
Moving On With You, Jinjoo
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She doesn't want to worry me yet isn't afraid of dying. Yujin sighed and watched the lift numbers increase as her thumb fiddled with the handle of the plastic bag she was holding onto, heart pounding with worry.

The moment the lift door opens, she quickly heads out, legs finding their way to Minju's apartment. She stood in front of the door, using her elbow to press the doorbell.

She waits. A minute passes, maybe two or three.

She transfers the plastic bags to one hand and knocks on the door with the other. "It's me, Yujin." She found the need to say so the brunette wouldn't ignore the door, thinking it was some random real estate agent.

Yujin couldn't wait any longer. She settled the bags down and reached into her back pocket for her phone. She was about to call Chaewon when the door beeped the usual melody and slowly pushed open. Behind stood the brunette who had her blanket draped around her body, her hair a little messy as if she just got up.

Yujin peeked into the house and saw complete darkness.

Minju sniffed and cleared , the piece of tissue in her hand. "What are you doing here?"

Yujin's eyes softened as she looked at the girl, concern etched across her face. "God sent me here," she replied gently, though playfully, grabbing the plastic bags and stepping into the apartment without waiting a second more. "He said someone used a little too many tissues and I should save the earth."

Minju, still wrapped in her blanket, didn't protest the latter's presence. "I'm a free-thinker." She mumbles softly. She looked pale and exhausted, her voice weak as she said, "He said that?"

Yujin shook her head and closed the door behind her. "Apparently he has another name called Ryan." She placed the plastic bags on the kitchen counter, noticing a few tabs of pills lying around and hearing the softest snicker from Minju.

She goes to the bathroom to wash her feet before heading out to the living room. Pulling the blinds open, she opened the window to ventilate the place, turning to Minju who was squinting her eyes at the light.

Yujin brought her to sit on the chair and began to unpack the plastic bags, revealing items like more tissues, a glass container filled with soup and some groceries. What caught Minju's eyes was the whole watermelon the latter took out but she doesn't question it.

Yujin reached out to remove the tissue from Minju's hand. She puts the back of her hand against the girl's forehead, shifting it onto her neck, comparing her temperature with her own. "How long did you have this fever for?" She noticed the droplets of perspiration on her forehead and used her thumb to wipe them off.

Minju shrugged, head heavy. "Don't you have class?"

"You're worried about that now?" Yujin tucked the latter's hair behind her ear.

"What if you get sick?"

"I have a strong immunity, don't worry about me." Yujin goes to the bathroom, taking a clean face towel off the rack and rinsing it under the tap.

She goes back to Minju while folding the towel. "You worry too much about me and forget about yourself." She gently wipes Minju's forehead. "Look at where that got you."

"I take care of myself pretty well."

"That's not what I'm seeing." Yujin put the towel down, digging into the small plastic bag for a fever patch.

Minju puckers her lips, leaning into the chair as Yujin lightly fans her forehead using her hand. Once it was dry, she pasted the fever patch on her forehead.

"This should do the trick." Yujin rubs the patch to make sure it sits there tightly. "I'll prepare something for you to eat, so just sit here." She moved to the kitchen.

"You're cooking?"

"I cooked earlier. I just need to heat this up." Yujin opened the glass container she brought from the dorm, eyes looking for a microwave. "This one's good, don't worry." She opened the microwave, sticking the container in.

"What is it?"

Yujin pressed the start button and turned around. "Chicken soup," she said. "A recipe developed by me." She smiled proudly.

"Chicken soup?" Minju wonders how different can chicken soup be.

"Even when things get tasteless with a blocked nose, you'll be able to taste this. That's how good it is." Yujin assured, taking a mug off the rack and going to the counter.

She dispensed some warm water, handing it to Minju. The brunette took a sip and looked up at Yujin with gratitude in her eyes. "I'm looking forward to it."

The younger girl wrinkles her nose, resting her palms on the counter. "How do you feel? Does anywhere hurt?"

"Are you a doctor now?" The corner of Minju's lips curled.

"Yours," Yujin said. "If doctors spend most of their time taking care of others, who'll care for them?"

Minju sneezes, receiving a piece of tissue from Yujin. "I'm not a doctor."

"You will be," the younger girl said, hearing the continuous beep of the microwave.

Minju watched her scoop some soup into a separate bowl before carefully bringing it to her. "Thank you," the brunette utters softly, taking the spoon from her.

Yujin went around and sat next to Minju just so she could be closer to her. "Careful, it's hot." She reminded, noticing the slight tremble in the girl's hand while bringing the spoon to her lips.

She reached over, gently bundling up Minju's hair, draping it over her shoulders so it didn't get in the way. "Please tell me you didn't skip your meals for the past two days." Yujin used a finger to brush those stray hairs away from the fever patch.

Minju glanced at her after taking a small sip. She nodded but the truth made her shake her head. "But this is good." She gestured at the soup, hoping it could lessen the worry written all over Yujin's face.

When it didn't quite work, she flattened her lips. "I tried but appetite didn't find me."

The younger girl sighs softly, putting her elbow on the table as she rests her jaw against her palm. She watched Minju take a few more gentle sips. "Why didn't you tell me?"


"You should've told me so I could be here earlier and not two days later. I thought I did something wrong when you started ignoring my calls."

"Why would you think you did something wrong?"

"Because you never miss my calls. Now the only reason I can think of for you to not pick up is how much pain you were in for the past two days. Do you know what happens when I think that?"


"My heart hurts," Yujin said. "When you're in pain, I'm in pain."

"Do you have telepathic powers?"

The younger girl sat up in disbelief. "Did the fever fry your brain?"

"I think so." Minju giggles and lets the warm soup travel down her sore throat.

When she saw how serious Yujin was, she went, "Okay, okay. I just—I know how much work you had the whole week and didn't want to bother you."

"As if ignoring me makes a difference." Yujin scoffs playfully. "You make me want to stay here just to make sure you're okay." She rests her arm on the back of Minju's chair and notices the little smile she has on her face.

"You're really smiling after making me go through a whole night—no, two, thinking something bad happened to you? I mean, this is bad enough but you should really tell me if you're not feeling well. At least one word before I start letting my mind run to places it shouldn't be going. It's not like I would leave everything behind and run here the moment you tell me you're sick."

"You would."

"I—" Yujin halted for a moment when the girl read her like an open book. She nods in defeat. "I definitely would—I did," she admits, lightly scratching the side of her neck as if she wasn't going to miss an evening class in a few hours.

Minju couldn't help but chuckle at Yujin's admission, soon turning into a dry cough that made her stretch her arm towards the younger girl so she wouldn't be too close.

Yujin held onto her hand, bringing it down onto her lap as she handed Minju the glass of warm water. "I won't get sick," she assured gently, only shifting closer to the brunette, using a hand to lift the blanket over her shoulder.

Her thumb gently the back of Minju's hand while the girl managed to soothe .

"You're going to risk it?" She whispers, her voice hoarse from the coughing fit.

"I'd risk anything to be here with you," Yujin said. "Because you're my top priority and I'm staying here until you get better so there's nothing you can do to chase me away." She dimple smiles, hearing a soft snicker coming from the brunette.

Minju couldn't argue with her, giving a light squeeze to Yujin's hand as if she were delivering her gratitude to her.

The younger girl took the spoon, scooped the last bits of the soup and fed it to her. "It's good, right?"

Minju nods, heart warming at the slightest things Yujin does, watching that proud smile of affection paint past the latter's lips. She couldn't lie that her presence made everything better.

Maybe running in the rain the other day wasn't so bad after all.

Yujin stood up with the bowl in her hands and headed to the sink to wash them. Minju drags her feet to the couch, instantly plunging into it with the blanket wrapped around her tightly.

The younger girl took whatever medicine was on the counter, grabbed a cup of water and went to where Minju was. She sat on the floor and started studying which medicine the girl had to take.

"This is a lot for a cold," Yujin mumbles, popping pills onto the coffee table, one after another. She knelt up, gently pulling Minju to sit up.

She put the first pill into the brunette's palm, making her hold onto the cup with the other. Minju looked at her and at the pill. Yujin wasn't sure why she was hesitating. "What's wrong?"

"Give me a second." The older girl looked like she was fighting with demons in her head, just because of a pill. It wasn't the biggest one out of the handful.

"You can't swallow it?"

"I can, I just..." Minju scrunched her nose. "It's hard..." She whispers her confession, hearing a soft chuckle from the girl who stood up and went to the kitchen.

"You can't swallow it, or do you not like how it becomes bitter when you fail to swallow it?" Yujin fiddled with the straw in her hand, not knowing Minju had this side to her. All adorable, not being able to swallow pills even when she deals with patients who probably have pills as part of their daily meals.

She inserts the straw into the cup and hears, "Both. I don't like it. It's not that I can't do it. I can, but it takes a while."

"Put the tablet into your mouth, drink a little bit of water, tilt your chin towards your chest and swallow," Yujin said, sitting on the floor. Minju gave a look, telling her she didn't believe it. "Trust me."

"Won't the pill have time to dissolve if you do that?"

The younger girl used her hands and started explaining, "If you tilt forward, the pill will naturally float above the water in your mouth. So when you swallow, it's easier. You won't have to be afraid of it getting stuck at the back of your tongue."


Yujin hums. "Try it."

The older girl trusted her, following her instructions. When her eyes widened in surprise, Yujin smiled at her accomplishment. "It works, right?" She handed her another pill. "Now you have to do it five more times. Why do you even have this many meds?"

Painkillers, antibiotics, cough, runny nose and fever reducers. She was rich on pills.

Minju took a minute break before trying to swallow the next one. "I don't get sick easily but when I do, it's the worst." She took another pill from Yujin. "Yesterday was..." Minju shakes her head, not even wanting to remember the body ache that came with the virus in her body.

Yujin lets out a soft sigh, watching her swallow the rest of the pills with ease. She gently caressed the latter's knee, comforting her. When the girl was done, Yujin pierced the straw into a small packet of apple juice and handed it to her to wash everything down.

Putting her hand to the side of Minju's neck, she checked if the fever had gone down but she was still warmer than normal.

"This won't do it." Yujin stands, pulling the girl up with her. "Come on."

"Where are you going?"

"You need to sleep so your body can heal."

"I have been sleeping for the past 48 hours." Minju was almost whining, getting dragged up to the loft. "You're using my sickness as an excuse so you could sleep with me, aren't you?"

"How do you know?" Yujin playfully replies, sitting her down on the edge of the bed before tightening the blanket around Minju so she is practically immobile. "A burrito." She gently toppled the brunette onto the bed and chuckled, earning a soft glare from her.

Minju used her feet and kicked the side of Yujin's leg with whatever energy she had in her. Slowly, she unravelled the blanket around her as if she were inviting the girl in.

Yujin let out a small laugh as she climbed in, immediately being held captive by the older girl. With the place dimly lit, Minju could feel the warmth emanating from Yujin's body and buried her face into her shoulder, inhaling the scent she desperately missed over the past two days.

She let out a tired sigh and felt Yujin leaning away slightly just so she could look at Minju.

"You little opportunist," the brunette mumbled, her voice barely audible.

Yujin chuckled softly, her thumb running over the fever patch on Minju's forehead. She kisses it gently and feels the girl tightening her fingers around her waist. "Admit it, you want to sleep with me too," she w

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"I'll protect you from the polar bears."
~ Yujin


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bluejin 0 points #1
Chapter 48: please dont end please dont end ㅠㅠ
future_mrs_liu #2
Chapter 47: Woah!! Speechless! Just when I thought this story could be better. Boom. This happened. Thanks author!
Chapter 47: Ohhh my heart!!! I love it love it!!
pandamaos #4
Chapter 46: It hurts…. Oh my heart hurts…..
future_mrs_liu #5
Chapter 46: Awwww. Finally back in each others arms. Yujin and Minju fighting~~~ thank you for the update author. As always, no matter how short, this masterpiece of a story is always giving us the feels. After being infatuated from all the fluff and their chemistry, this is another side of the couple we should also see. Them as separate individuals dealing with their own thing. Again, I really appreciate this update so much. Thanks and Fighting author!
Chapter 46: Hnng, comeback yujin
bluejin #7
Chapter 45: ugh this hurts more than it should.. and here i thought we were past the angst
future_mrs_liu #8
Chapter 45: Awww. First time yujin hurt her (unintentionally). But totally understandable. :( at least at the end of the day they are still putting their partner’s feelings before themselves. Being selfless. Thanks for the update author. I love this story so much and it definitely deserves a thousand upvotes. Fighting!
Chapter 45: Bawling here
Jinjoo21 #10
Chapter 45: Thank you for the update.🫰