Chapter 23

Pink Tape : First Love

Ost The Heirs - I'm Saying by Lee Hongki


The sunlight shone through the white curtains, blowing the curtains with its wind. It was a great morning to start a day with. Kai stirred in his sleep, growled as his sleep got disturbed. He was beside his sister all night, waiting for her to wake up. The doctor said that she was fine but she need to get her treatment as soon as possible if not, her illness would get worse. Since she was sixth years old, she always complained that she would get dizzy in the morning. Her nose would bleed to sometimes. The family doesn't think that it was that serious untill she fainted while they were taking a trip to Daegu.


The family was really shocked and also Kai which makes him pitied his sister more. After their parents died, he was the one that got all of the works to take care of the poor girl. He makes a promised with his parents to take care of her. He also, wanted his lovely sister to see Hana again. Hana really left a deep memories in the girl's mind even she was just a little kid that time. Every winter, Jin Ae would asked her brother if Hana would come again to the village to visit them and her brother's answers is always 'I don't know'


Kai stretched his arms as his eyes were still closed. He sighed as he stared at his younger sister's face. He is sorry that he didn't took care of her well. He is sorry that he didn't realised that all of the things happened were because of him. He didn't paid attention to her sister and just thought about his promise with their parents to take care of her. He thought he did paid attention to her but he didn't. What happened now, proves everything. It's all his fault. His fault that she have to get through all of this. A sigh left his mouth as he walked to the toilet in the room. He washed his face and stared at the mirror.


"This are all your fault. For not taking care of her properly." Kai muttered as he messed his hair, like a crazy person. 


He felt really sad and .. sorry. To her sister. He never thought it would be like now. Her sister on the hospital's bed, laying with a pale face, a cold skin. But then, while she was resting last night, he heard her murmured something like 'Hana and come her' . She sounded so happy. Maybe, she got to meet with Hana in her dream last night.


He wanted to meet Hana. As soon as possible. She is the only hope that Jin Ae would probably be happy even if .. no. No, he can't think of that. He can't hope for something that he couldn't bear of. Jin Ae is his only family and he would do anything to makes her get to smile and laugh again. "Kai ?" Chanyeol's voice was heard in the room, which makes Kai walked out from the toilet. Kai raised his eyebrow at Chanyeol, questioning him what he was doing there. The male rubbed his neck and grinned, "I don't have any class today so, I can take care of her." 


His words makes Kai raised his eyebrows, weird. How come Chanyeol would want to take care of his sister out of sudden ? It was just weird. Chanyeol seems to notice it as he said, "If you don't mind because I just have nothing to do today and I would just get bored from watching tv all day. Also .. you have classes today, right ? I wanted to just lessen your works. That's all !" He stuttered a bit. Kai curled his lips upwards slightly, looking at his sister.


He nodded and took his bag on the coffee table, messing his sister's hair and walked out from the room. Chanyeol stared as he left the room, sighing in relief. He smiled and sat beside Jin Ae. He tilted his head and grinned, wanting to mess her hair too. As his fingers went to her hair, he took it back when, "Chanyeol ! Remember if she wakes up, call me !" Kai said as he turned his back to the room, opening the door just for his head to look at the male.


Chanyeol rolled his eyes and turned his head, signaling an ok with his fingers. Kai smiled and closed the door. Chanyeol puffed his cheeks and stared at her, "You such poor little girl. Let me make your trip in the hospital fun." He grinned and brought a set of The Hunger Games books. All three series. He smiled, "Hope you get better, kiddo ." He then started to read the book that have been translated to Korean. He wanted to make the girl feels happy, with him. Before he get out from the house.



Jae Min opened her locker, searching for her books. She raised her eyebrows as the thing that she was looking for wasn't there. She gaped and tried to search for it one more time when it was still the same. She lost it. Her cafeteria's lunch card. That was the most important for her. She can't lost it. The card depends wether she would eat or just die in hunger for the day. The girl sighed, her shoulders loosened. Jae Min leaned her forehead at the locker, dissappointed.


"looking for this ?" Krystal leaned her right shoulder on the locker beside Jae Min's, showing a white card. Jae Min looked at the girl and gaped dramatically. The girl grabbed the card and glared at Krystal, "If you decide to give this when all of the classes over, you will see a dead Jae Min in front of the cafeteria ! Jung Krystal ! How did you know my locker's password ?!"


Krystal smiled and crossed her arms in front of her chest, leaning her back at the locker. "I'm your bestfriend. Of course I would know everything." She sticked her tongue out and ran away, waving to the girl before going to her first class of the day. Jae Min puffed her cheeks and stared at the card, "I regret putting my password as the old one back in high school." She sighed.


"Jae Min !" Kai called for her, with his bag in his grip. Jae Min turned her head and closed the locker, "Yes ?" She raised her eyebrow and walked with Kai behind her. The girl walked forward, not bothered to look at the latter's face at all. Kai scratched his head and awkwardly holding the books in her hand, intending to help her when Jae Min pushed him lightly. Weird. "What do you want ?" She asked , crossing her arms with the books in front of her chest.


Kai opened his mouth, "I .."


"what ?"

"I .."

"Yes, you ?"

"I want .."

"If you want money then I don't have any." Jae Min walked, fastening her pace while Kai grabbed her shoulder from behind, turning her around. "No. I just want to ask you something."


"Okay. But, if it something private, trust me you will get nothing but only a weird glares." She stated, annoyed. Jae Min is always like this. Being angry and all. Showing people that she is strong but deep inside, she just a girl who fangirled about Sungyeol in Infinite. And yes, she likes Infinite and Krystal too. They always spazzed about them if they have time and they have all of their times just to fangirling. "Okay .. I .." Kai started.


"Spit it."




"Okay ! Now, spit !"

Kai cleared his throat and his lips. What if he is mistaken with the other Park Jae Min ? What if there is another Park Jae Min ? He decided to just ask her. Maybe, she is the Park Jae Min. "Have you heard a name called, Jung Hana ?" Kai asked, hoping that she would say yes and shockingly, she nodded. "Of course . Why ?" Jae Min asked, weird how Krystal's real name came out from his mouth all of sudden.


He widened his eyes, shining so brightly. "Really ?! I mean, really you know her ? The white face girl, long black hair ? Jung Hana that Hana ?!" Now, it weirds Jae Min more and more. How did Kai knew Krystal's past features ? She awkwardly nodded her head. If he said that Hana was black hair, that means he didn't know that Hana is Krystal. The red hair girl.


In the past, Krystal was black hair but out of sudden she dyed her hair into red. She also didn't know why. Krystal said that it was to forget her past. As a friend, she didn't asked any further. Krystal's face also has changed since the past years. Her skins became more whiter and she losed all of her baby fats which was because of her growing and no. She didn't do any plastic surgeries. She became taller and her fats went to her height which makes her more like a lady than the little girl, Hana.


"If I could ask this, may I know where she is now ?" Kai asked as he finally calmed himself. Jae Min confused wether or not to tell him the truth that Hana is Krystal. She then shook her head, remembering her promise with Krystal to not let anybody know her real identities. She want to be Krystal, the long red-haired girl and not the timid long black-haired Hana. "I heard that she studied at America." Jae Min then curious of how why he wanted to look for Hana. But, she didn't want to be greedy.


"But Kai, how come you know her ?" She asked the first question that she wanted to ask him. The male gaped then sighed, "She is just.. my childhood friend and I just searched for her for the past years but still, I can't." He sighed, messing his hair. Jae Min felt like there was something behind that words. There was another meaning for it. Kai can be trusted, right ? But again, she don't want to be greedy. "Try to search for Jung Jessica at google or something, maybe you could know something."


This is just a gift for a friend. Yes, a friend.


Kai gaped and blinked. He had heard of those name before. "Jung Jessica ? Wait, I know her, right ?" Kai raised his eyebrow because he didn't seem to remember anything at all. His mind filled with works, assignments, Hana and his younger sister. Jae Min curled her end of lips upwards and waved, walking to her class and leaving Kai all alone. Kai then walked away, muttering Jung Jessica's name untill he arrived to his class to make he remember but, he didn't.


". Why does she gives him a hint ?!" Namsun walked out behind the wall and glared at Kai. He heard all of it. All of it. He can't let this happened. If Kai know that Krystal is Hana, they might re-unite and he would never confessed to her at all. He just .. want to confess. If Krystal didn't want to accept him, it is okay but he will never make Kai and Krystal together. Never. Let he being reject but Kai has too. Let the others males in the world be with her as long as, it is not Kai. The poor Kai would never be suitable for his Hana. No.



Kai walked to the cafeteria, his fingers typing Jung Jessica on his phone's screen. He knew that Jae Min told him the truth and he believes in her. He gritted his teeth as the name being processed at google.He arrived at one of the table and sat down. He let out a cold sigh and putted the phone on the table, staring at it. "Hey." Namsun came, sat beside him.Kai stared at him and went back to his phone. Waiting for the internet is the longest thing that he ever has to wait.


"I wanted to ask something." Namsun muttered, crossing his arms arrogantly. Kai blinked at him, not saying any words. He doesn't remembered his name but he knew that he has talked to him before. "Do you-" "Yes ! Finally !" Kai pumped his fist and cutted Namsun's words. The google finally showed some results and of course Kai would choose the first one. Namsun glared at him and sighed, "Yah !"


Kai sat down and stared at him, after choosing the first result. "What were you asking me earlier ?" He asked politely. Namsun sighed and stared at Krystal who came in the cafeteria with her friends and Jae Min. She was dragged there,of course. If not, she would probably just fall asleep in her garden. Kai looked at where Namsun's eyes went when he rolled his eyes. Ah .. of course.. His girl.. Kai sighed then stared at his phone. He widened his eyes when the result came out.


"Okay. I just want to ask you a favour. What ever happens, don't ever get close to Krystal. If I found you with her, you would be dead." Namsun murmured hurriedly, wanting to go to Krystal. Kai didn't care more as he just nodded carelessly. He was busy with his phone as he said, "Yeah .. Yeah, why would I want to go to your girlfriend. She's all yours."  He shooed him away and Namsun didn't waited for him as he walked to Krystal.


Kai slided his finger down, searching for something. He didn't what he was searching but maybe it has some important things about Hana. "She has a parents who holds the biggest company in the east. Wow, not shocking." His eyebrows knitted. "She also has a younger sister named, " His eyes went around the cafeteria, just to look around when Krystal's face caught his eyes. He smirked, looking at her who is talking happily with Namsun.


"Okay, she has a younger sister named, Jung Hana. Haha so funny.. wait, wait what ?!" He widened his eyes and stood up, staring at the phone's screen in disbelief. "Jung Hana .. Jung Sooyeon .. Her older sister is name Jung Sooyeon, not Jessica." His eyebrows knitted together when something caught his eyes at the moment. A file on the table and he was sure that the owner is the male beside him. He might forgot about it while he went to Krystal. But, something really shocking caught his eyes.


"Student name , Go .. Go Namsun .. Wait, what is going on here ?" Kai muttered alone as he sat on his chair, his lips parted. He stared at the male who is sitting beside Krystal. He then remembered his words earlier.


"Jung Jessica, she is Krystal's older sister in the SNSD group. Go Namsun, the man. Jung Jessica's real name is Jung Sooyeon as what I found when I want to know about Krystal more.." He then gulped and slided his finger on the phone screen, searching for Jung Jessica's profile once again. "Jung Jessica, real name, Jung Sooyeon." He blinked his eyes in disbelief and stared at his phone.


"What ever happens, don't ever get close to Krystal." He muttered Namsun's words from earlier and then ran outside the university which makes Krystal stared at him weirdly. "I need to know the truth." He muttered as he run on the street. He got goosebumps as he decided to just check Krystal's personal id at the cafe. The manager must kept it with him.


*A/N :

Hello and yes, finally I made a real author's note ! Hahahaha *jumping all the way* And yes, I know maybe some of you thought that this story is too slow. But, hey don't be so greedy. I have planned this all the time since the january even before the story became reality. It won't be too slow, I promised. There will be Kai knowing the truth and then boom ! A fight just like in growl's lyrics ! So, have a patience a little more. You want to see Kai just like what the growl's like ? I want him to be like the boom ! and boom ! making all of the Kai's fandoms fell deeply in love with him ~ And there is something that I should explain. Someone asked what is there on the note at the every flower pots in Krystal's garden anyway. Hey you, must have unnoticed that I wrote Krystal wrote her real name at every note. If Kai read it then, Krystal's identity would be revealed just like that. No fun, right ? I will wrote the next chapter as Kai knew her real identity but Krystal still doesn't recognised him.


And about Namsun, he is not that mean. He care about Krystal so much that he would just accept if Krystal reject him IF he confessed. But, he doesn't like Kai. That's all. And if there is some of you said that Namsun would fight with Kai, ahahaha no. There will be no fight between them, not at all. Because, who is he to not accepting Hana's love ? Who is he other than her cousin ? He is her family but he has no right to take her love from her. Never. About some saying that Jae Min will have a crush on Kai ? *wiggles eyebrows* you gave me idea. Ngeheheehe.. Just joking. But, let just hope that my fingers would type Jae Min will not have a crush on Kai even though my fingers always do the opposite *run away*


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I has give you a hint about the next featured ~ I'm in a rush to my hometown. Selamat Hari Raya hehehe ^^


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Riesta #1
Chapter 30: And i cried... good job!
aliahpie #2
Chapter 30: OMG it's so sad I cried Pacific Ocean
Chapter 29: awwwwww :c literally about to cry aw :'c
ceejayaustria #4
Chapter 29: Nooooo!!!! :(
Chapter 22: Please don't make Jaemin have a crush on Kai . I want KaiStal
Chapter 22: whoaaaaaa but is the note kai read even important?
and ugh i want them to know they knew each other from the past alreadyyy :c
Chapter 21: Good chapter c: but i didnt get jin ae's part and i wanted to read about kai's p.o.v :c but thanks for updating!
Chapter 19: omgomgomgomg
but jae min pls dont have a crush on kai ;-;
this chapter was so adorable c: