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I Want To Die For You


“What are you two thinking you’re doing??!! I don’t care what your relationship with each other and how you operate but if you going to affect the job, I must meddle in! Hara-ssi, I want to hear your explanation!” Mr Kim angrily shouted at his follower.

“Mr Kim, it is my fault, not Hara-ssi. The citizen didn’t take the whole process and that caused this misunderstanding. I lied at Hara-ssi at first hand, that’s why she got angry and burst out those words at me and citizen only took that part. It’s all my fault, if you want someone to take responsibility on this, I’ll take it.” Jung Shin stepped out and said before Hara did.

“Mr Kim, don’t listen to Jung Shin-ssi. He just says that to protect me, it was not the truth behind this. Please don’t take action on him; I’m the one who caused all this so I should be the one who take the responsibility.” Hara quickly denied on Jung Shin.

“Mr Kim, if you really want someone to take responsibility on this problem, I will be the one because both of them is under me and I didn’t take good care on them, causing this to happen at last so I should be the one that take responsibility for this.” Kyu Hyun also stepped out and voiced his opinion.

“Kyu Hyun hyung/oppa, you shouldn’t…” Jung Shin and Hara did not want to see anyone got involve in the problem they caused beside their own selves.

“STOP IT!!! I never say that I want anyone of you to take responsibility, I was just asking for a truth. Jung Shin-ssi, you say.” Mr Kim stopped them from argument.

“The truth is I make Hara-ssi angry at me and that’s why she shouted at me but we never thought that citizen would film it and upload to the net.” Jung Shin explained again.

“How do you make Hara-ssi angry at you so much until she shouted at you? I think this is the first time I saw Hara-ssi in such an excitement.” Mr Kim was a bit confused.

“I… I… I lie to her. I promised something important to her but I used that to gain attention from her by saying that I would break the promise if she didn’t look at me.” Jung Shin explained.

“But what so important promise that Hara-ssi would get angry on you if you broke that promise?” Mr Kim wanted a detail answered.

“The promise is… is… is something personal. I’m sorry but I can’t say it here because I also promise her that I would keep it from other people.” Jung Shin stole a glance on Hara as he answered.

“Including me?” Mr Kim asked and Jung Shin nodded for the answer.

“Arasso, you three can go now. Make sure there is no such thing anymore in future or next time I will surely take action.” Mr Kim strictly ordered.

“Yes Sir!” Ku Hyun, Jung Shin and Hara bowed to Mr Kim before they went out from his office.

“This time you two are lucky that Mr Kim do not take any action on you two, but please control your emotion well next time. I don’t hope to see this kind of thing again next time.” Kyu Hyun said as they came out from Mr Kim’s office.

“Arasso hyung. I want to talk to you Hara-ssi, alone.” Jung Shin pulled Hara toward the car park, without gave chance for Hara to stop him. There was a brunch of reporters waiting them at the front door of police station and surrounded them as soon as they saw Jung Shin pulling Hara. Those reporters kept on spamming them with all kind of questions but Jung Shin ignored all the questions and straight to his car, with some help of other polices.

“Jung Shin-ssi, are you angry at me right now? For spoiled your record.” Hara finally voiced after they successfully drove out from the station.

“Instead of that, I’m angrier on you for leaving me alone that day and run off by yourself. Tell me, why do you didn’t pick up my call these two days? Don’t you know that I’m very worried about you?” Jung Shin asked back.

“Thank you for remind me that I should still angry on you after what you did.” Hara did not answer the question.

“What I have done? Didn’t I already tell you that I never say that I want to meet other girls for real, I just using that to gain attention from you?” Jung Shin explained for himself again.

“Yes right. You can say anything you want, I don’t care at all.” Hara sarcastically said.

“Yah, what I have to do to make you believe in my words?” Jung Shin angrily stopped the car at the road side and pull Hara to face him.

“I did. I really do believe in your words, including those you said that day.” Hara said.

“Then why you didn’t believe that I say you are the only one I want?” Jung Shin asked back. Before Hara could answer him, Jung Shin pulled Hara’s head closer to his face and he pushed his face toward Hara too. He found his target and quickly put his lips on hers, this was the only way he could think off to make her believed that he really love her and only her. Their lips locked on each other for some moments before he got pushed away by Hara.

“Yah! What do you think you’re doing? How could you? This is my first…” Hara angrily shouted on Jung Shin.

“I don’t know what I should do to make you believe that I really mean what I said beside that just now. Mianhaeyo…” Jung Shin felt very sorry for Hara, he did not know why he only could think off that just now. He knew that he should not have kissed her because she was angrier now; the kiss did not help him but pushed him into even more serious problem.

“You promise me that you won’t do any beyond holding hand but now you broke you promised again! I’m not your real girlfriend, please remember back your plan that you tell me before at the rooftop!” Hara shouted at Jung Shin again and this time she attracted other citizens that walked passed there again.

“Let’s talk in other place. Crowd is gathering now.” Jung Shin drove away quickly before citizens could recognise them. Jung Shin chose a dark dead-end alley this time and parked his car in the alley.

“Hara-ssi, I’m saying for real this time. Let’s stop the plan now… because I can’t differentiate the real and the reel. The more I spent time with you, the more I feel that we are a real couple and I totally forget about the plan. I shouldn’t have suggested this stupid plan because I too overestimating my endurance. Before I fell deeper, let’s stop this plan here. I’m sorry that I can’t help you to forget Yong Hwa hyung.” Jung Shin finally voiced after the long thought on the way here.

“Silheo! You already promised me to help me, and then you should help me until I’m fully forgotten of Yong Hwa oppa before you could ask to end the plan.” Hara pouted. She still held on her principle that a promise should not be broken no matter how.

“But… but I’m afraid that I might do anything out of control like just now in the future. I don’t want to hurt you more, so let’s just forget about it before you hate me even more.” Jung Shin put his head on the steering and closed his eyes with his both hands.

“Then just do whatever you want…” Hara said coldly.

“Jinchayo?” Jung Shin was shocked with Hara’s comment and turned his face to her immediately.

“But it won’t be as easy as just now. I’ll make sure that you already lost your conscious before you could get near me.” Hara continued to say.

“Never mind because I really need someone to help me to control myself.” Jung Shin happily said. He thought that today was the last for him and Hara but he never knew that Hara would say those words to him. It was already enough for him, for now.


“It’s already four hours. What took them so long?” Min Ji was hovered in front of the operation room. Kang Mi Lae and his wife were also sitting at the waiting area beside there. Kyu Hyun, who was rushed there after he received call from Min Ji, was sitting beside Mrs Kang offering her and her husband some drinks and foods he bought in his way there. Shin Dong, Yong Hwa, Hong Ki, Taecyeon, Seo Hyun, Tae Yeon and Jessica were also stood around there. Everyone was waiting for the light above the door shut off.

“Min Ji-ssi, don’t worry. Min Hyuk-ssi will be alright. Have some drinks first.” Kyu Hyun stood up and got to Min Ji.

“But they already enter the room for four hours already. I’m so useless, there’s nothing I can do to help Min Hyuk. I promised appa and omma that I will bring Min Hyuk home healthily but now…” Min Ji rejected the offer from Kyu Hyun because she really had no mood to eat or drink.

“You still can achieve the promise when Min Hyuk-ssi is fully recover later, only that you have to delay it a bit. And you’re not useless because if not you, we will not able to find the kidnapper and followed them to their hideout and save Min Hyuk-ssi and Sunny-ssi out from there, right?” Kyu Hyun smiley replied.

“… Kamsahabnida, Kyu Hyun-ssi.” Min Ji had a lot to tell Kyu Hyun but right now she only could say thank you to him.

“Don’t need to thank me for that. Here, have some drink.” Kyu Hyun offered again. This time Min Ji took it.

“Taec, what is Kyu Hyun-ssi relationship with Min Hyuk-ssi’s noona? They look so close.” Jessica asked in low voice.

“I also don’t know.” Taecyeon answered.

“They just know each other when Min Hyuk-ssi is kidnapped and start from day one, they already look close like two long known friends.” Shin Dong, who stood beside Taecyeon, explained to the two.

“Do you think they would be a couple?” Jessica asked again, still in low voice.

“I don’t know, but I think impossible because I know that Kyu Hyun likes Seo Hyun-ssi.” Shin Dong commented.

“But isn’t Seo Hyun-ssi and Yong Hwa-ssi are together now? Kyu Hyun-ssi should get Kang Min Ji-ssi, she is so beautiful and most important is that she is rich.” Taecyeon said.

“I really don’t know. Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun-ssi seem to like each other but they didn’t a couple feel like Tae Yeon-ssi and Hong Ki-ssi.” Shin Dong shook his head.

“They don’t? But I really think that they are a couple.” Jessica disagreed with Shin Dong.

“Maybe, woman’s intuition is always better than man so you might correct in this.” Shin Dong did not fight for his thought.

“Why make it so hard? Just go and asked them in person.” Taecyeon suggested.

“Yes right, then you the one should go.” Jessica pushed Taecyeon’s hand a bit but that did not make him move at all.

“They are looking at us now. Just act normal.” Shin Dong ordered.

“Yong Hwa-ssi, I think they are talking about us.” Just as Shin Dong guessed, Seo Hyun noticed them and was talking to Yong Hwa about them.

“Just let them be.” Yong Hwa coolly said.

“Yong Hwa-ssi, what did doctor say about your arm just now?” Seo Hyun asked. Earlier today, Yong Hwa went to meet his doctor-in-charge to ask about his arm but he did not allowed Seo Hyun to go with him, that’s why Seo Hyun went to visit Sunny during that time.

“Nothing special. Still the same.” Yong Hwa cool answered.

“Did the doctor say when you can take off the wrap of your arm?” Seo Hyun asked again.

“No. I think not this soon. Stupid hand! I really want to go back to work right now.” Yong Hwa was getting frustrated with his unable move right hand.

“Yong Hwa-ssi, if not because of me, you won’t be in this situation. It’s all my fault.” Seo Hyun still felt bad for Yong Hwa even though Yong Hwa told her a lot of time that it was not her fault.

“Are you going to keep on saying that? I really hate that when you keep on saying it’s your fault. I never thought like that and I want you to think like me. It is not your fault at all.” Yong Hwa stressed on the last sentence. Yong Hwa patted Seo Hyun’s shoulder to comfort her.

“Omo! Taec look, Yong Hwa-ssi is putting his hand on Seo Hyun-ssi’s shoulder.” On the opposite end, Jessica was squeezing on Yong Hwa action without knowing the reason. She was using English to Taecyeon because they were both from US. Everyone was only could understand Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun’s name, but that’s enough for everyone to turn to Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun to see what was happening there. Yong Hwa noticed that they were in the middle of attention and he quickly and secretly slipped his hand from Seo Hyun’s shoulder to her back but that caused Seo Hyun to feel itchy and she quickly avoided Yong Hwa’s hand. Unfortunately, her move caused more attention to them.

“The light is off.” Min Ji quickly shout off from another side, and that caused all attention turned to the operation room. Seo Hyun and Yong Hwa secretly sigh for relieve.

“Doctor, how was my son?” Kang Mi Lae was the first to ask as soon as he saw a doctor came out from the room.

“Luckily that we found it quick, if not he will face a serious danger by now. But you all can relax now because the operation was a success. The patient will send to the ICU room later.” The doctor said as he took off his mask and gloves.

“What exactly happened to my brother? You said that he was just had some minor injuries two day ago, but why he vomited blood today?” Min Ji asked for detail.

“It’s our fault to not check it deeply that day. There is a tiny piece of cracked bone stabbed into the patient left lung. It was hidden by the liver, that’s why we couldn’t find it that day by X-ray. Today, the bone dropped off from the lung and causes a tiny open hole at the lung and bloods are rushed through the hole and cause him to vomit blood from his breathing system. Furthermore, bloods are blocking his breathing system and he had a hard time to breath air in. We already found that fell off bone and also the hole and we already close the hole. He should be alright after this but tonight is critical. If he can pass today without any harm, then he will be alright.” Doctor bowed to apologise to Min Hyuk’s family due to his fault.

“Doctor, you must do everything to save my son, he is my only son. You must save him no matter what.” Mrs Kang cried to brag the doctor.

“Don’t worry; we will try our best to save him.” Doctor answered without facing them as he was still in his bowing position.



A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR to all readers. I'm sorry that i didn't update yesterday night. 

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I like this story with the detective style.. Hehhee
But The interaction between SeoKyu is so less :(
Sis,can u write a fanfic that has Jiyeon and Jungshin as lead role for me?:D
EvilMaknae-ah #3
당신의 사랑 이야기다.
This is my first fanfiction I ever read and I'm in love instantly..! What I love are
They still like theirself (cool, nice, caring Yong Hwa and innocent, pure Seohyun) with a brand new refreshing story (beside their loveable story at WGM). You successfully put yongseo into the story with the best way And also I'm so amazed with how you could write the cases they're not boring at all..

Hoping your another great FF is on the line zack ! I'm soooo craving for it ;)
Nice ff and i like minsun couple , their so cute..
hannahcao89 #6
aaaaaaa, miss you zack~~~ re run your story now kekeke....a habit is so hard to give up T_T<br />
come back soon dear! I'm waiting.<br />
zack_89 #7
@Bluelovespring, @wee_dee, @nnazihah, @tthnguyen: thank you for the comment and glad that you like it. ^^
tthnguyen #8
Nice story!!! *thumbs up* <br />
I only finished the story today cuz I was capped so yeah.. hihihihihi
Awesome story!! Love the ending. ❤❤
zack_89 #10
@hannahcao89: Thank you for the long comment. I'll start writing a new story if my schedule is not that pack after my school start and I am thinking to post it here again because I miss all readers here and miss your long comment too. So, take care of yourself too and make sure be there when my new story is up(hopefully I can make it!!!) :)<br />
<br />
@zybeel: Thank you for your comment. Glad that you like it. :)