I Knew It

The Destined Fate (HAITUS)

Ailee: Hi Luna, where have you been? You haven’t even returned home it’s been a whole night and half a day, I tried calling you, but the number wouldn’t go through.

Luna (You): Ailee, wait! Calm down I’m fine! Just had a little crash, I will be returning today! But don’t worry about me too much.

Jay was sitting there watching me talk over the phone. It was sort of embarrassing because he just STARED. It was so uncomfortable, so I told him to leave and come back in 5 minutes.

Jay: why should I have to leave? Where will I go?

Luna (You): just go anywhere, but please for 5 minutes.

He finally listened to me and walked out the ward. I once again put the phone against my ear to finish consoling Ailee.

Ailee: Who was that?

Luna (You):  Oh it was Jay!

Ailee:  Jay as in Jay Park (your bias)? Or a different Jay?

Luna (You):  JAY PARK! Don’t ask anymore I will tell you once I get home! And don’t panic I’m fine.

We both finished with a bye and put the phone down. I heard footsteps getting closer, until when Jay opened the curtains slightly to check if I had finished talking over the phone.

It had been one night and one day on this hospital bed, it’s not the most comfortable bed ever had to be honest. Oh well! I was hoping to be dismissed today, fingers crossed. It started becoming awkward between me and Jay he would just keep talking, while I would just give him straight answers. As a fan I’m sure it’s supposed to be the other way round. More like me interviewing the Korean idol JAY PARK!

He seemed to be a decent person to be honest.

The doctor pulled open my bed curtains in the middle of our conversation, and declared the fact that I could go home as everything seemed to be okay and my recovery was steady. He prescribed some painkillers, which we planned to pick up from the pharmacy on the way back to my place.

Once we reached home, Jay helped me in, he even walked around and explored here and there to see in which state I was living in. whatever his conclusion was, I didn’t really care. I was happy where I was living what more could I want.

He got me some cold refreshing water out the fridge to drink. Then asked

‘Luna, do you have something to write on and something to write with?’

‘Yes, just go by the door way there should be a note block with a pen by the coat hanger. What do you need it for anyways?’

‘Just got to give you my number so if you need me you know you could call any time, and I’ll be there’

He wrote his number down neatly and put it on the table next to my glass of water also recorded my mobile number in his phone. He then sat opposite me on the other sofa and said;

‘Look, don’t do things if you can’t, don’t pressurize yourself to much and just take loads of rest. I have to go to the studio for some finishing touches, I will call you after I’ve finished make sure you answer.’

‘Yes! Oppa! I promise I will answer.’

He then said bye and left my dorm, I felt special, like very special. It was all real and not a joke. My ultimate bias stayed by my side for a whole day and night and then came to my dorm not just that he gave me his phone number and he said he would call me later on today.  OH MY ING GOD!! I’m one happy person right now! I stay patiently and waited for Ailee to come back after the grocery shopping, so that I could spazz and express how happy I was. Finally she came back, just after 30 minutes right after Jay left, she dropped the bags in the kitchen and came and sat next to me.

First of all she asked about my health and how I was feeling.  And what happened in my accident. So I told her about my fractured left arm, and how I met in an accident under a car, which belonged to a famous idol JAY PARK! Then we moved on and she asked me what it was like talking and being around him so I told her how I behaved around him and how I had to pretend I didn’t know him. I only did it to control my hormones I didn’t want to hype up and get over excited in front of the famous Jay Park. It would feel awkward afterwards.

Just when I was about to snooze of to sleep, my phone started ringing I leaned to grab my phone with my right hand and answered it ;

'Arghh Hello!  I let out a slight moan to prove how frustrated I was.'

'Oh! Sorry for disturbing your sleep I just wanted to see if you’re okay!'

'Of course Oppa your disturbing my beauty sleep, let me sleep! I’m old enough to look after myself.'

'That good to hear! I’m glad you’re sleeping and not partying with a Brocken left arm. Anyways back to sleep then night night, sleep tight make sure the bed bugs don’t bite.'

'Good night!'

It was the next morning the sun shone right into my face. Arghh I felt stiff and I could feel pain in my paralysed arm. Defiantly couldn’t go university, so I decided to research and revise in my dorm today. Later on today Jay came to visit me and assess the speedy progress of mine and to see if I needed any help. He stayed for a good two hour, and just gave me company. It was sure nice being around him.


Jay’s POV

I had no plans today so I decided to stay at Luna’s for at least 2 hours but it could be longer, just making sure she’s fine. I made her a stew which we both had for Lunch. There was something awkward about her but, that time when I came to drop her off I had a peak in the rooms. All three rooms were plastered with posters of Korean bands or just idols. One of the rooms had a large poster of Big Bang plastered on the bed wall. In the other room there were two posters, one of Infinite’s paradise with all the members of infinite on there, then on the other wall there was a poster of Myungsoo. Then In the last room there was a poster of me. My only reaction was whoa! One of them living here is a Jwalker, I didn’t mind that fan meeting me one to one. It would be very lucky for her. But who was she, I’m not sure if it was Luna in fact I didn’t even know what bedroom she owned. But if she was a Jwalker why did she not spazz at that minute she saw me in the hospital beside her bed. What if she was a clam fan and not one of those annoying fan girls who just go crazy.

The doorbell rang, so I decided to open the door, it was Ailee, Luna’s dorm mate.

‘Oh Hi Jay how come you’re here?’

‘I just came to check if Luna is okay!’

‘Cool, anyways I need to go back I just forgot one of my books here, just came to get it.’

Once she got her book she needed, she went to Luna who was sitting on the dining table studying and told her she would be back in two hours approximately. She then left and closed the door behind her. They seemed to share a good relationship between themselves; well there were only two of them. Luna had told me that the third one had just left as she finished university and achieved the degree she wanted.  

This also meant that they were accepting another dorm mate, but they weren’t sure when. I don’t even think the owner had come to check if the dorm was tidy. Well everything was tidy but then there was that one bedroom with the big bang poster which looked dusty and untidy. I guess the girl who left was probably living in that room as it looked empty.


You’re POV:

My phone was receiving a call which I picked up, to be talking to the dorm owner. He said he was coming to assess the dorm, and see how we were treating it. I knew my room was tidy and there wasn’t much I could do to do any other chores due to my left arm. I just let it be and told him he could come over as I was in the dorm the whole day.





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Chapter 13: Finally :) awww i hope heps dad is ok.
Chapter 11: Omg hep calm down lol update soon:)
Chapter 9: ooo hes getting jealous lol
The description is already really interesting ;)
Chapter 8: I liked it....hep is serious lol...update soon
Chapter 7: Can't wait, that was a great chapter!
Chapter 6: Awww you put peatry in it^_^…jay and hep are getting close
Chapter 5: Nice chapter