Energy Refill

Never knew things would end up this way
[p.o.v YOU]

I've been thinking the whole night. How can I get closer to them? Let them open their heart to me. I wouldn't need to worry about all these if my father didn't appear last night to tell me about .......


[dad] " eunhae"
"dad?! Why are you here!"
[dad] " eunhae calm down . I'm here to tell u about something important. U have to listen carefully"he said with a serious look on his face. " initailly the ring was meant for your saviour. Only one. But when the five boys all said the words. They were all your saviours. The ring was not prepared to split. But when it had to , the energy inside it was also split into 5 but unevenly. There's a possibility that one has a higher energy level then the other."

I didn't really understand.
"So what? I just needed to hug all of them ."

[dad] " that's the part I'm worried about. If The boys do not sincerely open their hearts to you and accept you. You cannot receive energy from them. Instead like like poles you get repelled"

" well~ at least one of them would open ther heart to me. Like taemin. He easily accepts me"

[dad] " if taemin holds most of your energy then yes you don't have to worry. But If the others or one of them that you can't get close to holds most of your energy . You will perish . Do u understand me. Not only do you not get to go home. You do not even get to live! So please. No matter what get all the boys to accept you. I don't want to lose my only daughter like that. Sending u here for your mistake already hurt me a lot. I wouldn't want to lose you"

it was then I realised the seriousness of this matter. I had to get accept by the boys. But how?....

[ end. Of flashback]

[taemin] " eunhae! What are you thinking of? Why are your eyes so red?!!"
his worried looks made me feel warm inside. At least for now I still have taemin who accepts me.

" it nothing. Just missing home. Come on you must be hungry . I'll make you breakfast^^"

[ taemin] " you know how to make breakfast?! I mean since u don eat food. "

" silly. I just said while I was here I need the energy. Over at my world I eat food too. So what would you like?"
[taemin] " anything will do but bannana milk is a must!^^"
This guy is getting cuter . I'm curious how the rest are like.

" here. Hot cakes with maple syrup and homemade bannana milk by me"

he cautiously tried the home made bannana milk. His eyes sparkled.

[taemin] " this is SO GOOD!!!! Can u make it everyday for me? Pretty please??"
how could I resist those puppy eyes. His aegyo is too much!

[jonghyun] " I smell hot cakes!!!!!"

[key] " I'm starving!!|~~"

The rest of the boys came into the kitchen and started started digging in. Minho ate a few bites and said he had to go for a photoshoot so he has to leave first. While the other are enjoying their hot cakes, I noticed onew was wary of the hot cakes taking small bites . Sigh~~ I guess he's the type dad was worried about. let's just hope he doesn't have most of my energy source. Talking about energy source. I felt dizzy. My head started to spin. I felt weak. I lost my balance and fell. They boys stopped eating and rushed over to me.

[key] " eunhae are you alright? What happened? "

" I ne...ed to re..refill my energy. I need a hug"

taemin launched towards me and gave me a tight hug. I felt the energy going through me. But it wasn't enough. Taemin didn't hold most of my energy.
" it's not enough. Taemin doesn't have enough of my energy"

Key went forward to hug me. I felt more energised. But I knew my energy was not even half refilled. I still looked so pale. I shook my head and jonghyun got the message. He too came forward to hug me. But I couldn't feel it. The energy in him was so little.

" that's not it. Even after jonghyun. I feel less then half energised. Sigh~~"

[taemin] " onew hyung. Go and hug her. She needs more. Help her!!!!"

onew didn't move. So taemin dragged onew towards me. And kept pleading him. Onew couldn't resist taemin's plead any further so he slowly came closer to hug me. I could smell his cologne. So intoxicating. So...


writer's update: what do you think the BANG was all about?Find out soon~~
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Sakura_24 #1
Chapter 7: All of the above
KISSmeBecca #2
Chapter 7: Ummmm... ALL OF THE ABOVE!! XD
infinitejae #3
Chapter 6: kyaaa!!!
i like your story. it was very interesting