The cute patient of his..

❄ The Special Lovely Boy ❅

It was in the middle of the night when Youngwoon barged into Hyukjae's room. Cough and gasp echoed through the bathroom walls as the boy vomit. Youngwoon rubbed the boy's back to help him let out everything his stomach didn't accept. He flushed the toilet once the boy was done and went to take a damp cloth to wipe his young master's face.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?" He asked but the boy just shook his head. "Are you sure? You don't look good.." The boy nodded. And thus , he continued his sleep.

It was when he woke up he realized that he was in the hospital. He frown. He remembered clearly that he didn't want to go to the hospital. Now.. Why was he here? Jungsu who nearly doze off waiting for Hyukjae to wake up , quickly ran to his side to ask him whether he is ok. "Hyung.. Why am I here?" Was what came out from the boy's mouth.

Jungsu sighed. "W-Well.. I was going to give you breakfast when I found out that you were sweating and gasping for air.. And in the end , we had to send you to the hospital.." He explained and the boy could only stare at his friends who were looking at him. Worried was written all over their faces. He smile reassuringly to them.

Donghae POV

It was in the morning when I was hurried into the emergency room. This time , I was treating a boy. A beautiful one indeed. "What happened?" I asked to one of the nurses. "His heartbeat! It's getting slower! We have to hurry!" And with that , I attached the wires that connected to the cardiac monitor.  It was true. His heartbeat was getting slower as time passes. 


I was shocked. I swore my eyes would be bulging out of it's sockets by now. I stare at the monitor and it showed a thin line. I quickly grabbed the defibrillator that one of the nurse handed me and rub it against one another before placing it on the boy's chest. His body jolted upwards but the machine was still beeping. I panicked.

"Make it 150 volts!" I ordered and the nurse obeyed it. Again , the reaction was the same. "200 volts!" And again. "250 volts!" And then miracle happened. The cardiac monitor was beeping normally and so is the boy's heartbeat. I sighed in relief.  It was strange. Strange indeed. Usually disease like these occur to older people but this boy had it already. Is it passed through generation? I better ask his guardian later..

I continued with the treatment and after nearly 1 hour , I finally made his heart steady it's beat again. I sighed in relief as I put my gloves away and watch the boy being pushed on the bed out of the room. I looked at his record card. So , Lee Hyukjae was the one I treat earlier. 15 year old. 165 cm. 35 kg. Wow.. He's underweight.

"What are you looking at?" My co-worker , Siwon asked. "Nothing. Just checking my patient's record card.." Siwon then tried to peek the record card that I was holding. Minutes later , I got annoyed and shoved the card to his face. "Oww!!! That hurts!" He exclaimed while rubbing his forehead. "Then why didn't you just ask me that you want to look at it?"

"Calm down! I was just playing around~ Then.. Gimme the card!!!" He said childishly and I could only sigh as I give him the card. "Wow~ He's quite cute.. And.. He's staying at the most private room?! No.. Not that.. His parents bought that room.. " Siwon said in disbelief. I was quite shock to know that his parents bought a private room for him. Not to mention it costs millions of won. That boy must be rich.

Though.. I hate spoiled rich bratty boys. But this boy gave me a different feeling. I guess he's not spoiled? And I have to say that Siwon is right when he said that the boy is quite cute. It is not quite actually. It is completely cute. His innocent round brown and single-lidded eyes. His cute nose. His y jaw-line. His plump lips. His cute face. I admit it. He's the most perfect human being God ever created to my eyes.

"Siwon.. Done checking him out? Now.. Give me the record card.." I said with a teasing smile. "I-I was not checking him out! Oh God! I'm not gay~!" He said before running out of the room. The record card? I already took it before he ran. I chuckled at Siwon. It was rare to see him flustered. Oh no.. Does that mean.. He likes the boy?! Andwae!!!!


Why am I sad about him liking the boy? Anyone can... Right? That also mean I can like him.. I shook my head and went to the cafeteria for my lunch. My stomach has been begging to eat since this morning. Sorry for abandoning you , mister stomach but the hospital is not helping me. 

After lunch , I went to check my patients. I was about to enter Lee Hyukjae's room when the bodyguard stopped me. "Who are you and what is your business for coming into this room?" He said sternly. "I'm Lee Hyukjae's doctor.. I came to check on him.." I said while showing him the record card. He nodded and opened the door.

My heart skipped a beat as I saw the boy once again. But he didn't face me and instead , he cling to the person next to his bed while the person just patted the boy's head. Making a gesture that told me to keep quiet. I nodded and obeyed. I hung the record card on the end of the bed at gesture him to follow me outside.

After making sure the boy was asleep , he followed me out. I took a glance of him sleeping and smile to myself. I have to admit it he was cute like that. "So.. What did you want to say to me?" Said his guardian once we were outside. "How was he doing? Did he vomit or feel any pain?" I asked him.

"He didn't say anything about that.. He just said that he was sleepy.." His guardian said while putting his hand below his chin in sign of remembering the past. I nodded at him and began taking some notes. "Has he eaten yet?" The guardian gulped and shook his head. "When was the last time he ate?" "I guess... Yesterday's afternoon? He doesn't like to eat that much.. And if we force him.. He will eventually vomit.." I nodded.

"I see.. I'll send lunch as soon as he wake up.. What is his dislikes?" "Seafoods.." I frown. I really love seafood but this boy here hates it? Well.. As people say.. Differences do attract. Wait. Since when I like him? "What food he likes the most?" "Strawberries.. And sweet things.." I chuckled. This boy is indeed cute. "I'll come back in the evening.. Watch over him." I said and then he nodded.

I was walking through the hallways when I remembered. I forgot to ask him about the boy's disease came from. When I was about to turn back , a nurse suddenly ask me hurry and thus , I ran to the emergency room once again. But this time , sadly , I had to yet again watch the person die in front of my eyes.

"Dude.. No need to be that sad.. You've seen things like this millions of time already right?" Siwon , who tried to cheer me up , poke me in the head with a can of cold coffee. I smiled half-heartedly while taking the can he offered to drink. The person who died earlier had the same disease as the boy I treated earlier.

Unstable Angina.

And I couldn't help to think that one day , the boy might also die in front of my eyes. I shook my head. No.. No... Definitely no!! I don't want him to die that early.. I have to find some cure.. "Siwon-ah.. Is there a cure for unstable angina?" I asked. Siwon could only smile sadly while shaking his head in a sign of 'no'. I sighed.

"But.. If you do a research about it.. You might be the first person ever to invent unstable angina's cure.." He said while smiling. I thought about it. Research? About symptoms of angina? And medicine.. Drugs that is used in it.. I smiled. I can saved millions of people lives out there if I invented the cure for it.

But my concern was not for other person who has the disease. It was merely because of him , Hyukjae. I have to get used to that name. It is only the first day of meeting him , but I felt like I've know him longer. "Oh ! His lunch!" And with that , I ran through the cafeteria into the kitchen to ask the chef to make something delicious with no seafood since the one he's about to serve is in a VIP room.

The chef cooked Hyukjae macaroni and I stole some strawberries - not stealing actually - and asked the other workers to make him strawberry smoothie. And with that , I walked to his room while carrying a tray of his food and drink. The macaroni and cheese smelled really good and I was really thinking about eating eat.

But , no. This is for Hyukjae. I had to hold it in. After minutes of walking , finally! I arrived at his room. I took a deep breath before stepping inside.


Update! Mwahaha!! I wrote half of it yesterday and today morning.. But I woke up late and thus I couldn't finish it but.. Now I did it! Applause for meh! xDDD Thanks for the 69 subscribers!!! I love you guys! Lemme hug you! xD

Oh and.. No spirits for this chapter.. Dunno why.. Blame my brain.. xD Anyway! Feel free to comment! Tell me how you fell! Gonna sleep now! It's 12 AM. (Though I know for sure I'm gonna sleep at 2 AM.. As usual.. Blame my insomnia~ Oh uh~)

Bye guys!! ^^

Bye!! Haha~

Bye! LOL~ I CANNOT SAY GOODBYE TO YOU!! T^T Oh! And thanks to 'NekoNekoKawaii' as I had fun threatening her~ xD Don't be mad baby~ Teehee~ Then.. Farewell my lovely readers and subscribers!    

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YAY!!! Finished!! Lunch here I come.. (I'm still sad though *sob*)


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Chapter 13: So cute!!!!!!!! Kyaaaaaaa
Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #2
Chapter 14: I really liked this story .you did good job .
And thanks for sharing ♥
Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #3
Chapter 4: Why minho did that to hyukkie .maybe he likes Donghae or maybe he likes Hyuk so that he would die then he can be with Hyuk.
BTW thank god you didn't hit your head .be careful
Julymoe #4
new reader is here~~~
I love your AFF so much~~~
Thank for updates~~~
x3Maple #5
Chapter 14: The ending. Oh gosh super cute^^ little Henry<33 to be frank, Minho was really scary at the beginning! But Im so happy that' everything turned out fine for both of them! Barely angst and loads of fluff!! I loveeee this story^^ thank you for posting this!!
minkie1001 #6
Chapter 5: It's 1:12am and I'm reading this chapter. Help me, I'm afraid~ ç-ç
naznew #7
Chapter 14: Kyaaa~i like this story...eunhae moments..and henry as their adopted son..minho meet taemin and being a couple ghost..i thought minho will ended up with sarah but it taemin...
how i wish i can see and play with ghost too 'pout'
_bawoo #8
Chapter 14: Sooooo cute!!! I just finished this story and im in total awe! Your a very good author! I love every part of it and every time they smile i smile too... I love hyukkies parents!!!!!! Thank you for this story ^_^
silverberry_hyuk #9
Chapter 14: Hallo theree! I'am new reader here! ^^ I just found your story when I was scroling down on EunHae[Voted] tags. This story so totally amazing!!! glad that its complete already so i can read it in one day without curious! ( even thougth i wish that you'll continue this story X'D)

Once again i say, this story is beyond amazing!! I have alot of thrill when i read your story. fear, shock, happy , exiceted and blabla. You make me sooo many feeeels~ ! Its kinda scary when Minho control Hyukjae --' but well yeah, glad that they fine at the end. Ahh and and, i'am soo happy haehyuk get married!! XD then adopt henry as their son. ahhh, they will be a perfect family ever!! also i'am happy for 2min ^^ your write skills so amazing!! finally i found another author to stalk! XP

I'll subcribe this story and upvoted it since I love this story so much!! <3
Chapter 14: ahhhhhhhhhhh so happy to see hae and hyukkie adopt cute child like henry so their marriage live will be mooooorrreeeee complete..
eyyyy minho and taemin happy tooooooo awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
nice story to read author nim ^^
well before this story complete i can't read this b'coz i'm afraid with spirits but u make me not scare anymore b'coz the spirits so nice to hyukkie and hae kkk