All Men Are Jerks!!! part 4

All Men Are Jerks!!!
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On my semester break, Lay invited me and Luhan to stay in his private beach house in Jeju for a month. I was hesitating to accept his invitation because I was planning to work on my semester break so that I could helped out my mom since she’s not strong anymore. But my sis told me to go because she has started her internship in a big and well-known oil company. So, she will get allowance every month and told me not to worry because she will help our mother and just go have fun for once. I finally  agreed to  the invitation because Luhan and Lay literally drag me from my house with the help of my mom and my sis. They have been planning about it behind my back for about a week already. And all of my clothes have been packed by yours truly Lay and Luhan. Let’s just say they bought me a whole new entire wardrobe.

                Once we arrived at the beach house, my jaw totally dropped because it is not what I imagined in my mind at all. The house was huge with its own pool. Wow talked about wasting money. How much money does this guys have inside of their wallet? Damn they are filthy rich!!


Well guys!! Thats the beach house. Luhan and Lay doesn’t seem unfazed by the house, probably because they have much more than this but for me it was a place I never imagine will step foot on. That’s was when I finally realised they are rich because before this they just act like us, normal people. And I'm so

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Sugardreamx #1
Chapter 13: yeay she got married with lay. Finally she find her true love<3
Please give me your comments ok!!! I'm excited to hear what you've got to say about this story.
I think I'm going to end my story on ch 11 or 12 bcoz originally my plan is to write it until ch 10 but it goes way more than that. Sorry my readers. I will surely give our main a happy ending don't worry about that.
Sugardreamx #4
Chapter 10: So who will be the next boy? Will it be jerk too? I hope not. I pity her...
Sugardreamx #5
Chapter 6: This story is quite interesting. Please continue this story author-nim ><