Birthday Dinner

Moving On With You, Jinjoo
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"Could you help bring this to the display room?" A guy gently hands over a small model to Yujin who carefully holds onto it. "Block 20," he said, earning a nod from the girl.

Yujin briskly strolls along the corridors, climbing up a flight of stairs. She's helping out with the senior's showcase, a showcase where the graduating batch gets to display one of the first works they did in university.

Yujin found herself admiring the intricate design of the 3D model building in her hands with clean edges that she found difficult to achieve. To think that someone made this in their first year told her she needed to put in more effort.

She turns around the corner, not realising there is a person coming in the same way and accidentally clashes with her, causing the model to slip off her hands.

Yujin froze, looking at the scattered pieces on the ground and glancing up to see a girl who hadn't grasped the situation. She quickly bends down, gathering the little trees that flew to the side. "This is why you use a glue gun, not elmer's glue." She sighed, receiving a tiny car figurine from the girl.

"I'm so sorry," Wonyoung apologises.

"Nah, it's fine. This isn't mine. I would probably be crying right now if it was." Yujin mutters, not even wanting to imagine that scene.

"Is there anything I could do to help?" The girl asked while Yujin took a brief glance at her. That height of hers made her feel slightly small.

"I can just piece them up together. It's fine." Yujin assured but the girl wasn't leaving.

"Let me help you." Wonyoung insisted, taking the little pieces off Yujin's hands so she could carry the model properly. "I have nothing much to do anyway."

Yujin accepted her help, thinking she could use another pair of hands. "Fortunately everything's pretty much still together. I'll just have to glue them on." She walks ahead, expecting the girl to follow.

Yujin turned to one of the workshops and settled the model on the table, along with her phone. She looked at the girl who had her eyes all over the place. Once she is done, she goes next to Yujin.

"Could you pass me the glue gun?" Yujin points at the box while Wonyoung retrieves it, passing it to her. "Thank you." She sat down on the chair, pulling out the other for the girl to sit.

"Meanwhile, can you help me stick these anywhere you like? I don't think they'll notice." Yujin took the ceiling of the building off, settling it on the table.

The girl doesn't question and gets to work.

"Which class are you in?" Yujin asks, plugging the glue gun into the socket while she waits for it to heat up. "I've never seen you around before." She sits up, looking at the girl who squeezes some liquid glue onto the foot of the human figurine.

"I don't study here," Wonyoung said.

"And you're here at," Yujin looks at the time. "Ten in the morning?"

"My father had some things to do." She stuck the figurine on the cardboard base. "I got bored and wondered what was around here."

Although Yujin had many questions, she had more important things to do, like piecing up the broken parts of someone's baby. She quickly squeezes the glue along the edges of the cardboard, blowing on it before sticking it on top of the model.

The girl watched her. "You're fast."

"A little." Yujin concentrates on aligning the edges, trying her best not to make it obvious that someone dropped this. She reached over for the little cube, having it handed to her by the girl. She attached the rest of the pieces to their respective little spots and finally breathed when she was done.

"Do you think they'll notice?" She asked the girl for her opinion.

Wonyoung shook her head. "I think you did a great job."

"I did, right?" Yujin giggles, turning off the glue gun.

Amused by her reaction, Wonyoung took the tool from her, putting it back to where it came from. She hears buzzing, shifting her gaze onto the phone on the table to see the word Kidnapper written on the screen.

But that wasn't what made her stare.

Yujin reached for her phone, smiling when she saw the 0.5x selfie she took with Minju who caught her stacking paper cranes all over, waking up from her nap the other day they were in the workshop. "I have to take this." She stood up and went to the side.

Wonyoung sat there, never imagining being in this position to get a glimpse of something she thought she left behind properly. She saw Yujin's dimpled smile, fingers fiddling with the edge of the shelf while talking to the girl on the phone. At least now she knows things are going fine.

Yujin came back, shooting a tiny smile at the girl before sitting down. She checked to see if the model was intact.

Wonyoung took a glance at the photobooth picture Yujin had behind her phone. "Girlfriend?"

Yujin looked at her, not knowing why a blush came to her at the thought of it. Her heart flutters just by thinking about the brunette. "I'm thinking of asking her."

The girl nods slowly. "That's great."

Yujin sits up. "Since we're here, I kinda need a stranger's opinion."

Wonyoung tilts her head, not knowing if she is considered a stranger. But to Minju, she was asked to be, so she nods, letting the girl continue.

"What do you think about handmade things?"

"She loves it."

Yujin was caught off guard by the instant response.

"I mean..." Wonyoung softly cleared . "She'll love it. Girls prefer effort more than anything."

"What about you?"

"I wish I had more of those." Wonyoung sighs.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

The girl shook her head at how straightforward she was. "Nope." It was the first time she was saying no to that particular question. 

"Did you have one?"

Wonyoung tightens her lips and nods. "Just one." She realised, reminiscing was one of the things she did most nowadays. She felt a hand on her shoulder just to realise Yujin was giving her a light pat.

"It's okay," she said. "Someone will find you."

Wonyoung couldn't help but chuckle, receiving consolation from the last person she didn't know she'd come across. "You're quite interesting."

"I've heard that a lot."

Wonyoung snickers and shakes her head. She saw a notification appear on her phone, realising her father's looking for her. She looked at Yujin and said, "Take care of her."


Wonyoung points at the latter's phone. "Kidnapper," she said.

Ryan enters the loft to see Minju closing her locker, about to leave for the night. "Min," he called, getting her attention. "Dr Park wants to see you."


"Sub-internship placement."

The younger girl nods, putting her bag on the chair for the time being before heading towards the professor's office. She stood at the door, giving a few knocks.

"Come in."

Minju pushed the handle and entered, seeing the man in his late fifties deliciously devouring his packed dinner made by his beloved wife.

"If you don't mind, I haven't eaten since morning." He chuckles, earning a soft smile from Minju, who sits on the man's small couch.

"Did Ryan tell you what you're here for?" He earned a nod from Minju. "I've just got the details. A few hospitals were open, there's lodging and everything you need there. I hope you're not the type to be homesick." He chuckled, pulling out a folder.

Minju goes over to take it.

"Everything's in there. If you have any questions, you can look for me." He gave a fatherly smile, a dimple appearing on his right cheek.

"Thank you."

"If there's nothing else, you can head home. I gotta get back to watching my last episode before I get any calls."

Minju chuckles at the thought that he is a drama fanatic. She bows politely and heads out.

Walking down the corridor, she took out the slip of paper and read it. While her eyes scanned through the details, she pushed open the door to the loft and saw Ryan still around.

"How did it go?"

"Seji Medical Centre," Minju said, keeping the paper back in the folder.

The guy paused in the middle of sorting some files on his desktop. "Did you say Seji?" He asked. "Of all places, Seji?"

"Why? Is it bad?" Minju had never heard of that hospital before which could only mean one thing.

Ryan didn't want to scare her. "It's a great hospital. You'll know what I'm talking about once you get there." He forced a brief smile, going back to his documents.

"Is it far from here?"

Ryan turns around in his chair, thinking. "About...two to three hours from here? That's if you take the train. It's in Daejeon." He barely recalls. "But it's normal. They'll never put you somewhere near your university's hospital. It's for exposure anyway."

"What was yours like?"

The guy went down his memory lane which consisted of endless nights and running around the hospital wards. "It was quite an experience—one that you'll never forget," he said. "But you'll be fine." He assures, knowing Minju's ability to adapt to new places.

The girl nods, receiving a message on her phone.

Yuri: It's Yujin's birthday next week. Are you coming?

"Birthday?" Minju tilts her head, losing track of time. She finally remembers the date, replying while asking Ryan, "Do I have any shifts next Friday?"

"You're asking me?"


Ryan flips through the schedule pinned to the noticeboard while the girl goes to grab her things. "It says you have day shift."

"Okay, thank you!" Minju slipped out of the room at the speed of light, making the guy wonder where she was heading. Probably excited to head home.

Minju strolled down the hallway, going to the lift. She releases her bun, giving her scalp a break while pressing the lift button.

Feeling a buzz in her pocket, she takes out her phone.

Yujin: Have you left the hospital?

Yujin: Please tell me you haven't.

Minju replies, the message taking a while to send since she was in the lift.

The moment the doors open, she lifts her head to see Yujin walking towards the lift with her eyes pinned to her phone. Her little smile from Minju's message only grew wider when she saw the girl just five feet away.

"Don't you have a submission tomorrow?"

Yujin handed her a small paper bag and nodded. "That's tomorrow," she said, taking the older girl's tote bag and carrying it. "I still have to attach everything together, but I can do it anytime."

"You have less than 24 hours."

"That's enough." Yujin chuckles, reaching over to neaten a strand of Minju's hair. She must've had a rough day.

The brunette looked into the warm bag to see two pieces of knotted doughnuts. "Isn't this..."

"You said you were craving it earlier. So I bought it on the way."

"That was in the morning." She shifted the bag away when Yujin wanted to take it from her.

The younger girl chuckles, seeing those eyes light up and lips curling into a soft smile at the sight of handmade knotted doughnuts that only one particular store makes around here. Though it was a walk consisting of a long queue, Yujin had no excuses.

"How did everything go today?" She asks, taking a piece of napkin she kept in her pocket and gently shoving it into Minju's palm. "What happened to that kid earlier?"

"False alarm," the older girl said, taking a bite of donut. "One of the interns didn't plug in the machine correctly. The

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"I'll protect you from the polar bears."
~ Yujin


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bluejin 0 points #1
Chapter 48: please dont end please dont end ㅠㅠ
future_mrs_liu #2
Chapter 47: Woah!! Speechless! Just when I thought this story could be better. Boom. This happened. Thanks author!
Chapter 47: Ohhh my heart!!! I love it love it!!
pandamaos #4
Chapter 46: It hurts…. Oh my heart hurts…..
future_mrs_liu #5
Chapter 46: Awwww. Finally back in each others arms. Yujin and Minju fighting~~~ thank you for the update author. As always, no matter how short, this masterpiece of a story is always giving us the feels. After being infatuated from all the fluff and their chemistry, this is another side of the couple we should also see. Them as separate individuals dealing with their own thing. Again, I really appreciate this update so much. Thanks and Fighting author!
Chapter 46: Hnng, comeback yujin
bluejin #7
Chapter 45: ugh this hurts more than it should.. and here i thought we were past the angst
future_mrs_liu #8
Chapter 45: Awww. First time yujin hurt her (unintentionally). But totally understandable. :( at least at the end of the day they are still putting their partner’s feelings before themselves. Being selfless. Thanks for the update author. I love this story so much and it definitely deserves a thousand upvotes. Fighting!
Chapter 45: Bawling here
Jinjoo21 #10
Chapter 45: Thank you for the update.🫰