
Never knew things would end up this way

No one's [p.o.v ]

The ring started to shake again and released such a bright light that it blinded the five guys' eyes for that moment. A figure started to form beside the ring. You were released.

[ p.o.v YOU]

I felt myself being lifted from the ring and started to take form. I was finally free. As I opened my eyes , I saw the five guys look at me with their jaws out. They freaked out and backed away.

"who are you ?!!!! How ..... How did u come out of that ring?!!!" key spoke and he shivered.
I looked at them and said " my name is eunhae. I'm from another world.i was trapped in the ring by my father and you guys help release me.thank you"

[key] " so salvalto le relesa was to help release you"

"Yes. In fact after you all release me I have to watch over all of you to have a chance to go back to my world. So I'll be staying with you guys in the mean time"

" bwoh !!!!!!!!!!!! "

[p.o.v YOU]

All five guys looked at me with disbelief. I knew I would have a hard time convincing them.
" what if we don't want your protection or so called watching over?? "

" I know it's difficult to believe me and all but if u all don't help me I'll nvr be able to return home. So please ~~" I pleaded using my puppy eyes

They all looked reluctant but I saw their eyes soften.they gathered together and started to discuss. After what seemed like forever , they looked up.
[key] " so eunhae . We've discussed about it and came to a conclusion. Since you are no harm to us and we want to help you get home. We'll let you stay. We didn't get off to a good start but let me introduce us to you.
The guy to the extreme left that looks like a dino is jonghyun a.k.a my "yeobo".
[jonghyun] "hi"
This is Minho
[minho] "hi"
" I'm key , this Is taemin
[taemin] "HI!!!!!" , that's onew
[onew] " hi"

and we're in a band called SHINee"

so the guy with that sweet voice is onew. Onew~~ what a nice name.

" hello ~~~~ earth to eunhae~~"
I shook my thoughts away and smiled. " thank you. Thank you so much" I said.

The ring started to glow again. Then it split. The ring split into five identical rings.

[minho] " what's this all about?"

"I remember my father telling me before I was into the ring that my saviour had to wear the ring and when worn on the hand of my saviour it'll provide a source of energy for me. Like food is for you. I just need to hug my saviour and the energy can be transferred to me. To refill my energy. "

[taemin] " waoh~~ we're now your source of energy! That's ... That's... I hate to admit but that's SO COOL!!!! "

I chuckled at the sight of this kiddy side of taemin. He's so CUTE^^

[minho] " so now are we suppose to just randomly choose a ring?"

"I guess so"

They each picked a ring and decided they had enough for a night. They turned in for the night.

I looked out at the sky. Will I really be able to go home. What lies ahead of me in this house? And onew..... Why did he feel so cold. So distant unlike the rest.

writer's update: Do comment and subscribe. Many many loves and thanks^^

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Sakura_24 #1
Chapter 7: All of the above
KISSmeBecca #2
Chapter 7: Ummmm... ALL OF THE ABOVE!! XD
infinitejae #3
Chapter 6: kyaaa!!!
i like your story. it was very interesting