Chapter 14

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[CONTENTID2] Christmas was around the corner. While people were happily planning their holiday, Yuri found herself still busy with work. Tomorrow morning was the first day of Yoona and Donghae's outdoor pre-wedding photo-shoot session. Yuri, Yoona, Donghae and the crew would fly to Busan before taking a bus to reach Geoje Island. And just the next morning, they would head to a photo shoot location, Oedo Island.

Yuri never thought her work would ever be a heavy burden until now. She always found the spirit and passion; she loved her job. But today, she wished she wasn't a planner. There was nothing she wanted more than this shooting session to end soon because the sooner it ended, the sooner she was free from this unpleasant feeling.


It was cloudy that afternoon when Yuri dragged her suitcase to the airport reluctantly. She smiled faintly when she found Yoona already there, sitting alone in the waiting room, while Donghae was still out of sight.

Yuri walked to the bench Yoona was sitting on, and Yoona smiled in acknowledgement as soon as their eyes met. They barely met these few days because Yuri was busy with her work.

"Hi," Yoona greeted as Yuri sat down next to her.

"You're early," Yuri smiled at Yoona who had her full attention to Yuri now. The book she had been reading before lay abandoned in her lap, soon to be forgotten.

"Donghae dropped me here fifteen minutes ago. He had to go back to hospital and got some files before returning," Yoona explained as if she could read Yuri's mind.

Yuri nodded her head in response, her eyes met Yoona's again. She looked hesitant as she was considering the right words before she finally said, "I'm sorry about Krystal."

Yoona lifted her eyebrows in surprise. She didn't expect Yuri to bring up this topic because they hadn't talk about Krystal since that day after her cousin left Yuri's apartment.

"I should be the one to apologize, Yul. You have done enough for us," Yoona offered smile of gratitude as she went on, "She was so rude for leaving like that. To be honest, I didn't expect you to keep her, I knew she would rudely leave as soon as she woke up."

Maybe Yoona was right, but Yuri still felt sorry because she couldn't stop Krystal from leaving, even for few minutes until Yoona came. Yoona had trusted her to take care of her cousin and now she felt like she had failed, and she didn't like the feeling of letting Yoona down.

"I don't know why she dislikes me so much," Yuri finally admitted her frustration. The smile left her face instantly as now it was replaced by frown. "It almost lookslike she doesn't just dislike me, she hates me."

There was a beat of silence when she finished, and Yuri's eyes couldn't meet Yoona's. She shifted her attention nervously and her gaze roamed around the room that started to be packed. Few passengers arrived and started to fill the benches.

"She just can't stand being in your debt," Yoona said thoughtfully, her hand playing with the cover of the book in her lap mindlessly. "You saved her life once, and you gave her place to stay when she was at her worst. Krystal just couldn't bear knowing you always happened to be the one who help her."

Krystal might fool everyone, but she couldn't fool Yoona. She knew her cousin well enough to know that Krystal always showed her tough side when she was too shy and too embarrassed to accept reality. It was her defense mechanism to push someone away from her, and hide behind the hard character she created. It was her best excuse to save her from any responsibility to thank her saviour, to thank Yuri.

"But I didn't ask anything in return," Yuri protested quickly, afraid that Yoona might have same thought as Krystal.

"I know you didn't," Yoona responded knowingly.  "She just has too much pride. And it makes her act like fool."

Yuri sat in silence as she let Yoona's words sink in. She still couldn't get the way Krystal's mind worked but before she could show any response, light footsteps were heard, walking closer to their bench. Yuri turned around to see Donghae approach them.

"I will go to buy a drink," Yuri excused herself as she stood up.

Yoona casted a quick glance at Dongahe's direction before smiling faintly at Yuri. She knew it was just an excuse. Yuri didn't really want to buy drink but Yoona didn't prevent her from walking away. Instead she stood up and greeted Donghae with smile.

Donghae smiled back before planting a  kiss on Yoona's cheek and both of them sat back on the bench.

"So, how is it? Did you get your leave?" Yoona asked Donghae, trying to sound interested. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Yuri returning after buying a drink from airport vending machine. The latter walked straight into a group of people across Yoona's bench who Yoona noticed as their photography crews.

"I get mine," Donghae answered as he leaned his back on the bench before continued, "We're busy nowadays. We got a lot of patients as people getting sick because of extreme weather. Luckily Dara was willing to take over my role for few days."

Yoona nodded at the statement, didn't really pay attention to what Donghae said. Her eyes still glanced back to Yuri time to time as Donghae keep talking. They had to wait for another half an hour before the PA system blared their boarding. And after making sure all of their crews were arrived, they walked through departure gate.

By the time they arrived at the Geoje, it was already getting dark. They rushed to find a hotel that had been booked by Yuri at the central town of Geoje Island. Everyone was drained and tired and they seemed reluctant to go out and enjoy Geoje Island's fresh air. And the fact that they had to leave early in morning to reach Oedo Island made them to decide call it the night.



Everyone woke up feeling better the next morning. There weren't significant obstacles as Yuri made sure everyone was ready by the time they had to go to photo-shoot location.

"We're really lucky to get such good weather," said one of their make-up crew to Yuri on their way to Oedo Island.

"Yeah, it's really nice day!" Yuri responded in a falsely bright voice. But she had to agree with that, in fact that this was the first really fine day they'd had in months. The sky was clear and blue, while the fresh air filled their lungs. At least there was something that lifted up her mood's.  However, by the time they reached Oedo Island, Yuri hardly kept her mood up.


Oedo Island was beautiful place to take pictures. It was a marine western-style botanical garden and beautiful scenery would help them to harmonize with nature. Everyone was sure they would get best prewedding's picture today.

"It seemed like everything is working in order," Taemin said as he approached Yuri who was having brief talk with their photographer. It was getting daylight when they got here and crews were busily setting the location for photo shoot. Yoona and Donghae were dressing up in their own tent.

"That's good, we will start in few," Yuri clasped her hand together, and just then the voice behind her called.

"She is ready," one of the make-up artists announced proudly.

Yuri, Taemin and the photographer turned around to see the beautiful woman dressed in white with flower crown adorned her now loose curls hair. Yoona was staring back at Yuri, as if she was anticipating her response.

But Yuri froze in her place. She felt like her breath was hitching up in the back of and she just could stare at the woman in front of her. She always pictured Yoona as pretty woman, but right now the woman in front of her was... stunning.

"Perfect!" claimed the photographer, voicing out Yuri's thought. "Very simple, natural make up, you will blend well with the nature. It's great for outdoor photo shoot!"

 It was like everyone stopped their activities just to adore Yoona's transformation and just then another tent was being opened. Donghae stepped out and approached them, already dressed too. He was wearing high-end black tuxedo that fitted every angle of his body perfectly.

Donghae smiled brightly when he spotted his fiancé. And when he stood next to Yoona, Yuri could hear a whisper of envy from some crews.

"Princess always belongs to prince," Taemin complemented.

Everyone started to move and get into their own position, ready to start photo-shoot session but Yuri still glued at her previous place. Her stomach churned unpleasantly and the heavy burden doubled in her chest, dragging everything left in her to the ground.

Princess always belongs to prince.

Taemin's voice rang in her ear mockingly, it refused to disappear.


Minutes snailed by and photo-shoot went just as smoothly as they had planned. Yoona personally didn't find any difficulties. Their crew worked impressively well and the photographer guided them to be more comfortable in front of the camera during the shooting process. The weather was also very friendly whole day, with the sun shining not too hotly, just a bit windy. However, Yoona hardly found satisfaction.

She barely talked to Yuri today and the latter obviously avoided her. Yuri kept herself busy, eventhough her crew had taken care of everything in order. And once the session started and they were doing a photo-shoot, Yuri would disappear out of sight. She was just back when they took a break and then disappeared again when they started. It was almost like they went back to being strangers again, and Yoona's disappointment increased as she knew she couldn't do anything about it. Donghae was here with them and she couldn't approach Yuri freely. She just wished they would go back to being friends again as soon as they reached Seoul.


"Thanks guys. I'm really pleased with your performance," Donghae said the second day, which was also the last day of photo shoot. "I think all of us deserve a bit of relaxation after all of your hard work, and to show my gratitude I invite you to have a drink at the bar tonight."

There were loud cheers at the location as they packed their equipment before returning to Geoje Island. Everyone's mood was good as they got nice results. Donghae walked side by side with Yoona, intertwining their hand together as they walked back to Geoje Island.



The whole way back to Geoje, Yuri was wondering what was the best way to excuse herself from joining them at the bar tonight. She was drained, and exhausted, but her heart was slightly lighter now because the photo-shoot session was finally over. She just couldn't wait for tomorrow to come so she could go back to Seoul without witnessing more of Donghae and Yoona's sweetness.

"Make sure you join us tonight," Taemin patted Yuri's shoulder, as he walked pass Yuri and entered his hotel room. Yuri just could sigh in defeat.



As ten o'clock approached, Yuri walked out from her hotel room. She had decided to join the group for an hour and then she would excuse herself to go back to her hotel room.

It was not difficult for Yuri to find the bar Donghae had mentioned. She pushed the door open and looked around. The bar was still quiet with just a few people chatting inside. At the corner of the room she spotted Taemin. He was waving to Yuri.

"Yuri! Here, get your drink," he said as Yuri sat on the chair next to him. They were sitting at a big round table, facing each other. Right in front of her was Donghae and Yoona. Donghae was sitting really close to Yoona, who seemed a bit uncomfortable to show their closeness in front of the others even though no one seemed to care about it.

"They have good atmosphere here," the photographer, who sitting on Yuri's right side, commented.

Taemin had ordered a drink for Yuri and put the glass in front of her which Yuri refused instantly.

"Can I have mineral water instead?"

Everyone seemed surprised by Yuri's simple question, everyone except Yoona of course.

"Are you kidding me? You came to the bar to mineral water?" Taemin asked in amusement.

Yuri didn't answer Taemin and just grabbed a bottle of mineral water a waitress gave her. Everyone seemed to enjoy the night as Yuri sat there trying to get along with their talk. She glanced at her watch briefly. It was almost an hour and she was ready to go when Taemin poked her in waist.

"Yo! This guy over there has been checking you out since you got here," Taemin pointed discreetly to the bar. A quite good-looking, tall guy sitting at a stool in the centre of the bar, he smiled at them.

"So?" Yuri looked away without giving that guy any response.

"Go over there!" Taemin pushed Yuri a bit. Everyone in their table seemed curious and now focused on Yuri who had her eyebrows knitted together now.

"You should get to know more guys," Taemin added but Yuri shook her head stubbornly.

"I don't want to."

"Gosh Yuri, aren't you worried that you'll end up a lonely spinster?" Taemin asked exaggeratedly, putting both of his hands over his head.

"You have tried to pair me up with every guy you know. Do you try to pair me with an unknown guy now?"

"What's bad with that? Why are you so afraid with the idea of getting to know a guy?"

Yuri looked around the table, it was not just very curious crews now but Yoona was also looking at Yuri expectantly as she was waiting for Yuri to answer.

"I... I don't know," Yuri said finally. Her eyes still fixed on Yoona when next words slipped from her lips, "Maybe... I still hung up with someone."

There were various responses there. Some gasped in disbelief, some nodded understandingly, the others gave her apologetic smiles but Yuri's eyes never left Yoona's, who looked as if she was just struck by lightning.


As the night wore on, nightlife awakening from the daytime slumber, the bar slowly came to life. It was packed with various people now, main of them were travelers while a few were local residents.

At their table, everyone still had a great time. Taemin had stopped pushing Yuri to unknown guys, while the other crews started to get drunk but Yuri found herself all awake and sober. She seemed to forget her first intention to leave and just stayed rooted in her seat, as now Yoona started to get a little bit tipsy. Her concern toward the woman in front of her was bigger than her reluctance to stay.

Yuri was keeping a close watch on Yoona's every movement, who seemed to notice that she was being watched because they caught looks every so often, before both of them looked away awkwardly. It was almost torture to put on a stoic face the whole day and act like stranger again toward Yoona, and now Yuri felt guilty to let her heart overcome her. She had accepted the role as their planner and Yoona did nothing wrong to get cold treatment like this.

She was just making up her mind to apologize to Yoona the next day when Taemin rose from his seat.

"Let's move and go karaoke!" He exclaimed while looking at Donghae, as if he was asking his permission.

"Well, this bar was packed now, it's not a bad idea to find new atmosphere," Donghae agreed instantly as he helped Yoona to stand up.

Their crew mainly decided to stay at the bar, obviously feeling they didn't get drunk enough to leave, while the rest went to find the nearest karaoke bar. Taemin, the most excited one, led them into a spacious and cozy karaoke box. Yuri followed the rest and sat down on the seat, her eyes squinted through the dim light to see Taemin walk to the small stage and grabbed two microphones, grinning.

Yuri grew uncomfortable when Taemin walked to her and offered her a microphone.

"Ladies first," he smirked as he offered Yoona the other microphone.

Confused, Yuri scanned the room: the photographer and two of his assistants were sitting on the right side of the couch, Donghae next to them with Yoona on his other side, and then Taemin flopped next to Yoona, filled the space between Yuri and Yoona. She just realized that she and Yoona were the only females here.

"I can't sing," Yuri handed the microphone to Taemin but he it back to her.

"Don't try to fool me, I know you are good at singing," Taemin said, draping his hand to Yuri's head and pulled her closer. "You have been tense the whole day and I don't like your always-serious face. Forget about work for a while and let's enjoy the night, shall we?"

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Chapter 32: omg i was so worried you'd stop writing at one point like other sone accounts and i'm so thankful you even have a new one coming :(( i love all ur fics
216 streak #2
wow I totally forgot about this story I used to read back then. I’ll be re-reading this if I got my free time ^^
Chapter 30: Amazing story author, love YoonYul forever😘
Chapter 16: I love yoonyul friendship... I also feel pity for Krystal :( And author nim don't say like that this is not a good chapter actually this is soooo good, yoonyul cute little moments is so sweet.
Soju83 #5
Chapter 19: i really like Minho's character. He's very nice and kind! But still, yoonyul for the win ㅋㅋ.
Chapter 30: this whole story was so amazing. you can easily see how much love and hard work you put in to each chapter. everything about it was perfect. my heart feels warm from finishing it! thank you so much for sharing it with us. you’re a great writer!
Chapter 30: Wow . Loved it always yoonyul. ☺☺☺
Yunju_ #8
Chapter 19: I feel bad for minho since he is good person. But what should i do i'm YoonYul shipper
RoyalSoosunatic #9
Chapter 1: omg i love your writing style ♡♡♡
vkookftyoonyul #10
Chapter 31: I've been reading this story for the last few days and I must say I fell more and more in love with it as I read each chapter. The ending was perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything better. Your writing is beautiful and I love your other stories too :) Keep doing your thing x