Taunted by a Wolf.

Fanboy meets Author.

Chapter 9: Taunted by a Wolf.


“Stop pushing her around Kyung Yi!” Hana said shouting but the loud screams and speakers trounced her.

Kyung Yi and his friends were fooling around teasing me and him. They were trying to get us closer, taking advantage of the density of people around but I resisted. I was completely annoyed by his immaturity that I pushed him away. I gave him a sour look but his friends won’t budge. Ugh.


Then I heard whispers. Well, maybe not whispers but at least they were trying to whisper. “What is Kris doing?” I heard someone say from my left. “He looks infuriated.” Someone from my right said. “Omo, his cold stares are scary!!” I heard a girl squeal from a distance. For a while I didn’t mind Kyung Yi and his irritating friends and tried to catch a glimpse of what’s happening on stage. Indeed, there was this guy giving such cold stares but is it just me of is he looking at our direction?


I pushed Kyung Yi one more time before the people around us started to look at us even Kyung Yi stopped.


Da mulleo seoji anheu myeon dachyeodo molla

(You might get hurt if you don’t step back.)


(A/N: credits to the owner of this photo)

 “Hey mister, I think Kris’ just pointed at you.” A teenager beside him said. His eyes looked for this Kris on the stage and when I think they their eyes met, Kyung Yi’s eyebrows furrowed and stepped back like he had just been taunted by a wolf.


Soon after the lights faded out Hana dragged me to another spot to avoid being further interrupted by those meddling boys. A new song is being performed, a song alien to me since I wasn’t really a fan of them but even so, I was enjoying their performance and at the same time, I was trying to digest every line of their songs like I was trying to find meaning to it. So far, there was nothing that I dislike; their songs had so much meaning in them except for the ‘cheese’part. I didn’t quite get why they would use the word cheese. Omo, that was so hilarious! I remember hitting Hana’s arm upon hearing that.


Until the show ended I kept on getting this feeling of being watched I just can’t point my fingers where. Maybe it was Kyung Yi?


It was now time for the fan signing but only selected tickets are to be entertained. EXO once again showed themselves on stage, there was this guy, Chanyeol I think? was holding a fishbowl with strips of paper inside. “From this fishbowl, we will be drawing 20 lucky fans who will be joining us backstage for a meet and greet plus fan signing!” The guy holding the fishbowl said.


Once again the crowd went wild but Hana was silent with her hands clasped together in front of her like she was in a praying position. “Hye Su!! Help me, pray that we may be picked!! Please!!” she said joining my hands together like hers. I smiled.


I closed my eyes then there was that same feeling again… the feeling of being watched but I didn’t let that bother me instead, I continued praying, for Hana.


16th draw Hana’s ticket number still wasn’t called. I closed my eyes tighter and prayed harder.

“The 17th lucky fan is with the ticket number, 73501!”


I felt someone shake my shoulders intensely, it was Hana. “Hye Su!! THAT’S YOU!! YOU WILL MEET THEM!!” She said with glee, jumping up and down.

What? I hardly even know them!

I handed my ticket to her and beamed. “What are you doing Hye Su?” she asked but I shoved the ticket in to her hands. Her eyes widened.

“Last and definitely not the least, to the owner of this ticket, you are very very lucky! See you later fan with the ticket number 7-5-1-9-6!!”

Hana’s eyes grew even wider; she shoved back my ticket to my hands and started screaming hysterically. “THAT’S MY TICKET HYE SU!! OH MY GOODNESS!! AHHH!!”

Together we jumped in excitement. I was very happy not because my ticket was called but because I was happy for Hana. She’s a big fan and has been supporting them since their debut. She deserves this.

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Chapter 13: I wanna be Hye Su ;; I want a kiss on the forehead too ;;
Acha135 #2
Chapter 12: I like where this is going!!! Update soon!!!
Chapter 11: i love how kris is the fanboy :))
Chapter 10: Omo she is mute?! So sad :( Update pls ! <3
Acha135 #5
Chapter 10: Omo this is so sad ㅠ^ㅠ. Upadate soon!!!! .ㅠAㅠ
Acha135 #6
Chapter 8: Yay!!! He finally found her!!! Jealous much kris -A-
mariangel #7
wow this is good :D
Chapter 8: oh wow. update soon :)
Chapter 1: Loving the story so far <3 Carry on please, I want to see what happens next(: