

Noise [/noiz/] noun:
1. a sound, esp. one that is loud or unpleasent or that causes disturbance 
2. techincal

a type of image artifact (mollting or graininess) visible in photographs taken at high ISO sensitivites or in slow shutter speeds

Mornings were one of the very few things that Hae Ri would actually admit to hating, her feelings on the time of day were just that strong. Since her childhood she could be found walking around elementary school with a can of coffee in her hand. Despite what the nurses told her about her health and complications of drinking coffee that early in her life, it was the first time she was rebellious and drank it anyways. She liked the bitter taste that could sometimes be sweet, and the strong aroma of it that could fill an entire household. 

She woke to that familiar smell in her dorm room, and for a moment she thought that she was back in her bed at her grandfathers house. But when she opened her eyes reality quickly set in that she was indeed in her dorm room, she couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. It was easy to see that Hae Ri didn't enjoy her time in college. Most kids her age would be excited to be away from their parents for the first time, to live life without the dictatorship of their parents and to live on their own. But what kids her age chose to throw away, was everything that Hae Ri ever wanted. 

Slowly she sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes of sleep and looked around her dorm room slowly. Stephanie was pulling a sweatshirt over her head just as Hae Ri spotted her through her blurred vision, what day was it even? She always had a bad habit of loosing track of the days... Next to her on her wall was a whiteboard where she kept track of all her information and even some of her pictures were tacked on it, including the one of the sleeping boy from the park. Hae Ri grabbed her glasses off her bedside table and pushed them onto her face, looking at the small school schedule she had scribbled in one of the corners. It was a Tuesday, a day when she didn't have class until the afternoon.

"Stephanie... Do you have class...?" Hae Ri asked meekly, pushing away her covers and swinging her legs over the side of her bed. Stephanie stood in front of her favorite floor length mirror, fixing her pin straight hair as she combed her fingers through it. 

"School has been in session for two months now and you are still so dense you haven't figured out my schedule?" She scoffed, shooting Hae Ri a glare. Hae Ri looked away in embarrassement and furrowed her brow, going over the days of the week in her head. Did she have early morning class on Tuesdays...? No, she didn't think so. Then again... "No," Stephanie let out a sigh at Hae Ri's pathetic sight, "I don't have class. I'm going to practice though." Hae Ri nodded in response and watched Stephanie finish getting ready, "I'll probably still be gone by the time you leave for class so don't wait up or whatever you do." She huffed and slammed the door on her way out. Had Stephanie really memorized Hae Ri's schedule by now? Well, this made her stomach clench in guilt. How could after all this time, Hae Ri not have gotten down her own roommates class schedule? What did this say about her character? 

After a quick shower and about four cups of coffee, the morning was officially over with. Where had the time gone? Although class wasn't for at least another two hours, she was already packing away her camera and folder for class when the thought of that morning dawned on her again. She really did feel terrible for not knowing something as small as a class schedule... Should she... maybe make it up to Stephanie somehow? Hae Ri never had to deal with feelings like this before, of feeling guilty over strangers emotions. She pursed her lips in thought, her grip getting tighter on her bag self-conciously. Stephanie had left without taking anything for lunch after all... Maybe Hae Ri should go buy something for her from the school's cafeteria? A smile appeared on her face, it was a great idea! Wrapping her scarf around her slim neck a few times and throwing on her jacket, she slung her bag over her head and quickly ran out of her dorm. Of course, nearly forgetting to lock it...


The campus was a lot busier than she thought it would be, a few kids here and there running late to class, a few groups here and there sprinkling the grass areas enjoying the colorful trees. Her steps were rushed and quick, after all she had to make it to the cafeteria and to the musical arts department in time for her to drop off Stephanie's lunch and make it to her first class in the traditional arts department. What would Stephanie even like for lunch? Definitely something with low calories, something with little fat, something with lots of vegetables since Stephanie loved them. 

Her thoughts were stopped when a boy slightly taller than her stepped in front of her, blocking her way. This was no accident, for he was facing her and staring right at her making her face get warm and instinctivly huddle in her scarf for her own protection and sense of safety. He continued to stare at her, not speaking. Did he expect her to have enough courage to actually speak to this stranger first? Inside Hae Ri was already crumbling and she was sure this boy could tell just by looking at herl. His fluffy black hair blown around in the wind, revealing his small bright eyes. 

"Noona!" The boy called out, nearly making her fall over in shock. Noona? This boy couldn't possibly be younger than her... What could someone younger than her be doing on campus this time of day even if he were younger? Didn't he have his own school to attend? "Do you know where YoonGi hyung is?" He smiled sweetly, even batting his eyelashes for added effect. YoonGi hyung? She didn't know of anyone with that name, of course she didn't. This girl didn't know anyone other than her own roommate for Pete's sake, and she had already attended her first year at this school. She quickly shook her head and attempted to step around the boy without a word but he stomped his foot in front of her, cutting her off again. She stepped back a little bit, startled by the boys persistance. Looking at him once more, he wore a deep navy school uniform that was obviously a middle schoolers... Just how young was this boy?

"I guess you wouldn't know him..." He grumbled, his speech suddenly slurring to unformal and his hands digging into his pockets. "YoonGi hyung doesn't hang around with unkempt women like you." He sighed, hanging his head low in disappointment. Hae Ri's eyes went wide in disbelief. He was so polite literally a second ago and now he was speaking so rudely of her. Unkempt...? She looked down at her outfit and frowned to herself, was she really so sloppy looking...? "Do you at least know where the musical arts department is?" He asked, taking his hands out of his warm pockets and placing them on his hips. As much as she wanted to scold the boy, she couldn't. Of course she couldn't, she didn't have it in her to even critisize him within the safety of her own mind without feeling like a terrible person. It was her fault after all, she should know more about her own classmates. She raised her hand and pointed to the pale blue building in the distance while she watched the boy nervously.

"I-It's...o-over there..." By now, her cheeks were burning through her scarf it seemed. The boy looked in the direction she pointed, squinty his eyes to see beyond the slight fog that was starting to disappear.

"Thanks noona!" He smiled and booked it in that direction. For a moment she stood their perplexed, her heart slamming itself against her rib cage. Never in her life had she had an encounter such as that... nor had she ever encountered a boy younger than her that was as rude as he had been. She didn't want to let his comments get to her, but she couldn't take her mind off it either. As she conintued on her way to the cafeteria she could feel the tears stinging her eyes, which only made her want to cry even more. In reality, she shouldn't be letting a boy younger than her get to her like that but at the same time this was Hae Ri, and she never forgot easily. Well, maybe a little easily. 


The musical arts department was like a completely foreign country to Hae Ri, although this building and the tradition arts department was said to be 'identical built' she still somehow got lost inside of its walls. She had wondered up and down countless staircases and walked from one end to another of numerous hallways to the point where she was getting much too exhausted. But there was no way she would stop and ask someone for directions, classes were in session after all and the kids that wondered the halls all looked much to intimidating for her liking. Boys dressed from head to toe in black, some even had chains hanging from their belt loops and girls dressed much too revealing for the cool weather outside. She should have thought of a better way to to make up her bad companionship to Stephanie and saved herself the complete nerve-wrecking experience. 

It took her quite a while but eventually she could hear the pulsing of loud beats of music mixed with the soft flow of classical dance songs, the dance studios must have been close by. Up another flight of stairs and countless studio doors decorated the walls, each with their own label and even schedule for who was going to be using it and what time. Hae Ri was completely nervous to the point that she was shaking, Stephanie had quite the temper and was known to fly off the handle unexpectedly. What if bothering her set her off and she hit her or something? Stephanie had never set a finger on her yet but she has thrown things at her... Hae Ri swallowed hard, and even though her legs felt like jello, she quickly walked down the halls examining each door. Stephanie was majoring in both classical and R&B so finding her might be difficult but she had to try to make Stephanie feel better...

Two girls left one of the studios giggling with each other until their eyes laid on Hae Ri, their faces contorting in disgust. Their giggles suddenly picked up as they stared at the poor confused Hae Ri. No doubt they were making fun of her, Hae Ri knew it immediately. It didn't take much for her to figure out what other kids thought of her. She was usually always the unusual popular topic of talk whenever she was near, like people wanted them to hear their harsh words about her. Her eyes watched as the two slim girls passed, their eyes locking but Hae Ri quickly adverting hers. Why were people so cruel to each other? Was the world really taught to judge by the image of someone?

Most of the studios were quiet so finding Stephanie wasn't too difficult, she came to a door that read 'Classical Ballet' and opened the door slightly, peering in. This was like a completely knew environment to Hae Ri. The room was large and spacious, the floor a light wooden material and a mirror stretched the entire wall on the farthest side to her right with a few large looking speakers pushed up against it in the corners. Stephanie stood in front of it, twisting her body beautifully and showing her flexibility. Hae Ri honestly envied her perfectly slim body, the way her ribs poked out slightly whenever she bent back and her slim legs and arms. She envied how beautiful Stephanie could look when she danced to such peaceful music. 

Noticing her roommate looking in from the door way, Stephanie nearly fell over in shock and her face became pink in anger, "Yah! Are you stupid!? Do you want me to break my ankle in shock!?" She screamed, holding a hand over her pounding heart. Hae Ri jumped and slipped through the crack in the doorway into the room, "What the hell are you doing here anyways!? Don't you have class or something? Go away!" She barked, scrambling to turn off the loud music.

"I-I'm....I'm sorry for not knowing your schedule..." Hae Ri whimpered and bowed to her roommate, tears threatening to fall. Hae Ri wasn't just good at photography, she was good at being too sensitive as well. It was easy to move the poor girls to tears. "Y-You left without lunch... so I bought you one..." Hae Ri blushed and pulled out a small salad from her bag, "They didn't have any food you liked at this time so I picked the healthiest thing they did have..." 

Stephanie stared at her for a moment, her face looking as if she was unimpressed. "I suppose it will do, hand it over." She sighed and held out her hand, rolling her eyes to look away from her pathetic roommate. Hae Ri jumped and quickly ran over, she didn't expect Stephanie to be so calm... With a smile she gave it to her and watched her open it and examine it. "Thanks Hae Ri." She said nonchalantly. Even though Stephanie looked as if she didn't care, Hae Ri knew that she was thankful inside. She just had a hard time showing it. 

"You're welcome..." She giggled, "Um, I'm going to class now...F-Fighting!" She held up her fist next to her cheek and grinned, a deep red blush across her cheeks. Stephanie stared at her and hesitantly nodded at her. It seemed the rest of the day that Hae Ri had a smile upon her face.


So originally I didn't want to give away Hae Ri's personality from the get go.

I wanted the readers to gain bits and pieces of it from reading on,

But I'm afraid she may get misunderstood or that certain traits will confuse people.

So I guess if you want, I can redo the introductions in the forward.

Let me know if you'd rather figure it out yourself and then explain confusing parts,

Or just have me write it out instead so you don't have to guess.

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Chapter 17: This story took my breath away, l can hardly believe l only discover it now. Your writing is honestly incredible. I have no words to let you know how talented you are and this story is. I know it hasn't been updated for years but l still have a bit of hope it will be. Thank you for sharing it ♡
j970804 #2
I really like it omg. Author-nim plz continue dis story:(
Chapter 17: Please continue this story I'm begging youuu. Just when yoongi almost admitted it...WHYY :'((( but please I really enjoy this story, I'm intrigued by haeri's character, not that I'm like her but I'm kinda able to relate to that type of character :)
YamanSmith #4
Chapter 17: i actually kind of teared up seeing the update... thank you!
AnanasDongsaeng #5
Chapter 17: Author-nim plsss update soon I cant wait anymore T-T
Chapter 17: I really hate how Stephanie, a graceful ballet dancer could have such a bad temper, honestly. Ballet is all about self control and beauty but her personality says otherwise :( However, I really adore this story author-nim. This entire story sets me into a mood where I just want to sit by a window while drinking hot coco. What's even more perfect is that it's snowing outside so I could really picture every moment. My favorite part was when Hae Ri started to speak fluently about her knowledge on photography. Even though it was short and bittersweet, I flipped my laptop in joy xD. She just needs to get comfortable you know? I'm anticipating the moment when the characters manage pry out her secrets. This was truly heartwarming<3 It's been a while since I've commented on a story that got to my feels.
Chapter 17: omona omona omona OMONAAAAAA~ why did I only see it now. I've been waiting for this! Thankyou author-nim! Sorry I am so late ㅠㅠ
j970804 #8
Chapter 17: Ya know i was screaming when i saw its updated XD /lol/
j970804 #9
AnanasDongsaeng #10
Chapter 17: I really ship her with Hoseok, it's so cute!! ^^
Pls update soon, I'm getting addicted to this!!!!! >.< Waaaaah~~~