

wa·ter·proof /ˈwôtərˌpro͞of,ˈwä-/ 
1. make impervious to water
2. waterproof cameras are designed to be used under water to a specific depth, and for specified period of time.

A sigh escaped Hae Ri's lips as she sat lazyily on her bed, her legs criss crossed over each other. Once again, it was raining outside and thunder could be heard in the distance. On her nightstand her CD player played one of her newest CD's from America, the beautiful melody danced quietly around the room. What was she going to do knowing that her day was ruined now? It was the second saturday of the month so she had no classes this day. She flew back onto her pillow and frowned. 

Her eyes searched the flooring of the upper level above her bed where Stephanie's bed was, she could hear the shower running over the softness of her music. Since it was the Saturday off, even Stephanie had a date to attend. It was so easy for her to meet and make friends, why couldn't it be easy for Hae Ri too? Hae Ri let her eyes wander over to the white board on the wall next to her bed and searched through the multiple stray photos she had developed for fun. Eventually she fell into the quick guitar picking of the song, drowning out the rain on the window and the showers from the bathroom. It was almost as if her mind became blank, a white canvas of zero thoughts as she mindless looked at each and every picture she had pasted to the white board. Multiple pictures of the beautiful tree leaves outside stuck out like sore thumbs, a few black and white photos of her and her grandfather in case she missed him here and there. Finally, her eyes landed on a very precious picture to her.

Slowly, she sat up again and plucked the picture from under the magnet and ran her fingers over it. Her finger pads picked up the thin layer of dust that had already created a film over it, and once more her fingers ran over it as if she were carassing the person in the picture itself. The black wavy hair, the long eyelashes, and sharp jaw line. It was the picture that she took of the boy sleeping so peacefully in the park. Even she didn't understand her attactment to this picture, why she stared at it so often. Why late at night she would take it from the wall and stare at it from long periods of time. She had studied it so many times that when she closed her eyes, it was still visible behind her eyelids. 

Tried to break from this lonely pain,

Someone told me I'm just insane...


Broke my heart when I knew,

That I could never be with you,


"I wish I knew who you were..." Hae Ri whispered to herself, when her worst days came to her she would take comfort in this picture. Once more she drug her fingers over the picture, her middle finger running over the boys soft face. "What's your name?" A tiny smile appeared on her lips. The door to the bathroom suddenly slammed open, startling Hae Ri. Quickly she scrambled to tack the picture under all the others again, safe from view of anyone else. Stephanie stormed out, wrapped in only a pink towel and her hair soaking wet. From the look on her face, something was definitely wrong. And is Hae Ri knew her roommate, it was most likely her own fault for her roommates angry state.

"Yah, didn't you do the laundry!?" She yelled. Hae Ri's eyes widdened in shock, was it her turn to do the laundry? She could have sworn she done it last week... Her fingers pushed up her glasses as she searched her white board frantically for the answer and sure enough, Hae Ri had done it last week. 

"I-I'm sorry... I forgot to do it..." She lied, looking away from her upset roommate. If she mentioned that was it was really Stephanie's own fault, it would only make matters worse for her.

"And what the hell are you listening to? Stupid folk music you can't even understand?" Stephanie complained, marching over to the stereo on Hae Ri's nightstand and slammed her fist down on it to quiet it. Hae Ri gasped and reached out for it, cringing when her roommates fist actually made contact with the plastic.

"I-I can't understand some of it...!" She cried, mentally apologizing to the stereo, "And it's not folk music, i-it's Jake Bugg...!" She attempted his name in english only to have it come out nearly butchered by her accent. Stephanie only laughed at her pathetic pronunciation skills and rolled her eyes. 

"Yah, since you were a complete screw-up again, you can get out of the dorm for most the night." She mouthed slowly so that there was no misunderstanding. Hae Ri's eyes widdened, the whole night? What was she suppose to do that late?

"B-But it's raining outside...! Where will I go...? What will I do...?" Hae Ri frowned, trying to keep her eyes away from Stephanie. 

"I don't know. Figure it out by yourself! You'd be hopeless if I wasn't always around, wouldn't you?" She scoffed and walked back towards the bathroom. The whole night...? What was Hae Ri going to do with that much time on her hands? It almost made her feel a bit nervous and her stomach flip around. She leaned a little ways off her bed to get a better look outside of the window, and it seemed like the rain only came down harder since it started. She sat back down onto her bed and frowned, was she always going to let herself get pushed around like this?

Of course. What would she do if she said something cruel and then Stephanie didn't come back? 

"Yah! What the hell are you still doing here!? Get out!" Stephanie stepped out of the bathroom again, this time completely clothed and her makeup perfected. How long had Hae Ri been sitting there in her thoughts? She never even got a chance to think of where she would go! In a panic, Hae Ri managed to throw on a few layers of extra jackets and grab her camera and nearly ran out the door for fear that Stephanie would chace her out with a knife. 

But this was a serious situation, where was she going to go? She had even forgot to grab her umbrella! Her fist knocked against the side of her head as she stood outside the dorm under the safety of the small awning. Why must she be so forgetful all the time...? With a loud groan she stood and waited, hopefully if she waited long enough, the rain would lighten up a bit but she didn't count on it. Her hands shoved into her jacket pockets for extra warmth and dug farther into her scarf. 

The campus was almost completely empty, aside from the few people running back and forth from dorms and into town and vice versa. A boy with a black sweatshirt ran from the dorm entrance quickly when he slowed down to take a breather. After all, the boy had just ran from downtown all the way back to the schools campus like a mad man. The rain splattered on his umbrella with such force he thought it would bullet right through the fabric. His eyes squinted slightly in a poor attempt to see through the heavy rain that was cloaking the campus. A girl ran through the campus using her book bag as an umbrella, making him chuckle slightly.

His eyes eventually landed on a sorry looking girl dressed in a long army green jacket with combat boots and a maroon knit scarf, standing under the enterance to the girls dorm. His heart beat once more before he left like it nearly stopped, her hair was tied up into a messy bun with a few lose strands framing her face. If his memory kicked in at any time, he was thankful it was now of all times. The tips of her shooes kickked the concrete lightly as she tried to move to keep herself warmed up, and his hands squeezed around the handle of the umbrella so tight his knuckles turned white. 

He was certain that his encounter with her was a one time thing, that she was just a stranger that lived in the town. But seeing her now made his stomach queazy in the most wonderful way. He took a few steps toward her but then quickly realized what he was doing, would she remember him even? That was only four days ago so it wasn't like that much time has passed... Time felt like it slowed down exceptionally as he stood in the middle of the campus, the way she flipped the strands of hair from her vision, the way she blinked her eyes even seemed to be overexaggurated. To him, she looked like a casual Goddess and it made his cheeks warm. 

"You... Go here too?" He asked her, but realized he was talking to himself. He shook his crazy thoughts from his head, smiling like a complete fool. He was going to see her again, luck was definitely on his side lately. Quickly he checked his watch and sighed, if he didn't hurry back to his dorm soon and wake YoonGi up he was going to completely miss the date he had with his girlfriend.

So yes,

Our Hopey has officially been introduced into our little story of YoonGi and Hae Ri.

Because he actually has a very important roll in all this!

So don't discredit him yet~!

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Chapter 17: This story took my breath away, l can hardly believe l only discover it now. Your writing is honestly incredible. I have no words to let you know how talented you are and this story is. I know it hasn't been updated for years but l still have a bit of hope it will be. Thank you for sharing it ♡
j970804 #2
I really like it omg. Author-nim plz continue dis story:(
Chapter 17: Please continue this story I'm begging youuu. Just when yoongi almost admitted it...WHYY :'((( but please I really enjoy this story, I'm intrigued by haeri's character, not that I'm like her but I'm kinda able to relate to that type of character :)
YamanSmith #4
Chapter 17: i actually kind of teared up seeing the update... thank you!
AnanasDongsaeng #5
Chapter 17: Author-nim plsss update soon I cant wait anymore T-T
Chapter 17: I really hate how Stephanie, a graceful ballet dancer could have such a bad temper, honestly. Ballet is all about self control and beauty but her personality says otherwise :( However, I really adore this story author-nim. This entire story sets me into a mood where I just want to sit by a window while drinking hot coco. What's even more perfect is that it's snowing outside so I could really picture every moment. My favorite part was when Hae Ri started to speak fluently about her knowledge on photography. Even though it was short and bittersweet, I flipped my laptop in joy xD. She just needs to get comfortable you know? I'm anticipating the moment when the characters manage pry out her secrets. This was truly heartwarming<3 It's been a while since I've commented on a story that got to my feels.
Chapter 17: omona omona omona OMONAAAAAA~ why did I only see it now. I've been waiting for this! Thankyou author-nim! Sorry I am so late ㅠㅠ
j970804 #8
Chapter 17: Ya know i was screaming when i saw its updated XD /lol/
j970804 #9
AnanasDongsaeng #10
Chapter 17: I really ship her with Hoseok, it's so cute!! ^^
Pls update soon, I'm getting addicted to this!!!!! >.< Waaaaah~~~