Angel Academy - AA


This fanfic was brought to you from my 14 year old self, when I figured out I had written a fanfic, three years ago. Enjoy though, I've just posted all 9 chapters that were written, it will be either a success or a disaster and will never be finished, you decide!

ACTUAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PLOT: You got tired of studying in all-girls school, instead you transferred to Angel Academy, an all-boys school, where you met with 12 different, but extremely handsome men. You connect with each one in a different way, but whose heart will you be breaking? 


So I wrote this fanfiction years ago. I've posted it before on a page in facebook that I've been administrating, but it's a long time ago. I thought I should put it here for fun.

UPDATE: Okay, so I just read through the whole thing myself, and apparently I had a huge crush on a lot of groups, so it's no longer just an EXO fanfic, hahaha..


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OMG Thanks x333
Please updateeeeeeee >w<!!