Chapter 8

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Pain. . .

I could feel nothing but pain. Every fiber of my body ached badly. Not only was my extremely fatigued body from the lack of sleep giving me hell this morning, but my heart was also aching excruciatingly. It shattered into pieces after what had happened the day before.

I didn't know what I should do, I didn't know if I still could face Yoona now, after the fight. . . My logical mind told me that I should just care less. I didn't do anything wrong because I just did my job. And if there was one who should feel guilty or apologize, then it was Yoona. That was what my defence mechanism told me, even though deep inside, I knew it was not that easy.

I couldn't just lay down on my bed whole day and ignore the world outside, ignoring Yoona. A few hours from now, I would have to wake up. I had to do my routine activities. I needed to go to office and start working. Work seemed to be the only thing that felt right at this moment, the only thing that could distract me from my thoughts.


I started my day with the smell of fresh coffee. I was sipping the warm liquid inside my small kitchen when the bell of my apartment rang. The sound surprised me because I rarely received guests. People had learned that I was working in this hour but I still dragged my feet to the front door. My eyes shot wide open when I saw Donghae standing on my doorstep.

"Good morning, Yuri."

This sudden appearance must had something to do with yesterday's incident. Maybe Yoona had told her fiancé to break their contract with me, and decided not to use my service anymore. My heart stopped for a split second at the thought.

"Good morning Donghae," I greeted him as calmly as possible. "Please come in."

"No, I have to go to hospital soon, I just dropped by to send you this." He took out a hard-covered card with golden outlines and handed it to me. "Tomorrow is my birthday. I hope you will be there."

"Thank you for the invitation, I really appreciate it, but I don't think I can go."

Attending the party meant meeting Yoona as well, and even if I felt guilty for involving him in our fight, I still couldn't go. Meeting Yoona was the last thing I wanted to do right now.

"I don't take no as an answer, Yuri. You are my friend, and I owe you so much for helping me arrange my wedding. This is just a very little thing I can do to show my gratitude."

"You owe me nothing. You paid for my service," I joked, but I knew how persistent he was.

"Please, consider this as your friend's request."

This debate wouldn't end if I kept refusing to go, but I didn't want to give him unfounded certainty as well. I knew I would come down with something tomorrow, just any reason to get me out of having to go.

"Well, we'll see. I can't promise you but if my work finished earlier, maybe I'll stop by."

"Okay, I'll wait for you."



"I brought you something." I glanced up to find Sooyoung standing beside my office desk with a lunchbox in her hand.

"Thanks." I drew my attention back to piles of papers in front of me as I still needed to finish my work. Sooyoung was coming here so often that I didn't have to greet her formally, nor she needed my welcome to make her felt home.

"How are you doing?" Sooyoung put down the box before leaning her back against my desk.

"Not bad."

There were some moments of silence between us before I heard Sooyoung clear .

"Look, um... I'm sorry about what happened yesterday."

"You should apologize to Yoona instead of me." My eyes were still on the papers but I knew she backed off a bit from the mention of the name.

"Well, I'll think about it the next time we meet," she said slowly, her hand playing with some pencils on my desk before she noticed something else on my table."What's this?"

I turned my head to her direction to see Donghae's invitation card laying neatly on the edge of the table, still untouched. I'd forgotten it for awhile. "That's Donghae's birthday invitation card."

Sooyoung reached for the card and opened it. "The party will be held at Black Box! That's cool, Yul!"

I heard the name once or twice; that was one of the most high-profile restaurant and nightclub in the city, but it didn't interest me even in the slightest. And Sooyoung's face changed in realization just minutes after that.

"Wait... I'd heard this guy's name from you before."

"He is my friend and also Yoona's fiancé," I explained, before adding quickly, "And don't ask me more, because I don't plan on going."

"Why not? I think we'll have fun."

Somehow that 'we' part didn't ring true in my ears. I spun my office chair to face my over-confident best friend. "Seriously Soo? Do you think I will bring you with me if I ever happen to attend this party?"

"Can't you bring your friend?" Sooyoung asked, still looking at the possibility but I dismissed it as quick as possible.

"Just forget the idea."

"Won't you feel guilty for not attending his party? I thought you two are best friend."

It would be rude to not attend his party after he sent me his invitation by himself, but I just didn't feel I fit the place. Just thinking about the party that would be attend mostly by wealthy people with judging stares made me suffocated. But Sooyoung was just as good in persuasion.

"Look, we can make it fast. We will just drop by and you can greet Donghae, and I can taste the food um, I mean. . . probably apologize to Yoona as well. Yeah, that's brilliant idea and we will go."

I looked at her expressionless, as the way she talk didn't impressed me.

"Hey, I'm offering you accompany," she added when I still stayed in silence.

Now I was thinking about her offer. At least I had one person in my side.

"You can't hide from Yoona forever. At least not until the wedding procession is over." Knowing Sooyoung, she won't stop talking until I made my decision.

I hated the fact that she always knew what to say and the reasons to change my mind.

"We'll just drop by, just 15 minutes and leave," I made a deal and she nodded in agreement.

I hope I didn't make a mistake by bringing her along with me.



Third POV

"What? Why do you have to invite Yuri to your birthday party?" Yoona put down the spoon back to the table, her eyes fixed on Donghae who was sitting next to her.

"She is my best friend, of course I will invite her as well." Donghae explained patiently.

Yoona already get used with Donghae's visit every morning, usually her fiancé brought her a breakfast and they will eat together before Donghae leaving for work. And Yoona really liked his sweet gesture, but when Yuri's name appeared in the dining room, she lost her appetite instantly.

"Why are you seemed so surprised?" Donghae asked.

"I... no, I'm sorry I forgot that she is your friend."

"You don't look good. Did something happen?"

"No!" Yoona answered, almost as a shout but soon added with rather calm voice. "Um, I'm just a little tired."

"I told you that you don't have to take part in our wedding's preparation." Donghae placed his hand over hers, gently it. "Yuri will take care of everything. I didn't want you to over exhaust yourself or even get sick because of it."

Yoona grew more uncomfortable under Donghae's worried look.

"I don't really worry about it as I had a doctor as my fiancé." She tried to joke it off and finally small smile formed onto Donghae's face. He rose from his chair before gave Yoona a soft peck on her lips.

"Alright, I have to go to hospital right now."

"You haven't even finished your meal."

"It's okay, I'm already full." He smirked as they walked out from dining room.

"You're getting busy lately," said Yoona thoughtfully, walking Donghae to the front door.

"Our patients are increasing."

"Right, since they authorized the health program proposed by you."

"I'm glad everything runs well, and people from all societies get benefit from this program." Donghae stopped on the porch before turned around, giving Yoona another peck. "I'll see you later."

Yoona nodded as she watched Donghae got into his car and drove away before closed the front door. Leaning her back on the oak door, Yoona finally let out a small sigh.

The more often she spent time with Donghae, the more perfect his figure in her eyes. He is a young doctor with a lot of talents, Yoona was sure he will be a good husband for her as well but why it wasn't enough for her? Why did she still feel incomplete?

Being with Donghae felt right in a theoretical kind of way, but she still found herself dreaming about the other person, and what made it worse was, she was dreaming about a woman.

Will she met Yuri at the party? And what would she say if they met? Will she apologize to Yuri this time?

Yoona felt tired, tired of crying all day after the fight with Yuri. She had so many regrets, regretted all the words she'd said, which was not only hurt Yuri but also hurt herself. There was so many times she wished she could go back and change what happened, so this guilty didn't have to burden the already weighted heart of hers.



"This place is insane." Sooyoung was eyeing the building interior as soon as they reached the nightclub.

The entrance way was flanked by colourful hanging jar with candles inside and Yuri's eyes squinted automatically, trying to adjust to the darkness as they passed through it to the bar.

Unlike regular nightclub, this place was able to offer a great atmosphere. The vibrating sounds of music that echoing through the walls was great. It was not the typical of annoying and loud music that provide by usual street club but Yuri still couldn't genuinely enjoy the place. She just wanted to greet Donghae and leave soon.

"Let's find Donghae."

Yuri walked past few people who were enjoying a drink while talking, and found Donghae talking with his relatives in the corner of the room.

He smiled when his eyes caught the sight of Yuri.

"Yuri, you made it."

"Happy Birthday!" Yuri smiled, giving him a warm hug which he returned as well.

"Thanks for coming." Donghae pulled away and Yuri handed him a gift she'd prepared for him.

"This is for you." She did not have any idea about buying gifts for a man but Sooyoung said watches was the safest gift and Yuri hope he would like her choice.

"Thanks. Are you alone?"

Why did he think that Yuri was alone when Sooyoung was just few feet away from her?

"No, I'm with-" Yuri turned to her right side just to find no one. Sooyoung was taking a glass of wine on the barstool before joined the dance stage.

"Ah, my friend is having fun already." Yuri smiled sheepishly, suddenly regretted her decision to bring Sooyoung along with her.

"It's okay, let's join us. There are some people I want you to meet." Donghae smiled reassuringly as he guided Yuri to the couple who were talking with Yoona.

With every step closer toward the group, Yuri grew more and more nervous and she noticed Yoona's muscles tense slightly as she joined them.

"Hey guys, let me introduce my best friend, and also my wedding planner, Kwon Yuri." Donghae introduced Yuri and the couple in front of her smiled politely.

"Yuri, meet my friend Sungmin and Sa Eun. They will get married few months after me and they're seeing for wedding planner."

"I heard about you several times from Donghae, and I would like to use your service as well."

"Sure, it will be my pleasure to help." Yuri responded politely before gave Donghae a smile of gratitude for the recommendation.

The couple looked friendly and all of them chimed into small chat comfortably. They had mentioned about their wedding's plan a couple of times but mostly they were just talking about general things. The only person who looked a bit rigid and quitter was Yoona. She looked out of place even though she tried to engage in the conversation.

Just then a waiter passed by and Donghae realized that Yuri hadn't taken any drink. He grabbed a glass of drink that Yuri soon noticed as whiskey. Donghae handed the glass to her.

Yuri cringed immediately at the strong beverage but before she could say her rejection, Yoona grabbed another drink for her as well.

"Cocktail will be better." Yoona said and got Yuri's full attention.

Focusing on Yoona for the first time tonight, Yuri couldn't ignore how pretty the latter was. She looked like super model with low-back black dress that showed the curves of her slender body. And when their eyes met, Yuri felt a quick leap on her chest. The sight made her forget about conflicts and the fight that just happened few days ago and Yuri found herself just staring at Yoona, which the younger woman returned as well. It felt like everything around them just disappeared and Yuri's eyes could only see Yoona's beauty. And Yuri wonder, how could Yoona still take her breath away after so many years?

The thick coughing sound brought them back to the earth.

"I'm sorry for forget about your drinking tolerate." Donghae apologized, just when one of a waiter approached them.

"Someone is searching for you." The waiter informed.

"Hi, Lee Donghae."

Yuri turned her attention towards the sound and her breath caught in the back of my throat at the sight of a guy who dressed in collared shirt and expensive jeans before her. How could it be? How could she meet Lee Je-hoon at her best friend's party?

She heard the sound of a glass dropping into the floor before she could react, and she believed Yoona was just as shocked her.


"Good morning sunshine." A voice of the guy that annoyed Yuri this couple of months rang on her ears as soon as she closed the front door of her house. She turned her body to meet Lee Je-hoon standing in front of her house with his annoying smile.

"What are you doing here?"

"What does it look like i am doing right now? I'm waiting for you."

Je-hoon was one of her classmates and he had bothered Yuri for some times now. He told everyone that he had crush on Yuri and kept asking her to be his girlfriend but the thing he didn't understand was, he just upset Yuri with his attitude.

Yuri had several times told him to back away because she wasn't interested but he was just a big dumb.

"I don't have a time to playing around, someone is waiting for me."

After long time didn't hang out, finally today Yoona asked Yuri to accompany her to a bookstore and she didn't want to be late just because of this guy.

"Let's find place to talk," He said, surely didn't hear what Yuri said.

"I can't! Don't you hear that?" Yuri rejected, a bit harsh this time as she walked passed by him but her step stopped at his next words.

"I want to talk about Im Yoona."

She looked back at him and her pulse rate increased with each passing second. How could he know Yoona?


They'd been sitting outside the small bakery shop for an hour and this guy in front of her didn't even say anything. He was still busy munching his second burger.

"Will you tell me what do you want to talk about? Or did you just ask me to sit here so I could watch you eat?" Yuri was getting impatient because she was running out of time.

The meeting with Yoona was really important to her and she didn't want to disappoint Yoona after the effort the younger girl put in rekindling their friendship.

"Chill out Yuri, let me finish this one first."

"Someone is waiting for me," Yuri mumbled and he stopped chewing.

"Is Yoona waiting for you?" Je-hoon asked with mouth full of burger, but she didn't feel like she needed to answer him so he pressed on. "Are you two dating?"

Instant panic rushed through her body at his question as she wondered what made this guy have this thought.

"We aren't, so stop talking nonsense!"

"It will be an interesting lesbian story." He smiled smugly and Yuri could feel her muscles tense as she tried to hold onto her building emotions.

Je-hoon wiped his mouth with napkins before pulling something out of his pocket.

"The other day, I was searching for a place to smoke but what I found was just... amazing." He continued and she was going to get a heart attack when he showed her the picture. It was a picture her and Yoona, kissing at the rooftop.

"Are you going to threaten me with this?" Yuri grabbed the picture, tearing it up furiously. She didn't care anymore if everyone inside the bakery was looking at them throughout the glass mirror.

"Do you think I will care about this sh*t?" Her high pitch voice came out a bit shaky as she tried to control the urge to just lay her punch on his ridiculous face.

"Oh right, you're Kwon Yuri. You have nothing to lose." He put both of his arms on table as his eyes concentrated on her. "But how about Yoona? She will get shunned by society, her reputation and achievements will vanish

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Chapter 32: omg i was so worried you'd stop writing at one point like other sone accounts and i'm so thankful you even have a new one coming :(( i love all ur fics
215 streak #2
wow I totally forgot about this story I used to read back then. I’ll be re-reading this if I got my free time ^^
Chapter 30: Amazing story author, love YoonYul forever😘
Chapter 16: I love yoonyul friendship... I also feel pity for Krystal :( And author nim don't say like that this is not a good chapter actually this is soooo good, yoonyul cute little moments is so sweet.
Soju83 #5
Chapter 19: i really like Minho's character. He's very nice and kind! But still, yoonyul for the win ㅋㅋ.
Chapter 30: this whole story was so amazing. you can easily see how much love and hard work you put in to each chapter. everything about it was perfect. my heart feels warm from finishing it! thank you so much for sharing it with us. you’re a great writer!
Chapter 30: Wow . Loved it always yoonyul. ☺☺☺
Yunju_ #8
Chapter 19: I feel bad for minho since he is good person. But what should i do i'm YoonYul shipper
RoyalSoosunatic #9
Chapter 1: omg i love your writing style ♡♡♡
vkookftyoonyul #10
Chapter 31: I've been reading this story for the last few days and I must say I fell more and more in love with it as I read each chapter. The ending was perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything better. Your writing is beautiful and I love your other stories too :) Keep doing your thing x