Right Time, Right Person

The Extend of Love

A stack of unread reports lies under a sprinkling of photographs. The now 28 year old Karina Yoo, picks up the one sitting in the middle. Her gaze, filled with longing, lingers on the face in the picture, a face she's missed dearly for the past eight years.

A small smile appeared on her lips as she takes in the same darn adorable-shy-blushing-beautiful-puppy-gummy smile. 


"You still look as beautiful as ever, Kim Minjeong." Karina mutters, rubbing her thumb on the side of Winter's face, "I wonder if you miss me as much as I miss you. Do you even still remember me?"

She placed down the photo and takes the other where Winter was seen in her professional setting - with a camera. 

A sense of pride settled in Karina's chest as she checked out a few other photos that comprises of Winter doing the job that she always wanted to.

Eventhough they had cut off contact after Karina had graduated, she still had people to check on Winter once in a while to get updates of her.

Winter's career didn't kick off easily. Karina knew that the younger had struggled getting jobs and projects when she first started out 5 years ago. So, she merely gave her a little stepping stone. She connected Winter with Mr. Park, a top client of her father's, who needed a photographer for his son's wedding. Of course, she made sure that Mr.Park kept her name anonymous. 

And as Karina expected, Winter's talent shone through, earning her glowing praise from Mr. Park himself, that all Karina heard from him the next time they met was endless praises and compliments. With Winter's friendly and sweet disposition, she also won over Mr and Mrs. Park who went on to recommend Winter to more people.

This network-building, coupled with Winter's exceptional skills and positive attitude, propelled her career. And now, after 5 years of hardwork, you can say that Winter is one of the most sought-after photographers. 

Every model, every infuencers, and every entertainment company wants to work with her. 

"I'm so proud of you, baby." Karina sighs, leaning back against her comfortable swirl chair, and looks around her sleeze office that she had singlehandedly grown. 

"Would you be proud of me too? I hope you are... I did this all for you...but..." Karina chuckled, "When is it the right time to reach out to you again? You are near but yet so far..." 

She picks up the picture of Winter smiling again. But before she can continue to indulge and admire her ex-girlfriend's beauty, she could hear a loud booming voice coming. 

Swiftly, she gathers all the photos and burried it under her pile of reports, and begin reading them while waiting  for her door to be burst open.


"Yoo Jimin!"

An enraged Giselle rushed through the sleek black door, storming her way into the office hands by her waist, "Did you just ditched the date I got for you again?!" 

Karina, now sporting a fresh chic wolf-cut, nonchalantly shrugged and continued poring over her reports. Undeterred, Giselle walks forward and slams her hands above Karina's papers. 


"I tried so hard to finally found someone suitable for you and you blew it off for work?"

"Aeri, I told you that I am not interested in blind dates. Stop setting me up please." Karina sighs, shaking her head.

The same-age friend then folded her arms against her chest, "I just don't want my bestie to grow old alone. I want my Baby Gayeon to play together with your baby someday you know?" 

Karina glanced at Giselle and her little noticeable baby bump. A chuckle escaped her lips, "You know, Yunjin will come after my head if she finds out that I made you stressed again."

Giselle, thought calmed by the mention of her wife, retained a determined glint in her eyes. "That's not the point here now, Yoo." Giselle narrowed her eyes.


Sighing, Karina stood up from her leather chair and pulls her best friend over to the couch and made the pregnant woman sit before pouring her a cup of warm water. Giselle calms down but still had that soft glare on her face.


"I appreciate you looking after me and love life, Aeri. But you know I am not interested in anyone." 

"Yeah, because you are still hung over the girl whom you havent seen since 8 years ago and whom have never once reached out to you?"


A bitter pang shot through Karina as her bestfriend's words hit like a punch.

"In 2 years time, you are going to turn 30 years old. Are you really planning to live alone in your huge penthouse?"

"I will never ever love someone else other than Minjeong."

"But Rina. She... moved on."

Karina rolled her eyes, masking the sting in her heart, "It's just a rumor. She never confirmed it."

"Yeah, but its Minju. Its the classic model and photographer love story Plus, they have been stuck to the hip ever since you'd let them be. It would be even more strange if they aren't dating."


The CEO flinched at the mention of the model's name, pointed a glare at her bestfriend, and snapped "I told you not to mention her name in my presence." 

"Yeah, because you are -hurt that little pretty model managed to seduce and win over the love of your life that you willingly let go?" 

"I did not willlingly let her go." Karina argued, voice tight. "It... just wasn't the right time."

"And come on, they did not even address the rumor! Nothing is confirmed okay? Maybe is she waiting for me too!"

Giselle rolled her eyes, "Fine, let's say she has been waiting for you. What are you doing now then? Why are you not going after her?"

The taller looks away, not wanting to respond.


Giselle started listing off reasons, her voice gaining a genlte firmness, "Your family is no longer a threat, you overcame your fears and now you're a proud lesbian, and you are a freaking millionaire CEO with a successful fashion brand."

"Rina, nothing is holding you back now from getting her back."

Karina finally met Giselle's gaze, a termor in her voice, "I'm scared." she admits, with her fist clenched tightly at the side. 

"Scared of what??"

"...Back then, Winter said it was the right person, but wrong time. But... I don't know when is the right time. What if its not now?" Tears welled up in Karina's eyes. 

Seeing her bestfriend's crescent fall face, Giselle softened. She reaches out, gently squeezing Karina's clenched fist. 

"Then make it the right time." 

"Like I said, you have nothing holding you back anymore to fight for your happiness."

Giselle's words resonated deep within Karina, a spark of determination igniting in her eyes, "I...I just want her to be mine again, Aeri. I want to be happy again." 

"Then go get her. Go get your happiness. I want it for you too," Giselle replied, her voice laced with unwavering support. 



For the rest of the week, Giselle's words echod in Karina's mind all week, disrupting her work and sleep schedule. She couldn't stop thinking about it the same question.


'Then make it the right time.'


"How do I make it the right time?" She groaned, burying her face in her hands. Days blurred as Karina strategized her next move, if any, to reconnect with Winter. 


But she wasn't able to reach a conclusion. 

Sighing, she returns her attention back to the drama streaming on her tv screen while subconsciously still devising up a plan.


Suddenly, the intrustive thought of a surprise visit surfaced.

Should she just show up at Winter's studio unannounced and surprise her with 'hi, long time no see, how are you?' with her favourite flowers and ask her for a coffee date? 

"Ugh, no." Karina dismissed the idea. "She will be too startled. What if she's not even at her studio and is out somewhere taking photos..."

Maybe she should contact her and request for Winter's service for her brand's upcoming spring collection. That would seem less invasive and less sudden. Plus... Winter would know it is her. And if Winter accepts the offer, then maybe she does want to reconnect too?


"hm... that seems like a better idea..." Karina mutters, eyes losing focus on the drama.

Suddenly, a voice jolted her back to reality, "Are you sleeping with you eyes opened?" 

Karina practically leaped from the couch, heart pounding, "Mom!!! You scared the life our of me!" 

The older woman laughs heartily, "What drama got you so enthralled that you didn't even heard me keying in the password and entering your apartment?"

"Ugh," Karina groaned after she recovered from the shock and plopped her down ungraciously beside her mother, "I was just zoning out. Thinking about stuff."


"What are you doing here at a Friday evening though?" Karina questioned, "Shouldn't you be in some fancy dinner with your friends?" 

"I am here to check if my stubborn daughter is taking care of herself. You haven't called me at all this week." 

"I was busy." 

"Yeah, I could tell." Mrs. Yoo shakes her head at how unkept her daughter's house was. Clothes and socks were lying everywhere. Empty plastic bags and oil-stained takeaway containers were all stacked up on the table and sink. 


Knowing the inevitable lecture coming, Karina quickly held out a hand, "I will clean it up tomorrow! So don't nag at me please." 


"No, not tomorrow." Mrs. Yoo countered.


"Tomorrow, you will pick out the nicest outfit you have and go on a date I have set up for you." 

"A what?"

"A date."


Karina is sick of hearing that word.

Feeling migraines hitting her at yet another date she's being set up with, Karina hits her head back on the couch and whined, "First Aeri, and now you mom? Why is everyone trying to get me to date when I clearly said that I am not interested?"


"And if I tell you its Winter Kim?"

Karina's eyes immediately snapped open, migraines forgotten. Her sat up straight and looked at her mother, shaken by what she said. Her heart pounding at the mere mention of the name.


"I knew it."

Mrs.Yoo shakes her head and Karina watches the older woman's hand going to the coffee table where she forgets that she placed a photo of Winter, "You are still in love with her. That's why all of the dates I have set up for you the past few years failed."

Unable to respond, Karina simply looked away. 

Placing the photo back to its original position, the older Yoo turns to her daughter and met her gaze.

"Even after being hurt by her this badly that I had to send you to overseas to complete your degree, you still have feelings for her?" 

"Mom... you know." Karina stared ahead blankly, "It wasn't her fault at all." 

"I know... but do you know how much it hurts me to see my duaghter crying that much that night? On the day of her high school graduation when it was supposed to be the happiest day of her life?"


Like what mama Yoo said, what was meant to be the happinest day for Karina, was in fact the saddest day. Because graduating means that she could no longer have the chance to look at Winter from a far. 

She would not longer have the chance to even cross paths with the younger one because deep inside, she knew that once she leave, there was little chance that they would continue to keep in contact.

Maybe they could if she tried on her side. 

But Winter had to show up at her graduation, farewell etched in her eyes and faourite flowers in her hand. 


"Congratulations, Jimin." 

"T-Thank you,"

Karina, hands trembling, clutched the unexpected congratulations bouquet. Winter's presence, after shunning her for so long, left her speechless.

An awkward silence stretched, punctuated only by stolen glances. 

"I wish you all the best in your future endeavour. I'm sure you will succeed in anything that you do." Winter offered a genuine smile, a balm to Karina's wounded heart.

Tentatively, a smile re Karina's lips.

"Do...Do you think we could still keep in contact?" Karina blurted out, her voice betraying her anxiousness.


Another heavy silence descended. Just as she feared she'd overstepped, Winter reached into her pocket, her fingers emerging with a small object.


"Here," Karina pulls out an open palm and heart lurched as Winter placed the familiar ring in her open palm. Tears welled up, blurring her vision.


It was their ring.


"W-What's the meaning of this?" 

Karina whispered, her voice thick with emotion. Even after their break-up, she hadn't expected this. Was it a final goodbye? A plea to stay away?


"Let's just end this chapter of ours here, Jimin." Winter spoke softly, "We both need time away from each other. It will be hard for us both to grow if we see each other."

The older yearned to ague, "You don't have to do this. Minjeong, please. This ring... I..."

"Jimin," Winter cuts her off, voice surpsingly firm. She drew closer, hesitantly wrapping her arms around Karina's stiff form. The taller froze, surprised by the unexpected embrace. 


"The next time we meet," Winter murmured, "When its the right time, put it on me."


Tears streamed down Karina's cheeks as she closed her eyes and held Winter close. Understanding washed over her, and she accepted Winter's need for space.

Pulling back slightly, Karina met Winter's gaze. The sight of the beautiful face she would miss terribly was etched in her memory. Leaning forward, she placed a tender kiss on Winter's forehead.

"I promise," Karina whispers, "By then, this will be on your finger."

"I trust you."



Later that night, back in her room, Karina clutched the ring tightly, tears flowing down her face. An hour passed, her knees pulled to her chest, back against the bedframe, her eyes swollen red when her mother entered the room, concern etched on her face.


"Jimin?" Her mother called out, concern lacing her voice.

"Why are you crying?" 

Her daughter did not reply, eyes only staring blankly at the ring in her hand. Worried, Mrs. Yoo runs to Karina's side and tried to take her hand, but only to have Karina flich away.


"Its all your fault...!" Karina creid, voice raw with emotion. Tears swelled up her eyes, spilling over as a fresh set of uncontrollable sobs wracked her body. 

Mrs. Yoo was shocked she saw the pair of sorrowful red eyes glaring at her. 

"Jimin... What's going on?"

Mrs. Yoo's heart ached to see her daughter in such a state. She pulled Karina into a comforting hug, whispering soothing words in her ear.

"M-Minjeongie...please... come back.. i miss you..." Karina mumbled through her lingering tears. Mrs. Yoo held her daughter close, waiting patiently until her sobs subsided and sleep finally claimed her. 

And two days later, Mrs. Yoo showed up at her bed with an envelope in her hands. 

"What is this, mom?"

"I've looked into some schools in Europe where you can complete your degree." Mrs. Yoo explained.

"You're sending me to the Europe?" Karina blinked in confusion, "W-Why?"

Mrs.Yoo let out a sigh and closes the door behind her before sitting beside Karina on the bed. She gently took Karina's hand, her gaze settling on the familiar ring around her daughter's neck. 


"Because I'm afraid of losing you, Jimin," she said softly. "This is a chance to step away from Seoul, to heal and move on."

Fear flickered across Karina's eyes, like a deer caught in headlights. "What do you mean?" she stammered.


Mrs. Yoo offered her a sad smile. "Winter Kim. It wasn't a bet, I knew. A mother's intuition is rarely wrong, Jimin."



Mrs. Yoo reached out and gently touched the necklace. "We notice everything, my dear."


"Then why didn't you say anything?"

"I held onto the hope that I was wrong," Mrs. Yoo admitted. "But seeing you waste away, the constant breakdowns after school, I knew there was more to it. You were becoming a shell of yourself, existing day by day. This has to stop, Jimin, before you truly lose yourself."


Karina let out a choked laugh, "The day I lost Minjeong, Mom, I lost a part of myself too." 

"I want her back. I cant live without her..." 

"I understand your pain, honey." Mrs.Yoo comforts gently, "But not now. It is not possible right now. Your father... we can't fight him yet. Coming out to him now would put you in danger"

Mrs. Yoo continued, her voice filled with love and determination. "I want you to be happy. If Winter is your happiness, I won't stand in your way. But your safety comes first, no matter what."

Karina stared at her mother, a spark of hope igniting in her eyes. "What can I do?" she whispered.



United, Karina and her mother embarked on a journey to break free from her father's control.

Following her mother's plan, Karina severed ties with Seoul and returned after three years, graduating with honors from a European university. Landing back in her hometown, the urge to find Winter was strong, but she knew it wasn't the right moment.

Instead, she focused on learning the ropes of managing the family business, all while secretly launching her own fashion brand with the unwavering support of Mrs. Yoo and Giselle, with whom she had reconnected upon her return (complete with apologies and shared tears).

Once her brand flourished, reaching new heights with its rapid expansion, Karina finally felt empowered to come out to her rigid father.


Winter was right - there was indeed is a right time. 

Entering the Yoo residence for their usual family dinner that night, Karina held her head high. Gone were the days of crippling fear, anxiety, and constant worry. This was no longer a realm of "what ifs." 

She was ready to reveal her authentic self to her father. No more living a lie as Yoo Jimin. It was time to embrace and proudly live as who she truly was.

Predictably, Mr. Yoo reacted poorly.


"You are what?"

He boomed, his fork frozen mid-air as he stared at her incredulously, as if she'd announced pigs could fly.

Karina remained calm, methodically cutting her steak, taking a bite, and chewing thoughtfully before swallowing. Her composure stood in stark contrast to her father's rising fury.


"Yoo Jimin," he demanded, his voice laced with disbelief, "tell me I misunderstood."

"You heard me perfectly, Father," Karina replied, taking a sip of wine and finally meeting his gaze.



A sense of victory washed over her as she witnessed the growing agitation on his face, further bolstered by the complete absence of fear within her.

"I didn't raise you to be like this!" he roared, traditional expectations clouding his judgment. "You're supposed to marry a worthy man and carry on the Yoo name!"

As Mr. Yoo continued spewing traditionalist rhetoric, Karina exchanged a knowing glance with her mother who kept her silence.

"Jiyeon! Say something!" Mr. Yoo demanded.

Mrs.Yoo shruged, voice resoulte. "I have nothing to say. If it makes Jimin happy, I will support her." 

"You can't be serious, Lee Jiyeon! This is a disgrace to the Yoo family! I can't permit this!" He turned back to Karina, his face contorted with rage. "Go to the study room! You think you've grown up and can defy me now?"


Karina sighed and shook her head. Rising from her chair, she walked around the table, her movements filled with newfound confidence, and stopped in front of him.

"You're right," she stated firmly, her gaze unwavering. "I am an adult. I'm no longer the timid, fearful Yoo Jimin of your threats." 

Her voice held a quiet strength. "Whether you accept it or not, I am attracted to women. I am a lesbian."

Just as Karina finished, Mr. Yoo raised his hand, a menacing shadow looming. But before it could connect with his daughter's face, Mrs. Yoo intervened, slamming a piece of paper on the table.


"It's over, Jaebum," she declared, her voice ringing with finality.

"What?" he sputtered, confused.

"We're tired of living under your control," Mrs. Yoo continued, her voice steady. "It's time for all of us to be free."


"You know, I was so surprised when you actually threw the divorce paper at him. I had no idea you'd go that far." Karina said, amusement dancing in her eyes as she poured her mother a glass of her favourite whisky.

Mrs. Yoo shrugged, a hint of defiance in her voice. "I was done with his outdated ideas about family legacy and his attempts to control us for over a decade."

"Life is definitely better without him around anyway," Karina agreed.


"Does he still keep contacting you?"

"He's probably scared now," Mrs. Yoo chuckled. "The last time he dared to call, I let him have it. Loudly with lots of cusses. Haven't heard a peep since, and that's been three months."


Karina stared at her mother in surprise before dissolving into laughter. "I can't believe I never came out to you sooner. You're way cooler than I ever thought!"

"Jaebum's expectations forced me to play a role," Mrs. Yoo admitted. "I had to be the perfect wife, and you, the perfect daughter."

"But nobody's perfect," Karina countered. "It's an impossible standard."


Except for one person, she thought to herself, a wistful smile gracing her lips. "Except for Minjeong, maybe."

"She sounds incredible," Mrs. Yoo said, her voice filled with warmth.

"She is," Karina confirmed, her heart swelling with affection.

"Then go get your girl, Jimin." Mrs. Yoo urged gently.

"You'd really let me?" Karina's voice trembled with a mix of hope and disbelief.

"Wasn't that the whole point of our eight-year plan, to break free from your father's control?" Mrs. Yoo reminded her.


Karina wrapped her arms around her mother in a tight embrace. "Thank you, Mom. I love you so much."

"Love you too, honey," Mrs. Yoo replied, patting her daughter's back. "But you still have a date tomorrow."

Karina groaned playfully. "Mom! Why?"

"I promised Mrs. Kim. Just meet her daughter, make friends, or something. Aeri keeps complaining you're too clingy. You need to expand your social circle."

"I am not clingy!" Karina protested, though a small smile betrayed her.



[Lee Seo]

Good evening, Ms. Yoo. 

I have just emailed over the proposal to Ms. Winter Kim. 

Will revert back once I get a response from her.


Karina turned off her phone once she went through the text from her secretary. She taps her finger on the table and sigh, suddenly feeling nervous again at the possibilty that Winter is reading her invitation to work together. 

Lost in thought, she didn't notice the arrival of her dinner date, who slid into the seat opposite her with a raised eyebrow.


"Am I perhaps invisible?"  the woman asked pointedly, her tone laced with playful sarcasm.

Karina blinked, startled out of her daydream. She quickly scanned the woman, taking in her light brown, wavy hair, fair skin, and big, curious eyes. Her date's arms were crossed, and a clear air of disinterest hung about her.


"Oh, I'm so sorry," Karina stammered. "I was lost in thought."

"Look," her date began, "I'm not really feeling this setup. No offense, you're gorgeous, really. But my mom practically forced me here. I haven't moved on from my first love, and I didn't want to waste your time if you're looking for something serious."


This woman surely talks fast. 


A smile tugged at Karina's lips as the woman's honesty poured out in a quick stream.


"Oh," Karina said, surprised and strangely intrigued, "That's, uh, great."

"Great?"  the woman echoed, a hint of disbelief in her voice.

"That's actually kind of funny. I'm not over my ex-girlfriend either. It's been eight years, though. How about you? How long since you last saw yours?" 

The woman seemed surprised. "Are we actually going to have dinner and talk about this?"

With a playful smile, Karina flagged down a passing waiter. "I promised my mom I'd at least sit through dinner," she explained. "Besides, I'm curious to hear your story."

The woman faltered for a moment, then let out a sigh, a hint of a smile growing on her lips. "Alright, fine," she conceded. "Only because you're attractive and I do love the lobster here."


Karina laughed, genuinely amused. "Pleasure to meet you, Ms...?"

"Chaehyun. Kim Chaehyun," the woman replied, extending her hand. "And you are?"

"Karina Yoo," she responded, shaking Chaehyun's hand warmly.

The prospect of an unexpected connection suddenly felt far more inviting than moping at home, wondering about Winter's response.


Author's note:


And surprise with Winter's first love appearance? hehe I promise it will be fluff from next chapter onwards so stay tunned!


One last thing, please, please, please separate reality and fanfic!

I know this past week have been really hard on all of us. If it gets too much on twitter, please take some time out (like me heh) and do something you enjoy! Also, I will continue writing fics about winrina because writing is really one way for me to escape reality and I enjoy using them as my characters... Also, I hope by writing, it could provide some comfort and escape for my readers as well (in the world of fanfic & my imagination, winrina is victorious lmao) heh :P

Stay safe & I will see y'all in the next chapter <3




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addicted03 #1
Chapter 8: Can’t believe I just found this story, where have you been? This is soooo good so far, I love how much character development both Jimin and Minjeong have gone through so far. I am so ready for the fluff, the angst and everything else in between. To more long chapters! Thank you for this.
211 streak #2
Chapter 8: damn i wonder what would be chaehyun and karina's reaction having the same ex 😭
Chapter 8: I’m ready for angst. Hahahaha
Ammsone009 #4
Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Chapter 8: omg finally! can’t wait for their fluff gfs era after all the angst they’ve gone through. anyway, i’m up for the final blow of emotional ride when chaehyun and karina find out they got the same ex.
Winter_rose #5
Chapter 8: I read this in one sitting, can't wait for the next one
crimson_snow #6
Chapter 8: I got so curious about Chaehyun's story with Minjeong 🫣
Chapter 8: aaaahhhhhhhh my heart ❤️🥺🥰
Chapter 8: finally read this in one sitting! so beautiful i need mooooore
joyie4ever #9
Chapter 8: Thank you for this🥹 hope they find their happiness
lmlo123 #10
Chapter 8: <3 thank you for this... this sweet thing.