winter's heart now. But if she doesn't do something about it, she will definitely be replaced someday. 

I have to do something.

I need to tell them the truth.


Karina literally could feel fire burning up in her entire body that night when she runs back home, despite the rain and and cold weather. Her heart palpitated in nervousness with newfound determination and will power to set things straight all at once and to get her girl back. 

But you see, it isn't easy. 

The moment she stepped in her house where she was greeted by her father in his study glasses looking at her with his straight strict face, all of that courage and will powers died down instantly. Just by the appearance of her dad, puts out the passion and fire in her. 


A taunting imaginary scene flashed across her so quickly that left her frozen. The moment she saw her father, her head started playing possible scenarios of how mad and upset he would be if he were to find out about his only daughter's true identity and secret affair.


She was so scared.

So afraid that whatever confessions that wanted to make, were all stuck in .

And she knew, tonight she will fail her mission in confessing the truth.


"It's already almost midnight and you just came back? What have you been doing, Jimin?"

Just by that tone, Karina knew that her father was disappointed, "Stop fooling around and focus on your studies. Make sure you get first place for the upcoming final examination. Don't be a disgrace to the Yoos."


He doesnt even bother asking if she was okay - even seeing that she was drenched from the head to toe, shivering. 

Karina wouldn't have noticed that her dad had turned his heels and returned back to his study room while she stayed rooted in her drenched state staring into nothingness till her mother cames rushing to her in concern.

"Jimin! You're going to get sick!"

The wine-haired finally breaks out of her trance and felt a towel over her shoulder. Turning her head, she saw her worried-stricken mother who was staring at her with her brows furrowed. 



Her lower lips started trembling and before she knew it, hot fresh tears starts running down her orbs. Feeling her legs weaken, Karina falls onto the ground with her mother barely catching her. 


"Hey, sweetheart. What happened? Did dad said something to you?"







Karina was feeling so much that once that she doesn't even know what exactly was she feeling.

It was too overwhelming.

Trying to calm herself down, she clutched on the stop of her wet sweater where underneath lies the promise ring tied to a necklace that she got for them during their third monthsary. It was a promise to Winter that one day, they will be able to wear in on their finger.

But now, it seemed like a far-fetched dream and that pierced Karina chest even more.

She could not even utter one letter and just continue to brawl her eyes out in her mother's embrace. 

Meanwhile, the older woman could only pat her daughter's back and sigh when she realised how skinny Karina had became.


Another week passed and even if Karina wanted to sink further into her depression, she couldn't. She still had exams to excel in and she still had to fulfil her father's expectations. 

It was toxic.

But the finals definitely did helped to distract Karina a little from her problems and feelings. She was so focused on her studies now that she had neglected both her mental and physical health. 

Once her last paper ended, Karina felt like a souless human. Well, it has been awhile since she felt that way - ever since, Winter dumped her. 

Head pounding, heart racing, Karina did not feel well at all. She could hear buzzing in her ears as her friends and Jeno approached her with their loud voices. 

"Hey baby! Let's celebrate! Its finally end of exams!" Jeno cheered and attempted to hug Karina but the girl was fast to push him away. She had no energy and mood to deal with him now. 

But obviously Jeno didn't like that. 

There were many students watching and she had just embarrassed him like that but at the same time, he couldn't lash out on her with so many pairs of eyes staring at the seemingly perfect couple.


"What's wrong babe?" Jeno flashes what seems like a kind gentle smile but Karina knew that it was far from that.

"I'm not feeling well. I will just head home."

Karina replies simply and walks off, not even caring about her other good-for-nothing friends' reactions. She's pretty sure that they don't even give a damn to her well-being anyway. 

While making a beeline towards the gates, Karina felt her world spinning and tried to get hold of herself.

What the is happening?

She shakes her head and rubs between her eyes, hopping that it will make her vision better when she felt a hand around her arm.

Thinking that it was Jeno who chased after her, she was about to swat the hand away when she heard a voice that she's been dying to hear. 


"Are you okay?"

Instantly, her eyes snap wide open and she looks up to see that it was indeed Winter staring at her in concern. Suddenly, a small of her started to feel alive again seeing the girl but it died down as soon as she noticed the annoying presence of the pink-haired beside Winter. 

Karina tries to ignore that numbing pain in her chest at the hands wrapped around Winter's other arm. Steadying herself, she gives Winter a brief nod. 


"Are you sure?" Winter questioned again, "You look unwell."

"I-I'm fine. Just feeling a little giddy suddenly."

She fakes a smile and tries not to get affect by how Minju tightens her grip around Winter's arm possessively and how Winter - who hates skinship, doesn't seem to mind it.

Knowing that she can't stay anytime longer here with them like that without breaking down badly and asking Winter to take her back, Karina hurriedly turns away and returns to walking to the gates.

However, barely taking three steps forward, her vision went entirely blank and the last thing she heard was a high-pitch scream that definitely came from Winter.



"I'm in love with Winter."

She watches how anger consumed her parents and she dreads for the worst when the angry man throws the glass of wine he was drinking against the wall. Both her mom and Karina screams at the shattering of glass.

Karina wasn't surprised when her fathers charges over to her. All she did was to close her eyes and wait for the impact but her mother managed to stop the upset man before he touches a strand of her hair.


"Jaebum! You promised me not to do that to Jimin anymore! Control your anger!"

Karina could only drop her head low at her mom's protective stance infront of her. At least her mother still seem to care for her.


"Jiyeon! Do you not hear what your own daughter said?"

"She's ing a woman! That's unacceptable!"

"Jaebum, calm down. Jimin just didn't know what she is saying right?" Her mother turn towards her and grabs Karina by her shoulder, shaking her.


"Jimin. You are dating Jeno right?" The look of despair the older woman was sending her makes Karina drown in a pool of guilt. 

But she was getting tired of it.

Karina was tired of trying to be the good daughter. 

"Get to the study room now!"

The girl wordlessly walks into the study room aka. the punishment room. She was prepared to not end the night with just some shoutings. And she was right.

In her father's hand, was a leather belt and Karina braces herself from the pain that was to be inflicted on her body.

But she knows.

The physical pain won't even come close to the pain of losing Winter forever.

And she shuts her eyes tightly, awaiting for the first of many whips that she would have.

However, all she could feel was a warm embrace and a soft voice calling her. 


"Jimin, love. Baby, please wake up." 

Karina's fearful eyes snapped open widely as she sits up as if her back burned. dry like a desert and she felt goosebumps all over her body. Cold sweats sticks on her forehead and drips all the way down her collarbone. gasping for quick pockets of air as her chest raise and falls rapidly. 


"JImin, it's okay. You're safe. I'm here."

A hand grabs the back of her head gently and pushes it against a soft skin where Karina immediately inhaled the familar scent.




Her safe place.


She grips tightly on Winter's shirt and burries her face into the younger's comforting scent as she tears starts falling uncontrollably.

"Shhh... baby, just listen to my voice and focus on breathing okay?" Karina nodded. 

"Breathe in..."

"Breathe out."

"Breathe in..."

"Breathe out..."


Winter repeats a few more times until she feels Karina's tense body stopped trembling and start relaxing while her breath starts to even out.

Drawing away slightly, but not completely, knowing that Karina still needed her, Winter stared at her ex-girlfriend worriedly. Her chest tightened seeing Karina in such a devastating state. 

"M-Minjeong...What happened?"

"You fainted in school and you were burning in high fever. How did you take the exams in that state?"

Karina knows that Winter was going to scold her heads off and she was yearning for that. She just wants to hear Winter's voice. She just wants her to talk to her even if it means that she will be scolded. 

But it never came.

Instead, Winter craddled her face in her hands and look at her with those same loving orbs that Karina knows that she doesn't deserve. 

She also saw how much of a wrecked state she was in from the reflection of Winter's dark orbs. 


She looks pathetic.


"Are you okay?"

Not trusting herself with words, Karina shakes her head defeatedly. She holds Winter's hands in place and selfishly lets herself be comforted by the younger's presence. 


"What did you dreamed about?" 

Karina immediately tensed up again.

"You were mumbling and yelling at the same time incoherently. You seemed to be in pain, Jimin. Please tell me what's going on..." 

The taller girl chewed on her lips with her hands curled into fists, trying hard not to break down again. Winter  waits for her patiently while wipping her tears away. 

"I..." Her voice cracked. 

"Do you need some water before speaking?" 

Sensing that Winter was going to leave her, Karina hurriedly shake her head and stopped Winter.

"Please, stay. Don't leave me." 

"I'm not going to take long, Jimin. You need water and its just right outside."


Winter sighs before leaning into kiss Karina on her lips, surprising Karina, "I promise, hm?"

it certainly helped to assure the girl who nodded and pleaded her to be quick.


As promised, Winter returned within a minute and urged Karina to drink. Wanting to feel Winter again, Karina drank with one hand while the other went naturally to search for Winter's hand. The younger notices it and grabs it without any hesitation.


"Yes. Thank you..." Karina barely manage to force a smile out. Winter places the drink away without letting go off Karina's hand before putting all of her focus on Karina again. 

The older takes a moment to breathe before speaking.


"I've been having this nightmare for two weeks now." 

"The same nightmare?" 

"I started having it... after I attempted to come clean to my dad about us." 

Winter's eyes widen and her jaw dropped, "You what?" 

"Attempted to." Karina stressed, "i was frozen. I couldn't even utter a single word infront of him despite me really wanting to tell him the truth."

She recalls the agony and how much she hated herself for being such a coward. 

"In the nightmare, I confessed that I'm in love with you and ... he didn't take it well."

Karina trembled and Winter quickly surged forward to hold her other hand.

"He... told me to go the study room and he... took out his belt..."

Winter stops her from continuing, seeing how shaken she is and pulls her in for a hug again to calm her down.  Karina holds onto her desperately and cries. 

"I-I'm so sorry baby. I'm so useless...! I can't even speak up for us. Minju is right... I'm a coward. I know I don't deserve you, baby. But I want you so much. I love you so much that it hurts."

"I hate myself. I hate myself for not being strong enough for us. But baby, please give me one more chance. Give me a few more days."

"What do you mean?"

Winter pulls away and looks at her. 

"I will tell them." 

Yes, she is still scared. 

But having Winter here now infront of her, gives Karina the courage again. Or maybe it might be the recurring nightmare that prepare Karina for the worst. Especially the part where she knows that the physical pain would not ever amount to the pain of losing Winter forever. 

"If this is what I need to overcome to be with you, I will do it. You are worth it, baby." Karina drops her head onto Winter's shoulder tiredly and begs, "Just promise me that you will take me back. Tell me that you still love me. Still want me."

"I will do everything, Minjeong. Even if it means for me to go through some physical pain. I will. Please, just take me back. I can't live without you... I'm withering way each day while breathing." 


"Jimin, baby. Look at me."

Obeying, Karina lifted her head up and she doesn't know what to think about that soft smile on Winter's lips and gentle eyes looking at her.


"I love you, Yoo Jimin. I really do. I have never ever loved someone as much as you before." Winter confessed, "And I think I will never ever love someone other than you in the near future."

"Let's just stop apologising for the pain and hurts that we have caused each other. It's really not something that we can control now. We can't change who your parents are and we cant control how they think. I don't want you to blame yourself for what happened to us." 

"Promise me that you will stop hating yourself for not being able to fight for us, Jimin. I really understand your situation and I don't hate you for breaking your promises."

"I'm just tired. We both are."

Its alarming how it sounds like Winter wasn't going to change her mind. Karina grew anxious. 


"Shh... let me finish baby please."


"I will make it clear. I have no intentions of getting back with you, Jimin. At least not now. Not when both of us need the space to grow individually first."

"And I don't want you to come out to your parents. At least not now too. Not when you are not ready to face them. I don't want you to just do this because of me. I want you to tell them and be proud of who you for yourself. Tell them when you are no longer scared of who you are and how they would view you, Jimin."

"Will there even be a day where I will no longer be scared?" Karina questioned.

Winter smiles and nods, "There will. The time will come, I promise. When you are confident, when you have come to a full acceptance of yourself and when you know what you truly want. I believe that the day will come where you can tell them your true feelings."


"What about us, Minjeong?"

The younger girl reaches to take out the ring necklace under Karina's shirt and also showed Karina's her identical pair, "Remember what we promised each other with this?"

"That one day we will wear them on our fingers."

"That's right. One day, Jimin. The time will come."

"When will that be?"

"I have no idea, but I know for sure, my feelings for you won't change."

"I'm sure of that too, Minjeong. I will never love someone other than you."

"Then let's just let fate and time play its role."


"So that's it...?"

"Can I at least stay tonight and pretend that you are still mine for one last night?"

"Yes, baby."

Without a second thought, Karina surges forward to capture Winter's lips into a passionate kiss. 

"I love you, Kim Minjeong."

"I love you too, Yoo Jimin."


Author's Note:

A little backstory of cute winrina! Should I leave it with an open-ended ending? hmmm...

Anyway I'm curious about what you guys think! 

If you are in Karina's or Winter's shoes, how would you deal with Rina's homophobic parents? Let me know in the comments!!!

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addicted03 #1
Chapter 8: Can’t believe I just found this story, where have you been? This is soooo good so far, I love how much character development both Jimin and Minjeong have gone through so far. I am so ready for the fluff, the angst and everything else in between. To more long chapters! Thank you for this.
211 streak #2
Chapter 8: damn i wonder what would be chaehyun and karina's reaction having the same ex 😭
Chapter 8: I’m ready for angst. Hahahaha
Ammsone009 #4
Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Chapter 8: omg finally! can’t wait for their fluff gfs era after all the angst they’ve gone through. anyway, i’m up for the final blow of emotional ride when chaehyun and karina find out they got the same ex.
Winter_rose #5
Chapter 8: I read this in one sitting, can't wait for the next one
crimson_snow #6
Chapter 8: I got so curious about Chaehyun's story with Minjeong 🫣
Chapter 8: aaaahhhhhhhh my heart ❤️🥺🥰
Chapter 8: finally read this in one sitting! so beautiful i need mooooore
joyie4ever #9
Chapter 8: Thank you for this🥹 hope they find their happiness
lmlo123 #10
Chapter 8: <3 thank you for this... this sweet thing.