We're someone rich!

An undreamy dream

Chapter 11 – We’re someone rich!


All the people dressed up in black and white costumes bowed to us when they passed by us.




“Maids? Butlers? Where are we?!” Jonghyun exclaimed, his eyes as wide as saucers.


Oh, so they’re maids and butlers…


I thought there was a funeral going on or something.


“Ooo!! I always want to live like this!!” Key said excitedly.


“Watch this. Hey, I want a steak right now!” Onew commanded to a nearby maid who was sweeping the expensive furniture.


The maid nodded and immediately hurried somewhere.


Not a few seconds later, another maid appeared with a covered silver plate.


She opened the cover and the nice smell of steak wafted into the atmosphere.


“See? They’ll listen to us!” Onew said as he devoured the steak happily.


The twins grinned happily.


“WOW! So that means we’re rich?!” Youngmin said with excited twinkles in his eyes.


“That’s so cool!” Kwangmin followed up his twin.


“Oh? It seems that we have visitors?” a voice echoed through the spacious room.


Huh? There’s someone else than us?


“Youngmin? Kwangmin?!” the voice chimed.


A brunette ran down the marble tiled stairs with a delighted broad smile.






“Twins!! Where have you been?” Minwoo gave them each a hug.


“SHINee sunbaes? Why are they here too? And a girl…?” Minwoo turned to look at all of us, then at the twins as if asking for an explanation.


The twins just sighed.


“Long story…” they said simultaneously with a nonchalant tone, as if they had been repeating the same sentence for their past lives.


“How come you’re all dressed so weirdly?” Minwoo chuckled.


He pointed at SHINee, “Animal suits?”


SHINee laughed awkwardly.


Okay, maybe wearing animal suits when meeting their youngers is not a really good idea. :\


“We also absolutely had no idea why we ended up wearing this.” Minho said defensively.


“And you… A night dress?” Minwoo asked me.


“Yeah… umm… I was sleeping when I woke up at somewhere else.” I explained briefly.


I hate story telling.


Minwoo oh-ed.


“I like noona! You’re very cute, like me!” Minwoo exclaimed.




I just smiled meekly, don’t know what reaction I should give.


“Hey, I said I like noona first!” Taemin protested, but no one seemed to notice.


“Minwoo! You’re scaring her!” Youngmin hissed to him.


Minwoo chuckled then turned to the twins.


“Then both of you? Why simple shorts and T-shirts?” Minwoo questioned.


“Umm… Watching movies and got somehow transported to candy world.” Youngmin said.


“Ohh~ You guys have to seriously change. It’s a bit… umm… weird for you to wear like that… Come on! Follow me!” Minwoo said as he gestured us to follow him.


“Wait! Aren’t you going to explain to us how you ended up being in this… this… palace?” Kwangmin asked.


“Well, we also got somehow transported a few hours ago… I don’t know~ We were getting ready to go for an annual dinner in our dorm, and yes, without you twins as you were missing yesterday. Me and the rest of Boyfriend were just taking a short nap before attending then ZAP! We’re here!” Minwoo said, a bit too excited.


I would have freaked out if that happened to me.


Well, it already did.


“So do you guys want to change? Or do you prefer the clothes you’re wearing?” Minwoo asked.


All of us immediately followed Minwoo.


NO WAY I am going to walk around wearing a night gown.


I feel so under-dressed…


Well, maybe it was worse for SHINee…


I mean, animal suits?




“Well, where are the others? I mean your group members?” Onew asked, out of curiousity.


“Oh? They’re together somewhere in the main room. You’ll be seeing them later after you changed.” Minwoo said.


“It’s good to be together again, isn’t it?” Minwoo mentioned, most probably to the twins.


They sighed, but it didn’t seem too weary.


“Master, do you need help with your guests?” a random butler walked up to us and asked Minwoo.


“Oh? Oh, umm, yes! Err, get them changed into proper outfits and bring them to the main room afterwards.” Minwoo ordered.


That sounded really cool…


I mean like, a sixteen year-old boy ordering an old man around?


“Very well, master. Come on, follow me.” The butler gestured us to follow him.


“Do you know what that is all about?” Youngmin whispered to Minwoo.


“Nope… But I’ll just play along since I’m here~” Minwoo replied cheekily.


We were each put in separate rooms to change upstairs.


The first thought that came into my mind when I went in the room is: OMG…


I had to admit, I’ll never get a room like this in my entire life.




Wardrobes and windows that touched the high ceilings, velvet curtains, big soft bed, and lots of other expensive furniture.


I drew open the curtains and saw the bright morning sun spread its rays into the spacious room.


I still felt like I’m in a fairy tale.


I slide open the wardrobe doors and was shocked to see all the clothes inside.




Ranging from chic, stylish, gothic, punk, to old fashion 90s diva clothing, the choices of clothes were almost infinite.


After almost half an hour of quick browsing the clothes, I finally chose my outfit.




Okay, maybe that wasn’t the best of the best I found, but I just decide to wear this since I was a tad too lazy to dress myself up after going through a lot.


I took a quick shower to refresh myself before slipping into the dress I chose.


I made my hair with all the tools available.


Since I had quite short hair, there wasn’t much I could do with it anyway.


I stuck a few Velcro-adhesive clips onto my hair.


That way, they won’t think I’m some miserable freak that can’t dress up herself.


I turned to an open-closet that displays all the shoes that were probably a ladies dream.


Since I felt like I’ve been here for way too long, I simply chose a white pair of strappy stilettos to go with my dress.




Not even sparing the time to have a sneak at the large mirror, I rushed outside to meet with the others.


They were all out already, unfortunately.


And they seemed like they had been waiting for a long time. :\


“Ah, there’s the miss. Okay, we’ll now head to the main room.” The butler said as we all head downstairs.



At the main room…


“Masters, these are the guests.” The butler informed the ones who were in the room before we came in.


I’m giving a guess that it’s the rest of Boyfriend that I haven’t met yet.


“Oh? Okay, show them in~” someone said from in the room.


The butler opened the door for us and we went inside.




“Hi!” the five Boyfriend members greeted us.


“Hi~” we replied.


“We’re SHINee, and this is Park Jeo Lynn!” Onew represented all of us for our introduction.


“Nice to meet you all! It’s such a pleasure to meet with our sunbaes, isn’t it?” Donghyun said with a welcoming smile.


SHINee grinned, as they eyed each other.


It’s good to be famous!


“We really love your songs! And your voice is amazing, Jonghyun hyung!” Jeongmin exclaimed.


I could almost feel the “I am great” aura radiating from Jonghyun as a bright smile glowed on his face.


Hyunseong started singing “Love like oxygen” while doing a comedic dance that made everyone laugh.


“Just ignore him~ Hyung could be quite a clown sometimes~” Youngmin hissed to SHINee.


“I can hear you!” Hyunseong gritted, and then went in a corner to sulk.


“So this is my noona, Park Jeo Lynn! Say hi to my noona!” Minwoo said as he grabbed me in front.


Umm… okay?


Since when was I his noona?


“NO she isn’t your noona! She’s our noona!” the twins protested as they pulled me aside.


“Guys! Behave!” Donghyun barked as he shot them with his super scary laser eyes.


All three of them retreated like they were puppies that were scolded by their masters.


Donghyun gave a satisfied grin.


“Don’t worry, it happens always. Minwoo must probably be high on sugar again.” Jeongmin told me.


“HEY! I’m not!!” Minwoo pouted.


“Denial is not the best way to prove that you’re innocent…” Kwangmin said in a sing-song tone.


“Yeah! We seriously have to tell the maids to stop taking Minwoo sweets or else he’ll go all hyper again!” Jeongmin said with a slight shudder.


“Well, I did tell the maids to stop.” Hyunseong said thoughtfully.


“He must have somehow used his power aegyo to convince the maids.” Donghyun sighed.


“Yeah, something like, ‘Okay, but shush! Don’t tell your hyungs! I’ll get a candy or two for you~’” Youngmin imitated the maids using a high tone.


All of us doubled in laughter.


"Dongsaengs are dongsaengs~" Onew sighed as he eyed Taemin, who in response sulked.


“Well, since we’re all here, why don’t we have a game of truth or dare?” Key said.


I could almost sense the evil in his voice.


“I don’t care. As long as the dare’s not too harsh, I’m in~” Minho nonchalantly replied.


“OOH! I love truth or dare!!” Jonghyun chimed as he rubbed his palms together.




This is not good.

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i'll forgive you<br />
IF you give me that puppy in the photo!!!<br />
>.<<br />
jokes! :P<br />
update soon!!!
Aigoo~ I thought you were gone !! -kidding-<br />
I miss this fanfics so much ><<br />
btw, Its okay :)<br />
Take as many time as you want, just don't forget to update soon ! XD<br />
i just subscribe!!! now where's my new chapter ??? i freaking love this story,, pls?? LOL
pls update soon :)
Please update soon.... xD don't forget to update all of your fanfics if you can... ^^
I seriously can stop laughing! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ!
yoshiruxbubbletea #7
Thanks for staying with me throughout my story... again!! >v< <3 <3
Woah ~ at first I read the title chapter 'Home sweet home' I thought they went back to their own world , then I read until the finished chapter. I can't stop laughing xDD Update soon ! ^^V
TSUNAMI?!?!?! SAVE YOURSELF! geez. Update soOn~!