OOC /Crying.


PS: this is a waste of your time so don't bother reading, I just wanted a stress reliever


Well, I just came back from school … Crying. Because i got bullied today, AGAIN.

I’m used to getting bullied but today got WAY to far ;A; ..

Hers what happened. It was in Community lesson. Our teacher was playing the projector and we were all watching, He had some student from another school visiting us and they attuned out lesson, Anyways. As the projector was playing. I was just watching when suddenly i felt something cold running through my back. I got shocked and looked back to see a girl pulling my shirt from behind and another girl pouring water inside my shirt !!. I screamed and stood up. i yelled “WHAT THE HEEL ARE YOU DOING ?” and they just laughed. the teacher yelled at me and i tolled her i did nothing wrong but she kicked me out of class. and when the class ended. i got inside only to get poured with water, This time. The entire class splashed water on me. I was going to run out side but they grabbed me and kept pouring water. And opened my eyes and saw the colour purple. Then i noticed they were now pouring some Purple liquid. I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT WAS IT !. but i THINK it’s paint.  I tired to push them but they kept laughing. when they were done they all laughed at me. I started crying and ran out off the class and went home. 



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Omg those ____es get my nerves on!!! /huggles/ Be strong girl cause you're so much better than them! :')
/hugs you/ You gotta stand up for yourself, okay? Give them a piece of your mind and don't let what they do affect you. Bullies look for a reaction, so if you don't give them one, they're most probably going to leave you alone. Tell someone who cares, they will be there for you (especially family members or trusted teachers).

I wish my form teacher (What is it called in your country? Homeroom teacher? I'm from Singapore) is there to help you. She scared away a e once by glaring at him. I swear that's real. The whole cohort is afraid of her xD

Don't cave in to them, okay? Muster your courage and stand up for yourself. Bullying isn't, and never will be, right. I'm always free to lend a listening ear. :)
What the? People don't have a ____ing heart? This just make me so mad. Are you okay? Just keep your head up, be strong, because you are completely better than them <3
._. Oh hayul no.
Honestly, this is nAWT okay. If they're bullying you they want something you have or they're just plain old jealous. If you can, talk to your principle, parent, teacher(THAT ACTUALLY LISTENS), someone. That's not okay ;__;
I was like that first -.-
But since I've known how to fight back, it got better.
Don't care about them ok.
They have no life at all and I really wanna kick their asses for doing unnecessary things like these.
Like what the ____? Don't you report than to anyone? Do your parent know that? Asdfghjkl.
I'm seriously getting pissed at these kind of people >.<
Oh God.. Oh God..
I'm totally speechless now, okay i'm useless right now.
But, you should tell your parents about this. They'll protect you from those freakingbastardidiotsomepieceofcrap kids there. If i were there.. I'll punch them right in the face, and ____slapped them one by one.
I'm so sorry about this, but i keep praying for you. Be strong. :)
*bear hug*
What place in this world allows this? This is ____ing ridiculous. If they find entertainment in this, they might as well eat their own lives from a dumpster. I can't understand how people feel good about themselves after doing that. I wouldn't have stood for that and would have literally kicked their ____ing asses for you. Whether it would have been verbal or physical, I would have fought for you. This is ludicrous. I want to know what and where in such a world this happens. It's sickening to know society is more corrupted than what happens in these political affairs we have throughout the world.
If you went to my school you best believe thats a fight.
I would have left the school told my mom to either trasnfer me or im dropping out because seriously this is now students commit suicide and then later they feel guilty AFTER the person dies no bull____ if i went to your school i would've took your side.
And the teacher should get fired for that you can file a report on the teacher and send it to the principle or the DOE
SC_Seorin #9
... Words cannot describe how pissed off I am right now...
What kind of teacher is that?! What kind of students are those?!
That is the stupidest... most asinine... AUGH!
I can't even... *mentally shrieks*

I'm so, so sorry for all that happened to you! I wish I could make it better, but I'm pretty sure I can't do anything... which makes me mad...
*give hugs and chocolates*
SC_CLchaerin #10
*hugs you*
Woaaaaaaaah! I wann be at your school and kill them. >:O
I mean what the ____ do they think they are? I'm soooo agry right now! I hate these people! These ____ing *************!!!!!!!!
*pats your back*
Don't cry...talk to...I don't somebody that can help you!
Okay? Just don't cry.
O.O Oh my god.. /hugs you/ it's stupid of me if i still ask are you okay ;( uh why they do that to you??? /pats your back/