Chapter 4

Legends: The Awakening

As Airin and Taemin were walking all happily down the street and lively chatting about the things they like, Taemin noticed that the fact that they were so noisy was attracting the people’s attention and as they did so, many people started to recognize the idol. Worried that he would cause uneasiness and stress to his companion, the boy bent down his head in order to hide his face and took Airin’s hand as he started walking faster. The girl immediately understood what all this was about and just followed the boy quietly.

The two were now walking at an almost lifeless street, both walking in silence as each was having their own thoughts.

-It’s hard to be a celebrity. – stated Airin, breaking the silence.

-Ah, um…yeah. – said uneasy the boy as his face was expressing a bit of sadness. – But it’s not that bad. I know they are acting like that because they love us and support us with all their hearts. I love the fans and I want to tell each one of them how much I love and care about them… - said the idol at fist with sorrowful voice but with every other word the sorrow in his voice was disappearing and being replaced by love, love for his precious fans, but at the end his voice trailed away.

-But? – said the girl as she knew that there was something more, something that the boy didn’t want to admit.

-But…sometimes…their love is just too much… it’s scary... They follow us everywhere and scream our names, pushing each other so that they could be as close as possible to us, wanting to touch us, the words they are writing about us on the internet… some are just too sick and scary… some of them love us in a very weird and twisted way…I try not to think about all of this and about all the girls that are stalking SHINee but…at times like these, it’s hard.

-They are just…too devoted, I guess. – said the foreign girl as she tried to calm down the troubled boy.

-I guess… but… I’m scared to talk to girls…because I’m scared that if the fans find out…she’ll be in trouble and after being threatened, she’ll leave me and…most importantly…she’ll be hurt, stressed and scared to walk down the street… I don’t want that to happen…I don’t want to see the person I love getting hurt. – replied the boy with a shaky voice and as he said the last words that were filled with pain, Taemin turned to face his companion as the grip around her hand tightened.

-If she truly loves you then she wouldn’t run always because of some threats. – smiled warmly the girl.

-I don’t think that there would be anyone strong enough that could handle the fury of angry, scary and heartbroken fan girls. – replied the boy with a sorrowful smile.

-I think that there is. Like I said, if she loves you truly, she won’t leave you no matter what. – said Airin as if declaring something.

-Would you be able to stand against these angry girls and still be by mi side? – answered back the boy and turned to face the girl as he felt annoyed at her answers, not understood.

-Yes. – replied back the foreign girl, her eyes not wavering. As the idol saw the determination in his companion’s eyes, his features softened and his heart started beating faster.

- I see...– was the only thing he could say at that moment.

-Can I ask you something? – asked Airin with a quiet voice.

-Of course. – answered the idol, his heart was racing fast as he was expecting a really important question, question that involved his feelings.

-Where are we now and where are we going? –questioned  the foreign girl.

-Eh? – exclaimed the boy as he didn’t expect that type of question. He felt a bit disappointed at what the girl asked.

-Well, we have been walking for ages and only on deserted little dark streets and I have no idea where we are going.- chuckled the girl as she looked at the confused face of her companion.

-Um, now that you mentioned it… let’s look around to find something familiar so that we could orient where we are. – said the confused boy as he started to look around.

After they found out where they were, they decided that it was too dangerous for them to stay out at this late hour.

-Where do you live? I’ll send you home. – Taemin offered.

-What are you talking about? You should go home too. I’ll just take a taxi. – replied Airin a bit worried.

-Taxi’s are dangerous, too. Look at the time- a girl alone at this hour and a taxi driver you know nothing about! He might abduct you! Or even worse! I’ll send you home and that’s it. – said the boy.

-Ok…mom. – chuckled the foreign girl as she pushed playfully her companion.

They were heading toward Airin’s apartment complex; the two continued their lively chat as they were as if in some hurry to get to know each other.

-You said you were a fan, right? – Taemin once again started another theme of their conversation.

-Yes. Why? – asked the girl.

-I was wondering…if you are a shawol, how come I haven’t seen you up till now? I’m sure I would have remembered you. – asked the idol.

-Because I just recently came to Korea. – chuckled the girl.

-Really? Where are you from? – asked all excitedly the boy.

-I’m from New York – the big apple. – laughed the girl.- Ok, wait I’ll start from the beginning. My mother is Korean and my father is American. I was born here and lived here for a couple of years but then moved to New York. And now me and my mom came here because she got promoted to the headquarters of Samsung. – explained the girl.

-I see. But you don’t look like an American. Well you act like one. – the famous boy chuckled.

-What’s that supposed to mean? – laughed lightly the girl as she pushed her companion.

-Um…about your father…- the idol started a bit hesitantly.

-He has always been too busy. He is constantly going to different business trips, some is faking just to leave…they are on the verge of divorce…I think they are still “together” just because they think that I can’t handle it. But don’t worry. And I don’t want you to feel uneasy about this. – replied Airin with a light smile as she turned toward Taemin. –These things are typical for the Americans, I should be happy that they aren’t going to a therapist like the other 70% of the Americans. –joked the girl as she tried to lighten up the mood.

-I see… - Taemin tried to laugh but he still felt uneasy for asking.

-Let’s talk about something else. – the girl turned toward the idol with a smile.

-Ok. Oh, you seem to like reading. You looked really absorbed earlier in the library. – said the boy immediately in attempt to change the mood.

-Ah that. Yes I like reading but not like that. I’m not some weirdo that acts like a zombie once it touches a book. – chuckled uncomfortably the foreign girl. – It’s just that…this legend is so interesting that I have …kind of…became a maniac …about …it… - said Airin as she hang her head down to look at the way her fingers played one another and smiled lightly.

-So you like it that much. Why don’t you tell me everything about it? Like, why you’re so absorbed by the legend. – replied the idol with a warm smile.

-Well, it just seems so real. Oh wait, you don’t know about it. Ok, so this legend is about how the tree of life “died”. So there was this magical tree of life that no one knows from where it came. It didn’t need water or fat land to live. It was just there, living on its own, protecting the humans. It was also rumored that it had healing powers. Anyway the tree was placed at some mystical valley where humans could hardly reach and it was said that only the “pure” and “worthy” once could reach it and be blessed by the tree. BUT the evil forces started to arisen and in order for the tree to survive, it created 12 warriors from its core, each one possessing a mystical force. But they didn’t had faces, just mouths. They didn’t even had names so people couldn’t give sacrifices to them because people thought that they were gods. The guardians were peaceful and even wanted to communicate with the ones that were living on Earth so they learned the Ancient Language …

-What is this ancient language? – asked Taemin as he interrupted the “storyteller”.

-The ancient language is a language that the Grey Folks created and it was a language that was used by all living creatures on Earth. And somehow they managed to tie it down with magic. Also it was impossible to lie in this language because the words spoken in the language were unquestionably true. So you have to have more and more knowledge about the Ancient Language in order to obtain more magic and if needed, even thought I don’t like the thought, lie. It is also said that elves were master at saying one thing but meaning another. After it was used a non verbal spell that almost destroyed the kingdom, the Grey Folks banned the language. But elves revived it somehow and that’s why now it’s known more as the elven language. – explained Airin.

-I see. So far it sounds interesting, but what is it so real about this legend? It sounds pretty normal to me. – stated the idol.

-Because you interrupted me…. – replied the girl.

-Sorry. – smiled innocently the idol, starting to act cute in order to get away with being rude.

-Anyway, the 12 guardians were communicating with the ones that lived “on Earth” and were helping them. But they also had a strict code of the warrior that they were following strictly in order of people and the guardians themselves not to get overboard with the “helping”.

-I have a question. What was this “on Earth”? I don’t get it. – whined the idol.

-The tree was growing at a valley where hardly any human could place its foot. And considering its magical powers it was said that it “lived” in the sky and that the 12 guardians were gods that were guarding the tree of life and they too lived in the sky. But they actually lived on earth. – once again explained the girl.

-I see. Ok, please continue. – smiled Taemin as he seemed intrigued about the legend.

-As I was saying, they had a code that they were following strictly. BUT as they were living all happily and stuff, the dark forces were preparing to strike and destroy the tree of life. So as it was one really smart tree, it created 37 warriors that had enormous strength to help the guardians in the deadly fight.  I know what you are going to ask. No, it didn’t create 37 warriors in a day or a week. It took time. The guardians and warriors started to prepare for the huge battle.  The ones that possessed the power of the dragon and the phoenix were the leaders. Yes, yes you are going to ask now- why are there two leaders, a leader, it should be one. Well there were two leaders because they were great strategists but with different styles. The one that possessed the powers of the dragon was the one that preferred the slow and deep thinking and creating of planes, while the other one- the one possessing the power of the phoenix – he was thinking fast, when they are cornered and they need to regroup and some warrior stuff I’m not educated enough, he shows up and saves the day side by side with the other leader. So it’s two different ways of thinking combined to create the perfect leader. – smiled Airin and made a gesture with her hands to show how obvious it was.

-Wow, and then what? What happened with the bad guys? – asked all excitedly Taemin.

-Well the time came when the evil was at its peak and was the most strong at that time. It the tree of life with all its force, but the guardians and their warriors were there to fight with all their might and protect the tree of life. The two leaders led out the beasts that were in them – the dragon and the phoenix. The warriors were destroying the evil beings not carrying about how injured they’ll get as long as the tree will live, they were giving all they could and even went overboard their powers as they fought more than 8 evil creatures at ones. The guardians were using their mystical powers such as light, water, wind earth, thunder and at the same time were fighting furiously with the invaders. The battle was long. It is said that it continued 2 weeks…no retreats…fighting nonstop for 2 weeks…until… the dragon possessor left the lines of the  guardians, fighting furiously as if aimlessly… there were others that followed him…leaving the tree of life bad protected…the phoenix possessor tried his best to manage the defenses…but he too stepped all over the code they were supposed to follow…and so …each guardian broke at least one rule of the code…the code they created themselves … and so…evil and destroyed the tree of life… And all of the misfortunes, illness, despair and everything bad spread on Earth …among the humans…wars were started for no reason…killing …and …yeah…. - finished Airin with a sad voice and expression.

-But…why…They are the good guys… they should have won!! Did something happen after that? I bet they destroyed the evil and reunited and revived tree of life! – said the idol all disappointed with expectations for a happy end.

-After the death of the all 37 warriors…and most importantly the tree of life…the 12 guardians… fought each other…who was the one at fault for their failure…they were blaming one another and in the process they split into two…deciding that they deserve a punishment, the guardians took human forms and names and as they were split into two groups they headed toward different lands to live among humans…and suffer …just like the humans…because they were at fault for their misfortune and it was only right to suffer with the ones they “cursed”… and so they stayed away from each other…each and every one of them carrying the guilt of their failure and the death of the 37 warriors… each and every one of them suffering and living their own nightmare…- replied the girl with a sorrow note in her voice.

-But…that’s not a happy end…It’s a horrible ending… - said the now sad Taemin.

-That’s why I want to know more about this story…because it’s so real…the evil wins, the good is destroyed and nothing can be done…it’s just like the reality we are living in… - replied the foreign girl with stoned face and emotionless voice.

-Yeah…now that you put it that way…it does sound a bit real… - muttered the idol, that was still saddened because of the end of the story his companion was telling him.

-You know…I kind of think it’s real…because in the book I read today that had all this interesting information said that the time that this happened was recorded in history in a different way by the different cultures. For example the Greeks – the period of destruction of the tree of life is the same period when it was created the myth about Pandora’s Box. So… I do believe that in this legend there is at least a grain truth in it. – smiled Airin as she faced her companion.

-Yeah, I believe in that too…but if it was true…at least a little…they must have suffered a lot…-muttered Taemin, still feeling down because of the legend.

-Yeah…well…we have been standing in front of my apartment for more than 30 minutes…talking about legends. – laughed Airin.

-Ah, yeah. But it was so interesting. – smiled the idol.-Your mother is probably freaking out because it’s so late and you are still not at home. – continued the boy with a trace of worry in his tone.

-Yeah, worried, if she’s home to know that I’m not. – laughed the girl. At that time her phone rang and she froze on the spot. She took out the phone from her pocket and saw Eun Hye’s name. –Oh, it’s just my friend. – sighed the girl and picked it up, at the same time the door opened suddenly and revealed the figure of Airin’s furious mother. Her features softened when she saw Taemin.

-Um, Eun Hye now’s not the right time… - said Airin with a bit of worry in her voice- I’ll call you later. – and the girl hung up.

-Um, mom, this is Lee Taemin. He is my friend. – said the girl as she was introducing Taemin to her mother.

-Nice to meet you, Taemin-ssi. I am Airin’s mother, Kim Eun Gyeong. – Mrs. Kim introduced herself to the young idol as she stretched out her hand for a handshake.

-Nice to meet you madam, I am Lee Taemin. – Taemin gave a 90 degree bow and stay like that for a long time to show how respective he was.

-Oh now Taemin-goon, don’t act like that. Just call me noona. – smiled Airin’s mother.

-MOM! How many times have we talked about this!! Don’t flirt with people on my age! – Airin scolded her mother.

-I’m not flirting! I’m just being nice to my future son-in-low. – grinned the lady. As Taemin heard her words, his face reddened immediately at the thought.

-Mom, look what you did now! Taemin don’t listen to her. She is always blabbing weird things. – said the girl with a gentle voice. – Ah, that’s why I don’t want to introduce any of my friends to you! – whined Airin as she was facing now her mother. At the huge commotion that was happening, one phone rang.

-Oh it’s mine. –said the idol and after he took his phone out he talked with his hyungs about where he was and why hasn’t came back to their dorm. – Well they’ll pick me up. I’ll have to go now. I had a great time today, Airin-ssi. Hope we’ll meet soon, ok? – smiled warmly the idol as he was facing the girl he was talking to and lightly her hand as if hesitating if it will be ok to hold it or not. – Um, noona…thank you for not scolding Airin, it was my fault for being so late. Once again, I apologize. – bowed Taemin.

-It’s ok. I told you not to be so formal with me. From now on, think of me as your other mom. – winked miss…. to Taemin.

After saying goodbye and Airin had a talk with her mother about Taemin, the girl headed toward her room and after closing it and making sure her mother was not near, the girl took out her phone and dialed her friend.

-What was that earlier? – asked Eun Hye.

-Long story. – replied shortly Airin.

-What happened? – questioned Eun Hye.

-It is said that because tree of life was destroyed in a full moon, we can summon them once a full moon. – said immediately the foreigner.

-Anything else?

-Yes. It said that once there was an attempt to summon them, but because one of the summoners was greedy and wanted only power, the summoning failed. – explained the foreign girl. – What about the relics. Were the other two girls able to find them?

-Yes, don’t worry. They are coming back to Seoul after 2 days. We have 4 days till full moon. I guess we were lucky. – Eun Hye’s voice sounded victorious. - Once it’s full moon, we will finally summon them.

-Yes. – was all that Airin said and then hung up.

Airin was feeling uneasy about the idea with the summoning. She didn’t like the fact that she had to lie to everyone around her why she is so absorbed in this legend. It was true that she liked it, but not that much. The poor girl did not know what she was getting into. She didn’t know that she was running right into death’s hands. The death that was waiting for her impatiently with open hands, ready to emprise her any time and implicate her in its deadly game of life and death…




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dawnsun #1
Chapter 9: Thank you for the update. I'm glad Airin summoned the guardians before she became the victim of the shadow. Hopefully the leaders will take Jongin seriously. I want Taemin to have his chance with Airin .
Sarah265 #2
Chapter 9: Umm... srry but who is jung myeon is it joonmyeon n who is daugon?? Im just a little confused thr but overall its a nice story*thumbs up* great job :))
dawnsun #3
Chapter 8: Those were important details. Much appreciated. Thank you for the update.
Sarah265 #4
Chapter 8: Its ok i love the details it makes the story so nice... great job author keep it up
dawnsun #5
Chapter 7: What a fantastic update! I love the plot. It felt like I was watching a movie! So I guess your next update will be next year lol! Happy New year to you and your loved ones!!!
dawnsun #6
Chapter 6: Interesting story!! Can't wait for the next update!
Can't wait for the next chapter^^
Chapter 3: Wow so mysterious..yet so good. Love it. Update palli juseyo...
Chapter 1: Wow!! Such an amazing story. Hope you update it often^^
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