A Monk's Hospitality

Through the Pages

“How much further do we have to go exactly?” Howon grumbled. Each step was aggravating his injuries. They’d been walking down the road for at least a few hours Minkyung guessed.

Dongwoo didn’t break out of his smile. “We’re very close my friend, really.”

“And how many times are you going to call me your friend? We barely know each other!”

“Everyone can be my friend, really.” His cheerful nature helped Minkyung feel better about the situation. “There is no one that I would disregard.”

“Well, can we then stop for a bit, friend?” Howon gritted his teeth. Minkyung watched him; she really was remorseful for not helping him.
“ Dongwoo, is that alright?”

The monk agreed before carefully leading Howon over to a rock. With a relieved sigh the injured fighter sat for a while, holding the areas that pained him most.
Dongwoo glanced at the sky. “It’s getting dark.” Minkyung’s eyes followed. “Do you two have a place to stay?”

“We’ll be fine,” Howon quickly assured him while wincing.

Minkyung shook her head. “Actually we were just going to camp.”

“You’re going to camp out in the open with him injured?” Dongwoo raised his eyebrows at her. “I’ll have none of that. You both are welcome to stay in the temple, really.”

“I don’t think we should—“

“—I insist, really. We can make room for both of you since there aren’t many of us there at the moment.” Howon made eye contact with Minkyung, signalling for her to come and talk with him. She came and stood near the rock.

“We don’t know who he is,” Howon whispered. “For all we know, he could be another bandit in disguise waiting for the right moment to slice our throats.”

Minkyung agreed with his point. “But still, wouldn’t he have killed us by now?” She moved away from Howon. “Dongwoo, can I be blunt for a moment?”

“Sure, my friend. Say what you must, for the feelings suppressed can be more dangerous than the ones shared.”

“Are you planning to kill us?” In the background Howon mouthed ‘what’ in shock at Minkyung. “I’m serious. We aren’t sure if we can trust you enough to continue on with you.”

“I see.” Dongwoo nodded in thought. “Well. then can I ask you a question, Minkyung?”

“Yes, you can,” Minkyung said with some caution.

“Since you seem reluctant to trust me, then why is it that you trust Howon?” Minkyung had to think for a moment. She knew that her answer would reflect on the business-like partnership they shared, and if careless words were spilled, then she would regret it.

Pausing further to make sure that the sentences in her head made sense, she then answered him. “Truthfully I don’t know everything about him. But when If first met him, he helped me and my friend. Going with him on this journey was a risk. I didn’t know whether he would hurt me, grow tired of me because I’m slow at walking, or take my belongings and run."

Howon shifted in his position, eyes to the ground. Minkyung took a breath before coming closer to him. She took his hand in hers, squeezing it gently. “Every day I wondered whether things could change or if they would for the worst. But today when we were attacked by those criminals, I realised that I can trust him. A dishonest person would have left me for dead, not caring whether I survived or not. Howon didn’t leave; he stayed, put himself on the line, and then did his best to keep them from chasing after me. So before I would have said I’m not sure, but now I know that I can trust him.”

Both of the men said nothing for a moment. Howon’s eyes were wide, glinting with relief. He returned the squeeze as he whispered, “Thank you.”

“Well, my friend, before I would have believed you to not talk much. However, it seems that you are careful with your words. If more people were able to control their tongue, we would be fighting less, really.”

Minkyung and Howon let go. “We should get moving,” Howon said, beginning to rise. Dongwoo was immediately at his side, having one of Howon’s arms over his shoulders. They kept on walking, in better spirits than before.

“We’re here, really.” They stopped to look at the buildings before them. One faced them directly while the other stood adjacent. Both of them had the same roof, sloping with ridges, sitting on them like oversized hats.

In the courtyard the stone lamp with a funny shaped top was lit up. A man wearing the same blue and orange attire as Dongwoo came out. He was short  round, bald like a dome and his cheeks sagged from age.

“Dongwoo, you’ve returned,” he said, walking over to them. “How was your journey?”

“Very fulfilling, Master,” Dongwoo assured him while his Master noticed Minkyung and Howon. “These two friends are in need of shelter, food, and aid. I offered for them to stay here tonight.”

“Very well. There’s plenty of space for them.” His Master came and helped Dongwoo take Howon up the stairs into the front room. “I’m Cho Bohyun. I am the Head Monk here.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Minkyung bowed. “I’m Yoo Minkyung, and my friend is Lee Howon.”

“Why don’t you have a seat for a bit? Dinner is almost ready, and Dongwoo is more than happy to help your friend.”

They put the pair of guests in the same room despite them being of the opposite . Minkyung had to leave for a bit while Dongwoo checked Howon over for his injuries and applied a special poultice to them.

“Ouch. That stings,” Howon grumbled.

“It will help, really.”

Bohyun entered to where Minkyung sat and handed her a bowl of steaming stew. Minkyung sniffed it and then had a taste. “It’s made with ginseng and plenty of fresh vegetables. I hope that is alright, Miss Minkyung.”

“It is fine, thank you,” she said, eating more. Bohyun then went to the other room with bowls for Howon and Dongwoo.

Sometime later Dongwoo came out of the room. “Well, he’s now cleaned up so you can come back in.”

Minkyung followed him in. Howon was sitting in his bed eating the stew. There was a bandage on his injured shoulder while purple and blue marks were patched on his arm and parts of his chest.

“I admit, my friend, that I was surprised when I first saw you.” Dongwoo started. “You look like a normal woman, yet that burst of wind came directly from you, which is very extraordinary.”

“What burst of wind?” Howon asked with his eyebrows slanting into a slight frown.

“She created a sudden gust of it when those bandits were chasing after her. It knocked them out until I came and put them in a deep sleep.” Dongwoo turned to Minkyung. “Where are you both from?”

“I’m from Daejeon.” Howon placed his bowl down beside his bed.

“And I’m from Busan.”

Bohyun drew a breath. Minkyung looked at him, pushing her plait off her shoulder.

“So you are a resident of Silla.”

“I’m a resident of Silla?” Minkyung shook her head. “I don’t understand why you assume that.”

“Well, it’s because Busan is in Silla’s territory, really,” Dongwoo explained as Bohyun left the three to talk. “Everyone knows—“ He stopped. Minkyung blinked blankly. “Ah, are you not aware of this?”

“I do like history. However, I haven’t read a lot on the Three Kingdoms time.”

“What are you saying? This is very unusual.” Dongwoo cocked his head at her. “Do you mean to say that you do not know what is happening?”

As before Minkyung shook her head. Now Dongwoo started to laugh, his eyes not sitting like they would have for a happy laugh. “Whoa, really, really this is unbelievable.”

“You should explain,” Howon stated, “Because none of what has been said makes sense to me.”

“Minkyung, are you betrothed by any chance?” When she didn’t answer he added, “Are you engaged to be married or are you already in a marriage?”

“No, I’m not I’m still at school.”

“What is school?”

Minkyung never thought she would have to explain that. “It’s where people go and learn how to read, write, count and so on.”

Dongwoo nodded his eyes on her for full attention. “And do you go to school for your whole life or does it finish?”

“I will be finishing in 2012 .That is when I graduate.”

Dongwoo gaped and Howon had a similar expression of surprise.

“So who's on the throne? Whose era are you currently under?”

"I'm sorry I don't understand."

After that Dongwoo moved next to Howon and whispered something to him. Howon said something softly and then Dongwoo returned to his original spot. Minkyung waited for him to say what he had discussed with Howon.

“This is very strange for us to experience but I believe that you are really not from here. I think that you have come to us in some other strange way, really.”

Minkyung agreed. “Yes it must be, because in Busan we are not under Silla reign and we do not wear the long hanboks such as this one.” She picked at the fabric of her top half.

“Which is why I am willing to accompany you both on your mission wherever it is. Tomorrow, where is it that you will be heading?”

“We need to head to Buyeo to speak with the emperor,” Howon answered before he yawned.

“Excellent. There should be someone who will be able to assist you in any enquiry and also explain where Miss Minkyung may have come from. But we will talk more tomorrow because it is late, and I’m sure you both are exhausted.”

Minkyung woke, sitting up. She glanced around. The room was still except for Howon, who was breathing deeply as he slept. Carefully, she kneeled on top of her blanket, watching Howon, who was on his side.

“I’m so sorry Howon,” she murmured, “for having you leave your family to help me and for not being able to do much for you except get you hurt.”

“Do you pray at night time?” She looked over and saw Bohyun, who held a lantern. “I just came over to make sure our guests were resting well.”

“I’m alright I should be able to get to sleep soon.” Minkyung then thought of something and leaned closer to Bohyun. “Monks are normally bald right?”

“That is correct, Miss Minkyung.”

“Then how come Dongwoo still has all his hair?”

Bohyun bent down, putting the lantern down. “When Dongwoo was still very young he was in a fire. He was fine until a burning beam fell and hit him on the head. As a result, there was a large mark left and so we have allowed him to have hair on the condition that he does not boast about his blessing but rather lament his difference.”

Minkyung understood. “Is that so? I understand I will not say anything about this to him.”

“What you were saying before,” Bohyun began. “It seems that you have a very sincere care for your friend there.”

“Well, he is injured, so what else can I do but feel worried for him?”

“Anyone can feel concern; however not everyone would apologise even if they knew it wasn’t their fault. From the moment I saw you both I sensed something from you that monks would never experience because of their duty to Buddha.”

Minkyung looked at the flame from the lantern, which flickered. “Master, I really wish I understood. However, it’s very unclear to me.”

“Love is rarely understood as it is illogical in almost every aspect.” He smiled at her, reaching for his lantern as he stood. “However that doesn’t mean one should not water the bud or deprive it of light.”

He started to leave; Minkyung hurried after him and tugged the back of his robe. “Wait, please.”

He turned to her and she paused. “Like a flower bud, it’s only just started to grow, but you decide whether it should bloom.” With that Bohyun bid her a good night and carried on.

Minkyung sat back down on her bed. She didn’t believe it. This wasn’t something she had planned. How was she going to look at Howon and not have Bohyun’s words echo in her mind? At that moment she wished that Yuri were there to give her counsel, but at the same time Minkyung felt that her friend would feel some slight envy because she appeared to have feelings for Howon as well.

But for now Minkyung decided to try and sleep on it. She would not share this revelation with anyone, not even Yuri. Her experience with guys was poor, and one date back in middle school was not enough to help her make a mature decision about a course of action. Then there was also the fact Howon probably did not feel the same way.

Well what do we have here?

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I updated after a while, thanks for patiently waiting


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Chapter 16: Wait... so minkyung is just gng back without completing the quest?? And leave yuri there?? THE STORY'S ENDING ALREADY?! *sigh*
Chapter 16: Woah, superb! Finally, a nice gumiho! And what men, to give their livers like that... makes me wonder if it could be possible that Myungsoo has some feelings for her *-* Now that would be nasty!
And wait, is it that I'm forgetful, or Sunggyu hasn't appear yet?
And OMG Taekyeon :)) And Heechul, ain't he a sword-ed diva?! LOL
Can't wait for yet another awesome travel in time from you, unnie! :P
xinli_ang #3
Chapter 15: Haha, and here I was thinking that the chapter was just oddly titled. xD (I thought the bedroom discussions part of the chapter would be more like just everyone gathering in a room to discuss something, I didn't expect THAT.)
Chapter 15: LOL, is Myungsoo flsuhed y the idea of Sunjong being a man? :))
ANd OMG, that, that at the end... he doesn't like her?! O.O
xinli_ang #5
Chapter 14: Myungsoo's very annoying here, giving orders to people and all as he was the leader, LOL.

I was wondering if Sungjong was made a girl there. XD
Chapter 14: Oh my, oh my! I was kind of expecting this, but I surely wasn't expecting his answer at the end! O.O It took me by total surprise, that I can assure you off!^^
I totally liked the chapter, 'cause we get to see different types of interactions, which is totally awesome! Howon, he has quite a temper, doesn't he?^^'
Chapter 13: I like Minkyung and how she protects Howon even without intending to do so sometimes :) Talking about love struck kittens ^~^
And what exactly is wrong with Myungsoo?! >.<" He annoys me when he acts like a brat >.<"
xinli_ang #8
Chapter 13: Might want to remove your notes, but this chapter was entertaining. xD Myungsoo sure knows how to push Hoya's buttons