Important message

Legends: The Awakening




Hello. Unfortunately this is not and update of the sotry but it is a message that will give you, the lovely readers, some information about what i plan on doing and how long it will take. 

I know I have not been updating frequently and that I have a ton of excuses but I want to say sorry for not updating at least every two weeks. I want to apologize for that.I requested a review, as you maybe say in the description, and I was pointed out some very important things about the plot and development of the characters.

I want to apologize for the mistakes that I have been making and that you had to put up with them. I have decided to re-read the chapters so far and make the needed changes and upload the new chapters by the end of the week.

I also want to apologize for I am a person of few words and may not have explained properly what I plan on doing.

I still want to hear your opinion about this in the comments and once again I want to apologize for not being frequent in the updates.


Thank you for reading the story and for reading my always oh so awkward notes ^_^





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dawnsun #1
Chapter 9: Thank you for the update. I'm glad Airin summoned the guardians before she became the victim of the shadow. Hopefully the leaders will take Jongin seriously. I want Taemin to have his chance with Airin .
Sarah265 #2
Chapter 9: Umm... srry but who is jung myeon is it joonmyeon n who is daugon?? Im just a little confused thr but overall its a nice story*thumbs up* great job :))
dawnsun #3
Chapter 8: Those were important details. Much appreciated. Thank you for the update.
Sarah265 #4
Chapter 8: Its ok i love the details it makes the story so nice... great job author keep it up
dawnsun #5
Chapter 7: What a fantastic update! I love the plot. It felt like I was watching a movie! So I guess your next update will be next year lol! Happy New year to you and your loved ones!!!
dawnsun #6
Chapter 6: Interesting story!! Can't wait for the next update!
Can't wait for the next chapter^^
Chapter 3: Wow so mysterious..yet so good. Love it. Update palli juseyo...
Chapter 1: Wow!! Such an amazing story. Hope you update it often^^
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