You're from Silla?

Through the Pages

They had a problem; a problem that they never expected to come across. Still by the tree Yuri and Minkyung kept out of sight except for poking their heads around from time to time.
“What do we do? Do we just go up and ask them for help?”

“I would assume so.”

“They won’t kill us or anything?” Yuri pressed her lips together. She didn’t want to answer that question.
“I’m hoping not,” sensing uncertainty Minkyung sighed in resignation.

“Well, we don’t really have a choice I guess.”

“Exactly,” Yuri took Minkyung’s wrist and stepped out. “Maybe if we’re really polite then they will spare our lives.”


In hesitant steps, they made their way down the path towards the market place; holding their breath every time someone made eye contact with them. Walking among the crowd they heard murmurs of displeasure. Most of them were targeted at their clothes.
“Look at the way they’re exposed.”

“It’s a disgrace; their mothers have taught them nothing about modesty.”

Minkyung had to grab the back of Yuri’s shirt; she was seeing red. “Just ignore them.” Minkyung’s focus went to three men whom she assumed would possibly help. From what she remembered when learning about the three kingdoms these men could possibly be soldiers.


“Um excuse me,” The men all jerked to attention, the spell of their daydreams breaking. When they saw her the wide eyed stares they gave caused her to squirm inside.

“What is it?” One demanded, holding his hands on his hips, taking authority. The others clutched their three pronged spears. If she hadn’t been frightened Minkyung may have found their appearances funny. Aside from their chainmail which was attached in small plates similar to the pattern of snake scales and the dark long, brown undershirts and trousers underneath; their helmets were domes with red tufts on top. Looking at these alone would lower the fear factor for anyone.

“I umm….”

“Speak up peasant!” She flinched, his spear now pointing at her. “We haven’t got time for nonsense.”

“Leave her alone,” Yuri came to them, standing close to Minkyung. “We need your help. Can you tell us how to get to Busan?”

“You want to go to Busan?” The man sneered before coughing up phlegm and spitting it out. “That’s Silla territory! What business do you have there?!”
“It’s not Silla territory;” Yuri was confused. “It’s where we live that’s what our damn business is!”

“Wait a minute,” one of the soldiers gestured for the other two to come in close quarters with him. They whispered so Minkyung and Yuri struggled to hear. Much to their shock the word ‘sorcerer’ came up.

“Hey what are you?!” All of a sudden they seized the two. Yuri was taken from behind, Minkyung showed no resistance. ”Let us go right now!”  

“Not until you’re inside your prison cell! Your trickery has proved to be worthless. Sorcerers and tricksters aren’t wanted; especially not ones from Silla!” Yuri started to kick out but was stopped by a spear tip pointing directly at .

“Minkyung; for heaven’s sake help me. Tell them we’re innocent!”


Yuri’s plead fell on deaf ears, Minkyung didn’t respond. Her capturer leaned his head forward, looking at her side on.
“Seems this young one knows when it’s futile to put up a fight.” His breath tickled her cheek.
“Excuse me soldiers but what are you doing? You’re blocking Madam Hyejung’s stall, she won’t be able to make a profit if you don’t move.” The men looked to their left. They were in front of a stall where fabric was folded at the front and two hanging down from the top. The store owner was frowning at them, increasing the wrinkles on her forehead.


The soldiers turned around to find a young man standing with his hands folded, around their height, if not a little taller and with a muscular build. He wore a dark blue shirt and trousers and a long purple sleeveless shirt over the top that wrapped around and had been secured in place by a thick, wrapped belt. Black string was tied around the wrist to the elbow not allowing the fabric to drape. He had boots with a few scuff marks and underneath his long, dark brown fringe held a fierce gaze.

One of the guards glanced at the other. “You’re Lee Howon aren’t you? You teach martial arts to the people here don’t you?  They started to talk to each other. “Maybe we can give them to him. If what we’ve heard is true then he will be able to bring them to confess their devilish scheme in destroying our nation.” Howon’s eyes went to Minkyung who swallowed hard.

“I teach boys how to fight, not uphold justice.” He replied stern. “That is your business, isn’t that your job as soldiers?”

The man holding Minkyung spoke up. “You see, we were going to take them to the dungeons but we’re afraid that they’ll use magic and escape.”

Finally Minkyung was unable to stay quiet. “No,” she shook her head. “No we’re not witches or sorcerers. We aren’t anything like that. Please let us go.” She looked the soldier straight in the eye, hoping her plea would make them reconsider.

The man started to laugh, the other two joined in. Howon thought a bit and then stepped closer, placing his hand on the shoulder of the man who had no one in his grasp. “Sir, these girls; they’re strange however I don’t think they’re sorcerers. If they really were wouldn’t they have freed themselves already?”  

“Hmm,” the man thought about it. A minute later he sighed and signalled to his men. “Release them, I haven’t seen it with my eyes but if you ignore his advise you may end up being beaten and bruised by him. There are stories from others who passed through here to say that Lee Howon is not a force to be reckoned with. He has the skill of a master and the strength of an ox, we would be foolish to try and challenge him.”


The men stepped away from Minkyung and Yuri letting the former hug Minkyung strongly. “We’ll be on our way then. I’ll leave them in your hands.” The three soldiers then left.  

For a minute or so Yuri just held Minkyung, fighting the tears in her eyes brought from sheer relief. Howon stood to the side, somewhat confused. Yuri suddenly looked to him. “Thank you so much, oh thank you.” He froze, a little taken back by her flustered gratitude.

“Please, it was not a problem.” Except he wasn’t so sure from the way he scratched the back of his head. Minkyung glanced at their rescuer for the first time. When his eyes met with hers she failed to keep looking. “I just want to clarify; are you two really from Silla?”

“What’s with this Silla crap?” Yuri snapped, startling Howon. “No we’re two, normal girls from Busan born in 1993! Why did they grab us? Is it because of what we’re wearing? Should we walk around ; would that prove we’re human?!”

“Yuri,” Minkyung looked at her friend. “Please calm down, you’re making a scene.” When Yuri was subdued Minkyung bowed to Howon ninety degrees. “Sorry we didn’t thank you before. We won’t take up anymore of your time.” She reached for Yuri’s wrist to pull her away in a hasty exit.


Howon spoke up. “Wait a moment,” he cleared his throat. “I’ve never done this before however you two seem harmless. What I’m trying to say is, if you need somewhere to stay a night, my home is not far from here.”

Minkyung looked at Yuri for help. “A-are you sure?” They checked the sky. Surprisingly the sun was already starting it’s descend in the blend of warm oranges.  

“Yes, it’s a short distance’s walk from here but it’ll be better than staying at the inn where you may have to work.”

“Working may be fun right Minkyung—ouch!” Yuri rubbed her side where Minkyung had nudged hard in the ribs.

“Yuri, the kind of work he means isn’t good.” Minkyung whispered.

“Oh,” Yuri’s mouth fell open. “Alright I guess it’s his place then.” Yuri was eager to walk beside Howon so she hurried to join him, dragging Minkyung along.


The journey led them down a large path through the woods. After taking it for a while they cross off it to go down a slight slope and then go through a river to the other side. It was through the slow trickling but deep water that Minkyung saw the importance of the swimming lessons at school. After crossing the river they found their way onto another path.  

Yuri enjoyed talking to Howon showing it through large hand gestures when talking. Howon on the other hand he didn’t say much except for maybe one word or two, a grunt if he felt like it.

Minkyung walked beside them in silence. She didn’t make any noise except for almost slipping on a rock. Howon’s attention went straight to her and she just kept walking, pretending nothing happened. Yuri looked at his clothing, thinking of a new topic.

“So Howon, do you like purple?” He blinked at Yuri’s question. “Did you know its Minkyung’s favourite colour?”

“Do you like this shade?” He picked at the deep violet fabric, his lips twitching in the urge to grin.

“Umm,” Minkyung shook her head. “I prefer more blue purples.”

“Blue purples look too blue to be purple.”

“I prefer them more than bright ones.”

“Then perhaps you should consider changing your mind.” Minkyung stared at Howon; he raised his eyebrows as if to challenge her with his expression as well as his words.
“Maybe you should change your mind!”

Yuri let out a laugh, slowing down to continue, holding her stomach at the same time. “Oh you two are hilarious, I should have thought of this earlier.”

“Wait, it’s your doing?!” Minkyung exclaimed.


“We’ve made it,” the girls turned to see where Howon was facing. In flatland off to the side a one storey house stood. It appeared to be made out of wood with straw or a similar material used in the roof, bushels hung on a low beam supporting the part of the roof that extended slightly, over the front door and the deck.


A boy came out, dressed in beige ensemble under a brown long shirt came out. His hair was brown but in a lighter shade to Howon’s. “Brother you’re home.”

“Hello Hojun,” his brother came over for a hug. Howon stood rigid for a moment before patting him on the back and then giving a shove.

“H-hey,” Hojun chased after Howon who let out a laugh before they began play fighting. Howon took on a firm stance with his legs apart, ready for battle. Hojun seemed a bit unstable but still bravely held up his clenched fists.


Minkyung and Yuri watched in amazement as the two started to spar. They came in close fighting with little distance between. Hojun started a range of punches and strikes with his hands. Howon blocked them before they even reached him.

The end of the duel came quickly through Howon catching hold of Hojun’s wrist, twisting it slightly up and around. While immobilised Howon carefully twisted Hojun’s arm behind him using it to pin him down, digging a knee into his back.  

“Ok, you win.”

“Hojun what’s all the commotion?” A middle aged lady came out, wearing an olive green skirt and an off white shirt. Her black hair was tied in a bun, wisps of grey flicked from between the strands. Howon released Hojun from the grip and helped dust him off. She seemed a little taken back when she got closer. Probably because of their strange clothing. Still she did the right thing by being friendly. “Hello there,” Minkyung and Yuri jumped and then greeted her.

“Good evening.”

“Howon who are they?” Hojun asked him, gesturing to them with a head nudge.

“They are friends of mine,” Howon said. “They can introduce themselves.” He said this simply because he’d forgotten to ask them before and didn’t wish to reveal this out of embarrassment.

“I’m Hwang Yuri,” she bowed to her. 

“My name is Yoo Minkyung,” Minkyung did her best to follow after her friend. As she came up she noticed Howon watching her. She stood up straight, trying to ignore the heat in her cheeks.

“It’s lovely to meet you, you can call me Madam Lee.” she said to them with a smile. She seemed tired but there was warmth there that made the girls become comfortable with her.
“I’m just starting to cook dinner, you’re welcome to join us.”

“Thank you very much,” they both said in unison. After taking their shoes off Howon offered to show them around. Their mother brought out wooden boards with raw vegetables and knives of different sizes. Yuri went inside to take a look, Minkyung stayed back, watching the woman prepare the black beans.

 “D-do you want a hand?” She didn’t have much experience with cooking but she felt obligated to help. Madam Lee smiled at her before handing Minkyung a small sack along with a funny device. It was made out of cane weaved into a ladle shape and the handle tied together three times.

“Could you please wash and strain the rice?” She also handed a stone pot to Minkyung. “When it’s washed put the rice in here.” Minkyung had no idea how to carry the pot, there was no handle attached and weighed more than she expected.

“Ok,” she would figure it out. Howon came from out of the house as if searching for something. When he saw her he stopped.

“Howon dear, would you be able to go fishing?”

“Do you want me to leave now mother?”

“It would be best to dear, it’s getting dark.” He chose not to argue back. Turning back he disappeared into the house. Yuri came out, confused when she didn’t see him.

“Howon’s going to go fishing. Would you like to help me and Minkyung?”

“Umm, thank you but I’m afraid of burning the kimchi,” Yuri made a laugh.
“Did you want to fish with me and Howon?” Hojun asked Yuri. Howon had come out with a spear, he eyed Hojun.

“Sure,” Yuri went to put her shoes on. The two brothers kept mouthing things to each other in silent disagreement. Howon wasn’t pleased while Hojun was on the defence for the same point of contention.

“You can go with them.” Madam Lee said to Minkyung. “You can rinse the rice at the river.”

She nodded, “ok.” But she didn’t really feel like joining. Inside there was the disappointment that she hadn’t been told to stay behind.

I’m going to make this short. This chapter turned out longer than I had planned.

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I updated after a while, thanks for patiently waiting


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Chapter 16: Wait... so minkyung is just gng back without completing the quest?? And leave yuri there?? THE STORY'S ENDING ALREADY?! *sigh*
Chapter 16: Woah, superb! Finally, a nice gumiho! And what men, to give their livers like that... makes me wonder if it could be possible that Myungsoo has some feelings for her *-* Now that would be nasty!
And wait, is it that I'm forgetful, or Sunggyu hasn't appear yet?
And OMG Taekyeon :)) And Heechul, ain't he a sword-ed diva?! LOL
Can't wait for yet another awesome travel in time from you, unnie! :P
xinli_ang #3
Chapter 15: Haha, and here I was thinking that the chapter was just oddly titled. xD (I thought the bedroom discussions part of the chapter would be more like just everyone gathering in a room to discuss something, I didn't expect THAT.)
Chapter 15: LOL, is Myungsoo flsuhed y the idea of Sunjong being a man? :))
ANd OMG, that, that at the end... he doesn't like her?! O.O
xinli_ang #5
Chapter 14: Myungsoo's very annoying here, giving orders to people and all as he was the leader, LOL.

I was wondering if Sungjong was made a girl there. XD
Chapter 14: Oh my, oh my! I was kind of expecting this, but I surely wasn't expecting his answer at the end! O.O It took me by total surprise, that I can assure you off!^^
I totally liked the chapter, 'cause we get to see different types of interactions, which is totally awesome! Howon, he has quite a temper, doesn't he?^^'
Chapter 13: I like Minkyung and how she protects Howon even without intending to do so sometimes :) Talking about love struck kittens ^~^
And what exactly is wrong with Myungsoo?! >.<" He annoys me when he acts like a brat >.<"
xinli_ang #8
Chapter 13: Might want to remove your notes, but this chapter was entertaining. xD Myungsoo sure knows how to push Hoya's buttons