Of The Guardians: Inheritor [Being Made Into a Novel Series]
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“You get use to someone—start to like them, even—and they leave. In the end, everyone leaves.” 

-Rachel Ward, Numbers

"So, this woman clothed in white told you to got to the tribes of Harum and Rayhem," Kris began, speaking slowly as he tried to process the information. "Yes," you answered, giving him a nod as he his fingers through hair lightly. "And she spoke of five keys that must be found before 'the end begins' for the use of prevention?" You nodded again, watching Kris' eyebrows furrow.  "Do you think this was just some dream, or do you feel that it was a message sent through one?" 

You looked down at your fingers, fondling with them lightly as you thought deeply about his question. Was it just a dream? Or was it something more? Your mind threw explanation after explanation at you, trying to reason and make sense of it. But the feeling remained. When you meditated on the dream, no matter what logical reason your mind placed upon it, this sense of urgency and alignment surged through you. Your eyes darted to the maple table where your weapons laid. The duel blades your father had created for you glowed in the sunlight that shone through the bedroom window. Gazing at the blades suddenly caused an epiphany to arise in your mind. I've felt this before. 

The dream you had the night before you left your home with Kris, the dream that contained the battle, and this dream of the fire and the woman in white sent the same affirming sensation through your spirit. And that was what frightened you the most. Because if the existence of the blades were prophesied in your first dream, what the woman said in this dream could be a prophecy as well. You looked back up at Kris, exhaling before you answered, "I think it's a message for us." Kris studied your expression for a minute, his gaze locked with yours intensely, before looking to the side to think. "Interesting..." He muttered to himself.

You and Kris sat across from each other on your bed. Your arms hugged your pillow tightly as you leaned back against the cream colored walls. There was a pause in the conversation. The room was filled with the sound of the wind rustling through the thickets and the songs of birds crooning their melodies into the sky. Your eyes gazed outside the window for some time, mesmerized by the way the rays of sunlight caused the forest to almost glimmer. Your mind wandered through a plain of endless thought until the sound of coughing brought you back into reality. 

"Excuse me?" You asked, eyes turning towards Kris. You chuckled in embarrassment, smiling apologetically for not listening to him. He grinned back at you, his eyes forming into small crescents as he laughed. "As I was saying, this woman, whoever she is, spoke to you of leaving with haste." You jaw dropped, eyes widening at his response. "You believe me?" You asked. He nodded his head firmly before scooting closer to you on the bed. "Of course," he answered with a smile. You smiled back at him, relieved that he did not dub you to be insane. 

Kris reached over to your hand, grasping your fingers before lacing his with yours. "It is as the Council told me after they had met you for this first time, you have a gift of seeing visions from that which is of the spiritual realm," he whispered, staring at your locked fingers before gazing up at you. Your breath hitched quietly, not only because this was the first time your abilities were being affirmed, but also because of how close Kris' body was to yours.

Kris picked up on this, chuckling lightly to himself. She's just as cute as she was when I met her. He leaned over towards h

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I literally never come on here, but yes, I am still writing the novel. I left this site because I wanted to write original content & someone on this site did something that made me feel unsafe. I hope you guys have grown into amazing people & that you've keep your love of reading & writing alive :)


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miaka07 #1
Chapter 100: hi authornim..hope your doing great..any news on this novel? sorry to ask..just really still looking forward on reading your novel..thanks and have a great 2024..
Chapter 100: its Dec 2023. life comes by so fast lol
i hope whoever reads this is doing great!
still thinking about this story and waiting for the novel.
or news. thankyoooou again for making such a great story
I literally never come on here, but yes, I am still writing the novel. I left this site because I wanted to write original content & someone on this site did something that made me feel unsafe. I hope you guys have grown into amazing people & that you've keep your love of reading & writing alive :)
Chapter 5: I'm having flashbacks when EXOtics is mentioned above. Good old time.
miaka07 #5
hi..how are you?..just wondering if you have any updates on the novel?..sorry to ask..i just suddenly miss your story..thank u and hope ur doing good.. ?
winterphantom #6
Chapter 100: Will definitely support this upcoming book of yours! I would love for it to be an actual paperback/hardbound book, but if South East Asia is too far, then I wouldn't really mind an e-book. Can't wait to how this wonderful story of yours unfold! xoxo
Chapter 50: I'm so excited for when this gets finished this is like the 10th time I've read it!
Chapter 100: Chapter 78: Hiiiii, im from canada!
A hard/paperback copy would be amazing

I literally spent all last year of middle school reading this! Uugh im so excited

Chapter 2: it is so rare to find this kind of fantasy stories here!

giving u this before i jump right into the story, hope u like it!