
Torn In Two Because Of You
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"So, you're saying that we will be escaping by plane?" I said, livid. We were out of the house for good, and I had carried a briefcase filled with clothes piled up neatly not to arouse the suspicion of what lay beneath all those coats and shirts.

"Well, I asked you if you  could fly a plane-"


"Looks are deceiving, Petit."He smirked, pulling me along with him and turning left down the street.

We took the train as our destination was more than twenty kilometres away. My fingers trembled as I handed my passport to the station master who examined every page.

Armand looked at me , murmuring ,"You have nothing to hide, you're no criminal." 

But deep down, I felt like I was.

Soon the coldness of the Station master's eyes eased and he handed back the passport to me,  I heaved a sigh of relief and followed Armand.when we stepped inside the carriage we were met with doubtful looks from the passengers.

It was so obvious that Practically everyone  and anyone could stare at a non Aryan and his blonde french counterpart. We sat in silence throughout the way, only exchanging vague glances to  each other.

Soon we arrived at the Berlin Staaken Airfield.

It was a large field that housed 6 large hangars, each of them were sixty by twenty-two metres, containing an uncountable number of planes. We were met by a man in a Luftwaffe Fliegerbluse.

"Armand! You're back!"

"Oui! May I know where Sasha is, by any chance?"

"Just landed,"smiled the middle-aged man, pointing at a large fighter plane in the distance

"That's a Messerschmitt."Said Armand to me.I gazed in wonder as another pilot came running towards us from the plane.

"About time," said a pilot walking towards us. He had smokey grey eyes and donned a suit and helmet that was  beige and had thick,fur-lined boots.

"Leo," said Armand enthusiastically, "This is Sasha, part of the second Panzer air division. She'll be our guide to where your lover is."

"she?"  I sputtered. The pilot glared at Armand as he removed  his helmet.

I stared in surprise as I saw red curls cascading down the pilot's shoulders."What are you looking  at?"She sneered."Never seen a lady fighting on the Frontlines?"

"Nein, I've just never met a woman who'd work for the military."

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