Nae Chingu

I Want To Die For You


“Hyunnie has her Jung Yong Hwa-ssi and Taengoo has her Lee Hong Ki-ssi, only I’m alone. Haizzz… Never mind, who say that single must be sad? Being single also has a lot of fun and I still have my friend like Min Hyukkie, yes that’s right, I can call Min Hyukkie out to accompany me when I felt alone.” Sunny thought to herself but suddenly she remembered something important.

“How could I forget that Min Hyukkie will fly to Canada soon, so who’s gonna accompany me next time? Jessica? No, she also needs to accompany her boyfriend. Hyomin? No, she needs to take care of her family. Looks like everyone have their own business to busy on, no one gonna accompany me like Min Hyukkie did, no one will. Haizzz……” Sunny continued to think.

“If Min Hyukkie disappears from my life, I’ll surely get myself lost. He’s always the one who guide me and back me up whenever I got lost and did something wrong. Who else gonna help me like he would? If only Min Hyukkie will change his mind and continue to stay in Seoul, I’ll be the happiest person in Seoul, hihi… but I know this is not gonna happen.” The more Sunny thought about Min Hyuk, the more sadder she got.

“Sunny-ah, what are you doing inside? Sunny, what happen? Why are you crying?” Tae Yeon came back from her date with Hong Ki and noticed that Sunny was alone in their house so she decided to greet her but she noticed that Sunny was crying alone in her room.

“Nothing, I just think about being alone because you and Hyunnie have your own date, leaving me behind, then I thought that I could find Min Hyukkie the next time I felt alone. But after I realised that Min Hyukkie is going to left Korea and fly to Canada, I realised that I don’t have any more friend that I can find when I feel alone because they also have their own business. Now only I realise that Min Hyukkie really took a significant place in my life but he is going to leave me. The more I thought about it, the sadder I got and I didn’t notice that I was crying until you call me.” Sunny wiped out her tears and told everything in her mind to Tae Yeon.

“Sunny, tell me, do you like Min Hyuk-ssi? I mean the likes in boys and girl, not the like in brother and sister.” Tae Yeon seriously asked.

“Of course not, I always took Min Hyukkie as my dongsaeng, how could I like him…… right?” Sunny denied strongly at first but she turned soft and showing some unsure in her answer at the end.

“Lee Sun Kyu, you really need to think about this really deep and come out with a sure answer soon. You better do it before Min Hyuk-ssi fly to Canada. If your answer is still no, then you should tell Min Hyuk-ssi straight, don’t let him waited you alone, but if your final answer is yes, then you should take your available chance to tell him, or you will regret of it in the future.” Tae Yeon patted Sunny’s back slowly, to give her support.

“… Arasso. How is your date today? You still didn’t give answer to Hong Ki-ssi yet?” Sunny change the topic.

“Not yet. I don’t know if it’s right to start now, there are so much that we don’t know about each other. I guess I need more time.” Tae Yeon let out a deep sigh when she thought about her relationship with Hong Ki.

“Taengoo, if you really like him, you should not make him wait for any longer. Don’t wait until he lost interest in you, only then you feel regret of your decision now; just like what you say to me just now.” Sunny also gave her support to Tae Yeon.



 “Because I am longing for you; I call you and call you by myself every day; missing you… I’m missing you” Yong Hwa’s phone was ringing. He took it up and found out that the caller number was unknown.

“Annyeonghaseyo, who’s calling?” Yong Hwa greeted the caller.

“Nae chingu, do you still remember me?” The caller answered with weird voice.

“You… is it you?” Yong Hwa was shocked to hear from the caller. He never had thought to receive a call from the caller.

“Of course it’s me, who else? Nae chingu, how are you?” The caller continued to use his low and scary tone.

“Where are you right now? Why are you calling me now?” Yong Hwa knew the caller must have a reason to call him in sudden.

“I’m in somewhere near you cause I want to see my chingu closely and clearly. Hahaha… Chingu-ah, your girlfriend is so beautiful, like an angle.” The caller made a creepy laugh in the phone. Yong Hwa was shocked as he heard the answer and he quickly got up from his seat and look around, to look for any familiar figure nearby.

“Yong Hwa-ssi, what’s wrong?” Seo Hyun was clueless looking on Yong Hwa’s weird act. Actually today, the two agreed to meet up to talk about the problem between them. This was the first time they met after that night because Seo Hyun was always hiding away from Yong Hwa, and so did Yong Hwa. They knew that they have to solve their problem soon because they had to see each other a lot in the future because of cases. They did not want this to affect their work anymore, so they promised to meet up today but before they could talk about their problem, Yong Hwa already received the call.

“Yah, where are you actually? Don’t hiding like a mouse; just come out to me, face to face, if you really want to meet me.” Yong Hwa got nervous as he could not see any familiar figure around him but actually he was scared that the caller might hurt the girl in front of him, Seo Hyun. He knew the meaning behind the comment made by the caller about her and he did not hope to see anything bad happened on her.

“Yes, I’m coward like mouse but don’t you know that girls scare of mouse a lot? Haha… Chingu-ah, you don’t know how much I hope to greet your girlfriend face to face but I can’t do it now. Maybe someday I should do it after I prepared a big present for her. Hahaha…” The caller continued to threaten Yong Hwa.

“Yah, don’t you dare to hurt her at all, no, don’t touch her at all or I’ll make you pay for it. Yah! Lee Jong Hyun! Do you hear what I say? Lee Jong Hyun!” Yong Hwa shouted at the phone but the other side of the phone was already hung up.

“Yong Hwa-ssi, what’s happening? Who call you?” Seo Hyun knew something bad happened from Yong Hwa’s act but she did not know what was really happened.

“Nothing happened. Seo Hyun-ssi, let’s go somewhere else.” Yong Hwa cooled himself and suggested to change place.

“Okay.” Seo Hyun agreed as she knew Yong Hwa must have reason to do so.

Meanwhile, in a building opposite the café where Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun met, one man sitting by the window with a binocular was laughing out his lungs as he saw how nervous Yong Hwa was.

“Nae chingu, you have become so week after you have meet this girl. You really disappointed me. Never mind, I will make you brave as before again, after I make this girl disappear.” The man shook his head as he watched the leaving two persons.


“Yong Hwa-ssi, can you tell me now that what happened just now? Who is that Lee Jong Hyun and why are you become so nervous after you receive the call from that Lee Jong Hyun?” Seo Hyun asked again in the car.

“Nothing happen. Seo Hyun-ssi, I think we better don’t meet up again. I… I… I don’t want to see you again.” Yong Hwa thought that the only way he could protect Seo Hyun was by cutting off all connection with her, so that Jong Hyun will not get her and hurt her.

“…Alright, because I also going to tell you this just now, now you say it by yourself, so this is it.” Seo Hyun coolly answered. Yong Hwa felt that his heart is beating hardly inside his body until he could felt the terrible pain from inside but he knew he had to face it if he wanted to protect her. After all, it was his fault to get interest with Seo Hyun first and cause her on the possible danger. He knew from the start that Jong Hyun would come after him one day and he might hurt everyone surround him, his friends and his family. That’s why he acted coolly at first, but his lost his control when he met this group of friends.

“Okay, I will send you home for the last time.” Yong Hwa said as he controlled his pain.

“No need, just let me off somewhere nearby. I’m going for a shopping.” Seo Hyun rejected.

“Please let me send you home, I need to see you safety on your eonni’s hand. And please don’t go out alone in these few weeks; ask your eonni or other friend to accompany you every time you go out, araji?” Yong Hwa still worried about Seo Hyun safety.

“You have no right to order me. I’ll take care of myself.” Seo Hyun rejected again.

“Seo Hyun-ssi, please don’t be so stubborn. This is all for your safety.” Yong Hwa requested again.

“Yes, I’m very stubborn, so don’t need to waste your time to persuade me anymore.” Seo Hyun strongly rejected again. She knew that Yong Hwa was worried about her safety and he was doing all this because he wanted to protect her. She could read everything on Yong Hwa’s face and move so she acted up a tough side of her to assure him that she would be good even she was alone, she did not want Yong Hwa to worry about her anymore.

“Arasso, I won’t say any more.” Yong Hwa knew that Seo Hyun was strong, so he gave up on fighting more.”


“Please don’t do this to me! I will give you everything I got, money, jewellery and everything, just please don’t hurt me!” A girl crawling on the ground, shouting out loud.

“I just want you and don’t worry; I will not hurt you if you didn’t fight back. I promise you that I will make you happier. Haha…” A masked guy following from behind.

“Please let me go! I won’t tell anyone about this if you let me go, please!” the girl continued to brag the guy.

“Alright, I will let you go…” The guy finally ‘gave up’.

“Really? Thank you, thank you…” The girl was happy that she was finally safe.

“Really… but after I got you, haha…” The guy smirked and jumped on top of the girl.

“NOO!!!” the girl was so scared and she knew that her hope was all gone. The only thing she could do now is to shout.

“Don’t cry babe, you are more beautiful when you are smiling, so please smile for me like you always did for me in office. Smile!!” The guy forcefully controlled the girl under him and ordered her.

“You… you… is you?” The girl could not believe her eyes as the guy pull off his mask. She could not believe that the person she always thought that he was nice was the guy who was sitting on top of her now and destroy all her hope.

“You always lure me in the office and now I’m just doing what you always hoped before, so why must you be so scared off? Smile now!!!” The guy continued to order.

“I… I never did that in front of you. You’re imagined everything by yourself.” The girl was having a hard time to talk because the weight of the guy on her stomach was too much for her and she could not breathe normally.

“Come on babe, there’s no one here so don’t be shy.” The guy took his next step.

“NO!!!” the girl shouted out loud for last time.

“Hehe, you will be with me forever after this. Let’s go home now, or my first wife will get angry on you. But don’t worry so much because my second wife, third wife and fourth wife are all very good person.” The guy pulled the girl up and walked her toward a car.


“We finally can have a peaceful week, no case at all, hihi…” Hara excitedly stood up from her chair. It had been about a week already after Park Jae Ryun was finally confess about the whole story, how he plan to kill Kim Sung Min-ssi and how he framed Hong Ki, and got sentence for a life-time jail. But what he did not knew about was he saved Hong Ki’s life that night, if not Hong Ki would be dead right now because Kim Sung Min-ssi already hired a killer to kill Hong Ki. Although Kim Sung Min-ssi said that he would let go of the Vice President’s place but that was just an act, he lied to ‘Hong Ki’. Besides that, Mr Kim also decided not to charge Tae Yeon this time but he gave her a last warning this time.

“Don’t be so happy yet, the week is not finish yet.” Shin Dong pushed Hara down to her sit again.

“Humh! Kyu Hyun oppa, can I go now?” Hara glazed Shin Dong a moment before she turn to Kyu Hyun.

“Yes, you can.” Kyu Hyun smiley replied.

“Kamsahanibda oppa…” Hara started to pack her belonging but Mr Kim came in on time to stop her.

“Hara, you can’t go yet…” Mr Kim stopped her.

“But…” Hara tried to fight back.

“No but. Just now I just received a call from Gimpo police that someone had reported missing since two days ago and her last seem was in Seoul, so Gimpo police want us to cooperate with them to find the missing person. They will search in their area and we will search ours. Here is the detail and photo of the missing person, her name is Kang Min Yoong, 25 years old, daughter of the Kang’s Electronic Company’s President.” Mr Kim explained as he past the file contain the detail of the victim to his mans. “Everyone got prepare in a minute and I’ll meet you in the parking lots.” Mr Kim continued.

“Shin Dong oppa, it’s all your bad mouth. I already promised my friends that I’ll meet them today but now… you should be responsible for all this.” Hara forcefully hit on Shin Dong’s right arm.

“How would I know that I’m so accurate in predicting this? All right I’ll take responsibility for this; just say it how you want me to pay-back.” Shin Dong patted his chest confidently.

 “Alright, I’ll tell you after this. Let’s go!” Hara leaded the group out of their office.

“Hyung, gwaenchanayo? This few days you look so lost, anything bad happened?” Jung Shin asked in their way to car park.

“Gwaenchana.” Yong Hwa gave him a short answer. Actually these days, he was thinking about the sudden call from Jong Hyun and Seo Hyun’s safety. Just now when Mr Kim passed the profile of the missing victim, Yong Hwa was afraid that the profile he received one day was Seo Hyun, that’s why he face was all pale.

“Yong Hwa-ssi, if you are not feeling well, you can skip this. I will tell Mr Kim that you are sick.” Kyu Hyun suddenly said as he happened to overhear the short conversation between Yong Hwa and Jung Shin.

“Yong Hwa oppa is sick? Where are you feeling not well?” Hara quickly turned her head back facing Yong Hwa, Jung Shin and Kyu Hyun as she heard the comment from Kyu Hyun.

“Ani, Kyu Hyun is just saying that. I’m alright.” Yong Hwa quickly explained.

“Kyu Hyun oppa, you shouldn’t have say that if it is not the real. You just scared me off, you know?” Hara scolded Kyu Hyun.

“Mianhae, Hara-ah. I’ll be more careful next time.” Kyu Hyun smiley apologised to Hara.

“Alright then, let’s go now. Kim halabeoji is waiting for us.” Hara said it in low voice. Kim halabeoji was the nickname given by Hara to Mr Kim.



A/N: Hello, what do you think about this chapter. Yong Hwa's old friend identity was finally revealed. I'm sorry to Jong Hyun's fans that i didn't mean to make their idol in this way but i can't think off other person, he the first person i could thought of to fit in this character. Sorry again.

One case ended and another case start, how would the team solve this case? and what will happen between Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun when they are cracking the case. Gidaeida...

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I like this story with the detective style.. Hehhee
But The interaction between SeoKyu is so less :(
Sis,can u write a fanfic that has Jiyeon and Jungshin as lead role for me?:D
EvilMaknae-ah #3
당신의 사랑 이야기다.
This is my first fanfiction I ever read and I'm in love instantly..! What I love are
They still like theirself (cool, nice, caring Yong Hwa and innocent, pure Seohyun) with a brand new refreshing story (beside their loveable story at WGM). You successfully put yongseo into the story with the best way And also I'm so amazed with how you could write the cases they're not boring at all..

Hoping your another great FF is on the line zack ! I'm soooo craving for it ;)
Nice ff and i like minsun couple , their so cute..
hannahcao89 #6
aaaaaaa, miss you zack~~~ re run your story now kekeke....a habit is so hard to give up T_T<br />
come back soon dear! I'm waiting.<br />
zack_89 #7
@Bluelovespring, @wee_dee, @nnazihah, @tthnguyen: thank you for the comment and glad that you like it. ^^
tthnguyen #8
Nice story!!! *thumbs up* <br />
I only finished the story today cuz I was capped so yeah.. hihihihihi
Awesome story!! Love the ending. ❤❤
zack_89 #10
@hannahcao89: Thank you for the long comment. I'll start writing a new story if my schedule is not that pack after my school start and I am thinking to post it here again because I miss all readers here and miss your long comment too. So, take care of yourself too and make sure be there when my new story is up(hopefully I can make it!!!) :)<br />
<br />
@zybeel: Thank you for your comment. Glad that you like it. :)