Prove It

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[A/N: No author's note needed because, 'nuff said, sit back and enjoy. (or not)]

"Are you or are you not dating Ji Hoon?" was Cho Min Seo's greeting to Ah Reum. It was a Sunday morning, and Ah Reum's dear "sister" happened to drop by her lush apartment. At least she had company.

"I suppose that is not the way to greet me?" Ah Reum answered and took a good look at Min Seo before letting her in. Weird, but her once-little-"sister" Min Seo was getting lovelier. She was eighteen or nineteen after all. Sure, her former neighbor may be a bit too boyish, but that exotic look could take her to places. Probably a trainee at SM? Possible. or Bighit? Or JYP?

"Maybe you should try auditioning for SM. You can sing. You are a great dancer." Ah Reum cannot help but say.

"SM? No offense, but your company is sht. I don't wanna sign a slave contract. Besides, most Koreans don't appreciate my exotic looks, so nope- hey! Why are you changing the topic? You answer my question, biatch!" 

Ah Reum simply laughed. By now, she had gotten to Min Seo's rough speech. Inside that tomboyish and ill-mannered exterior was a brilliant mind full of passion. She was Ah Reum's mini me.

"Are you gonna answer, or I'll ask Ji Hoon? We follow each other on ig, by the way. I can always ask." Min Seo smiled sheepishly.

The publicist fell silent. Finally. After years of admiring Ji Hoon from afar, he finally noticed. And finally, after years of pure hard work for SM and her animal shelter, things have been looking up for Ah Reum. She was no longer the woman who needed physical touch from any man who cared. Definitely, she was no longer the woman who fell for a man's honesty and masculinity. She was no longer the woman who was only for bed use.

She was finally a woman worthy of love.

"Ji Hoon and I are dating. Now sit down and eat your breakfast."

Min Seo scrunched up her nose. For a second, she looked down and hesistated to speak.  "What about the other guy? You know, The Other Guy. The Idol Guy. The More Handsome One. Fck this- what about Chanyeol?! Didn't you say that you were in love with him?" 

For the second time today, Ah Reum laughed. Ah, Chanyeol. Precious Chanyeol. In fact, Ah Reum rarely thought of Chanyeol these days. Just this week alone, he tried restarting the bed friend setup, but Ah Reum was a changed lady. In her busy life, there was no room for temporary things. She had Ji Hoon now. Chanyeol still had that jaw-dropping appeal, but the sad part was, Chanyeol only served as a memory now. It was the reality of life that often hit ordinary people...

Because reality was, no matter how good a person looked, it will only remain like that. Just the looks. Just the aesthetic. But the love? There was none left.

Four months without Chanyeol was enough for Ah Reum to realize that she never really fell hard for Chanyeol the same way she fell for Ji Hoon. She was glad she let go. Don't get her wrong; Chanyeol was an admirable person in so many ways, but that was all there is to him. He was not the man Ah Reum needed. 

Ah Reum zapped back to present mode and turned to face Min Seo. "I did like Chanyeol, but my feelings for him disappeared so quickly. It might have been temporary feelings." 

Min Seo seemed to turned a closed ear on her. "Orayt then. If that's what your choice is. Oh by the way, speaking of which, I can't go with you to Soo Man's party tonight. Huhu, you know that parties ain't my thing, right? Looks like you and Ji Hoon are solo tonight. Enjoy~"

Prove It by GOT7


Chanyeol had given up on Moon Ah Reum. He had every reason to do so, anyway. Number one, he was busy. With the collaboration with Far East Movement approaching realease, he barely had time for himself. Second, it was time for him to get over the fact that they were completely different people. Ah Reum was a refined, conservative woman who had aspirations while he was a wild, carefree guy who was the aspiration of thousands of fangirls all over the world. They were the perfect personifaction of tangent lines- lines that meet once and never again. They had their chance, and he blew it. Third, Im Ji Hoon. Enough said. When you are competing with a dream guy, there was zero chance. 

Now, Chanyeol was not the type to give up. Moreover, losing made him ballisitic, but look how maturity moved. At twenty three, he figured that defeat was an essential part of man. There was no escaping it.

So that was the plan. He had given up, and even if that meant seeing Ji Hoon with Ah Reum at Soo Man's birthday party, he was ready to absorb it. This was how real men dealt with life. Part of the plan was avoiding Ah Reum during the party, and so far, so good. They had not made eye contact. Part of the plan, however, was try his best not to think about Ah Reum.

Sad to say, Chanyeol miserably failed. How could he not think of her when she was almost always twenty feet away? How could he not look at her when she's looking so beautiful in that long maroon dress that made her milky white complexion shine? He might go crazy. Without her showing skin, how was it possible that Chanyeol was still attracted? It was impossible to take his eyes off her, lest to think about her. And please, do not even mention how snug Ji Hoon's hands fit the small of her back. 

In his rebellious mind, Chanyeol had already thrown a bucket full of ants to Ah Reum and Ji Hoon. In his mind, he had shouted, "There! Ants have gathered for the two of you. You two are disgustingly sweet, it irritates me!"

Then again, he maintained his composure and attempted not to look like an ugly, jealous, green bean by looking at the l

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Good to be back after three years :)


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SummerLuv #1
Chapter 49: Hello I'm late omg! But thanks for coming back to update this fanfic. & Congrats on your personal milestones :)

I've been a fan since Sehun's story and omg I seriously can't wait for this one. So glad I can grow up with you and your fic.

Keep it up! Xoxo

Btw thinking about giving Jihoon more slaps he deserves some more
Chapter 49: one slap is enough. leave him this instant.

i despise man who hurt his woman physically when he's angry 😠
Chapter 49: Yeayy.. Welcome back and congrats on everything dear author!! ^0^
Jihoon what the! He slapped her,, oh nooo Poor Ahreum ~T.T~ Yeah, he's showing his true color now,, that jerk aishh! Can't wait for next chap.. Yeol must be very mad if he knows Jerk Jihoon just hurt both physically and mentally his dearest ahreum..
I love your update, dear author.. thanks a lot~~ Have a wonderful day.. #flying smooches
Chapter 49: Wtf is wrong with Ji Hoon though.. what a jerk!!!
Chapter 49: Omg i DID NOT expected jihoon to slap her!!!!....he really is a jerk!!!...go ah reum you need better men than this !!!
AiiSoo #7
Chapter 49: Yes, Jihoon . I can’t agree more to that fact. Did he think that he did good by choosing Ah Reum instead of his ex? Didn’t he saw that Ah Reum barely cared that he was seeing his ex? What a self-entitled prick. If Ah Reum is meeting Chanyeol with her bruised cheek, I think hell will break lose. Jihoo will get it from him for sure.
Thank you for this update..!
Chapter 49: Omg, wait, wait, hold on. That chapter took a hell of a turn! I've always been team ChanReum right, and I'm glad Ah Reum confessed to Ji Hoon about the cheating..even if it was after being caught but anyway, what's shocking me is Ji Hoon!! I never liked him, never, not once, but wow I guess he's showing his true nature now? He really , before that too, he has no right to propose to Ah Reum after admitting he has been meeting up with his ex?? I don't care what he's saying about choosing Ah Reum over his ex when he was swayed to get back together with Heesun. There is no choosing if he really loved her, man, poor Ah Reum :( get your girl Chanyeol! Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 48: Welcome back! Congratulations on things that happened in the last 3 years!

Congratulations on everything! Lots of stuffs have happened over three years for sureeee