
Office Crush
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Tiffany woke up the next morning with a fright. Not a bad fright a good fright but a fright nonetheless. She opened her eyes to Taeyeon's face, only a few inches from her own. Tiffany automatically jumped back but fell off the bed with a thump.

"Owwwww" Tiffany whined, she had bumped her on the side of the bedside table as she fell. Tiffany stood up wincing and rubbing her when she saw the angel in front of her. Even when she's sleeping she's perfect. Tiffany rolled her eyes. There was no drool, no mouth wide open, no snoring - nothing.

Tiffany crawled into bed again and looked at her boss closely. She looked so peaceful, it was refreshing to see after seeing her last night when she was breaking down. Tiffany reached up and her hair out of the way of her face lightly not wanting to wake her up. 

Tiffany focused on those lips, those luscious lips that she had dreamt about kissing so many times. She wondered if she touched them Taeyeon would wake up. But then she thought, Taeyeon had slept through her falling out of bed so she must be a heavy sleeper.

Tiffany bit her own lip, and reached her finger out to glide along Taeyeon's lips to find they were so soft and so alluring. Tiffany was unconsciously leaning in again but this time she couldn't stop. She closed her eyes and felt.... Nothing.

Tiffany opened her eyes wide and gulped thinking she had been caught but Taeyeon had simply rolled over onto her back. Tiffany huffed. So. ing. Close.

Tiffany studied the side of Taeyeon's face until her eyes looked down and saw something... Wow.

Taeyeon's, well Tiffany's tank top had... The hole for the arm had moved to the right a bit and through the hole, Tiffany could see Taeyeon's , and some of her . Tiffany's mouth dropped open as she stared at the small mountain in front of her. It was so perky and the perfect shape, It wasn't too big or too small and it fit her body perfectly. It would fit Tiffany's hand perfectly too.

Tiffany wiped some drool that had dropped from and closed it, she felt that familiar feeling between her legs again. The girl in front of her had dirtied so many pairs of Tiffany's underwear, unintentionally of course but it was still unbelievable. Tiffany couldn't take her eyes off Taeyeon's though, it was like a magnet drawing her in. Drawing in, she imagined her tongue swirling her around and then on it.

Taeyeon stirred and turned back to face Tiffany. Tiffany was frustrated she couldn't see her little mound again but it was probably for the best. She returned to look at Taeyeon's lips which got even more attractive when they parted and could see inside Taeyeon's mouth. She held back the urge of sticking her tongue in there. She smiled unconsciously and her lips. 

"Are you done gawking at me?" 


Tiffany fell out of bed for the second time that morning and hit her again on the same goddamn bedside table.

"Owww" Tiffany whimpered holding her again.

"Are you okay?" Taeyeon asked a little worried as she leaned over the edge of the bed. Tiffany pointed to her her .

"Ow" she pouted making Taeyeon giggl

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maemae08 #1
Chapter 75: I read many times and I still love ittt
subscribed. gonna start reading this soon
starting this today 🫶🏻
ultchae #4
Chapter 75: Wow this was awesome 🥺
I miss this.. Gonna read all over again..
Chapter 75: This HAS TO BE ONE of my top story! ❤️
I am in pure bliss right now, till the end of the chapter, I feel happiness~

I was beyond ecstatic with the way you portrait Tiffany in this story, the humor in the beginning phase of their meeting, totally on point! Damn love it! I literally laugh on it, gaawd.

And Taeyeon with her as calm oh so romantic persona brought me to giddiness.

I have come to agree with myself that Jessica play the big role in balancing Taeny's relationship in this story, with her sarcastic funny demeanor yet seems the right to do has made herself a true bestfriend. Am so happy there is Yuri in this story as well.

Overall, the details in their love-making are exceptional and adventurous, am loving it.

All the drama and families comes in a exact order for them to develop their feelings to each other.

This was one of a kind story that I would like read over and over again.
You have done an amazing job, author-ssi, and for that I am in an immense gratefulness. ❤️
Will keep on waiting and supporting your stories.