Eight Pt 2

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"Hello? Hello? Does this thing really work?" Seulgi shook the walkie-talkie in her hand and Krystal has to roll her eyes: "Yes it does stupid, give it to me before you'll lose it. It's our line to Seohyun."


"But we have our phones and gps too? Why-" Seulgi whined.
"You'll lose it, give it to me. Stop acting like a baby." Krystal glared.


"You know you could've landed that helicopter nearer to their location, so we don't have to walk far."
"So that the enemies can spot us and blow that thing up? No, thanks!"


"I wonder how your sis is holding up, she wore heels with that dress."
"She's riding a hoverboard. Don't ask me why."


Seulgi chewed her bottom lip as they have to go through this village before they could arrive at their destination, where her girlfriend Bae Irene and the rest of Red Velvet are.




Taeyeon scrutinized the girls' faces and hair as they all stood infront of her and let out an enormous laugh: "Is this North Korea's pride? Their girl group? What kind of joke is this? Hahahahahahahaha! Ooomph!"


"Hey, please have some respect over the girls. Don't be too offensive." Joy covered Taeyeon's mouth and the latter just flailed helplessly knowing she have no strength over the younger girl.


"How are we supposed to teach them?" Irene furrowed her brows as she couldn't think of dances other than her own group's choreography.

"That was a very ridiculous request, we can't just teach them overnight. Are we even going to get out of this place alive?" Wendy worriedly asks.


"Unnie unnie, let go of Taeyeon, she's turning blue, she can't breathe anymore." Yeri has to nudge Joy because of the girl's strong grip over Taeyeon.

"Oh sorry I haven't noticed."




Krystal and Seulgi saw that the village they've walked into seemed abandoned and too quiet, they passed by empty streets with the houses all closed. Krystal happened to look at her reflection and shrieked in surprise: "What have you done to my face? You put dirt in it!"


"Same as mine? Rambo concept, Rambo.."


"Rambo. You stupid!" Krystal lightly slapped Seulgi's shoulder while wiping the camouflage stripes on her face.


Just on cue with Krystal's shriek, the bunch of villagers came out of their houses with weapons and the two slowly backed away in surprise.


"Well, it seems, we are screwed." Seulgi mumbled.
"Of course they would feel threatened you stupid, look at what we are wearing plus this face paint." Krystal gritted her teeth.

"I did not know we would still pass a damn village." Seulgi muttered.
"Always clueless. Always stupid."


Then one man, it seems the leader of the village screamed: "Intruders! Attack them!" and the swarm of villagers ran towards the two ready to aim for their heads with their pots, pans and knives.


", , . Hey Seulgi you have your phone with you right?"
Seulgi searched for her pockets: "Yeah, why?"

"Good, let's split. Meet you at the building."
"How can you find me?" Seulgi panicked.

"I can find you. I'll always have ways of finding you." Krystal scrunched her nose as she fled at the opposite direction.



"Awesome. Yeah just leave me here. Hey noobs! Chaaaaaaseeee meeeeee! Ehehehe!" Seulgi shouted as she ran backwards still smiling at the villagers: "Is that the fastest you can run? And they call me slow! Ehehehe! Chase meeee!" 




Jessica stepped away from the damn hoverboard, why did she choose to wear heels for some stupid reason, it's not like, she's tryna impress her ex or something. Like this tight red dress ain't enough of a statement. Tch, her sis and Seulgi should be here any moment from now, not like Jessica has tried to cheat by teleporting on cue, it's just too tiring to run, or walk... Even riding that damn hoverboard.

She searched the damn hallways for guards but found none. Where would they hide the Red Velvet members and where is that damn midget?




Seulgi huffs and clutches her heart as she hurriedly entered an abandoned museum: "I forgot that I am a human now, so much for challenging them to run faster, they really did. Now I need some change of clothes."


She looks around the museum as she dials the phone: "Krystal, are you okay? What's that noise?"


"Oh nothing, just looking around for clothes and found something interesting. How about you?"
"Same. Hey you sound chill." Seulgi said in between panting.
"I am chill." Krystal replied.
"Have you not been chased by villagers?"
"I was."
"Then how come you don't sound tired?"

"Seulgi, have you forgotten?"
"I can run faster than you." Krystal laughs.


Seulgi almost sulked at the thought but she remembered one thing: "Hey Krystal.."
"Don't kill anyone, okay?"
"That's.. no... fun..." Krystal squinted through the set of clothes she spotted and smiled.

"Okay immobilize them but no killing!"

Seulgi ended the call and searched for clothes when she heard an animal noise.




Taeyeon silently watches Red Velvet as they tried but failed teaching the North Korean girl group in dancing: “Don't they have their own trainers to do that for them? Ah this is a waste of time. I should be doing something instead."


"Why are you here anyway? If we knew you are the one who orches

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
hope u doing great and please come back soon 🤍
447 streak #2
Chapter 16: Dentist tzuyu lmao 😂
447 streak #3
Chapter 1: Aww what a cute dumb baby be-- i mean, legendary majestic vampire
Kylie_123 #4
Where na u author???
Chapter 16: Update please~
1072 streak #6
Chapter 16: this fic is soo good!!!!><
nakakamiss tong fic na to hahays hahaha
Eyyyzon #8
Chapter 16: This was a good story. Too bad it hasn't been updated for almost three years