71 (Pt. 2)

Of The Guardians: Inheritor [Being Made Into a Novel Series]
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“Each of us is born with a box of matches inside us but we can't strike them all by ourselves”

- Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate


"Whoa, watch your step there," you exclaimed as small child, no taller than your stomach, scuffled backward after colliding with you head first. The young boy looked up and began to stutter an apology, but his mother, who was close behind, quickly cut him off. "Don't say sorry to Others, that's beneath you," she huffed as she brushed the dirt off her son's clothes and pulled him away, eyeing you angrily. You sent her an glare. "At least your son has manners, unlike you," you mumble. Kai pulled you aside from the main walkway, turning your shoulders to face you in a different direction. "These people are too much," you sighed quietly, massaging your temples. Kai nudged your side. "Don't let it get to you. They don't know what they're talking about," he hummed. You nodded silently, brushing some strands of hair out of your face as the two of you continued your trek up the path.

The sun was high in the sky by the time you had gotten to the center of the city. People were already crowding by the hundreds around the various stages and food carts stationed in the festival space. On one platform, seven men performed jaw-dropping acrobatics, contorting their bodies in a variety of unnatural positions that caused the audience to gasp in both awe and horror. Another stage had women dressed in traditional Rayhemian clothing of deep red fabrics and gold embroideries, all dancing to the beat of an interestingly designed drum (Luhan later informed you that it was primarily comprised of snake skin and a called a Teranga).

"How can they wear so many layers of clothing? It's scorching hot out here," Kai panted as he fanned himself with his hands. You patted your forehead with the back of your hand, perspiration coating it damply. He was right, the weather was practically burning. "It's probably all for show," Luhan hummed, "Fashion is a way for people to show status." Tao scoffed, "Yeah, you of all people would know." Luhan sent a glare his way, receiving a witty smirk from Tao, who simply shrugged his shoulders. "I'm kidding, lighten up," the tan boy chuckled, giving Luhan's shoulders a playful punch. The other nodded, relaxing as he continued to observe the surrounding area.

"He's right though. The people of Rayhem have extensive wealth and an even more extensive hierarchical system," Suho explained, running his fingers through his notebook as he jotted down descriptions of the festival, "The more expensive fabrics worn by a person conveys the family's wealth and social standing. I read about it in the most recent work of Ullman." "Oh, I think I read that too. He's an adventurer, right?" Kris inquired, gaining an affirmative hum from Suho. "Yeah, he was. You read it? I'm surprised, you hardly had enough time to rest when you return to visit me, let alone read a book," the Harum exclaimed in awe. Kris grinned. "I'm a er for works about travel," he admitted. "Psh, yeah, as if you don't travel enough as it is with your job," Suho scoffed playfully.

You grinned as you watched the two banter playfully. It almost made you forget that you were on a mission to find the Inheritor of Rayhem - almost. Your eyes scanned the festival, looking for anything that looked in the slightest bit like it would be where an official ceremony would be held. There was a large population of people standing around a large plaza a little ways down from where you all were, some chattering amongst themselves while others had their gazes fixed on the tall building in front of them. Following their gazes, you looked up to see a wide balcony protruding from the tower like structure, decorated with four long red tapestries, one which hung above it and three on its edges. Walking closer, you could see three words embroidered into the lower ones: loyalty, duty, and honor. The highest tapestry held within it the woven image of a phoenix, the outline of its feathers individually filled in with different kinds of red gems that glittered beautifully in the sunlight.

"Excuse me," you asked, tapping the shoulder of a man who was standing in line for a food vendor, "Is that where the Coming of Age Ceremony is going to be held?" The man turned about, eyes widening when he saw that you were an Other. He gave you a short nod and grunted before turning around quickly, brushing off the spot on his shoulder that you had touched as if you had dirtied it. Your hand fell down to your side, fingers clenching into a fist as you quietly thanked him before walking away towards the crowd. The guys walked along with you, a few of them glancing back at the rude man with disdain in their eyes.

"Everyone looks pretty excited," Kris commented as he watched a man put his small daughter on his shoulders, raising her up and carrying her so she would be able to see her sister clearer when the ceremony started. "Well this is a huge social event for them," Suho hummed, "The Fathers of Sight will be activating the abilities of the future leaders of their tribe. I'd say that's something to be excited about." A small group of girls pushed through the crowed, shoving people out of the way as they made their way to the front. In the process, Tao was almost knocked to the ground, his body keeling back as one of the girls shouldered him to the side. Kai quickly caught him by the arm and pulled the other boy up before he could hit the earth. He struggled to his feet, huffing in annoyance as he cracked a kink out of his neck. "How bothersome."

You were about to ask him if he was okay, but the sound of a horn blasted through the air, interrupting your train of thought. The noise was coming from the balcony, and when you looked you could see a young woman playing a melody on the golden instrument to calling everyone to attention. Immediately, all conversation came to a halt and the crowd's eyes became fixed upwards towards the platform. You took a deep breath as you watched the girl finish the tune before walking back into the building. A large group of men filtered onto the balcony as she left - the Fathers of Sight. 

They were dressed in robes that were completely gold, with headscarves wrapped around their visages. Most of the men took their seats around the main platform on the balcony, but there was one who made his way to the main platform, standing before the crowd with beaming pride in his eyes as he looked out among his people. It was Chanyeol's father, Amen.

"My brothers and sisters, today, we celebrate a momentous occasion in our people's history. Today, the Bird Spirit will manifest his power within the lives of our children. And it is with deepest respect to him that we perform this ceremony, which recognizes the coming of age of Rayhem's future leaders. May the manifestations of these sons' and daughters' be pleasing unto him, and to the Maker Spirit, who created us perfect and holy," he said, his powerful voice echoing to the crowd belo

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I literally never come on here, but yes, I am still writing the novel. I left this site because I wanted to write original content & someone on this site did something that made me feel unsafe. I hope you guys have grown into amazing people & that you've keep your love of reading & writing alive :)


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miaka07 #1
Chapter 100: hi authornim..hope your doing great..any news on this novel? sorry to ask..just really still looking forward on reading your novel..thanks and have a great 2024..
Chapter 100: its Dec 2023. life comes by so fast lol
i hope whoever reads this is doing great!
still thinking about this story and waiting for the novel.
or news. thankyoooou again for making such a great story
I literally never come on here, but yes, I am still writing the novel. I left this site because I wanted to write original content & someone on this site did something that made me feel unsafe. I hope you guys have grown into amazing people & that you've keep your love of reading & writing alive :)
Chapter 5: I'm having flashbacks when EXOtics is mentioned above. Good old time.
miaka07 #5
hi..how are you?..just wondering if you have any updates on the novel?..sorry to ask..i just suddenly miss your story..thank u and hope ur doing good.. ?
winterphantom #6
Chapter 100: Will definitely support this upcoming book of yours! I would love for it to be an actual paperback/hardbound book, but if South East Asia is too far, then I wouldn't really mind an e-book. Can't wait to how this wonderful story of yours unfold! xoxo
Chapter 50: I'm so excited for when this gets finished this is like the 10th time I've read it!
Chapter 100: Chapter 78: Hiiiii, im from canada!
A hard/paperback copy would be amazing

I literally spent all last year of middle school reading this! Uugh im so excited

Chapter 2: it is so rare to find this kind of fantasy stories here!

giving u this before i jump right into the story, hope u like it!