getting to know more about him.

Superstar Love

minho walked seri home and before entered the house gate minho pulled seri towards him and kiss her on the lips under the full moon that night.the next day seri could not stop smilling and humming minhos songs and also she kept smirking when she was eating her breakfast.and her mom wondered what happened last night that made her so happy today?

"eomma i would be going to work now.bye i love you."seri hugged her mom.

"okay take care of yourself."said mrs park and kissing seri's forehead.

At work while seri was typing on the computer and doing her job suddenly she remembered what happened last night and could not stop thinking about it and whenever she switched on her handphone she could see her charming and cute boyfriend staring at her. seri suddenly missed minho and decided to give him a text.

"hello yeobo how are you doing?i am fine and i miss you so much even though we just met last night."seri texted minho

minho got the text and he read it "well sweetie i am doing fine and i miss you too and i hope we can meet soon because currently i have a busy schedule and i am not sosure when i am free but when i am i would text you or give you a call okay my sweetie?"replied minho

"nuna neomu yeppo micho replay replay replay,oh that must be from minho."seri heard her sms tone and checked it.

"yes it is from my yeobo minho.okay yeobo sure see you soon bye i have to get back to work."seri replied minho

from then on minho would try every weekend to fly over korea or ask her to go to whereever he is and meet up with him for a date or just hang out with the crew.they sure had a lot of fun and seri started to treat minho's crew lie her family and always made jokes and have fun with them since she is minho's girlfriend and she is being loved by everyone .everyone seems to like her she is friendly and kind and very ladylike and they agree to minho and seri's repationship.each of their parents don't know they are dating each other. they still have not told them about their relationship ever since they stsarted dating. so one day during june minho decided to spend a so called summer holiday with seri at california since thats where he originally lived after he moved to america.minho was actually having a break from his schedules and decided since seri is also free to go overseas and meet him so that he can introduce seri to his mom mrs choi.

when seri arrived at the airport minho picked her up and they went straight to his house in california. the road to minho's house was a long road and seri looked out the window and she was fascinated by the beautiful beaches in california and the shining and radiant sun.when they arrived at his house as seri entered out of the car they were greated by two people who were called his personal maids well seri had three at her house but minho's house looked so grand even bigger than seri's and its structure looked so modern and it had glass windows and a big swimming pool.

when they entered minho told seri to settle down and sit down at the the sofa at the living room.while minho called his mum upstairs ,his mum knew he was bringing over his gilfriend today and while waiting seri looked around the living room.

"WAH!!! this house looks so nice and grand."while looking around with her big eyes.

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Chapter 17: I love the storyline but like not so much drama Hhehe. Keep up the good work!
Shiningshawol91 #2
Chapter 17: the story was so cute!!! but I felt like maybe it was kind of rushed? there wasn't really any drama
minshinee #3
its ohk
Jazzign #4
Hey, you've finally started. I might make a few changes here and there, if you don't mind. ;)