17.5: The calm before the storm

Fanboy meets Author.

Chapter 17.5: The calm before the Storm


It has been a smooth sailing five months for all of us, Kris and I meet regularly in spite of their busy schedule. But this past week, I’ve been pretty much elusive with him regarding meet ups, though he has been very careful not to be anywhere near their dorm or near SM Entertainment whenever we meet.


We’ve talked about the relationship we have right now and I guess it’s safe to say that we are no more than friends— but less than lovers. He says it’s too early and he’s not in a rush and so am I.


I haven’t heard from my grandfather since that night. Up until now, I admit, I have been feeling uneasy though I am miles away from where he is. The thought of him knowing that I am here in Korea worries me. He is a powerful and influential man in the country also; he holds the contract of Kris and of EXO.


I know that my sudden appearance will alarm my grandfather and will definitely find a way to drag me out of here…again and I don’t want to drag the boys down. They just debuted and I don’t want to be the reason of their obliteration.


It is painful for me to set distance between them because they accepted me wholeheartedly but I can’t bear to watch their careers crumble down because of me. I don’t want them to be constrained by my grandfather so I am now drawing the line from the boys… especially with Kris.


Sometimes I am thankful of the current state I am in. Being mute isn’t easy especially if you want to be heard but I am thankful at the same time because I can keep certain things… I can keep secrets with me and I wouldn’t have to worry about spilling beans.


Ever since I met him I feel like he can see right through me. I don’t know if he can feel the anxiety I feel when he is around but I hope he doesn’t because as long as I can see him happy and untroubled, I know, my sacrifice will be worth it.   


I snap out of my trance when my phone rings.


Someone’s calling. The number isn’t registered so I don’t know who is calling. Who would call me? Only few people know my number and none of them calls me given the fact that I can’t ‘talk’ to them.


My phone continues to ring.


My palms sweat with dread. I don’t know what to expect but nonetheless, I decide to hear out whoever is on the other line.


There’s a split second of silence before I hear a man speak.


“Good Morning Miss Lee, this is Hyun Ki, Mr. Lee Soo Man’s assistant. He is requesting you to come over to his office this afternoon.” Hysteria slithers all over my system. I know Hyun Ki, I’ve seen him before back when I was still a little girl. I used to play with him when I visit my father, he’s a good man. I can’t believe he still works for my grandfather.


I almost smiled but when he uttered the words ‘come over’ it surely sent pulses racing to my chest.


What does he want now?


Then there is another moment of silence before the man on the other line grunts and speaks “I’ll see you this afternoon, Miss Lee.” He hangs-up and I am still in shock.


I pace back and forth inside my room. Should I come? I only have few hours left to decide. I have to make a decision. I sit on the corner of my bed and drop my head into my hands but I could not think of anything but Kris.


I have to do this for Kris. This is for Kris.


I walk around Apgujung-dong looking diffident. I am near SM Entertainment now. No one from EXO should see me. I don’t know what I will tell them. I can’t let them see me or else I might break down.


I have been lost in my own thoughts so long I failed to notice that I am staring at the entrance door of SMent for 15 good minutes. If the guard hadn’t approached me I’d probably still be standing there.


The guard leads me to the front desk where I am greeted by a girl in her mid-20s. “Good Morning, Miss. Where to?”


Naturally, I don’t respond. Instead, I look at her with bewildered eyes.


“Is there anything I can help you with, Ma’am?” she asks again but I don’t respond.


A cluster of men in suit pass by and to my surprise someone calls out my name.


“Hye Su-ssi?” I stiffen.


I swing my head towards the direction of the sound. I see a man walking towards me, I recognize him at once— Hyun Ki.

I feel relieved.



Hyun Ki hasn’t changed one bit except for the eye wrinkles and laugh lines that is prominent due to aging. For a diplomat, he still walks with much stance. Chin up and very professional. “How are you, Hye Su?”


I bow down in respect and smile at him, not bothering to ‘answer’ his question.


He escorts me to the elevator and jabs the 8 button.


I am in full alert. I can’t let any of them see. Every time the elevator dings and the doors open, my eyes pop wide, I am behind Hyun Ki but I still don’t let my guard off so I scrutinize each floor with vigilant eyes.   


When the elevator finally dings to the 8th floor, I am a bit calmed but not entirely.


I step out of the elevator and follow Hyun Ki’s lead. My fingers fidget of nervousness, my heart pounding really hard, I think I’m gonna faint. Fainting does actually sound like a good plan… maybe… but it won’t help me solve this problem. I can’t run away from it forever, might as well face it today before it gets worse.


My heart goes haywire once more.


Hyun Ki stops in front of a wooden door with a name plate that says:



SM Entertainment, Founding Chairman


I gulp. This is it.


This is only half of chapter 17, mehehe. I thought of splitting it into two to avoid lengthy chapters... I don't like lengthy chapters.. -ish :))))


Thank you for reading!!!!!!

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Chapter 13: I wanna be Hye Su ;; I want a kiss on the forehead too ;;
Acha135 #2
Chapter 12: I like where this is going!!! Update soon!!!
Chapter 11: i love how kris is the fanboy :))
Chapter 10: Omo she is mute?! So sad :( Update pls ! <3
Acha135 #5
Chapter 10: Omo this is so sad ㅠ^ㅠ. Upadate soon!!!! .ㅠAㅠ
Acha135 #6
Chapter 8: Yay!!! He finally found her!!! Jealous much kris -A-
mariangel #7
wow this is good :D
Chapter 8: oh wow. update soon :)
Chapter 1: Loving the story so far <3 Carry on please, I want to see what happens next(: